Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1006 The World's Police, Flesh And Blood

Looking over Samisha's petite shoulders, one can see a pure blue water ball floating behind her.

And the little head they saw timidly hid in the water polo, peeking at everyone timidly and curiously.

When Samisha gradually approached, many agency personnel and reporters were able to see the little guy behind her clearly, and they all exclaimed inconceivably.

This is a toddler figurine with only the upper body, and the lower body fades and becomes transparent from the abdomen, blending with the water polo, giving it a three-dimensional effect.

The small cheeks are fair and immature, and the face is delicate and cute. It is hard to tell whether it is a boy or a girl. The most peculiar thing is the pale gold vertical pupil in the shape of a trident between its eyebrows.

Its existence adds a bit of divinity to the cute appearance of the toddler villain.

Looking directly at the pale golden halberd pupils, you will have the illusion of facing the vast ocean in a trance.

Many reporters and organization personnel were dragged into it for a while, and it took a long time before they came back to their senses, and endless shock arose in their hearts.

They feel that there really seems to be a pure and flawless sea hidden in the villain's pale golden halberd pupils!

The blowing sea breeze and the cleansing waves are extremely real, as if patting in the depths of their souls, washing away all filth.

In just a few seconds, many people felt that their bodies and minds seemed to be washed from the inside out, and their bodies were extremely transparent.

And all of this was just caused by looking at the pale golden halberd pupils of the half-length villain.

What kind of strange ability is this, and what is it?

Everyone focused their eyes on the little mermaid one after another, and their hearts couldn't be more shocked.

This half-length villain must not be human!

Soon, many agency staff came to a conclusion.

They have never seen such a special creature. Although it looks like a human, judging from his third eye and water polo, the possibility of it being human is very slim.

In just two minutes, the personnel of the institution who have studied biology have judged the general habits of the little mermaid.

Being able to swim so nimbly in a water polo is most likely an aquatic creature.

A new species that has never appeared before!

Thinking of this, there was a little restlessness in the crowd, especially the staff of the organization, who were already extremely excited at this moment, staring at the little mermaid with unusually fiery eyes, trying to learn more about it.

Judging from the pale golden halberd pupils and the supernatural nature, it is another species that is suspected to be an ancient creature. How can the staff of the organization not be excited.

Unexpectedly, there was a surprise!

They wanted to take a closer look or even touch it, but because of Samisha's identity, they still held back their restlessness.

But the fiery eyes still stayed on the little mermaid.

With so many eager eyes on her, the little mermaid, who has always been timid in the face of strange things, immediately faltered, and hurriedly withdrew her sneak peeking head, hiding behind Samisha, not daring to show her head.

But even with Samisha helping to cover it up, the spiritual consciousness that followed still lingered on it.

"Interesting, new creature, maybe I can borrow it to take a look." Thompson, who was leaning on the car door, heard Deloken's secret voice transmission, staring at Samissa and the looming water polo behind her, with a smile on the corner of his mouth meaning.


Samisha circled around in the sky with a rather helpless expression.

Well, there are paparazzi and brown candies everywhere in the huge hotel park, and you can't even touch it quietly.

"What should I do? Do you really want to go down?" Samisha was very unwilling in her heart. She was really not good at dealing with such occasions, and going down would inevitably be another trouble.

Ammus and they were not there either.

Scanning around, Ammus and the others, who are better at dealing with brown sugar, are not here, which is a real headache.

Now I have a small tail, and Lu An doesn't know where to go, it's really annoying.

For a moment Samisha hesitated, not quite willing to go down.

If only he could become a soul like Lu An.

She was suddenly a little envious of Lu An's skills. Leaving aside the actual combat effects, the functionality is definitely first-class.

After thinking for a few seconds, Samisha finally made up her mind and flew straight to the hotel park.

I'm too lazy to care so much, just go in and it's over.

So, under everyone's gaze, Samisha pretended not to see, and wanted to swagger into the park.

ah this...

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't expect Samisha to be able to perform such an operation.

Treating them as nothing, is this really the etiquette that a princess of a country should have?

"Princess Samisha, please stay! We have something to discuss with Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Noticing that Samisha was really going to fly directly into the park, many agency personnel below couldn't help being impatient, and hurriedly shouted loudly, trying to stop her footsteps.

However, Samisha pretended not to hear them, ignored them, and continued to fly at a normal speed.

"Please wait a moment." Suddenly, just as Samisha was about to fly away, Thompson finally frowned, and then spoke loudly in pure Interlingua.

He changed his previous arrogant and cold attitude, and showed a gentle smile, like an old friend reunited after a long time: "Princess Samisha, it's an honor to meet you here."

"Remember me, the Kennedy family, Thompson Fitzkel Kennedy."

After Thompson finished speaking, he smiled confidently, waiting for Samisha's response with confidence.

It seems that she is very confident in her own words and identity, confident that Samisha will stop because of this.

But soon, his brimming smile froze on his face, and his brown eyes stared closely at Samisha who was fading away.

After confirming that she didn't intend to stay at all, a look of displeasure flashed in the depths of Thompson's eyes, and he couldn't help but flashed the scene of the last time they met, Samisha lifted the table in front of him in public.

His face was slightly gloomy, and from the corner of his eye he slightly squinted at the silent butler beside him.

As soon as the eyes made contact, the middle-aged man with a serious face understood what Thompson meant. He stared at Samisha's back with indifferent and emotionless eyes, and the eyes twisted slowly like a whirlpool, and a chaotic color that contained everything in the world climbed up the eyes …

At the same time, Samisha had already entered the park and was about to fly to the hotel where she lived. However, a sudden change occurred.

A vast coercion, like the power of the sky, descended on her space brazenly.

In her field of vision, the whole world became distorted and disordered like chaos, and the disordered and chaotic scenes disturbed her vision very much, which made Samisha a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this coercion only prevented her from moving forward, and did not make any radical moves.

"His Royal Highness Princess Samisha, please come back to show me your face. My young master has a lot to talk to you about."

The ethereal and rich voice drifted into my ears, asking her to go back and talk in pure international language.

This action made Samisha feel irritated and angry.

This White Eagle steward from the Kendini family dared to forcibly keep him, which was unexpected by Samisha.

In addition to being troubled, he also realized the strength of the Kendini family again.

Forcibly retaining players in the British territory is really insane, even saying they are bold is not enough to describe them.

If she tells the British military to come and deal with it now, an international conflict will definitely be unavoidable for the Kendini family.

Thinking of this, Samisha immediately prepared to break free and ask the British military stationed here to deal with it.

Butler White Eagle's secret method is concealment and high strength, but it is still very easy for her to break free.

When the British military comes over, even if Thompson categorically denies it, it will cause him some trouble.

"Go, go back and see what flowers they can come up with."

At this moment, a whisper that no one else could detect floated into her ear, causing Samisha to pause slightly.

"So you're still there? I thought you'd already run away."

Hearing Lu An's voice, Samisha immediately lifted her spirits, and glanced at the source of the sound with her peripheral vision.

It's like a ghost, if she didn't talk, she would never have noticed that there was Lu An next to her.

"I'm here all the time, but you can't see it."

In the state of a ghost that cannot be observed, Lu An is slowly floating beside Samisha, looking back at the middle-aged man in a very funny way.

People don't want to chat and force them to stay.

As expected of Bai Ying's upper-class family, they really come from the same line of conduct, and they are truly domineering and unparalleled.

It does fit the bill of the world's policeman.

Looking at the bewildered little mermaid again, Lu An smiled silently.

There are quite a lot of careful thoughts. While blocking Samissa, she also tried to scan the little mermaid.

It's a pity that you can scan out why?

"Are you really going? All right."

Samisha turned around with some reluctance. To be honest, she really had nothing to chat with this group of agency staff.

As soon as she turned around, the pressure covering her body disappeared without a trace. She disdained the behavior of the middle-aged housekeeper in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface, and returned outside the park calmly.

"Long time no see, Princess Samisha." Seeing her return the same way, Thompson showed a friendly smile again.

"Yeah." However, the only response to him was Samisha's indifferent word.

"Why are you the only ones? Lu An?"

As soon as Samisha landed, Gu Mengmeng looked left and right to confirm that Lu An was not here, and she couldn't help but look puzzled.

Strange, didn't Lu An go to the training hall with Samisha, why is she the only one coming back now.

"He saw that the situation was not good and left me and ran first." Even though she knew that Lu An was nearby, Samisha still talked nonsense according to his wishes.

"Let's run away first? Master Lu is too stupid." Zhao Yaoyao was shocked when he heard this, and opened the chat group to bombard Lu An at any time.

It's fine if you don't save them, but you actually let Samisha come over to attract firepower and slip away by yourself? !

It's so dishonest.

"Hi Princess Samisha, let me introduce myself. I am the general manager of Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group. I came to Baodi this time to discuss something with Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Before they finished speaking, Deloken approached with a smile on his face: "I don't know how you think about it? The group's supernova plan is full of sincerity, and I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible."

"If you participate in the Supernova Project, the Group will strengthen its resource allocation, vigorously cultivate the talents, and become the world's top powerhouse as soon as possible."

Droken is in a good mood now. He made a special trip to the Sunset Islands today and it was not in vain. He gained a lot of young players from other countries.

It's a pity that the group of Tianxuan people and Baixiong people haven't given an accurate answer until now, which makes him a little annoyed.

You must know that the talents harvested so far have all come from some small and weak countries, and other countries are either waiting or refusing.

There is no such powerful country as Baixiong Tianxuan.

Deloken is sure that if the group of talent in front of him is allowed to sign the contract, it will have a huge impact, and those national players who are on the sidelines will also come over and join the Supernova Project.

As long as this group of Tianjiao is taken down, with their leadership and influence, others will be in the bag sooner or later.

Droken thought to himself, thinking about various countermeasures, and wanted to take away this group of young people as soon as possible.

"Let us think about it for a few days."

Although she didn't intend to participate in this so-called supernova project at all, Shen Li still didn't explicitly refuse on the surface.

She knew very well that if she directly refused now, these White Eagles would definitely have to entangle them.

It's better to be vague and perfunctory, and if you still come to block the door in a few days, you can find Hu Haizhou and the others to deal with it.

"Understandable, but I hope you will give a reply within two days."

Droken knew that this matter should not be rushed, and pressing it would be counterproductive, so he simply left them a good impression of empathy, so as to facilitate future contacts.

"Princess Samisha, you must have heard of the Supernova Project. We sincerely invite you to join the project, and we have several cooperations. I would like to talk to you."

Deloken kept swinging his hands to match his words, and his demeanor was full of sincerity. He very much hoped that Samisha would join the Supernova Project.

"I'm not interested. You don't have to waste your time. If there's nothing else, I'll go back and rest first."

What surprised him was that before he finished speaking, Samisha interrupted impatiently, obviously not in a very good mood.

Droken naturally saw this too, smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

Although he is the general manager of Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group, he may have a very noble status in front of outsiders, but he is really incomparable to a princess like Samisha.

There is no sense of majesty with which to face subordinates or equivalents.

"Are you okay? Don't get in the way if you're okay. Is it annoying to be here?"

Rejecting Deloken decisively, Samisha turned her head to look at other agency personnel and reporters who were taking pictures indiscriminately, her words were not good.

As soon as these words came out, anyone with a normal mind could tell that she was not in a good mood, or even in a bad mood.

"Sasha, have you taken Master Lu's gunpowder?"

Witnessing this scene, Zhao Yaoyao gasped, it was a shock to heaven.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't expect Samisha to say such controversial words in front of the big guy.

She almost thought that Cranky Ann had possessed her body!

"Hahahaha, as expected of a Saudi princess, I appreciate her character!" Andre clapped his hands and laughed, the laughter was deafening.

Samisha watched their commotion and sighed to herself.

A bunch of idiots, I am doing this for your own good.

The middle-aged butler's act of forcibly retaining people just now has attracted Lu An's attention. He asked himself to come over to talk, obviously with bad intentions.

Tian Xuan has a good saying.

If the wolf turns its head back, it will either repay favor or revenge.

Based on what Samisha knew about Lu An, this guy asked her to come back for no reason.

Nine times out of ten, they are going to be fishers, and they will use them to find fault with them.

If these agency personnel make a mistake, they may become the lucky ones selected by Lu An.

That guy is fishing for law enforcement, I advise you not to know what is good or bad!

Samisha just hoped that they would be sensible now, or they might suffer flesh and blood.

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