"After I cross this critical point, I can make my extraordinary aptitude exceed 100."

  "And 100 points of extraordinary qualifications should be a big hurdle."

  "Once a breakthrough is made, the soul, body, and even extraordinary qualifications will usher in a major transformation."

  "At this stage, the extraordinary qualification is 99 points, which is enough."

  Lu Chan thought about it for a while and then understood and relieved.

  Afterwards, Lu Chan looked at his extraordinary talents and skills. Lu Chan did not consume invincibility to improve these talents and skills.

  After all, nowadays, Lu Chan doesn't have many battles.

  You don't need to upgrade your skills.

  When it is time to fight in the burrow, that's when Lu Chan needs to make good use of invincibility to improve his extraordinary talents and extraordinary skills.

  In the next few days, Lu Chan continued to dive in peace of mind.

  With the sublime cultivation, the horror of Lu Chan's extraordinary aptitude of 99 points gradually revealed.

  That first-order extraordinary star bead.

  It takes two hours for ordinary people to absorb it.

  Even those extraordinary geniuses with extraordinary qualifications of 20-29 will take about 30 minutes to absorb.

  And Lu Chan, whose extraordinary qualification is as high as 99.

  After absorbing a first-order extraordinary star bead, within ten seconds, the energy in the extraordinary star bead was completely absorbed by Lu Chan, and it quickly circulated throughout the body, and then was digested.

  This absorption and digestion speed is terrifying. Lu Chan's body is completely like a gold-devouring beast.

  Lu Chan, who absorbs 50+ federal currency resources every day, can barely feel that he has made a little progress.

  While cultivating, before he knew it, it was time to arrive at the Iron Crown Cave City.


  Longxia Federation.

  There are a total of 2680 sequence areas, a population of [-] billion, and a federal territory of [-] million square kilometers.

  It can be described as a vast land and abundant resources and a large population.

  And the number of gates of the catacombs is also the highest in the world.

  Within the Longxia Federation, there are [-] [Gate of the Catacombs] that threaten the safety of human beings all the time.

  The Nanhe sequence area, as one of the thirty-two sequence areas of the Longxia Federation, has a population of more than [-] million.

  At the same time, in the Nanhe Sequence Area, there are two gates of the caves.

  One is: The Gate of the Iron Crown Catacombs.

  One is: The Gate of the Blood Origin Catacombs.


  During an invasion disaster a few years ago.

  The gate of the blood source burrow was invaded by the foreign race in the burrow, and the form was extremely severe.

  The federal government in order to protect the earth from being invaded.

  Decisively use the imitation of the extraordinary meme sealed object [Three-sided Destroyer], combined with the super hydrogen bomb "Extraordinary Scavenger 6.4" with an explosive equivalent of about 008 million tons of TNT.

  Performed a transcendent nuclear level on the gate channel of the Bloodborne Vault.

  Then, the gate of the Blood Origin Catacombs entered a state of "Destruction Seal", which has not been opened so far.

  After that, only the gate of the Iron Crown Catacombs remained in the Nanhe sequence area.

  Although the gate of the blood source cave is temporarily in a state of destruction seal.

  But everyone knows it.

  The passage of the gate of the blood source burrow will gradually absorb all the burst energy, as well as the ability of extraordinary memes, and then further stabilize.

  After the next time the gate of the catacombs is opened steadily, I am afraid that there will be an escalation of disasters.

  The current situation of human beings will obviously get worse and worse as time goes by.

  The door to the catacombs is a source of danger.

  At the same time, the gate of the catacombs is also a source of a lot of resources.

  Crypt world.

  Except for those "Holy City of Caves", "King City of Caves" and the survival and reproduction areas where a large number of "extraordinary cities" established by the masters of the caves are located.

  There are also plenty of otherworldly areas filled with competition, battle, and killing.

  Such as:

  Extraordinary infection area: It can infect the superhumans with weak resistance to become very low-level zombies, wandering souls, skeletons, undead, zombies and other areas.

  Of course there are also some high-level infection areas.

  Even in some super-infected areas, when the masters enter, they can turn into ferocious and powerful zombies and powerful evil spirits.

  Neutral steampunk area: These places are areas with extraordinary steampunk machinery as their civilization.

  Relatively speaking, these crypt dwellers are neutral.

  But they still do not welcome the "lower species" of "humans".

  Yes, humans, in the Transcendent Catacombs, are "lower species".

  The lower species are often at the bottom of the food chain, and most of the time, play the role of food.And the food that keeps getting stronger and wants to resist will not be welcomed no matter where it goes.

  After all, in the eyes of the burrows, food should look like food, and food should lie down and be eaten, not resist and fight.

  There are also ancient ruins exploration areas: extraordinary ancient ruins to explore buried and sealed places. These places often have a lot of good things. Generally speaking, the entrance of ancient ruins will be the gathering place for a large number of burrow extraordinary people.

  Of course, the most dreaded, but also coveted, are those "Extraordinary Death Zones."

  Extraordinary Death Restricted Area: It is an unknown extraordinary area where the mortality rate exceeds 90% once it is entered.

  At the same time, it is also the birthplace of many mysterious items.

  Such as many legendary items, such as "Eternal Energy", "Fruit of God", "Immortal Godhead", "Barrier Key" and so on.

  Most of these legendary items come from the forbidden area of ​​extraordinary death.

  Extraordinary infection area, neutral steampunk area, ancient ruins exploration area, extraordinary death forbidden area, and a certain extraordinary reproduction area.

  This is the distribution of a legendary domain.

  At the same time, when humans enter these areas and explore deeply, they can harvest a lot of resources.

  Even sometimes, the strong human beings looted by the way, and it is even more rewarding.


  The entrance to the burrow of the Iron Crown burrow gate, facing it, is a living and breeding area where two "Crypt King Cities" and [-] "Extraordinary Cities" are stationed.

  For a long time, the gate of the Iron Crown burrow, on the side of the burrow, has been the "Iron Crown Base" established by human beings stationed there.

  Not being beaten, or on the way to being beaten.

  The two major cave king cities, as well as the thirty extraordinary cities, almost took turns to attack the "Iron Crown City".

  In order to resist the attack of the burrows, countless human superhumans throw their heads and shed their blood, fight to the death of the city wall, and do not take a step back.

  This situation has not changed a little since the establishment of Iron Crown City more than [-] years ago.

  And today, in the surging tide of the vast extraordinary history, there are ripples that no one has noticed.

  On this day, Lu Chan, who was carrying a suitcase, came to the gate of the Iron Crown Catacombs.

Chapter [-] The ultimate martial arts hall!

  Get out of the car.

  What catches the eye is the gate of the Iron Crown Catacombs, where more than fifty "extraordinary soldiers" of the military are stationed.

  Extraordinary Soldier!

  It is a special kind of extraordinary person in the extraordinary world.

  when their number reaches a certain number.

  For example, when they reach 10, they will form a "morale aura", which increases their strength, defense, and even speed by about 10%.

  Moreover, the more the number, the higher the morale aura level.

  When soldiers with more than 100 people fight, it is a soldier's halo, which almost directly increases the extraordinary attributes of extraordinary soldiers by an additional [-]%.

  This is equivalent to doubling the property directly.

  These extraordinary soldiers themselves are not weak, and some are even extraordinary third-order or even extraordinary fourth-order.

  Attributes are doubled, plus they team up with each other.

  It will also form a very powerful fighting ability.

  The major federal governments also rely on a large number of extraordinary soldiers and a large number of advanced extraordinary people.

  Only in this way can the gate of the catacombs be guarded for mankind.

  At this time, these extraordinary soldiers stationed there are gradually checking the pass documents of all entering personnel one by one.

  The security of the gate of the cave is extremely important, and the personnel entering and leaving are naturally subject to strict scrutiny.

  Lu Chan stepped forward and handed over his passport.

  "A freshman here to report?"

  An extraordinary soldier with a knife mark on his neck, in his early thirties, and looking very refined, asked in a deep voice after checking Lu Chan's passport.

  "Yeah!" Lu Chan nodded.

  "Fill in the information and you can go in."

  After Lu Chan filled in the information, he was released.

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