Ye Cang suppressed the shyness in his heart and stopped looking at the naked body.

"Konoha's medical ninja, did you save me?"

"Well, you can say that. But now many years have passed in actual time. Back then, Sunagakure and Kirigakure..."

Kimura Takuno and Ye Cang talked about the changes over the years and the newly created body.

She couldn't sense time in the pure land, and she thought she had just died.

Then Ye Cang suddenly realized.

"No wonder that body is so perfect. It was you who made it?"

"Yes, about you, I just listened to what a friend of Kirigakure said. That friend has now joined me in Konoha Village. So what do you think? Do you want to join us?"

"My enemies in Kirigakure are all dead, but Sunagakure's enemies are still there. If I join you in Konoha, can I take revenge? You Konoha and Sunagakure are allies!"

Ye Cang's eyes sharpened, and his soul eyes emitted a cold light.

Her eyes were firm, and it was clear at a glance that she must avenge this murder!

Then Kimura Takuno shook his head.

"It's not about joining Konoha, it's about joining us, my organization!"

"Your organization? Oh, so you are also an ambitious person?"

"No, no, no, I don't have any ambitions. I just want to kill those who want to hang me on a tree."

Ye Cang didn't know what Kimura Takuno was talking about.

She waved her hand, looked at Kimura Takuno firmly and said.

"It doesn't matter whether you are ambitious or not, as long as you can let me take revenge, I will be loyal to you!"

“Of course, if you want.

I can resurrect all the dead enemies of Kirigakure and let you kill them again.

Moreover, their souls can be humanely destroyed so that no one can resurrect them! "


Ye Cang heard this and agreed decisively.

In fact, she couldn't help but disagree with the current situation. Didn't you hear what others said?

The dead can also be resurrected to vent their anger on her.

More importantly, he can even destroy souls!

Aren’t you also a soul now?

Although Kimura Takuno didn't mean this, Ye Cang felt that he was no longer the innocent Ye Cang he used to be!

So after Kimura Takuno satisfied her request for revenge, she decisively agreed.

So Kimura Takuno put Ye Cang's soul into this newly created white and tender body.

Kimura Takuno actually didn't expect that this body made entirely of Ye Cang's cells would be so white and have no hair at all.

Tsk tsk, white tiger!

After completing Ye Cang's soul fusion.

Kimura Takuno also thoughtfully dressed her in clothes, which was also Mr. Ye Cang's favorite style.

Um? Why should I add a teacher?

Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?

Kimura Takuno fell into deep reflection.

Then I gave myself a big pussy!


"Damn it, you don't even pay attention to the beautiful woman in front of you, what are you thinking about?"

But when he whipped himself, Ye Cangyouyou woke up.

"Well! I haven't felt this way for a long time. It feels so good to be alive!"

Ye Cang reached out and touched his face. His skin was at least ten years younger than before, almost the same as a girl's skin.

"Then, I'll let you live in my base first, and then I'll figure out your identity. Then I'll help you get revenge!"

"Okay, I'm waiting for your promise."

Ye Cang looked at the young man in front of him, and she nodded in response.

But there is a secret passage in my heart.

The day you avenge me is the day I show my true loyalty.

There is nothing left in Yecang today.

After all, even her body belongs to others.

And if you really think about it, even the soul is the private property of Kimura Takuno.

Only the true heart of the soul belongs to her.

So the only thing she can repay is loyalty.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that her loyalty was something that was easily available to Kimura Takuno.

This is the tragedy of the weak.

The cruelty of the ninja world could not be greater than this.

Therefore, Kimura Takuno has always been reluctant to use other gods.

This technique is really too anti-human.

If used too much, it will definitely make the caster lose his humanity.

Without humanity, what’s the point of being strong?

Therefore, Kimura has always been quite restrained in the use of pseudo-other gods.

And every time it is used, try to modify the consciousness with weak effects as much as possible without making too strong modifications.

I just worry that relying too much on this technique will lead to my own loss of humanity.

The human heart is fragile, and human nature is even more so.

It is difficult to establish a noble personality.

But falling down is definitely a matter of minutes.

Maintaining one's original intention in the face of powerful force is something that Kimura Takuno has been practicing deliberately.

He knew that he would reach the top of the ninja world, and he also knew what those who had reached the top would do.

Whether it's Kaguya, the Sage of Six Paths, or Madara and Obito.

There is no difference between these people, and they will only change the world according to their own ideas.

Kimura Takuno feels that he will be the same when the time comes.

So in order to prevent yourself from destroying the world.

First of all, you must make sure that your three views are not broken!

In this way, even if he is confused by the powerful force, he will not do anything too extreme.

It's all up to you, but as long as you determine your original intention first.

Then, even if you do it up to your heart, it won't matter.

Kimura Takuye nodded to Ye Cang, turned around and left, and went to the Hokage Building.

In this week, in addition to resurrecting Ye Cang, he also proposed the Soul Lantern Plan to the village.

Tsunade and the village leaders discussed for a long time and agreed to give an answer today.


Hokage Building.

Kimura Takuye has no obstacles.

The Anbu he met, or the office staff in the Hokage Building, all respect Kimura Takuye.

The impact of showing strength is so straightforward.

Even though he is still a Genin who has just graduated.

But in the upper circles of Konoha, he is already quite prestigious.

In addition, the reputation brought by the long-term garrison of the Shadow Clone in Konoha Hospital.

Kimura Takuye can be said to have both strength and reputation.

If he wasn't too young, there wouldn't be any sense of incongruity even if he participated in the Hokage election.

"Tsunade, you just took office not long ago, and you have expanded medical investment.

You just expanded the armaments a week ago, and placed a large number of orders with the company founded by your disciple. We haven't even seen a single finished product.

Now you are proposing to expand the armaments again, and to make this soul lamp, saying that it is a life insurance for all ninjas, and it is also a product of your disciple's company.

Tsunade! Teacher knows that you owe a lot of gambling debts outside, but you can't do this, right?

As a Hokage, you have legitimate ways to make money, why do you take this crooked way?

I have completely delegated power to you, is this how you are a Hokage?"

"What? Old man! Is this how you see me? Am I, Tsunade, such a person?"

"Whether you are such a person or not, it is a fact that you have expanded the armaments in such a short period of time, right?

Now is not a war era, this rare peaceful time, if you expand the armaments like this, it will make other major countries nervous to respond!

At that time, the peaceful situation may develop into a war!

Why do you do this?"

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