In about seven or eight seconds, Lu Chan had already fired twenty or thirty shots.

  When there is less than the last second left in the invincible state.

  This night evil spirit finally let out a scream.

  The body quickly cracked and died.

  "Ding, kill the second-order supernatural creature Yesha soul and get 48 invincibility."

  When the system beep sounds.

  A gray-white superstar bead about the size of a quail egg fell from the body of the dead Night Demon.

  "Transcendent Star Beads?" Lu Chan looked at it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  Picking it up and examining it carefully, Lu Chan suddenly smiled.

  "Tsk tsk... It's actually a Tier [-] Transcendent Star Bead, earn blood!"

  "Second-order extraordinary star beads contain three or four times the energy of first-order star beads. At the same time, extraordinary energy is more pure than first-order star beads, and the price is [-] to [-] federal dollars."

  This is the annual income of many ordinary families.

  For the extraordinary, the extraordinary star beads are life-threatening to acquire, but the harvest is also extremely rich.

  The risk is proportional to the reward.

  This is the superhero of this era.

  Tier [-] Transcendent Star Beads, although good, their explosion rate is also extremely low.Only higher extraordinary creatures, such as fifth-order and sixth-order extraordinary creatures, have a good explosion rate.

  It is also luck that this second-order Ye Fury soul can burst out.

  Before Lu Chan killed fifty or sixty first-order extraordinary night wandering souls, none of them exploded.

  This killed a second-order extraordinary creature, and it exploded.

  Luck is a thing, sometimes I can't tell.

  "Transcendent star beads, this thing is a good thing, I really hope to be promoted to a high-level extraordinary person as soon as possible!" Lu Chan secretly said in his heart.

  "As an extraordinary person, the more powerful the profession is, the more likely it is to awaken new talents or new skills with each level up."

  "My invincible knight profession is a powerful group."

  "Whether it is an awakening talent or a skill, it must be an invincible talent and an invincible skill."

  "At that time, my strength will only be stronger."

  After putting away this second-order extraordinary star bead, Lu Chan looked into the depths of the cemetery.


  With the spear twisted, Lu Chan cautiously explored the depths.

  After more than [-] meters deep, the eyes suddenly opened up, and an open space appeared.

  Although the general shadow outlines can be seen with the help of the neon lights of the distant city, there is no detail.

  Lu Chan fumbled around from the backpack on his chest, took out his mobile phone, and turned on the flashlight.

  With the help of a flashlight, Lu Chan could see the situation in front of him clearly.

  What caught my eye was a group of tombstones in Ying Sensen. Forty or fifty carved stone monuments about one meter five high were gathered together in black pressure, which looked particularly scary.

  However, at this time, there was a faint cold mist among these tombstones.

  "Ghost fog!"

  Lu Chan's eyes suddenly narrowed.

  "Sure enough, there is a ghost fog channel."

  Lu Chan looked around and quickly pinpointed the source of the ghost fog.

  This is an unremarkable tombstone in the middle of the tombstone group.

  At this time, the inner circle of the tombstone has disappeared.

  It was replaced by the "ghost fog channel" that was spinning endlessly, like a vortex of water.

  Looking at this ghost fog passage, Lu Chan looked solemn.

  According to the normal process.

  It must be the police first, and then the police will rule the extraordinary investigators with extremely high federal powers in the "Superior Bureau of Investigation".

  Then the extraordinary investigator will block the entire Nuoshan Park.

  After that, Lu Chan will get a lot of money.

  After that, Lu Chan would not have anything to do with this ghost fog tunnel.

  Of course this is a normal process.

  At this time, Lu Chan had another idea in his heart.

  "I am lacking invincibility, and my invincible body enters it, even if it is extremely dangerous there, after resurrection, relying on invincible state, there is no big problem escaping."

  "Secondly, whether it is a large extraordinary passage or this small ghost fog passage."

  "Passing has an energy limit."

  "The ghost fog channel here, the upper limit of energy, is estimated to be first-order, at most second-order."

  "And there is a certain limit to the number of passes, otherwise, the night wandering soul has the characteristic of gathering hundreds of ghosts at every turn."

  "They definitely don't just come over that little bit."

  "It is very likely that at the other end of the ghost fog channel, there are hundreds, or even thousands of night wandering souls, waiting for the energy channel to pass through a first-order night wandering soul, and a night wandering soul will come over."

  "And I am an extraordinary person of the zeroth order. When I pass through the passage, the energy consumed is less than one-fifth of the first-order, or even less than one-tenth."

  "Go through, use my resurrection invincibility feature, support for a period of time, kill hundreds of night wandering souls, and then come back, there is no problem at all."

  After thinking for a moment, Lu Chan suddenly squeezed his fist.

  "Hold the courageous to death, starve the cowardly to death."

  "This vote, fuck it."

  Since you are going to kill it.

  Lu Chan was about to further improve his strength.

  The most intuitive method is to strengthen equipment, black iron guns and black iron uniforms, and continue to strengthen them.

  in the supernatural world.

  For ordinary superhumans, most of the equipment, after strengthening +5, is already considered high.

  Strengthening +6+7 is very rare.

  As for strengthening +9, it is very rare, basically belonging to those extraordinary master families, the configuration that only the second generation of extraordinary wealth can have.

  After all, the strengthening of extraordinary equipment has a probability of failure.

  Once it fails, the strengthening class will decrease.

  Sometimes, Fortify +8 on top of Fortify +9.After failure, it is not impossible to directly fall to strengthen +4+5.

  Severe failure, the equipment will be directly scrapped.

  Therefore, strengthening equipment will not be so simple and easy.

  However, Lu Chan's invincibility was strengthened and 100% successful.


  100% success rate.

  The system is so tough and unreasonable.

  Lu Chan first looked at his invincibility.

  Invincibility value: 401.

  After Lu Chan did the math, he started to strengthen the extraordinary battle suit.

  "Ding, [Extraordinary Battle Suit: Black Iron Level] has been strengthened successfully, and the current strengthening is +10."


  "Ding, [Extraordinary Battle Suit: Black Iron Level] has been strengthened successfully, and the current strengthening is +14."

  When it reaches strengthening +14, Lu Chan stops strengthening.

  At this time, Lu Chan also felt the black iron extraordinary battle suit and changed.

  Under the skin, strengthen +14, there is a thick and tough defense feeling.

  "Strengthen +9 and strengthen +10, very difficult."

  "As for the equipment after strengthening +10, each level of improvement is as difficult as reaching the sky."

  "However, the difficulty of strengthening is high. After this strengthening, the effect of the equipment is also extremely terrifying."

  "When strengthening +9, the equipment strength increase effect is 5.5 times the base."

  "Then, when the strength is +14, the equipment strength will be increased to about 11.5 times the strength of the basic equipment."

  "The defense of this class today, even if it encounters the second-order Ye Fiend Soul, can resist it for a while."


  Lu Chan's eyes narrowed slightly.

  "It's time to strengthen the spear."

Chapter 18 Strengthen +[-]

  Dark iron equipment.

  Enhancement 10 to Enhancement 14, each enhancement consumes 20 points of invincibility.

  Enhancement 15 to Enhancement 19, each enhancement consumes 50 points of invincibility.

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