Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 66: Obito is defeated, and even the invincible Kamui flees


Must run!

Obito's heart was shaken, and his original indomitable and calm aura of ignoring other people's attacks disappeared.

At this moment, he just wanted to run away, but this attack had already hit Obito in the face!

Its speed was so fast that it had exceeded the reaction limit of Obito's body.

Even Obito could see Kimura Takuya's movements clearly with his Sharingan.

But it was too late to evade!

The only way was to run!

The Kamui limit was activated, forming a space vortex, twisting Obito's body into the Kamui space.


Kamiu space.

Obito lay on a boulder platform.

He gasped in fear.

The oppressive feeling when facing Kimura Takuya's amazing attack reminded him of the feeling when he faced Uchiha Madara before.

At that time, Obito was as weak as an ant in front of Madara.

Obito still remembers that feeling!

He always boasted of his invincible Kamui, but if he hadn't run fast just now, he might have died!

Is there such a physical technique in the world?

Is a physical technique that can shatter space still a physical technique?

Obito couldn't believe it!

He touched his left arm with some relief. The entire left forearm was completely gone!

The bone fracture was as neat as a mirror.

It was just like the place where he attacked with Kamui.

This was a kind of damage caused by cutting on the spatial level.

If I had hesitated at that time, I would definitely die!

After a long time, the blood next to the broken arm had solidified.

Obito recovered.

"Why is that young ninja so hostile to me? That attack must have consumed a lot of energy for him, right?"

Thinking of the blood mist that erupted from the boy's body when he performed that move.

Obito really couldn't figure out why, what kind of deep hatred made the boy release such a big move when he saw him?

Now thinking about the boy's words at that time, it seemed that he was deliberately angering himself.

Did he know my identity?

No, it's impossible!

No one knows my identity. Uchiha Obito died more than ten years ago!

Now, I am Uchiha Madara!

Obito forced himself to return to the base.

Except for Black Zetsu, no one in the entire Akatsuki organization knows the existence of this base.

The space inside the base is huge.

In the center, there is a huge demon statue, which is the Outer Path Demon Statue!

This is where Uchiha Madara hid at the beginning.

And at this moment, there are already many White Zetsu under the Outer Path Demon Statue.

Of course, there are not as many as 100,000 now, but there are already quite a few.

After capturing the chakra of the tailed beasts in the future, I think there will be a lot more.

Obito took out an unconscious White Zetsu body and asked a conscious White Zetsu around him to help him heal his newly lost left arm with local materials.


And before that.

On the battlefield.

Everyone in Konoha Village was shocked by Kimura Takuya's attack just now.

Originally thought that this attack was not as powerful as the Daylight Fist, with only a black lightning and nothing else.

But what people didn't expect was that this black lightning lasted forever and had always been there!

After a closer look, everyone finally found the clue!

"This is the trace of space shattering!"

"Incredible, did physical skills actually shatter space?"

Everyone was shocked!

But only one person was not moved by the wonder of the shattered space in front of him, and questioned Kimura Takuya.

"Why? Takuya, did you say that on purpose?

Are you trying to irritate me? No! You are not trying to irritate me, but the masked man. Why would the masked man be irritated by such words? Who is he?"

Kakashi came to his senses, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it was.

He looked at Kimura Takuya who was still in the explosive state with sharp eyes, and was not afraid of the shocking chakra fluctuations on his body.

The latter glanced at Kakashi's Sharingan and didn't say much.

He forced himself to turn around and came to the space crack.

He took out a scroll while the Sage Mode was still there.

"Immortal Technique·Sealing the Space Seal!"

A spatial fluctuation emerged from the scroll.

This spatial fluctuation gradually enlarged and gradually affected the spatial crack.

The crack was calmed by the fluctuation and began to heal.

After a while, the spatial crack finally healed before Kimura Takuye's immortal energy was exhausted.

The immortal mode was turned off, and the Eight Gates of Ninja Array was also closed before releasing the sealing technique.

Kimura Takuye half-knelt on the ground and rested for a while.

His physical condition gradually recovered because of his immortality.

It's just seven gates, it's not difficult to recover.

It's just seven gates, not only did most of his capillaries burst, but also made his bones full of tiny cracks.

This is Kimura Takuye's cutting off the pain in advance, and it would be painful for others.

But this is obviously the price of forcing the seven gates to open.

With Kimura Takuye's current physical strength, he can't actually open the seven gates.

But Takuye relied on his strong soul to bypass the brain restrictions and forcibly open the seven gates.

This is only Kimura Takuya. Others can't open it even if they play themselves to death.

Rest for a while.

It's good that Kimura Takuya didn't even use the flesh-and-blood replacement technique.

It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but he has no chakra.

But it's not a big problem, just rest for a while, after all, we still have passive blood recovery, right?

But seeing that Takuya looked scary, with blood all over his body and his skin red, and bloodshot eyes, everyone came forward to ask about him.

"Takuya, are you okay?"

Might Guy knew the sequelae of the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu very well. Even if he only opened seven gates, it was not something that ordinary people could bear.

Takuya waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, just needed to rest.

After recovering some chakra, Takuya sat down on the spot.

He picked up Obito's arm on the ground and sealed it into the scroll. He lowered his head and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, he took out another scroll and sealed the body of Tendo Pain together.

"So, can you tell me now?"

Kakashi saw that Kimura Takuya had used the sealing technique twice, thinking that he was fine, and asked again anxiously.

He felt that this matter might have a lot to do with him, and it seemed very important, so he had to know the answer anyway.

At this time, Itachi also spoke.

"That man claimed to be Uchiha Madara, but I always felt that it was unlikely, so I didn't believe his words.

But you seem to know something?"

"It's inconvenient here, and there are enemies nearby. Let's talk later."

Kimura Takuno ignored them and called Sai in his mind.

"Did Sai find it?"

"Sorry, the enemy disguised himself too well, I couldn't find it."

"It doesn't matter, the mission is completed. Prepare to return, come down."


So Sai came down from the sky on the black and white bird and released the Black Hawk helicopter again.

Itachi was only slightly surprised by the plane, and then accepted it.

It's just a mechanical flying device, nothing to be surprised about.

"Takuno boy, leave the power to go back to me."

Jiraiya saw that Kimura Takuno was in poor condition and knew that his chakra was almost exhausted, although he could continue to use the Rasengan.

But like everyone else, he also wanted to know who the masked man was. Kimura Takuno obviously had more information about the Akatsuki organization, but he didn't tell everyone.

So he took the initiative to take over the flying power.

So that Kimura Takuye can concentrate on the story.

Kimura Takuye has no objection to this, the control method of the power source is also very simple, at least it is not difficult for Jiraiya.

After a simple try, Jiraiya mastered it.

So the Konoha ascended again.

And Itachi was also pulled into the "group chat" of the heart network.

Kimura Takuye began to talk about his story with Obito.

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