Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1011 Killing The Giant Dragon In Sleep


As soon as the door of the house was closed, the little mermaid pretending to be dead immediately returned to the light, lifted up the corpse on the spot, rolled around in the water polo with lingering fear, and patted the little chest to relax.

Many humans thought they were going to die.

Recalling those unkind eyes towards her, the little mermaid shuddered suddenly.

But soon, it found the three snow balls playing games ecstatically in the living room, and the dog wagging its tail and pulling the cat climbing frame.

Immediately screamed excitedly, announcing his arrival loudly.

"Little fish! Er... Xiao Yu, come here quickly!"

The ferret held the tablet and pulled it vigorously. Hearing the cry and looking up, his small eyes immediately lit up. He was just about to run to meet him, but he realized that he still had a game to play.

I can only let the little mermaid come over by herself.

The innocent and innocent little mermaids also floated obediently, looking at the tablet in front of them with their heads tilted, not knowing why.

It always feels very powerful, but I can't understand it.


"You guys are spraying pesticides again, take a break."

Lu An casually threw the clothes on the coat rack, ran to the kitchen and took out a bottle of Fat Boy Happy Water, and leaned over to take a closer look.

I am super! Nong!

Xingyao has three rows in the middle and field, only adc and support are outsiders.


"Wild King Random Killing Bureau?"

Lu An was shocked when he saw the record. He stared at the three numbers in the upper right corner in disbelief. He checked again and again that he was right, and immediately took a breath.

Good guy, he never dared to think about such a record in his life, his own Xiaoxue just killed him indiscriminately?

Not right not right.

Looking at the little white fox and the little hedgehog, none of them had less than ten kills, and when they caught the opponent, they would kill randomly, and they would not push the tower.

For the five people on the opposite side, this is undoubtedly a torture that is worse than death.

"Awesome!" The little hedgehog raised his head triumphantly, and ran directly to the opposite highland to slaughter dogs and pigs.

"Fucking boss! Fucking awesome!"

"Boss, can we stop pretending to be weird and say something human... huh? huh?"

Suddenly, two male duck voices came out from the tablet, and it was only then that Lu An realized that the three little guys were using the team voice.

It's just that due to the difference in language, the two outsiders couldn't understand the Xuetuanzi's babble, and thought they were using some kind of Morse code to encrypt the call.

Trying to fit in with the gangsters.

"Why does the archer say that he splits rocks in the hole in winter?" the little hedgehog asked with a puzzled face, not understanding what magical scene the archer was describing.

"He made it up! Two grammatical mistakes, let's block him." The little white fox did as he said, and directly blocked the shooter with a light tap of his paw, continuing his journey of massacre.

It wasn't until the five people on the opposite side were overwhelmed and chose to surrender in shame, that this round was not successfully concluded.

The poor male duck voice shooter didn't know until his death that the three big bosses he was kneeling and licking were three little spirit beasts of different species.

This also corresponds to the sentence, you never know what your teammates in front of the screen are.

"It's so amazing, why don't I send you to play professionally? You've grown up too, and you should just contribute to the family's livelihood." Lu An rubbed his chin, with a strange gleam in his eyes.

I didn't realize that my three little ones are quite powerful, do you want to invite them to take me to the top?

I eat and drink for myself every day, so this little requirement should be fine.

Just thinking about it, Lu An immediately squeezed into them shamelessly, demanding to add him.

The three Snow Dumplings, who were full of enthusiasm, also readily agreed. Seeing the little mermaid was very greedy, Lu An also generously ran into the bedroom to rummage through the cabinets, and found the old tablet that the little ferrets eliminated and gave it to the little mermaid.

"I'll buy you a new one tomorrow, and I'll make do with it today."

The equipment is well-equipped, five rows are in place, and people are quickly matched to successfully join the game.

But soon, the smiles of the smug Xuetuanzi gradually disappeared, turning their heads to look at Lu An from time to time, hesitating to speak.

"Lu about you hang up the phone!" The little white fox hesitated again and again, still smiling and rubbing his head against the back of his hand.

"That's right! Lu An, hang up! It doesn't matter if there is one less person, we will kill as we please!" The little ferret and the little hedgehog echoed, their eyes begging.

I can't play it. Although the little mermaid is a first-time experience, she is very talented. If you say it twice, you won't give it away. You know how to follow Xiaoxue.

But Lu An is different, this guy is good at pretending, he repeatedly jumps on other people's faces to show off, and then shows himself to death.

He also ran over to get assists, and then sent them back after finishing, which completely increased the difficulty of the game.

If it wasn't for playing games face to face, the little white fox would definitely yell loudly: "I have eyes!"

With Lu An around they are four on six, this guy is the best sixth man!

It's better to hang up as soon as possible, they can win four against five.

"Mistake, mistake, I haven't played this hero before, I'm not very proficient!"

Lu An stubbornly refused to admit that he was good, and he was still as stubborn as a dead duck.

It's just that in the next few rounds, the strange eyes of the Xuetuanzi became more and more serious, and only the little mermaid remained innocent.

Lu An finally couldn't take it anymore and ran away. Before leaving, he left the tablet and asked them to help him hang up the score.

"Fu, do you think I have no talent in games?"

On the bed, Lu An clutched the quilt and doubted life.

[Host don’t worry, as the saying goes, no one is perfect, the host’s reality is already a reality, why bother to find a sense of existence in the virtual world? Just eat the food, it's fine. 】

The life mentor and assistant came out in time to enlighten Lu An, which made Lu An feel much better.

What he didn't know was that during his leisure time, Thompson, who was taken away, had been bailed out by a special person, and the matter was notified to Kendini's family far away in White Eagle.

For a while, the whole family was furious, and one plan after another was quickly passed on, so that the Hexagon Building received news of Thompson's attack in Britain.

The other celebrities of the White Eagle family were either gloating or watching with a cold eye, and they were all happy to see the Kendini family deflated.

But by coincidence, they all passed a series of plans against Lu An.

Being in a high position, it is not difficult to see that this young Tianxuan man will definitely be an obstacle to the White Eagle Empire in the future.

If possible, we must find a way to eradicate it as soon as possible together with other Tianxuan Tianjiao, suppress the fresh blood of the Eastern Dragon, and completely press it to death in a deep sleep.

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