Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1002 The Stars Arch The Moon

"Not bad, a simple snack."

Seeing Samisha like this, Lu An immediately understood that she did not resist rice pudding, but ate it with gusto.

"It's delicious. It's Tianxuan's. Where did you buy it?"

Samisha nodded very honestly, then stretched out her pink tongue to lick her lips, and took a look at the eight-treasure porridge jar.

The jar full of Tianxuan characters must not have been produced in Britain.

It's just that there is still a place that sells Tianxuan eight-treasure porridge in the Sunset Islands?

"I brought it here by myself. There is no place to sell it."

Lu An grinned. When he was looking for the Black Moon Ring, he also found several boxes in the corner, and he didn't know when it was sold.

Anyway, it's not expired, just take it out as a snack.

"like to eat?"

"Well, it's just to add some energy." Samisha admitted generously, and she didn't forget to put a spoonful of eight-treasure porridge into her mouth while speaking.

The eight-treasure porridge is really delicious, and she likes to eat Lu An's food for free, so the combination of the two is even more delicious.

Since she transformed into a half-martial arts cultivator, she has been very concerned about food, after all, she needs to condense her energy and blood.

What's more, she has a special technique, and her appetite has become many times larger than before, which is both painful and happy.

Even the taste has changed a lot.

Although spiritual practice can rely on absorbing heaven and earth aura to fill one's stomach and bigu, but aura can't transform qi and blood energy, it can only act on simple satiety.

There is nothing comparable to the delicacies made by Ling Chef.

"If you like it, feel free to eat it. I still have a few boxes here. It's enough."

Samisha likes to eat, and Lu An is also willing to eat, just to help him eliminate the boxes of eight-treasure porridge in the Black Moon Ring.

Gu Mengmeng's game is over, and the next game is about to start, Lu An and Samisa are too lazy to sit here and watch.

There are too many noises on the scene that affect the experience of watching the game. It is better to go home and watch live TV when you have this time.

At least Samisha and Lu An don't like this noisy and lively environment very much.

"Aren't we going to the lounge?"

The two sneaked away from the high platform one after the other, and Samisha quietly followed Lu An. Seeing that he was not heading in the underground lounge, she couldn't help asking questions.

"They will have to be interviewed later. Didn't I ask for trouble in the past?"

Lu An shrugged helplessly and smiled: "Anyway, you have finished the interview, so it's just right for us to go back directly."

"That's right, I'm sorry for you."

Samisha thinks it makes sense, now that Lu An is unprecedentedly hot, if those reporters see him, they will definitely chase Lu An like a shark that smells blood.

If they were really entangled, they would not want to go back for a while.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but patted Lu An's shoulder with pity, "Thanks to you, the group of people who pestered me before also changed their goals haha."

Lu An's old face darkened when he heard this, and he stretched out his hand to pull off the claw on his shoulder and said angrily: "You are disgusting, don't you want to eat the food I cook in the future."

This is called hammer consolation, it's completely gloating, and it's rubbing salt on his wounds!

"Oh, don't, don't, it's okay if I was wrong."

As soon as she heard that Lu An threatened her with food, Samisha gloated like an eggplant beaten by frost, and honestly bowed her head to admit her mistake.

"It's not a good thing, be careful I'll poison your food!"

While bickering, the two slipped out of the arena through the side door, looked left and right for a long time to confirm that there was no one there, and then restrained their breath and quietly stepped into the sky.

Like a thief, for fear of being seen by others.

Today is a very special day. The individual competition and the team competition are held on the same day. Therefore, although the attack has only passed one day, there are still an endless stream of tourists and spectators from all over the world.

There are huge crowds of people outside the arena, which is very lively.

"Hey Lu An, I remember there was a match between White Eagle Britain and the others today, why don't we go and see it?"

Above the flawless white clouds, Samisha came up to Lu An and poked him, her expression a little disturbed.

In the team competition, 20 out of 10, except for Saudi Arabia, each team is a top power in the world, and the collision and confrontation must be much more intense and exciting than the individual competition.

This can be seen from the number of viewers. Basically, two-thirds of the audience went to the First Arena, even if it was already full, they still crowded outside to watch the big screen.

"Look back, do you want to be photographed in the past?"

Lu An gave Samisha a sideways glance. Is this girl short-hearted? She dared to go past so many people.

I'm not afraid of being surrounded and looked like a monkey.

At that time, signing a group photo or something will be enough for you to drink a pot.

"I'm worried about missing the game!"

"Go back and watch the replay, anyway, you have to go by yourself, don't try to pull me to accompany you."

No way, Samisha had no choice but to give him a punch, and then followed obediently to the vice island of the contestant village.

Except for two or three tyrannical spiritual senses, no one on the entire vast main island noticed that two figures floated away above the white clouds.

"Wait here."

Leaving the scope of the main island, there is a sparkling blue sea below, with rays of sunlight reflecting on the sea surface, the scenery is very beautiful.

Lu An's forward steps suddenly stopped, and then fell straight down, trampling on the blue sea.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Lu An staying here, Samisha, who came down later, was puzzled. She swept her probe in front of him, except that the blue water was still sea water, and there was nothing worth noting.

Want to play seafood or what?

Unknowingly, Samisha, who became a foodie, popped this thought into her mind.

"Shake a little guy." Lu An smiled slightly, and immediately took out a blue scale that flowed the ripples of the sea.

"You want to call me a little mermaid?" Seeing the blue scales, Samisha immediately understood Lu An's intentions.

She said that she wanted to call her Little Mermaid.

"Hmm." Lu An leaned over and shook the scales into the sea, like a fisherman fishing with bait.

He remembered that the little mermaid once said that as long as the distance is not far, the blue scales can be sensed.

Hope the little one is around.

Lu An is still thinking about inviting it to play at home again.

What he didn't know was that once the azure scales entered the sea, the waves of the sea contained in them would merge with the sea, and the strange signals that could not be detected were diffused by the waves of sea water.


Not long after, somewhere in the deep water tens of kilometers away, the little mermaid was prying open a red round clam the size of a heavy truck wheel like a thief.

The golden light on the forehead firmly fixed the Youhong round clam, ignoring the scalding heat it radiated, pried open the clam shell and hugged the Youhong clam bead lying quietly inside with two small hands.

Before the round clam could react, he quickly withdrew, then turned around decisively and ran away, his movements were smooth and smooth, obviously not the first time to do it.


The shell of the Youhong round clam is crimson, covered with magma-like flow lines, and the scalding heat caused the surrounding sea water to rise and bubble.

Seeing that the little mermaid snatched her natal clam pearl and escaped, the magma pattern on the Youhong round clam's body became more orange red and dazzling.


The tongue-shaped snow-white clam meat suddenly sticks out and slaps the sand, launching like a rocket, ignoring the water resistance, following behind at the speed of a shell, spewing scorching fire and accelerating in the cold sea water, vowing to take back itself The natal clam pearl.


Two streamers of light, one gold and one red, rowed across the sea, the little mermaid flicked her tail and tried to escape, but sadly found that she couldn't get rid of the red round clam no matter what.

It's like locking yourself, no matter how far away you are, you can chase after you.


Suddenly, the little mermaid looked suspiciously at the clam pearl, which was about the same size as her own, and an immature thought popped up in her heart.

It heard from Xiaobai that there is a thing called a locator in human technology, which can be tracked by others when placed on the body.

Does this bead have the same effect?

The little eyes are full of doubts, but the little mermaid is still reluctant to throw away the clam bead. It finally found a good thing, and it must not just throw it away so easily!


Just when it was at a loss, some familiar fluctuations suddenly came from the surrounding sea water, which made its small face slightly stunned.


A few seconds later, it changed its sad expression, its small eyes were full of surprises, and it yelled a few times and suddenly changed its direction, sprinting towards the unknown dark sea area on the left.

"Not here."

Located on the sea area between the side island of the contestant village and the main island, Samisha bent over with her hands behind her back and stared at the scales from behind Lu An.

After waiting for a few minutes, it stands to reason that he should have arrived at the speed of the little mermaid, unless he didn't sense it.

"Wait another two minutes, forget it if you don't come."

Lu An also suspected that the little mermaid was not nearby, otherwise it would be impossible to be so slow.

Just as he was about to take back the scales and leave, a beam of golden light suddenly appeared on the distant sea surface, and the torrent of white waves sprinted towards them and approached them.

At the same time, a familiar voice full of anxious help spreads in all directions.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, the little mermaid galloped towards Lu An holding a red clam bead that was about the same size, jumped out of the sea and jumped behind Lu An, yelling at him, completely ignoring the curious Samisha next to her .

"You did something bad?"

Seeing the thing it was holding in its hand, plus the little expression asking for help anxiously, Lu An couldn't figure out what happened.

This little guy probably went to steal something, and then was caught by the original owner, and fled all the way to his side.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Within 20 seconds, a series of sprays erupted suddenly on the distant sea surface, and dozens of magma fire pillars broke through the sea surface and followed one after another, dyeing the sea water orange red and scalding hot.

A red round clam the size of a heavy truck wheel broke through the sea, and rose into the air on a pillar of fire. Its body suddenly doubled in size, hitting it like a flaming meteor.

It looked like it was going to crush Lu An and the little mermaid to pieces.


However, a sky-capturing giant hand was born out of nowhere, it crushed the shell of the Youhong round clam with destructive power, and absorbed the snow-white clam meat inside.

"Hey, good ingredients for the peak of Xuanling, it must weigh more than 50 catties, right?"

Looking at the delicious and fragrant mussel meat in front of him, Lu An weighed it lightly and grinned.

What a surprise, this is, you can make a strong spiritual food.

In an instant, Lu An could think of no less than twenty kinds of delicacies.

"You are lucky, I will make a new dish for you to test the poison later."

"Really?" Samisha's eyes lit up when she heard this, she wished she could fly directly to the restaurant and wait for Lu An to serve the food.

"It's more real than Ding Zhen."

Just kidding, Lu An smiled and put away the clam meat and scallops, and turned to look at the little mermaid who was completely relaxed and limp.


The little mermaid cried out weakly, put the red clam pearl into the golden halberd pupils under Lu An's gaze, and turned over to thank him, with a look of shock on her face.

"If you do something bad, you will be chased."

Lu An smiled cheerfully, he could see that the red bead in the little mermaid's hand was the bead of a round clam, it must be the little guy who stole his treasure, that's why he was chased so far.

If someone gave it voluntarily, it wouldn't be so embarrassing to be chased.


The little mermaid looked around guiltily, then simply changed the subject and asked why Lu An came here.

"Calling you to play on land together! How about it? Are you going?"

Lu An sent out the invitation very directly, since he has nothing to do today, he just took the little mermaid out for a stroll, seeing the customs and customs of the land.


To Lu An's surprise, the little mermaid agreed very readily this time, and skillfully condensed the water polo to wrap herself completely, and then floated to his side and swayed from side to side.

It's just that she was a little afraid to approach Samisha, but she didn't resist much.

"Hello, my name is Samisha, and I'm Lu An's...friend!"

Samisha bowed slightly to greet the little mermaid, trying to be as friendly as possible, trying not to scare it.

"Hey..." The little mermaid didn't pretend to be dead, but responded timidly and weakly, which was considered to be acquaintance with Samisha.

This little guy is getting bolder every day.

Lu An looked at the little mermaid in surprise, as if he had a general understanding of its character.

Call it cowardly, dare to do things like steal sea beast treasures, say it is bold, it is just like that in the face of strange things, it is beyond imagination.

It may have to wait until it is familiar with the environment before revealing its true nature.

"Come on, let's go to the training hall first."

After successfully abducting the little mermaid, there was no point in staying here any longer. Lu An immediately flew into the air and flew towards the contestant village.


Same time, different place.

Two days had passed since the attack on the athletes' village, and the outside of the second hotel park was as usual, gathering many people and reporters from different organizations.

If it wasn't for the security guards to stop them, they might have directly entered the park and interfered with the players' normal lives.

Many Tianjiao players who passed by were no longer surprised by this, and after a few glances, they withdrew their eyes and focused on their own affairs.

For them, this scene is really normal. If these guys don't come one day, they won't be used to it.

Belonging to form a beautiful landscape.

They thought well, and today is another day to come to discuss cooperation as usual.

The endless stream of men and women outside the park are representatives of various forces, and they are also prestigious organizations in the world.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to enter the contestant village and come to chat with these Tianjiao contestants for cooperation.

But today is a little different from the past, I saw representatives of many forces surrounding a group of people like stars and the moon, chatting and chatting with them with smiles on their faces.

He wasn't in a hurry to find his favorite player at all, he was completely focused on chatting with this group of people, and he was the first to focus on them.

Others who are not very familiar with them can only cast envious eyes, not knowing how to find topics to integrate into this group.

It's unbelievable how this guy could appear here.

Could it be because of what happened in the past two days?

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