Kimura Takuye looked at Zero's soul with an extremely horrified expression.

He obviously didn't intend to explain anything more. The soul energy behind him moved and pounced on Zero's soul.

He swallowed Zero's soul directly.

In fact, the same operation was performed at the time node.

Zero couldn't die any more!

Kimura Takuye immediately released the timeline superposition state, and the light on his body dissipated, and his body returned to normal.

He looked like an ordinary person.

But who could believe that such an "ordinary person" had just killed an Otsutsuki high-ranking official who was comparable to a god?

Kimura Takuye himself was also a little excited.

However, being able to successfully kill Zero was only less than one percent of the plan.

Next, there are still a hundred people waiting to be arranged!

Kimura Takuye, who had just swallowed Zero's soul, already knew the specific number of Otsutsuki high-ranking officials.

There were as many as 108.

But before, it was estimated that there were about 100.

Now that Zero has been killed, there are still 107, which is almost within the expected range.

So after Kimura Takuye packed up Zero's body, he went to the planet where the next target was.

Zero's memory has space coordinates.

Kimura Takuye directly simulated Zero's soul energy and communicated with the space coordinates left by Zero.

He directly opened the space gate and teleported to the place.

When he came to find Zero before, he used the same method. He simulated Dragon's soul energy and borrowed the space coordinates left by Dragon.

Kimura Takuye found a high-ranking Otsutsuki again.

This time, he did not encounter any "pets", but directly found the high-ranking Otsutsuki in this place.

He repeated the old trick and killed another person!

Xiaolongba's energy is in danger, but it doesn't matter.

Some of the high-ranking Otsutsuki people like Zero have Otsutsuki chakra.

These are all high-level energies that Xiaolongba can use.

After all, Xiaolongba swallowed the entire Ten-Tails' original energy before he was completely formed and opened.

Now directly absorbing the chakra of the high-ranking Otsutsuki is much better than any natural energy or the Ten-Tails' original energy.

The consumption of Kimura Takuye himself was only the exhaustion of the soul.

But after the fight, he devoured the soul and recovered.

So Kimura Takuye can be said to be fighting to support the fight, and the more he fights, the braver he becomes!

After killing the second Otsutsuki high-ranking official, he went to the third one!

In just one day, he killed eight of them!

Of the 108 Otsutsuki high-ranking officials, only 100 were left!

But when Kimura Takuye continued to the next one, he was empty-handed.

"Hmm? There is a classic palace on the planet, and the previous eight were of similar style. We should not have come to the wrong place.

So, is he away for some reason, or did he know I was coming and ran away in advance?"

Kimura Takuye shook his head and said to himself.

"Who cares where he ran off to, let's go to the next one!"

So Kimura Takuye went straight to the next one.

But the next one was still empty-handed.

The next one, still empty-handed.

Kimura Takuye was so angry that he cursed.

"They really let them run away in advance. Aren't these Otsutsuki very arrogant?

How come they are all cowards now!"

Kimura Takuye was still unwilling to give up, so he went to all the planets where the Otsutsuki high-level officials in Zero's memory were located.

"Sure enough, they all knew everything.

But you can run away, but you can't run away from the temple!"

Kimura Takuye sneered and returned to the ninja world.

He directly summoned people and began to clean up the low-level Otsutsuki on various planets.

People who should be killed were killed, those who should be vomited were swallowed, and the sacred trees that should be cut down were cut down and those that should be destroyed were destroyed.

The descendants and servants of the Otsutsuki were all killed.

But this is a long-term job.

When Zero wiped out all the low-level Otsutsuki before, he was seeking speed.

Only those low-level Otsutsuki were captured, and even the sacred trees on the planets were not cut down in time.

Not to mention the scattered Otsutsuki bloodlines on some planets.

Moreover, only the soul information of eight Otsutsuki high-ranking officials can accurately kill the low-level Otsutsuki in these eight star regions.

The other one hundred star regions do not have spatial coordinates yet, so they can only be put on hold temporarily.

Let's first clear the eight star regions with known spatial coordinates.

So the personnel of Santenjo City set out again and began to purge these eight star regions!


Just as Santenjo City began to purge, in an unknown alien space.

Hundreds of Otsutsuki high-ranking officials gathered together. They were men and women with different appearances, but they all looked like ordinary yellow people.

At this moment, the faces of all the Otsutsuki high-ranking officials were solemn.

One of the tall Otsutsuki said to the others.

"We can't let that Kimura Takuya continue to grow. He can already hunt us now.

If we let it go, I'm afraid my Otsutsuki clan will really be destroyed by him.

Everyone, what do you think of my proposal?"

Everyone was silent after hearing this.

Then someone asked a question.

"Tianshi, we agree with your proposal, it is indeed possible.

But if you promise that you will abide by the agreement and revive us afterwards?"

Others also raised the same question.

The senior executive of Otsutsuki, known as Tianshi, smiled slightly when he heard this.

"This is simple, you don't need to be the leader, you can be the leader!"

Everyone was shocked, and then they realized that they and others had indeed underestimated Tianshi.

"Okay! Tianshi, you are worthy of being the protector of the God of Otsutsuki!

I agree to make you the master, swallowing up my energy and all my genetic information!

You are the oldest Otsutsuki among us, and the strongest.

If you come to devour us, your chances of becoming the God of Otsutsuki are greater than ours! "




Tianshi won the trust of many Otsutsuki executives with his own big heart.

All the high-level officials of Otsutsuki agreed to sacrifice everything they had and let Tianshi Devour help him achieve the realm of God of Otsutsuki.

And Tianshi also solemnly swore to the sky.

"I, Otsutsuki Tenshiki, swear to the God of Otsutsuki that I will resurrect everyone here after successfully killing that enemy!"

After listening to Tianshi's oath, all the senior executives of Otsutsuki nodded.

Then they started queuing up to Tianshi.

Tian Shi raised his hand to face everyone, and when someone came, he quickly attracted them with strong gravity.

On the way to being sucked over, the man turned into a flesh and blood human elixir.

Tianshi got the human pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

While stuffing the Human Pill into his mouth with one hand, he sucked in another person with the other hand, and got another Human Pill!

In the Heavenly Style, both hands open the bow left and right.


Except for Tianshi himself, all the ninety-nine people have become human pills.

All of them were eaten by Tianshi.

And Tian Shi, who ate ninety-nine high-level human elixirs, also experienced huge changes in his body.

From the image of a tall ordinary person, he slowly became transparent and nihilistic.

But it strangely gives people a more real feeling.

It obviously seems not to exist, but yet it seems to exist in countless time and space.

Countless timelines, countless time nodes, everywhere!

"I succeeded! The superposition state of multiple timelines, this is the form of the God of Otsutsuki!"

Tianshi is actually able to maintain a constant quantum superposition state!

And it is more thorough than Kimura Takuno's quantum superposition state.

Kimura Takuno's quantum superposition state can only achieve the superposition state at all time nodes in this timeline.

But Tianshi's current state can cover countless time points on the timeline!

If Kimura Takuno's state is one, then Tianshi's current state is infinite!

Faced with such a terrifyingly powerful infinite quantum superposition state, what should Kimura Takuno do?

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