This soul energy had been drained of negative energy before, and became very weak.

Now, after the previous explosion of the Rasengan energy, it could no longer interfere with Danzo's soul.

After Danzo found out, all the new and old hatreds instantly surged into his heart.

Danzo's soul rushed towards the soul energy regardless of everything.

The soul energy without Takuya's control was swallowed up bit by bit by Danzo.

Although it was swallowed very slowly, it was finally swallowed up by Danzo.

After that, Danzo found that he seemed to be able to use the blood and flesh replacement technique.

He immediately performed it and consumed the living cells in the pig.

He became much thinner, but he was resurrected!

He learned the blood and flesh replacement technique!

Although it could not be released without consumption on the main body like Kimura Takuya.

But there is no doubt that Danzo learned this miracle ninjutsu.

So he ran away.

Wanted to join the Akatsuki organization.

Crossed the border of the Land of Fire and passed through the Land of Grass.

Originally, he could reach the Land of Rain by passing through the Land of Grass.

However, he tried to seize human bodies several times, but he could not find a suitable human body. They were all trash and untouchables who could not refine chakra.

However, when he occasionally met ninjas, he sadly discovered that he was just a pig now.

He could not beat them at all.

So he began to hunt wild beasts and strengthen his body step by step.

Until now, Danzo finally relied on the meager chakra extracted from the pig's body.

Using a simple earth escape technique, he created a trap.

He hunted the first giant wolf ninja beast.

After absorbing it, he felt that his chakra increased greatly.

If it were not for the pig's hoof not being able to seal, he felt that his strength could be fully restored.

After all, the amount of chakra of giant ninja beasts is much more than that of most people.

This is the flesh-and-blood replacement technique that Danzo secretly learned.

If Kimura Takuno taught it personally.

Then Danzo could not have been unaware that the essence of the flesh-and-blood replacement technique is the real transformation technique.

In order to change back to human form, he did not even need to master the flesh-and-blood replacement technique.

As long as he masters the unprinted transformation technique like the members of the Spark Society, he can use his head's flesh and blood as a basis to transform back into his human body.

Unfortunately, he didn't know, so even if he mastered the so-called "miracle" medical ninjutsu.

He still couldn't transform back into a human body.

This is the embarrassment of stealing skills, knowing the result but not the reason.

Many things are like this, you can do it if you know it, but you just don't know it, so you can't do it until you die.

Just like some magic, knowing the principle is very simple, but you can't figure it out no matter how hard you try!

After absorbing the flesh and blood of the giant wolf, Danzo shook his fat body with satisfaction.

In the blink of an eye, the scars on his body were restored.

Not even a scar was left, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"It's amazing!"

"It's really amazing!"

"Who's there? Come out!"

A figure suddenly appeared in the dense forest.

The figure was still in the dense forest the moment before, and appeared in front of Danzo the next moment.

Danzo looked closely and saw that the man was wearing a white high-collared robe with bandages on his hands and face.

Not only was his hair white, but even the skin on his forehead was white.

The figure stood in front of Danzo and spoke.

"I didn't expect that the famous Konoha Shadow Danzo would know the Kida no Kisara technique?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Obiru, just an unknown person. I don't think Danzo would remember me.

"Obiru? "

Danzo exclaimed.

How could he not remember Hiruko?

Back then, he thought she was a talent!

At that time, the Root had just been established not long ago, and it was a time of great development, and it was in need of talents!

Originally, Danzo wanted to save Hiruko.

But the Root was not strong at that time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was in his prime, and even Hiruzen's disciples, the three ninjas, had just made a name for themselves in the three wars.

So Danzo had almost no say at that time, and his status was not much different from that of the other two Hokage advisors.

So he failed to save Hiruko.

Unexpectedly, this Hiruko.

He was able to escape from the pursuit of the newly famous three ninjas and became a rebel ninja and disappeared.

Afterwards, Danzo sent people to look for Hiruko, but there was no fanfare, so he did not find him, and the matter was left unresolved.

The technique that Orochimaru used to connect Danzo's arm was still based on the Kidoya left by Hiruko. jutsu.

Thinking of this, Danzo couldn't help but curse Sarutobi Hiruzen inwardly.

You old thing, your own disciple took the information of Hiruko and used the ninjas from the same village for live experiments, but deliberately let him run away.

I wanted to protect Hiruko, but you sent the three ninjas to hunt him down, double-standard dog!

Hiruko was also miserable, it was the time of the three wars.

Seeing that the three ninjas of the same period were not only talented, but also had their own opportunities to increase their strength, and then they became famous in one battle.

So Hiruko also wanted to get that kind of strength madly.

If you don't have the opportunity yourself, you can find a way to seize others', so there is the Kida-Gara technique that can fuse other creatures.

At the beginning, he only fused with some ninja beasts.

Until a junior named Kakashi got his companion's Sharingan on the battlefield and his strength increased greatly.

Hiruko went crazy!

This coincides with his Kida-Gara technique!

This is how the Kida-Gara technique should be used!

So he began to conduct human research. At first, it was just the bodies of ninjas from other countries on the battlefield. Later, the war subsided.

Without the bodies of ninjas from other countries, he began to think about ninja captives like Orochimaru.

But he was unlucky and was soon discovered by others. In addition, he had no backing.

He was directly ordered to be killed by the third generation, and the three ninjas were sent to hunt him down.

It was outrageous!

At that time, Orochimaru was doing the same thing!

After that, Orochimaru even slaughtered ninjas from the same village.

He was finally discovered, but he was let go by the third generation himself.

If Kimura Takuya knew about this, he would definitely shout that his decision to hide was correct!

When you have no strength and no backing, it is still the best policy to hide.

But Kimura Takuya no longer needs to hide, while Obito is still hiding, waiting for the time he wants to come.

Ten years have passed since he escaped from Konoha that year.

Beiluohu has perfected the research of the technique of Kiyara, selected all the candidates for sacrifice, and cast a puppet curse on them.

He also chose Mount Sumeru with a special energy field.

He only waited for the right time a few years later - the golden ring solar eclipse.

By then, the three elements of time, place and people will be complete.

The five different blood ninjas, with their abilities complementing each other, form a formation of mutual generation of the five elements.

Then use the technique of Kiyara to mediate in the middle.

Then Beiluohu can get a perfect human body of mutual generation of the five elements.

Following the five elements generates the power of Yang, and going against the five elements generates the power of Yin.

Yin and Yang combine to generate Tai Chi.

Tai Chi runs and regenerates Wuji.

The way of Wuji has no beginning and no end!

This is the real immortal body!

If such a concept can come true.

Perhaps the ninja world will directly give birth to a six-path-level strongman.

However, now, Hiruko has discovered a technique that is more perfect than the Kiyomaru technique!

Hiruko has studied the Kiyomaru technique for ten years, how could he not tell whether Danzo used the Kiyomaru technique?

The reason why he asked this question was just to test it.

"Yes, I used the Kiyomaru technique. Something happened, and my physical condition was not good, so I changed my body."

"Oh? Then Danzo's hobby is quite unique? The new body is actually a sow?"

"You, what's the matter?"

Danzo was furious, but he just saw that Hiruko's strength was not bad, and now was not the time to turn against him.

He was just slightly angry, and then he endured it.

After all, he endured such a thing, and now the humiliation of a junior's words is really insignificant.

"Haha, I just want to ask you about the secret technique, Master Danzo, but I don't think you will tell me. So I can only ask for your forgiveness, Master Danzo!"

Danzo turned and ran, but how could he outrun Biruko who had already learned the Swift Escape?

In an instant, he was caught.

Biruko summoned a giant beast that looked like a dragon turtle, carried Danzo and left.

The direction was exactly Mount Sumeru.

And this place was the Golden Wheel Mountain Range at the junction of the Land of Earth and the Land of Grass.

It seemed destined to be together.

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