This eight-level god-level golden shield can have a total of eight additional 8 shields.

In addition to Lu Chan's body, one is nine 9 shields.

This is also the reason why Lu Chan wants to bring pets.

So many shields, all of them exist permanently, with a few powerful pets as firepower output and absorption points, which are very helpful for future battles.

Although the knight's attack is not very powerful, Lu Chan can completely bring output-type pets.

In the extraordinary world, any extraordinary occupation is not fixed, everything is possible.

Lu Chan, who retracted his gaze, sensed his own package.

at this time.

Inside the package, there were eight elite spark fragments lying quietly.

"Wait until you have accumulated [-] elite fire shards, and then summon a top-level elite mechanical magic spider pet."

"The top elite mechanical magic spider pet, very close to the leader-level creature, and then wearing a small god outfit, the lethality is quite good."

Compared with elite mechanical pets, boss-level mechanical pets are obviously better.

And the higher-level leader mechanical pet, not to mention, the effect is absolutely explosive.

However, these high-level mechanical creatures can only be exploded by the existence of extraordinary masters and even extraordinary masters.

As far as the third-order body of Lu Chan is concerned, it is already difficult to face the seventh-order extraordinary master.

It is estimated that it will not be able to withstand the eighth rank, or even the ninth rank 9.

In the face of a tenth-order extraordinary master, Lu Chan would have to be hammered with a shield on his head.

The master of the master, known as one punch and one small punch, was shaking with earthquakes for several kilometers. At present, Qilang Lu Chan was obviously unable to resist.

So there is hope for elite mechanical pets.

Boss-level mechanical pets have very low hopes and are relatively slim.

And most of those are "leader mechanical fire fragments" that can only be exploded by mechanical masters.

If Lu Chan wants to get ten 10s, the probability is basically zero.

After all, not every mechanical master can burst out.

If you want to collect ten 10s and not kill thirty or fifty mechanical masters and their powerhouses, don't think about it.

As for the mechanical lord pet! As long as Lu Chan is not crazy now, he should not have such a bold idea.

After waiting another ten minutes.

The battle between the two slaughtering seventh-order boss-level mechanical demon spider masters finally came to an end.

At this time, in a corner of a huge factory.

The two extraordinary masters of the mechanical magic spider collapsed to the ground.

A metal limb was almost completely broken.

The other one was opened, and the energy liquid and even the activated metal liquid flowed out.

Both guys are close to death.

Lu Chan, who was [-] meters away, cut off the gun decisively.

Bang bang bang...a minute later.

The system beeps sound one after another.

The two extraordinary masters of mechanical magic spiders all died in the hands of Lu Chan.

With the fall of these two extraordinary mechanical masters.

In the entire underground factory, there is no longer a single living enemy mechanical spider.

Come to the side of these two extraordinary mechanical spider masters.

Lu Chan started searching for the spoils.

In the past, Lu Chan has also killed the "Golden Armored Corpse" of the extraordinary master level

, a great harvest.

And this time too.

After a search, I got two Tier 2 Transcendent Star Beads, eight Tier 2 Transcendent Star Beads, and twenty-two Tier [-] Transcendent Star Beads.

These extraordinary star beads alone are worth 100 million federal dollars.

Although the value is not high, but Lu Chan really needs these... Transcendent Star Beads for cultivation.

Of course, the biggest gain is mechanical fire.

These two extraordinary masters left Lu Chan two 2-leader-level mechanical fire fragments.

And seven Elite Mechanical Tinder Fragments.

The value of these things is much more expensive than that extraordinary star bead.

"15 elite mechanical fire fragments, 2 boss mechanical fire fragments, a good harvest, Lu Chan secretly said."

After the search, Lu Chan raised his head and looked deeper into the mechanical cave.

When Lu Chan first entered this mechanical cave, the battle had not yet broken out.

Lu Chan saw a lot of mechanical magic spiders move some refined iron ingots to the deeper part of the cave.

Is there a warehouse or there are more powerful mechanical extraordinary creatures at the extraordinary master level. Anyway, since Lu Chan is here, he must go over and take a look.

Even if the master is a strong master, even if he can't beat it, there is no problem in relying on the invincible to run away.'s already in full swing here.

And no shit happened there.

Nine times out of ten there is no great master.

Even if there is, it is estimated that it is a crippled mechanical magic spider master.

After all, judging from the strength and breadth of these violent memes, once they break out, these... mechanical spiders have a tendency to be violent and self-mutilating.

It's entirely possible to beat yourself up.

The twenty-eighth mechanical spider master (3/10)

After ten minutes.

A huge metal corridor with a height of thirty meters and a width of twenty meters appeared in front of Lu Chan.

Lu Chan narrowed his eyes and stared at the cave from the corner.

Lu Chan did not act rashly.

Although invincible resurrection is very powerful.

However, if you are not careful, Lu Chan is still in danger of falling.

For example, falling into some kind of sealed desperation situation and unable to escape.

Dead and resurrected, resurrected and then dead.

Soon Lu Chan will truly fall.

This situation is the worst, and it is what Lu Chan is most worried about.

The invincible state after the resurrection can ensure that Lu Chan is invincible for ten seconds1, and Lu Chan has an absolute hegemony state within these ten seconds1, which can lift various seals and even suppress.

And while invincible, Lu Chan can use the "extraordinary teleportation scroll" he carries.

leave this place.

Therefore, sealing and even suppressing Lu Chan is... not afraid, what Lu Chan fears most is... falling into the Jedi.

After staring at the cave for a minute or two, Lu Chan breathed lightly, then stretched out his hand to grab it.

The quilt of thorns with a strengthening +40 is in front of him.


Lu Chan cautiously walked to the depths of this huge metal surging cave.

Da...da...da...da...Under the silence, Lu Chan's footsteps echoed gently in this wide, deep metal. Yongdao.

The quieter it was, the more cautious Lu Chan became, and even his palms sweated slightly.

At this time, Lu Chan finally gradually understood why those in the burrow...the extraordinary master, the extraordinary grandmaster, and even the extraordinary grandmaster were all cautious after they went to the burrow.

Because there are too many strong people in the burrow, and there are too many dangerous places.

No one knows in which cave, whether the terrifying power that destroys the Grandmaster or even the Great Grandmaster is used.

Extraordinary masters, grandmasters, and grandmasters are all careful.

Lu Chan, who is only an extraordinary third-order, is also careful and careful.

When Lu Chan advanced about a hundred meters.

All of a sudden! Om! A slight vibration, like a mechanical start.

Although the sound was slight, when it landed in Lu Chan's ears, it was no different from thunder.

"not good!"

Lu Chan, who was wearing a shield, directly displayed the Unyielding Body.

Wow...golden flames filled Lu Chan's body.

next moment.

Boom... With the energy torrent of purple thunder light permeating the entire channel, the impact came directly.

The temperature of this energy is extremely high, and even the air is completely burned in an instant.


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