Samisha was depressed, and her gloom was almost written on her face.

She also wanted to draw a good lottery, such as will and will.

Facing these two countries, she is now enough to open the seven gates of Lieyuan, and with Hezaben, it is not impossible to fight.

In her opinion, there is no small chance of winning.

If they win, with Lu An around, they might still be able to compete for the top four.

After the top five teams are selected in the team competition, the competition system will become a point system. The five teams will fight each other, and one point will be awarded for winning a game. Finally, they will be sorted according to the level of points.

This will determine the final ranking.

In the last White Eagle Empire, it won the number one championship in the world with a record of 4-0.

If Lu An enters the top five by himself, it is inevitable for Lu An to secure a point.

It's a pity that there is no if.

Samisha felt extremely sorry.

"Why do you look sullen and unhappy to meet White Eagle?" Seeing Samisha's pretty face froze, Lu An cheerfully ran to the kitchen to pour her a cup of black tea.

"Do you think I should be happy?"

Hearing what he said, Samisha couldn't help but roll her eyes, not knowing what to say about Lu An.

Having been heartless all day, a normal person wouldn't be happy to meet the White Eagle Empire in the lottery, right?

If you can still laugh, that's the problem!

"Hey, that's right." Pushing the black tea to Samisha, Lu An picked up the cup and took a sip and sighed: "Compared to other people, our lottery is really difficult in hell."

Tsk tsk tsk, the most terrifying White Eagle Empire has been drawn by Saudi Arabia, how much the British team wants to gain popularity.

Can't wait for the dark horse of Saudi Arabia to die, right?

There is no shady and black box operation here, Lu An does not believe it.

The last championship and runner-up were both met by Saudi Arabia, so what can they do.

The big boss was drawn by them, and the other teams are probably laughing now.

Lu An can imagine the smiling faces of coaches and players from other countries.

"Yeah, you don't know how strange the eyes of players from other countries looked at us when the match list came out."

Samisha hugged her teacup and leaned against the sofa depressed.

She just wants to be quiet now and doesn't want to talk.

"It's still the same lineup as last time, me, you, Hezaben and Farnie?"

"Hmm." Samisha slumped sideways on the sofa, making a muffled weak nasal sound.

Knowing that she was in a bad mood, Lu An smiled lightly and didn't say much. He picked up the resources and the projector on the coffee table, and fiddled a few times to start the projection.

The first to appear was Captain White Eagle, that is, the holy angel he saw at the opening ceremony was covered in holy light and had six holy wings on his back.

William Lane Arto Burth

The name seems long and convoluted to Lu An, but that's not the point.

The focus is on projecting the displayed screen.

This is the screen of the team competition. Baiying's opponent, Lu An, knows him. He is the unlucky boy from Yuanmeng.

Obviously their luck has not been very good. The Heart of the Ocean was disturbed by the cold country, and they met the white eagle in the game.

It's even worse than Saudi Arabia.

Facts have proved that this is also the case. When he first appeared on the stage, Yuan Meng's bald and strong captain was tense, and he and his three teammates stared nervously at the four of them.

On White Eagle's side, there were William Len, Jenny the Clown, and the ridiculously big Flame Queen whom Opie had seen at the opening ceremony.

With a white eagle youth who has no characteristics at all.

With just one glance, Lu An was sure that this guy was sent by the coach to paddle, to let him see the world.

With the referee's announcement, the game officially began.

Before the four of Yuan Meng could take any action, the holy angel William Lien took the lead in launching the attack.

Sacred and inviolable aura permeated the audience, lightly raised the left hand, the pure white holy light condensed and twined like flowing fireflies, and a pure white light ball slowly rose in the palm of the hand.

Then expand rapidly.

It was about the size of a 50-meter residential building, so exaggerated that the expressions of the four of Yuan Meng were stunned for a moment.

The sacred ball of light, like a scorching sun, quickly rose into the sky, and the light was extremely penetrating, illuminating a radius of 10,000 meters extremely brightly.

Soon, the battle was on the verge of breaking out. The four Yuanmeng double-teamed and wanted to attack first, but the change of the light ball on the dome directly interrupted their actions.

Looking around, the holy light in the sky condensed endless light rain, and then the light rain stretched into an arrow again, carrying endless whistling sounds from the sky.

The power of each light arrow is equal to that of a small bomb, and it also has an inexplicable suppressive force, which makes it impossible for Yuan Meng's player to fully develop his spiritual power.

There is no one in every strength, so he can only be beaten passively, unable to move an inch in the light and rain.

William Lien's face shrouded in holy light could not see sorrow or joy, and he quietly stopped after finishing everything, quietly watching everything that happened in the light rain.

At this moment, the clown in a suit finally made a move, couldn't suppress his crazy laughter, he waved his hands and summoned fifty illusory Rubik's cubes out of thin air, and shot them out in a volley.

The Rubik's Cube has the attribute of space, and instantly crosses the space and hits the four people, and then breaks down into countless small cubes, and bounces back and forth in the space where the four people in Yuanmeng are!

For a moment, all the densely packed Rubik's cubes were ricocheting like a hail of bullets, making the four of Yuan Meng miserable.

Even because of the back and forth attack of Guangyu and Cube, all four of them were injured.

Jenny was playing with the scalpel and laughing, looking at the four of Yuanmeng with a playful face, his eyes showed cruelty, as if he was thinking about where to cut the knife.

But at this moment, a gust of rose-red flame burst out from the ground, blooming huge petals in everyone's sight, like a blooming flaming rose instantly engulfing the four of them, and the raging fire rose bursts, bringing the match to an end.

Jenny, who was about to cut the knife, stopped suddenly with the scalpel, and yelled at the fiery woman with a frantic expression. Although Lu An couldn't understand the lip language, he probably understood the meaning.

It seems to be blaming the fiery woman for stealing his prey.

However, the fiery girl seemed to ignore this lunatic with mental problems, and stretched out her hand to spit out the unconscious four people from the flame rose, and took the initiative to show a beautiful smile to the sky, asking the referee to announce the result of the game, and then pull them out.

"Nalis Eva Loft?"

Lu An took out the information and glanced at her name, her eyes were a little speechless.

Nice name, but too long.

As soon as the projection screen changed, it was another person's personal show, but Lu An glanced at it roughly, and immediately reached out to turn off the projector.

"These are the four contestants who will be the White Eagles on Friday?" Lu An lost interest as soon as the novelty wore off, and turned to ask Samisha.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that this William Leen will definitely appear." Samisha reached out and grabbed the information to find out information about William Lean.

"According to reliable information, this guy bears the inheritance of the seraphim, and he has transformed from a human to a half-angel. It seems to have something to do with the Vatican..."

Samisha snatched the information and knew that Lu An would not read it carefully, so she simply read it to him.


Lu An felt that he had seen and heard of this thing somewhere, thought hard for a long time and suddenly slapped his thigh.

He remembered.

At the beginning, Louis, the leader of the Holy Spirit Sect, used three holy relics to forcibly fuse himself into the form of a seraph.

Then he beat him alive, and the three holy relics fell into the hands of him and Elder Ming respectively.

The sheepskin holy chapter is in his auxiliary space.

Tianyi and Skull are with Elder Ming.

"Now it seems that Louis is a real joke."

Stealing the holy relics through untold hardships, painstakingly planning, and forcibly merging them in an attempt to become a seraphim, it turned out that William Lien himself possessed the inheritance of an angel.

Opportunities don't compare at all.

"What? What do you think of again?"

Samisha looked at Lu An strangely, not knowing what he was sighing.

"It's nothing, you continue." Lu An motioned to Samisha to continue, and Lu An propped his chin in a daze, ignoring what she said.

About a few minutes later, Lu An, who was in a daze, was suddenly pushed awake, blinked his eyes and subconsciously said: "Yeah, well said, I see, thank you for your hard work."

"I've been talking for so long, but you're in a daze?"

Seeing Lu An talking nonsense, Samisha didn't know what he was doing, she clenched her fists violently, resisting the urge to beat him violently.

"No, no, I'm just thinking about where to break through."

Lu An categorically denied that he was definitely not in a daze just now, but was really thinking about where to break through the body of power.

If he didn't break through the eighth body, he would always feel itchy in his heart.

Hearing his words, Samisha quickly let go of her clenched hand, sat down again and asked concerned: "Are you going to break through?"

"Well, the eighth body is a bit difficult to hide. You need to find a place with high energy concentration, such as a submarine volcano."

"By the way, having said that, how is your progress?" Lu An turned to look at Samisha after speaking.

He remembered that Samisha was groping for the hole in her body, but he didn't know what it was like now.

"You said this, the location of the first body storage has been found, but unfortunately it may be because of the dual cultivation of spirit and martial arts, the breakthrough is a bit difficult, and it may take a while."

Samisha shrugged her shoulders indifferently. She is not in a hurry, as long as she takes her time, there will be a day when things will work out.

If you are too hasty, you will not be able to break through.

"Let's not talk about that, does your breakthrough require a huge amount of energy?" Turning the topic back to Lu An, Samisha's eyes flickered, thinking about how to do her part.


Lu An hugged the black tea and sighed. He wanted to break through the eighth body store as soon as possible, and the energy source was an essential thing.

As long as he gathers a huge amount of energy to transform Qi and blood, he has the confidence to break through the body of power in one go.

Anyway, he doesn't need to care about whether his body will be damaged by it.

"I need energy..." Samisha rubbed her chin for a moment, and under Lu An's gaze, she took out her mobile phone and didn't know who to send the message to.

"Okay, I told Ammus, I will help you collect a batch of resources with excess energy content as soon as possible, and help you find out if there are volcanoes or other places in the nearby sea."

Resolutely ordered to go on, Samisha did not tell Lu An that she not only told Ammus, but also informed the person in charge of Diss, asking them to apply for a batch of top-level resources from Curry, and send them to the Sunset Islands urgently.

With their current achievements, applying for a batch of resource rewards couldn't be easier.

As she expected, it was good, as long as the application was submitted, it should be approved in minutes, and it would be delivered tomorrow at the latest.

If you are quick, you can arrive today.

"Really? Thank you." Knowing that someone sent resources, Lu An was not hypocritical, and thanked and accepted with a playful smile.

They are all their own people, so there is no need to be as hypocritical as arguing with outsiders, he also finds it troublesome.

Since someone gave it to you, then go ahead and take advantage of the advantages.

"Thank you, needless to say, you successfully broke through, and we will be more confident in next week's game."

Samisha put away the information, and said casually: "But if you really want to thank you, you can change the problem of going to bed early and waking up late, and go to the training hall with me to practice martial arts more often."

She has long been displeased with Lu An's work and rest.

The time to go to bed at night is not fixed, and I get up at 1:00 noon the next day, and he can sleep without a pig.

If you want to ask him to go to the training hall, you have to knock on the door for more than ten minutes. If you are lucky, a dog will open the door. If you are not lucky, you will not be able to wake him up.

"It... depends on the situation." Lu An was embarrassed, and smiled vaguely and perfunctorily.

The biological clock can't be changed in a day or two, it would be embarrassing for him to change it right away.

Wuzhong scum!

Samisha rolled her eyes and was speechless. She felt that Lu An was a disgrace to warriors, and nothing could match him through hard work.

After sorting out the materials, Samisha was ready to go to the training hall for a new day of weaponry practice, and she pulled Lu An along with her before she left.


It wasn't until 5:00 in the afternoon that Samisha, who received the news, ended her practice and left the athletes' village with Lu An.

"Your Highness, the space cube stores the resources needed by Your Excellency Lu An. The specific functions are explained. Please keep them safe."

Next to Ammus, a bearded Saudi man in a formal suit smiled and handed the miniature cube to Lu An.

"Musabul, why are you here?"

This bearded man is none other than Aidar's follower and bodyguard that Lu An met when he was living in Saudi Arabia.

He is also Secretary-General of the Diss government.

"Hehehe, the matter is very important. I just happened to be free from work today, so I personally escorted this batch of supplies."

"I am relieved to see that Her Royal Highness is still looking good. Please send my regards to Prince Adar."

After Musabelle finished speaking, he smiled and nodded towards Lu An.

"Mr. Lu An, next Friday's match is up to you. Don't worry about other trivial matters. The whole of Saudi Arabia will fully support you."

"Do not worry."

Understanding Musabelle's implication, Lu An naturally responded sonorously and forcefully, giving Musabelle and others a strong heart.

He is now enough to deal with the White Eagle team, not to mention the body of breakthrough power.

Taking care of the white eagle is simply a breeze.

However, Saudi Arabia obviously planned to ignore White Eagle's clamor and stood in line with Tian Xuan.

"With your words, I am relieved. By the way, please accept this business card. If you need it, such as being disturbed by threats of violence, you can call the number above, and we will quickly send special personnel to deal with it. "

Musable did not forget one of the purposes of his coming, and took out a black business card of unknown material and handed it to Lu An.

There is nothing on it, just a simple nine-digit number, very unpretentious.

However, Musable winked at the side to hint, and Lu An somewhat understood the meaning of this string of phone numbers.

This is because he was afraid that something might happen to him, so he sent a shaker phone in advance.

The reputation of the Kendini family is so stinky, Tian Xuanshat is so worried about it.

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