"Uh, Tsunade, long time no see.

Jiraiya jumped down from the tree outside the door and walked into the house.

Looking at Tsunade, who was still young and beautiful after not seeing her for many years, Jiraiya was a little speechless.

But Tsunade was not polite and punched him.


"Bakayalo! Bastard Jiraiya, you said you were going to follow Orochimaru, but Orochimaru ran back to Konoha to make trouble, and I didn't see your people!"

"Hey! Tsunade, do you want to kill me?"

Jiraiya spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. He thought Tsunade wanted to hug him as an old friend reunited.

Who knew that he opened his arms and was greeted with a heavy punch!

Jiraiya touched the blood on the corner of his mouth, and for a moment he was angry.

"Tsunade! You still say me, didn't you also go and never come back?

I have been tracking Orochimaru, and this time I also tracked him back to Konoha.

What about you? You still want the old man to save Uchiha Itachi, is this how you become Hokage? "

"My apprentice killed Orochimaru!"

"I said how you became Hokage, what? Who did Orochimaru kill?"

Jiraiya was a little bit angry, and angrily accused Tsunade of irresponsible evasion.

But when he suddenly heard Tsunade's words, he thought he had heard it wrong, and thought that Orochimaru killed someone after returning to the village?

Tsunade's apprentice was killed? No wonder he was so angry.

Jiraiya thought he understood, and was about to comfort Tsunade, but he saw Tsunade's mouth corners raised and said again.

"My apprentice just killed Orochimaru."

"What? Are you crazy or am I crazy? "

Jiraiya was shocked, and saw that no one was surprised at all.

Then a Genin with black hair and black eyes, wearing a vest and shorts in the middle of the night and flip-flops, walked towards him.

"Jiraiya-sama, I am Kimura Takuya. I am Tsunade-sama's new disciple. I did kill Orochimaru, but I don't know if he will be resurrected. Let me treat you."

Kimura Takuya did not wait for Jiraiya to recover from the shock, and directly used the flesh-and-blood replacement technique to heal Jiraiya instantly.

"What? This! ”

Jiraiya, who was still a little bit unbelievable at first, was even more shocked after receiving treatment from Kimura Takuno.

Although he only vomited a little blood, unlike before when Tsunade broke his ribs directly.

But this is not an injury that can be healed by raising his hand, right?

Even if Tsunade took action personally, it would take a long time for him to recover, right?

But this young man actually healed him with just a wave of his hand, and not only that, even his fatigue on the road disappeared. Isn’t this too incredible?

Now Jiraiya really has some imagination.

Surpassed Tsunade in medical skills, surpassed Tsunade in strength, and killed Orochimaru?

Such an excellent disciple.

He couldn't help but think of his best disciple.

The fourth generation Hokage Minato Namikaze.

He also inevitably thought of the three disciples he accepted in the Land of Rain.

Before He only heard by chance that the purpose of summoning Kakashi seemed to be to deal with a female ninja from Akatsuki who used paper to attack.

Over the years, he had been looking for the son of the prophecy of the Toad Sage while tracking Orochimaru, so he had heard a little about Akatsuki.

He knew that Orochimaru was forcibly subdued by this organization.

However, the core members of this organization are extremely rare and mysterious, and the outsiders of the organization know very little about Akatsuki.

So he has never been able to find out the reason.

When he heard the news about this organization, especially the enemy was a female ninja who used paper.

This brought back Jiraiya's memories. Among the three disciples he had accepted in the Land of Rain, there was also a girl who used paper as a weapon.

That's why he followed all the way before, but he didn't expect that this matter would also alarm the old man.

So there was the scene at the beginning.

"Young man, you are really promising. Kimura Takuya? Very good, I will remember you! This time, I will deal with the enemy who uses paper. I may be very good at dealing with that person. "

Jiraiya calmed down and turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Old man, just rest at home. Now that you have retired again, don't bother yourself anymore. Otherwise, the enemy will think that there is no one left in Konoha and they will have to push you, an old man, to the front line. This will make people think that Konoha is weak. "

When the third generation heard this, he agreed to Jiraiya's request.

As for Kimura Takuye, Jiraiya's joining was fine.

So the matter was settled and they set off immediately.

But there was still a problem.

We still don't know where Itachi is!

How can we save people if we don't know where they are?

We can only follow Zetsu's position first to know where to save people.

Nagato located Itachi directly through Itachi's ring, and didn't tell where Itachi was.

This made the rescue team very passive.

We can only locate the battlefield according to Zetsu's position.

But Zetsu was moving underground, and at an incredibly fast speed.

It was impossible to determine Zetsu's specific location.

So when Zetsu was underground, Kimura Takuye's soul energy perception could only sense Zetsu's approximate direction.

Even if Zetsu emerged from the ground, Zetsu himself might not know where he was, let alone Kimura Takuye.

So Kimura Takuye could only lead people to follow in the direction of Zetsu.

In this case, we need a person who can lead the rescue team and move at high speed.

"Sai, get up and do the mission!"

Sai, who has been idle these days, is not really idle. In fact, most ninjas are a group of people who are either doing missions or practicing.

Although Sai has a hobby of painting, he is not just painting.

Most of the time, he is thinking about painting skills to improve the secret art of super beast pseudo painting.

He often paints until late. Today, Sai was pulled up by Kimura Takuno not long after he fell asleep.

However, he did not feel uncomfortable, as an elite cultivated by the root.

He has to be alert even when sleeping, otherwise he may be assassinated by the training instructor at any time!

Those who can survive are not simple.

"So Takuya, if we don't know where he is, where should we chase him?"

"Don't worry about that, just draw that thing!"

"Will that thing be less exposed if used for tracking?"

"Just fly higher!"

Sai stopped talking nonsense, took the super large scroll handed over by Kimura Takuya, spread it directly on the ground, and then took the brush as big as a mop and started to draw.

The people present were all knowledgeable people.

Seeing this secret technique that requires painting, you know that this is to perform the Anbu secret technique of super beast pseudo painting.

Is it to draw flying birds carrying people?

Drawing five flying birds carrying people at a time, for this child who is about the same age as Kimura Takuya, would it be a bit too much for him?

Everyone was a little worried about Sai's chakra.

Then they realized that they thought too much!

Sai didn't mean to draw flying birds at all.

"Dragonfly? Big dragonfly?"

Jiraiya said that I, the Toad Sage, am familiar with this!

Isn't it just a dragonfly?

The toads of Myoboku Mountain love to eat it.

Then Sai finished painting and released it with a seal.

"Secret Technique·Super Beast Fake Painting·Black Hawk Helicopter!"

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