Merit value: 51] [Rank: 8.

The name is Hong Jia.

Merit value: 50]... Lu Chan's team has completely dominated the list.

Wang Ze and the other three, as high as: more than [-] merit points, are about ten times more than the fifth place: the gap.

This is not surprising either.

These three people, with golden shields in their bodies, seemed to be invincible.

Don't worry about any enemy attack at all.

If they encounter a fifth- or sixth-order enemy, the three of them will immediately.

Will work together to kill quickly.

The three of them are all extraordinary Tier 3 4, well-equipped, and kill these... The average Tier [-] and Tier [-] cave creatures are not very difficult.

And those... first, second and third-order superhuman attacks basically do not break the defense.

Coupled with the four 44-bright light shields on top of the city wall, many of those flying war feather monkeys, dark wood elves, and even some rare mount superhumans will think of this light shield flying over. .

In this way, the three-person 3 is naturally a rapid increase in the merit value.

So in less than an hour, they will have opened such a huge gap.

Not to mention Lu Chan.

One person crowns the top.

During the fight, Lu Chan's eyes were dark and deep.

Lu Chan could feel that... there was a faint danger coming from that place.

"It should be a grandmaster, a master at the grandmaster level spying on me."

"When I am promoted to Transcendent Master, I must kill a group of Grandmasters in the burrows, the Great Grandmaster, otherwise, I will be sorry for my invincible profession."

Lu Chan secretly said.

A large part of the reason why the earth is suppressed by the burrows is that there are too many master-level powerhouses in the burrows, even if it is ten 10 for one, human beings can't replace it.

Not to mention, the masters of the burrows are extremely strong, and human beings are struggling one-on-one.

Just as Lu Chan was thinking.


Qing Yin a knife, like a breeze, but the power is like a volcano eruption.

The blade of the short knife is sharp and thick, with a combination of rigidity and softness.

Rao Shiruchan was also slightly surprised by the power of this knife.

This is almost the strongest sword Lu Chan has encountered since he went to the burrow this time.


The war knife bombarded Lu Chan's shield, and the sound of Jin Ge exploded violently.

The shield is as stable as a mountain, standing still.

Feeling this knife, Lu Chan felt a little in his heart.

"Yes, not only... broken defense, but also caused a certain amount of damage, a master."

Lu Chan's eyes glimpsed slightly, this is a war feathered monkey with a state of semi-emptiness.

The whole body is interspersed with gold and silver luster.

Although the fourth-order 4, but the strength is probably beyond the ordinary sixth-order, it is close to the existence of the extraordinary master class.

The pace was swift and abrupt, and at the same time, Lu Chan raised his gun and shot.

Peng! The gunfire ended.

However, the gun was empty.

"So fast."

The idea just came to mind.


A sharp knife struck Lu Chan's shield again.

Lu Chan's footwork moves together, and his body is also moving quickly.

At the same time, the revolver in his hand kept firing.

Bang bang bang... The gunshots exploded.

However, the bullet always missed.

Erlai's figure is as fast as a knife, and he can dodge and move between lightning and flint.

Lu Chan's nerve and muscle manipulation had reached the fifth level of transcendence.

However, such a fast aiming operation is abruptly inferior to that of "Earleigh"

the speed of movement.

That has the titled profession "Extreme Shadow"

Sequence of "Shadow Swordsman"


People and knives are both extremely fast and fast, and they can move around in the blink of an eye.

It is an ultra-mobile agile swordsman that combines speed, flexibility, and explosiveness.

After all, it is the [Title Sequence] profession, and Rao is in the world of the burrows, and these sequence professions are also rare in number.

Twenty or thirty shots in a row: After failing, Lu Chan's eyes twitched slightly.

"Sure marksmanship can only bully ordinary burrow creatures, and it won't work if I meet a master."

Different extraordinary professions have their own advantages.

For example, The Extraordinary Gunslinger.

Once they acquire the extraordinary profession, they will have unparalleled "extraordinary dynamic vision"

and super high "dynamic aiming talent"

The faster they run, the clearer they see and the more they aim.

As for Lu Chan, it is purely a talent for aiming. If the enemy's movement speed is not fast enough, Lu Chan will naturally be able to hit every shot.

At this time, the enemy surrounded Lu Chan, a group of fast.

Lu Chan could see it when he saw it, but his hand... couldn't keep up.

"It's a poor shot."

At this time, Na'e also seemed to realize that Lu Chan had nothing to do with him, and his body became more and more... relaxed and agile, and the slashing of the sword became more and more... violent, and even sarcastic words.

Hearing this, Lu Chan pouted.

"I asked you to hit me twice, but you still have a sense of superiority."

"Do you really think your attack can pose any threat to me?"

In this short period of time, Lu Chan had already suffered more than twenty knives.

However, these more than [-] knives, although they can break the defense and cause a certain amount of damage.

However, compared to the frankness of this golden light shield, the consumption degree is less than one ten thousandth, %.

The frankness of the golden light shield is really thick, and Lu Chan can hold hundreds of such shields.

Of course Lu Chan knew what his professional advantages were.

Marksmanship, that's just his own way of pulling monsters, nothing more, clumsy is normal.

Let Lu Chan, a relatively slow knight, use his unfamiliar marksmanship to compete with a flexible assassin for his attack flexibility.

That's obviously not realistic.

Rao is Lu Chan's invincible profession is more powerful, that's not enough.

I'm a knight, I'm a knight, why should I compare my agility with you?

So Lu Chan simply put away the gun:.

"Since you like to attack so much, then let you attack enough."

Reach out.


The golden light filled the air, and Lu Chan took out his shield directly.

After that, Lu Chan ran straight to the corner.

Naerai, although his attack was fast, he did not dare to intercept the charge of the knight.

Whoever dares to resist the knight head-on is courting death.

When he came to the corner, Lu Chan shrank to the corner, with a battle shield.

The whole person's defense is sturdy.

Lu Chan has many ways to kill this enemy.

And now, the method Lu Chan chose is that I want to shoot you with the top shield.

However, Lu Chan was in the corner and waited for a few breaths, but the swordsman stopped attacking.

"No more attack"

Lu Chan's heart moved slightly, and then he smiled sinisterly.

Lu Chan took a deep breath, then tried his best to load up his extraordinary source power, and shouted in extraordinary words: "Grandson, aren't you very embarrassed - hit me!"

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