As soon as the two woke up, they shouted their daughter's name loudly.

"Yakumo Yakumo!"

"Uh, what's going on, where is Yakumo? Kurenai, why are you here? Why are you still injured?"

Kurenai stepped forward to explain the situation to the two of them, and asked them to recall where Kurama Yakumo would appear.

"I didn't expect that this is Yakumo's fantasy world? We understand, come with us! Yakumo always likes to draw in one place."

Everyone followed him and walked deeper and deeper into the street.

At this time, everyone had also discovered that the way in had disappeared.

With no choice but to continue walking in, Yakumo's parents led everyone around the Kurama tribe and came to a small hillside.

On the hillside, Kurama Yakumo was painting in front of the drawing board, and she kept making changes on the drawing board.

Looking closer, he saw that the painting was exactly where everyone was before, but now it had been completely erased.

When everyone looked back, there was nothing there anymore.

All that is left in the world is this small hillside.

"Yakumo, Yakumo!"

Kurama Yakumo's parents called her as hard as they could, but she never responded.

Everyone got closer together. Due to the previous lessons, Kimura Takuno and others were not in a hurry to get closer.

"You are all here to kill me! Kill you!"

"It's a monster, not Kurama Yakumo!"

Kimura Takuno pulled Yakumo's parents behind him.

I felt that the monster's aura was a bit strange, how could it be similar to him.

Before I had time to think about it, I saw the monster raised his hand and touched the drawing board, and everyone's legs disappeared.

"My legs, I feel like my legs are gone. What's going on?"

Yamazaka Mujiu exclaimed, not only was his leg gone, but his soul power was also weakened.

But the monster is getting stronger and stronger.

It continued to touch the drawing board, and everyone's bodies were gone.

The monster's aura strengthened again, and the aura similar to Kimura Takuno's was also stronger.

Kimura Takuno's eyes flashed.

I felt strange in my heart.

Then he tentatively recovered his body.

The monster erased his body again, but its aura did not increase at all.

He restored Yuhi Kurenai beside him.

The monster once again erased Yuhi Kurenai's body.

And the similar aura on it is stronger.

Kimura Takuno sneered when he saw this situation.

"Heh, you have a good plan, right?"

"Takuno, what are you talking about? Please save us!"

"Yes, Tuoye, please save us, we are going to disappear."

Kimura Takuno was unmoved and just cursed secretly that he was stupid. Only now did he see it.

He closed his eyes tightly and felt his soul.

The soul is safe and sound, with no trace of being erased.

His current appearance looks like his body is gone, but in fact, there is no change.

It's just that you can't see it in this world, his soul has not really been erased.

"Takuno, save us! Save us!"

"Use your soul healing skills to heal us!"

"Haha, treat your mother!"

Kimura Takuno cursed loudly and appeared in an instant, holding a kunai in each hand. perform

He was just stabbing at the few bodyless heads around him!

Just like a naughty child holding a balloon, Yuhi Hong, Yamazaka Muju, Yakumo’s parents.

Four heads, Kimura Takuno stabbed twice with one hand.

In the blink of an eye, they were all stabbed to death!


But it was the scream that the monster made!

"Ah! Impossible, this is my world, how can you hurt me?"

"Oh, is your world so boring? You can't even influence me. You can only rely on those fakes to get some power from me. Do you really think you are so awesome?"

The monster stood up in horror and turned to look at Kimura Takuno.

"When did you find out?"

"I can only blame you for being too greedy. You absorbed the energy I used to treat the fake Yuhi Hong too early."

"In front of me, you sucked the power from those fakes and pretended to erase their bodies, making me think you were absorbing the erased souls.

But your own aura has not changed at all.

On you, only my breath is getting stronger and stronger! You underestimate my sensitivity to soul energy.

Although you suddenly blocked my perception ability, you cannot block my perception of my own soul energy.

Did you kick Kurenai Yuhi and Muku Yamanaka out of the illusion just when I came out from the fire scene to save people? "

"So what if you guessed it? This is my world! I am invincible!"

The monster suddenly looked stunned, as if he suddenly suffered from ten-year-old constipation. He held it in for a long time without speaking, and his face turned red.

Kimura Takuno walked up to the monster and couldn't help laughing when he saw the monster's panic.

"Hahaha, do you feel like you can't run away?

your world?

Are you invincible?

Why did you run away when you saw me?

You can't run away, can you?

You've eaten your fill!

Is my energy so easy to get? "

Kimura Takuno said a word and stabbed the monster seven or eight times, stabbing the monster to death.

Seeing the unwilling look in this monster's eyes, Kimura Takuno smiled disdainfully.

"Heh, is it strange? Wondering why you died? How could you, a soul, be stabbed to death by me? Things that can save people can sometimes kill people. I told you that it's your fault for being too greedy!"

Beheaded with one knife!

The monster's body instantly misted into a ball of energy. Kimura Takuye took a deep breath and actually absorbed all the energy of the monster after its death into his body.

The moment he absorbed it, Kimura Takuye felt that his soul had become stronger.

And everything in this world seemed to be under his control.

He could feel that his control over this world was much stronger than that of the monster!

Kimura Takuye raised his hand and waved it, and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, revealing the morning sun focusing on the ground under his feet.

He pushed his hands to both sides, and the focused sunlight spread with his movements.

Accompanied by this was the infinite expansion of the earth, and mountains, rivers and rivers also appeared in it.

The empty surroundings suddenly became clear.

The sun shone on the earth, and flowers, birds, insects and fish played with each other.

Full of vitality, spring is in the air.

Kimura Takuno opened his arms and faced the sky, feeling the warmth of the morning sun.

He took a deep breath and sniffed the fragrance of flowers and plants in the air.

"This is the fucking world!"


In the real world.

Kurama Yakumo, lying on the bed, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and moved his nose slightly.

As if he could smell something, he shed tears of emotion.

On the bed beside him, Yakumo's parents, Yuhi Kurenai and Yamanaka Muku had already woken up.

But because all five senses were cut off, they could not really wake up.

In reality, Kimura Takuno opened his eyes, and he had understood it at this moment.

The illusion world is Kurama Yakumo's body. She was frightened by the huge pressure and hid in the deepest part of the illusion.

Just like a child hiding in the quilt on a thunderstorm.

And that monster was a trace of destructive tendency she had because of fear, just a thought.

So in the original work, when Yakumo faced her fear, this monster was nothing more than something she could easily kill.

And what Kimura Takuno did just now was just to open the curtains and let the sun in.

Tell her that the rain had stopped outside.

Sure enough, in the end, Yakumo's true form appeared beside him, and Yakumo's parents were always with her.

No wonder in the original work, she had no memory of what happened today.

Kimura Takuno took them back to reality.

He stood up and opened the five senses for everyone.

And explained everything clearly.

Looking at Yakumo's parents, communicating with them, vowing not to put so much pressure on her in the future, Yakumo smiled and hugged her parents.

Then he walked over and hugged him tightly.

"Takuno-kun. Thank you, your world!"

Everyone was delighted to see that the matter was perfectly resolved.

Only Kurama Yunhai quietly withdrew from the crowd and planned to leave quietly.

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