"The first thing is to find a safe and concealed hiding spot."

Glancing slightly at those behind...a large number of agile mechanical spiders who are about to catch up.

"We've got to get rid of these guys first."

Although Lu Chan's speed was very fast, Lu Chan's two legs obviously couldn't outrun the six legs of those spiders.

And in this complex jungle and mountain environment, Lu Chan's speed cannot be reached to the extreme.

On the other hand, those agile mechanical spiders with low chassis and high mobility can move forward very quickly.

Turning around, Lu Chan Lu Chan's silver-level revolver directly aimed at the fast-running fourth-level 4 at the front, a mechanical magic spider the size of a mahjong table.


of a gunshot.

The aiming talent of the eighth level of silver made Lu Chan easily hit the head of this flying mechanical spider with one shot.

The mechanical magic spider has an extraordinary species with exometallic skeleton armor, and has super fighting ability.

In the same rank, even the ordinary mechanical spider is more resistant than the meat knight.

However, no matter how strong it is, it can't be stronger than the energy bullet of the silver revolver that has been strengthened to 30.


The mahjong table-sized mechanical spider was directly shot by Lu Chan.

Immediately after, Lu Chan slowly retreated and shot at a high speed.

Bang Bang Bang... The sound of guns rhythmically sounded in the primitive jungle.

Chapter 6 Mysterious Steam Factory (10/[-])

After ten minutes.

Deep in the jungle.

"Bang! Bang!"

With the last two shots fired.

The two mechanical spiders flying in the air were also shot and killed by Lu Chan.

At this time, all the five hundred mechanical spiders that were chasing Lu Chan fell under Lu Chan's spear.

"These... Mechanical spiders are really not easy to kill."

Looking around the battlefield, Lu Chan frowned slightly.

"Especially these... 'Elite' mechanical magic spiders, even the third-order ones can resist me three or four, guns:, the fourth-order four can resist me seven or eight. ,,gun:."

"Those... fifth-order, and even sixth-order elites are carrying more than a dozen guns: they can still rush up."

"Sure enough, these natural disaster creatures are not adjusted well."

In the old cave era.

Mechanical creatures are one of the four major natural disaster species.

Once, they even declared war on the gods.

No wonder these guys deal with it this way.

Although it is difficult to deal with, Lu Chan's silver-level enhanced 30 steampunk revolver has strong silver firearms and bullets, and the increase is 47.


No matter how difficult it was to kill, Lu Chan would kill them all.

In this chase, without the seventh-order transcendent master-level mechanical magic spider, Lu Chan didn't need to take out his battle axe and shield.

The revolver alone is enough to solve the battle, although the speed is slightly slower, but the strategy of fighting and retreating gives Lu Chan more room for pulling.

After killing so many mechanical magic spiders, they quickly collected the spoils.

Lu Chan looked at the direction that the mechanical magic spider was chasing, and then left quickly.

This place seems to be very close to those... Mechanical Legion, Lu Chan should not stay too long.

Ten minutes after Lu Chan left.

A large wave of mechanical magic spiders quickly arrived on the battlefield.

This batch of mechanical magic spiders numbered [-].

Moreover, the lowest is the fourth-order 4 mechanical magic spider.

Compared with the first batch just now, the basic strength is directly improved by two grades.

Even, the leader is still a... an eighth-order "magic spider leader" with a mechanical sequence [leader level]

Extraordinary Master.

There are also five "Magic Spider Bosses" who have the seventh rank of [Boss Rank].

Extraordinary Master.

For the mechanical creatures of ..[Mechanical Sequence].

The mechanical heart at birth determines their quality.

Ordinary - elite - leader - leader - lord! The transformation of each level will be a huge improvement.

The same Tier [-] elite mechanical spider can hunt three to five mechanical spiders.

And a leader magic spider can hunt more than [-] to [-] ordinary mechanical magic spiders of the same order.

If the "leader"

At this level, then the number will expand to more than 10.

The higher the level of mechanical spiders, the more powerful they are.

The ones who chased and killed Lu Chan just now were led by elites, most of them were ordinary mechanical spiders.

Even so, Lu Chan won't be easy.

After all, these... Mechanical spiders are quite frank, and their attack ability is also very strong. Lu Chan's shields were also reduced by [-]% by their shells. Twenty-three%%%.

At this time, it was the leader who led the team outrageously, and the leader accompanied him.

The powerful and elite mechanical magic spiders occupy two-fifths of the team, and the lowest is Tier 4.

If they meet, there is no doubt that it will be a battle, and even Lu Chan will have to sacrifice once or twice.

This number is ""

The mechanical leader, the magic spider, observed the battlefield for a while.

Order quickly.

"Squad No. [-], collect the corpses and return them to the Steam Furnace Factory. Master No. [-] is in great need of metal wrecks recently."

"The detection team will go first and detect the target's whereabouts."

"Communication team, send a message to the military headquarters, this time the intruder is more powerful than before, requesting additional long-range fire support."

With the orders of the mechanical leader of this number, the magic spider.

The whole team moved quickly.

Then this Mechanical Magic Spider 0 looked at the probe team that had already moved, and showed a smile.

"It's really interesting. The hunt has already started. I hope this guy can last longer this time."

...........After half an hour.

In the vast virgin jungle, Lu Chan, who flew for half an hour like a headless fly, stopped his pace.

Don't talk about the enemy at this time, even Lu Chan didn't go anywhere by himself.


Sit down: Lu Chan, who took a breath, looked at his feet, the gold+34 earthen boots.

Along the way, it was also fortunate that Lu Chan possessed this pair of floating soil boots, so that Lu Chan could walk on the ground in the primitive jungle with complex terrain.

Looking around, the environment that caught my eye was gloomy and pitch-black, anyway..., there were no mechanical spiders within sight.

At this time, there was a little mist in the air.

In Lu Chan's breathing, he could feel that the mist was slightly pungent.

"It's the miasma gas in the cave, and it contains highly poisonous."

Glancing past these... The slightly pungent mist, Lu Chan secretly said.

But Lu Chan wasn't worried at all.

The reason is... Lu Chan has a [Template] up to: 20 times the toxin resistance.

As long as you don't take poison as food, you will basically die.

"After I go back this time, I must find the blueprint of the extraordinary mount, and use the best materials to create my own extraordinary mount."

"It's best to be a ghost-like mount that doesn't have life, and it can come and go as soon as you call it."

"If you can find a blueprint for a powerful dragon mount, that would be great."

"If you don't have these drawings of mounts, other types are also fine. Although these two legs are not tiring, they are really strenuous and slow."

Then Lu Chan looked at the general direction of the battle just now, "These... Mechanical spiders are quite good mount creatures."

"However, riding a... spider is always weird."

"If there is a chance, get the mechanical fire."

"However, it is possible to cultivate one or two mechanical spider pets, which is not bad."

Mechanical pet.

In the crypt world, that is very popular.

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