Danzo ignored him and continued to practice Yin power with his eyes closed. He only needed a little more to complete it.

After a while, this last little bit was also completed.

"Finally, I have initially practiced Yin power."

Danzo closed his eyes and muttered to himself, and suddenly his eyes widened!

His left eye changed quickly and opened the Mangekyō.

This was Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan, and it was not over yet.

The Mangekyō Sharingan continued to change more complicatedly!

Danzo actually opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

"Hahaha! Is this the power of Yin power? I can feel that when the Yin and Yang power is fully mature, this eye will have even more powerful power!

What an intoxicating power this is. No wonder Uchiha Madara went astray. With such a powerful feeling, who can not be addicted to it?"

"Those are just the power of aliens. Earthlings are the best."

"What? Kimura Takuya! Is it you?"

"It's me! What? You can't recognize me now?"

I saw Kimura Takuya with two pairs of light wings on his back, and he had already come to the periphery of the altar.

He slowly took out the seal scroll and collected the headless body of Tetsumoto on the ground.

Then he looked at Danzo sitting cross-legged in the center with a face full of amusement.

Kimura Takuya really didn't expect it.

It turned out that it was not Obiruko who was causing trouble here, but Danzo?

And it seemed to have become younger. If I hadn't seen Danzo's appearance when he was young before.

Now I might not be able to recognize him.

Kimura Takuya was amazed, but he didn't take Danzo seriously when he spoke.

"Tsk tsk, you can really survive? Tell me, how are you going to die this time?"

"Arrogant kid! Aren't you afraid that you will die this time?"

Danzo was surprisingly restrained, only because his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan had just been opened, and he wanted to delay time to stabilize before fighting.

After all, he had been tortured by Kimura Takuya so many times, and it was unlikely to say that he was not afraid at all.

What's more, seeing the high-energy chakra wings behind Kimura Takuya, he knew that this kid had improved a lot.

So Danzo decided to play it safe.

But in fact, Kimura Takuno had already seen it, but he deliberately chatted with Danzo.

It was nothing, just pure disdain.

Even if Danzo and Hiruko were added together, they were still a piece of rotten fish and shrimp in Kimura Takuno's eyes.

If he wasn't really curious about what was going on.

Kimura Takuno could have killed Danzo with just a wave of his hand.

"Oh? How did you get here? Are you responsible for the disappearance of the bloodline ninja these days? And what about Kakashi?"

Danzo sat on the ground and laughed when he heard it, but in fact he was frantically sending the power of Yin to his left eye to stabilize the Eternal Mangekyo.

"Hahaha, you geniuses.

You always look humble, but you are actually arrogant and look down on everyone.

You are such a person, Orochimaru is such a person, and the second generation is such a person!

You all don't take others seriously.

But you don't know that a non-genius has achieved more than you!

You may not have heard of this name, Beiluohu.

But you have to know him, because you will die because of him!"

"Oh? Is Beiluohu very powerful?"

"Haha, he is also a fool! He made the same mistake as you! So I swallowed him, inherited his legacy, and will swallow you too!"

The Eternal Mangekyō has stabilized, and now!

Danzo glared!

A big hole appeared where Kimura Takuya was!

But Kimura Takuya disappeared without a trace!

"Are you looking for me?"

A teasing voice appeared behind Danzo, and Danzo turned around and glared again!

Another hole appeared out of thin air.

Its speed is far faster than Obito's Kamui release speed.

But it still didn't hit.

Kimura Takuya appeared behind Danzo again without haste, as if strolling in the garden.

Danzo attacked again, but Kimura Takuya easily dodged them all.

During this period, Kimura Takuya's figure walked all over the central altar.

And this underground space was also full of holes opened by Danzo's divine power attack.

But Kimura Takuya was unscathed!

"Impossible, impossible! How can you be faster than my eyes!"

"Hehe, do you know what nerve reaction speed is?

Your ninjutsu release speed is indeed very fast.

But unfortunately, your nerve reaction speed is too slow.

And as a medical ninja, I want to improve my nerve reaction speed, which can be done easily.

Just like amplifying your pleasure at the beginning!"

Kimura Takuya deliberately poked Danzo's sore spot, but did not see Danzo explode, which felt a little strange.

But Danzo soon told Kimura Takuya with his actions why he behaved so strangely.

"Haha, I see. I've been in a high position for so long that I've forgotten about this kind of thing.

Then, let me give you a little surprise.

Ninjutsu: Blood and Flesh Rebirth Technique!"

Danzo's whole body chakra flashed, and in a flash he actually completed the improvement of his nerve reaction speed!



The divine power attack came again, and this time Kimura Takuya was surprised.

He didn't dodge it!

The whole person and the ground he was on disappeared in an instant!

Kimura Takuya is gone!

Danzo laughed loudly, as happy as an eight-year-old child.

"How about my attack? This is an attack that doubles my pupil power! You will die in another dimension for me!

I will not follow your footsteps. If the grass is not uprooted, it will grow again in the spring breeze.

The only way to die is to die without a complete body!



Inside the Kamui space.

Kimura Takuya didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Apparently Danzo didn't use Kakashi's eyes after getting them.

Even if Danzo somehow opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he knew very little about the Kamui space.

This is why it happened that the enemy was sent directly into his own nest.

Oh, no!

It's Obito's nest!

We were worried about not being able to find Obito!

I didn't look for Kakashi before, but I knew that Kakashi wouldn't help. After all, no matter what Obito was like, he was Kakashi's bond.

Kakashi couldn't help Takuya hunt down Obito.

After rescuing Itachi, Kakashi has been avoiding Kimura Takuya, which shows his attitude.

But, I didn't expect it!

This time, he was sent directly into the Kamui space by Danzo!

Danzo didn't think that the greater the output of the eye power of the Kamui skill, the stronger the power would be?

No way? No way?

The more Kimura Takuya thought about it, the more likely it was.

"Hahaha! Ha! He doesn't know how to use the skills, just like Beiruhu. Hahaha!"

Kimura Takuya laughed so hard that tears came out.

Then it began, the happy painter's behavior!

In the Kamui space, various rock crevices and various corners are carved with a lot of things.

If the Fourth Hokage was here.

He would definitely say "I know this"!

It is the Flying Thunder God technique!

Kimura Takuya has been studying the sealing technique for many days, and he has mastered the space-time ninjutsu that can seal space, such as the Sealing Seal.

How could he not practice the Flying Thunder God technique?

However, the release speed of Flying Thunder God is related to the strength of one's chakra.

Only when the chakra strength is high enough can the space be pried faster and the space-time ninjutsu be released.

Minato's chakra strength should be higher than that of the second generation.

So Minato can surpass the creator of this ninjutsu, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, in the attainment of Flying Thunder God.

And Kimura Takuya's chakra strength is only because of the strong soul power, which has surpassed the strength of ordinary people.

But this can only allow him to learn space-time ninjutsu and reach the level of being able to use sealing techniques, but not strong enough to use Flying Thunder God.

After all, the body is just the body of an ordinary citizen.

But after this period of skin breathing, the natural energy accumulation has enhanced the body's strength.

Now Kimura Takuya is already able to use the Flying Thunder God technique!

It's just not as fast as Minato.

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