
  Lu Chan was resurrected again.

  Then began the ten-second journey of a real man.

  Resurrection, a real man is invincible, with one against a hundred.

  gradually wither.

  Then, died, was whipped corpse.

  resurrected again...

  Whipped again...

  In the next few minutes, Lu Chan kept switching back and forth between being resurrected and being whipped.

  After ten consecutive deaths.

  Lu Chan was resurrected again.

  Relying on invincibility, after five or six seconds of frantic output, Lu Chan abruptly withdrew his gun.

  Afterwards, Lu Chan quickly took the seven or eight Transcendent Star Beads that had been killed and dropped during this period of time into his hands.

  Using the invincible state to carry the output of the hundreds of night wandering spirits, like a flexible fish, it flew towards the ghost fog channel.

  As soon as he entered the passage, Lu Chan immediately felt the world spinning for a while.

  Then turned over and fell from the ghost fog passage.

  Get up.

  What catches the eye is the dark and quiet group of tombstones in Nuoshan Park.

  In the ghost fog passage behind him, not a single night wandering soul chased out.


  Lu Chan let out a long breath.

  "Fortunately, the channel energy is enough for me to come out." Lu Chan was a little fortunate.

  "If the channel energy is not enough, at least stay in it for a long time."

  Lu Chan first looked at the invincible energy. At this time, there were only 83 points of invincible energy left, which made Lu Chan frown slightly.

  The recovery of invincible energy is relatively slow.

  It has only been a day or two, and it has already consumed seventeen, which is a bit fast.

  However, when Lu Chan opened up his invincible value, Lu Chan smiled happily.

  Invincibility value: 15486.

  More than [-] invincible values.

  This is more than Lu Chan expected.

  "More than [-] invincibility points are worth ten deaths." Lu Chan laughed.

  "At the same time, with these invincibility points, I can improve my extraordinary qualifications, and at the same time, I can change equipment, and buy more powerful and powerful skills."

  "Wait until the equipment is replaced, and it's not too late to come back. At that time, this underground ghost cave will be stably slaughtered."

  When Lu Chan discovered that he could use [-]% invincibility to strengthen his equipment, he had already discovered a huge business opportunity.

  Equipment strengthening, the cost is not small.

  At the same time, after the equipment is upgraded, the effect brought by it is also amazing.

  Therefore, every extraordinary person wants a powerful strengthening equipment.

  This is also why the super-strengthening division is so popular.

  And Lu Chan could use the 100% enhancement of his invincibility value to strengthen the equipment and then sell it.

  In other words, use invincibility to make money.

  When there was no invincible value before, Lu Chan couldn't do this.

  Nowadays, with a lot of invincibility, Lu Chan can naturally make small profits.

  After all, with money, Lu Chan can buy more powerful equipment, stronger skills, and more extraordinary star beads to improve his strength.

  In this extraordinary era, the role of money is quite huge.

  His eyes glanced over the ghost fog channel on the side.

  Lu Chan pondered slightly.

  Then Lu Chan didn't want to leave, but sat down directly on one side.

  He turned his hand and took out seven extraordinary star beads, which were all first-order extraordinary star beads, which were exchanged for ten times of death just now.

  In addition to the second-order one that exploded before, there are a total of eighth-order transcendent star beads.

  This adds up to more than [-] Federal Coins, which is a considerable amount of wealth.

  However, Lu Chan did not intend to convert these extraordinary star beads into federal currency, but prepared to absorb them by himself.

  Holding the Transcendent Star Bead in his hand, Lu Chan, who calmed down, clearly felt that there was abundant pure and extraordinary energy in the Transcendent Star Bead.


  As Lu Chan absorbed it, the extraordinary energy "gurgled..." surged in.

  This extraordinary energy, like a rain of rain, entered Lu Chan's body and was quickly absorbed by Lu Chan's internal organs, bones, muscles, and even the fascia of the defense layer.

  The higher the extraordinary qualification, the faster the energy absorption speed.

  At this time, Lu Chan's extraordinary aptitude at 29 points perfectly showed a super absorption speed.

Chapter [-] Transcendent Trading Network

  Fifteen minutes later.

  Sitting cross-legged, Lu Chan slowly opened his eyes.

  With a slight squeeze, the extraordinary star bead in his hand turned into powder and quickly flowed out of the gap between his fingers.

  "Generally speaking, the normal absorption rate of a first-order extraordinary star bead is about two hours, that is, about 120 minutes."

  "And my extraordinary aptitude at 29 o'clock..." Lu Chan looked at the time.

  "It only takes 15 minutes."

  "It's 8 times the efficiency of a normal person extraordinary."

  "And as my extraordinary qualifications improve, the efficiency will be even faster."

  "15 minutes, consumes about [-] federal coins, the cultivation of extraordinary people, as expected... very expensive!"

  Immediately, Lu Chan calmed down and began to absorb the remaining Transcendent Star Beads.

  Soon, the extraordinary star beads one after another kept turning into powder in Lu Chan's hands.

  And Lu Chan could clearly feel the body's rapid absorption and digestion of extraordinary energy.

  Nearly two hours later, the seven first-order Transcendent Star Beads had been completely absorbed by Lu Chan.

  And Lu Chan's body also had a feeling of "fullness".

  The absorption of extraordinary energy by the body is the process of "eating".

  It also needs to be processed, digested, precipitated, and finally transformed into physical nourishment and strengthening and become its own "extraordinary source power".

  Rich people, as well as those rich second-generation, extraordinary second-generation, naturally can directly absorb the "extraordinary star beads" such "mountain delicacies" every day, and directly enjoy the process of "eating", which is simple and fast.

  For those without money, they need to "beg for food" from the natural environment of heaven and earth, and absorb a little extraordinarily thin energy, which can be called "leftovers".

  If you are not diligent, you may not even be able to eat the "leftovers".

  The difference in growth between the two is obvious at a glance.


  At this moment, there was movement in the ghost fog channel on one side.

  Lu Chan quickly looked over.

  What caught my eye was a night wandering soul, struggling to climb out from the ghost fog passage.

  That night, the wandering soul also found Lu Chan, opened his teeth and danced his claws, and neighed sharply.

  Although this night wandering soul struggled fiercely, the passage seemed to barely accommodate it. Most of its body was stuck in the passage, and it went out slowly, no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't reach Lu Chan.

  Lu Chan picked up his pistol and dropped it, sending him back to the west.

  "I just went in and out, and I consumed a lot of energy."

  "And about two hours or so, there are still first-order night wandering souls going out."

  "That is to say, in about two hours, [-]% of the energy I can go back and forth will be stored, and there will be some leftovers."

  Find out the energy recovery speed of this ghost fog channel.

  Lu Chan can guarantee that the next time he enters, his energy will be stable enough to return.

  After entering, the energy is exhausted and cannot come out.


  After returning home.

  After washing up, Lu Chan got into the bed.

  Turn on the system.

  [Extraordinary aptitude: 29 (+) upgrade consumes 300 points of invincibility. 】

  [Note, upgrade to 30 points of extraordinary qualifications, the brain will undergo extraordinary transformation. 】

  Invincibility value: 15498.


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