【Extraordinary Qualification: 20】

  [Invincible value: 565]

  Extraordinary aptitude after 20 points, each upgrade needs to consume 20 points of invincibility.

  Lu Chan didn't hesitate, and directly added his extraordinary qualifications.

  After adding some points, the extraordinary qualification was directly increased to 29 points.

  At 29 o'clock, it is a genius-level extraordinary person.

  The major martial arts halls will be vying for it.

  At the top, it consumes 300 points of invincibility, and the extraordinary talent is promoted to 30 points.

  "Over 30 points of extraordinary qualification, that is a federal genius."

  "Federal genius is just the beginning for me."

  Lu Chan didn't continue to add it, and if he added it further, his brain had undergone extraordinary transformation, and his whole body's aptitude had grown, and he would definitely fall asleep again.

  It's only been a night's rest, and Lu Chan doesn't want to go to bed early in the morning.

  "Tonight before going to bed, add more points to 30 o'clock, adding points and sleeping kill two birds with one stone."

  While thinking about it, Lu Chan had already opened the window.

  What catches the eye is the bustling Nuoshan City.

  The traffic flow on the road is endless, people come and go, a bustling and lively scene.

  Looking further out, it is on the edge of Nuoshan City, a lush mountain forest.

  In the era of aura recovery, vegetation is more prosperous than in the world before Lu Chan.

  "Today is Saturday. I don't need to go to class. I'm going to the martial arts hall to learn basic marksmanship and basic movement."

  After yesterday's battle.

  Lu Chan felt weak about his poor marksmanship and movement skills.

  Before, without acquiring extraordinary occupations, some inheritance of basic abilities could not be carried out.

  Now that he has acquired an extraordinary career, Lu Chan naturally needs to start strengthening and improving himself in all aspects.

  There is still a month before the "high school entrance examination".

  Whether it is to be admitted to the "extraordinary military academy", to enter the top level of the federation, to protect the land of a state for the federation human beings.

  Or join the "extraordinary martial arts hall" and become the sharp knife of human extraordinary martial arts cultivators, slaying enemies with blood, fighting on the front lines, and beheading extraordinary creatures.

  This requires a strong enough strength as a foundation.

Chapter [-] Enhanced Basic Marksmanship

  Age of Resurrection.

  With the support of the Federation, the extraordinary martial arts halls have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, taking root in various counties of the Federation.

  Most of these extraordinary martial arts halls are opened by some extraordinary masters.

  The first-order and second-order extraordinary people are low-level extraordinary people.

  The third-order and fourth-order extraordinary people are intermediate extraordinary people.

  The fifth-order and sixth-order extraordinary people are high-level extraordinary people.

  Seventh-order, eighth-order, and ninth-order are the "transcendent master" class.

  In fact, advanced superhumans are no longer afraid of the threat of hot weapons such as bullets and firearms.

  And the extraordinary master is even more terrifying.

  The body carried the missile, dismantled the tank with one hand, and hit the [-]-meter building directly with one punch.

  Those masters who can fly can even easily take down fighter jets flying in the sky.

  Rao is like this, in the world behind the door of the burrow.

  Extraordinary masters act cautiously.

  It can be seen that the threat of the cave is huge.

  above the super master.

  It is the legendary "supernatural master".

  It is said that there are not too many extraordinary masters in the entire Longxia Federation.

  Every extraordinary master is the peak combat power of the Federation.

  The right to speak in the communication between the major federations depends on the number and strength of extraordinary masters.

  Many extraordinary masters follow extraordinary masters.

  At this time, the benefits of the extraordinary martial arts hall began to be highlighted.

  Anyone who is willing to work hard and practice hard.

  All can be absorbed by the extraordinary martial arts hall and become the core members of the extraordinary martial arts hall.

  Then you can form a team with other extraordinary people in the extraordinary martial arts hall.

  Then enter the burrow together, explore, hunt for treasure, and kill enemies.

  You must know that although the burrow is dangerous, the resources are quite rich.

  Many caves and dangerous places contain massive resources and wealth, and even a large number of cave treasures.

  Of course, there are also some people who like to act alone after joining the extraordinary martial arts hall, and become like a lone wolf.

  At this time, Lu Chan had already arrived, the Gale Wind Martial Arts Hall, the nearest extraordinary martial arts hall to the community where Lu Chan lived.

  Inside the reception hall of the vast Gale Martial Arts Hall.

  "This classmate, you have acquired an extraordinary occupation. You can go to the 'Skill Stone Pillar' in the side yard to learn many basic combat skills. These basic things are free."

  After completing the formalities, the young lady wearing a professional suit with a kind smile on her face told Lu Chan.

  "Of course, if you want to learn black iron-level extraordinary skills, talents, or even more advanced skills and talents, you can also contact the advanced extraordinary people in the martial arts hall. They also sell them."

  "Yeah!" Lu Chan nodded.

  Extraordinary talents and skills of the black iron level.

  Lu Chan is naturally not eligible to buy it now.

  "Poverty makes me unable to choose the difficult disease, and I can't afford anything." Lu Chan laughed at himself.

  Going to the side yard, when passing through the corridor of the training room, Lu Chan saw many extraordinary people who were exercising here.

  As a zero-order and first-order superhuman, there is basically not much combat power.

  Naturally, there is no way to obtain Transcendent Star Beads by going down to the burrow to fight, so as to rapidly increase their strength.

  If you have money, that's another story.

  Under normal circumstances, ordinary extraordinary people, and the only way to improve their strength is to exercise.

  Through constant exercise of the flesh.

  Encourage the fleshly body to absorb the extraordinary energy between heaven and earth, let oneself reach the first rank, and then advance to the second rank.

  And when it comes to exercising.

  The effect of extraordinary qualifications will be revealed.

  The higher the extraordinary qualification, the faster the absorption efficiency.

  Lu Chan's current 29-point extraordinary aptitude and the previous 6-point extraordinary aptitude are completely different.

  There will be a difference of ten times the absorption speed.

  And as Lu Chan's extraordinary qualifications continue to improve, this gap will continue to widen.

  The absorption speed is fast and the growth is fast. This is the advantage of the extraordinary qualification.

  Come to the side yard.

  What caught my eye was a five-meter-high stone pillar that was similar to a professional stone pillar, with a dark body and engraved inscriptions on many mysterious giant beasts. It stood silently in the center of the courtyard.

  At this time, there were seven or eight young men and women chatting beside the stone pillar.

  Lu Chan could see that these should also be the third-year high school students who obtained the extraordinary profession yesterday. Today, they will choose basic combat skills.

  Just don't know which high school they are from.

  "What did you choose!"

  "I chose a summoning technique of Summoning the Fujiwood Swordsman, which can summon the Fujiwood Swordsman to fight."

  "Fujimu swordsman, I heard that it is not very powerful."

  "But the Fujiki sword is very cute, much like when Groot was young."

  "What about you?"

  "I chose to summon a fire fox, you see." The female student with a pair of ponytails showed her summoning technique.

  On his hands, milky white streamers surging.

  A pug-sized, seemingly incompetent fire fox emerged.

  "Wow! You fire fox is so cute!"

  Several female students gathered around.

  In contrast to this situation, Lu Chan was no longer surprised.

  The vast majority of extraordinary people, although they have chosen extraordinary occupations.

  However, they are still ordinary people in the end, and they will not embark on the road of bloodshed on the front line.

  Compared with these girls who are purely playful, they choose various extraordinary basic extraordinary skills.

  The basic skills chosen by those male students are relatively more reliable, and their practicality is obviously more than bells and whistles.

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