The illusory thoughts drifted and dissipated in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Lu An's consciousness was extremely clear at this moment.

Continuously absorbing the magma sea and various energy substances for several days and nights, the energy accumulated in his body has already reached its peak, and some kind of wonderful reaction has occurred.

Lu An can't perceive the outside world now, nor can he look inside his body.

His current situation is very strange.

Losing the sense of time, losing the six senses of the body, the whole consciousness is like an incarnation of nothingness, between existence and non-existence.

It was this wonderful state that caused unprecedented and earth-shaking mysterious changes in the world before him.

The scene presented in front of his eyes was already a vast and unpredictable mysterious starry sky.

The stars are shining brightly, and thousands of stars embellish nothingness, making it shine.

Lu An knew what it was, it was neither a real starry sky nor an illusion.

Consciousness infinitely looks forward to thousands of stars, and the field of vision continues to zoom out. Finally, a vast and endless human-shaped star universe appears in front of you.

This vast star universe is his body!

The internal organs and 720 acupoints of the human body are all transformed into bright stars, and every drop of blood and every cell is interwoven into hundreds of millions of stars hanging in the universe.

In the end, this vast and bright starry sky is embellished.

Each cell corresponds to a star, forming the universe of the physical body, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

Lu An didn't know why this change happened, but he knew that this change would not do him any harm.

Even, it may be your own opportunity.

Wuxiu's nine body treasures turned into nine world stars and appeared in front of his eyes, which he could see clearly.

Among them, seven body hidden stars have been opened up, vaguely like other stars, and have an obvious sense of independent entity from the physical universe.

Only the Body of Power and the Ninth Body of Power, looming in the universe, appear somewhat illusory, almost indistinguishable from each other.

At the same time, Lu An also had a vague sense of strangeness, coming from this world of flesh and blood, but he couldn't tell where it came from.

Can't find it either.

Very eccentric.

"Xiaofu, are you there?" Not knowing the current situation, Lu An tried to call for Xiaofu.

[The master is here, what is the host thinking if he doesn't rush to break through. 】

Fortunately, the assistant did not disappear without a trace as he thought, and responded in a timely manner, which made Lu An feel a little more relaxed.

"what's going on."

[As the host sees, in the universe where the body evolved, the host absorbs too much energy and has good aptitude, which leads to this phenomenon appearing in advance. 】

[The inner scene of the physical universe should be able to evolve and open at the supernatural level, but the host is awesome, and the inner scene vision was evolved in advance. 】

As the martial code runs, the red lines full of murderous intent and the galaxy formed by the stars run through the limbs and bones, forming the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body.

The endless blood flows along these dense meridians, frantically pouring into the body hidden star in the heart.

This big star is invisible and colorless, slightly illusory, releasing a surging tide of power, and its heavy breath seems to crush the starry sky.

With the infusion of qi and blood, its form also became extremely unstable, gradually transforming from the shape of chaos and nothingness to entity.

The endless power that was silent inside was stirred up, showing signs of waking up from slumber!

Due to its changes, the surrounding starry sky was shaking and shattering, and the dense large cracks were constantly tearing and reorganizing, with a faint tendency to spread outward.

The bursts of angina also faithfully fed back to Lu An.

Seen from the outside, Lu An, which was surrounded by magma and various kinds of rich energy, also appeared abnormal.

The skin at the heart was cracked, and the blood evaporated instantly as soon as it overflowed, and then healed in an instant.

As time went by, the signs of cracking had spread all over the body, and the bones seemed to be under some kind of great pressure, trembling and rattling.

The energy saturated and flushed out, coupled with the influence of the body of power, made his body reach the limit of overload, and he was on the verge of collapse.

A normal person would probably think about his own life and forcibly interrupt the breakthrough to avoid hidden injuries.

But Lu An won't. Seeing that the physical world is about to collapse, he not only continues to break through, but also intensifies his efforts. Thousands of qi and blood evolve into torrents and tides wash away the body of power from all directions, looking like he wants to fight it to the death. .

It is impossible to give up, he and Rizhitizo must die today!

The body is cracked, the five internal organs are broken, and the meridians are damaged. He has unlimited blood.

As long as he doesn't die in seconds, it's pediatrics for him.

No matter what you say today, you must break through the body of strength!

Ignoring the trembling and shaking of the universe, Lu An focused on the world where the body of power evolved.

He had to pry a hole open for the strange power contained in his coveted body of power!

The chaotic invisible power star is deeply surrounded in the universe, surrounded by Chu Ge, roaring blood from the front, back, left, and right, desperately trying to pull it out of nothingness and turn the false into real.

Even if it is as hard as it, it can't support such a large and lasting torrent of energy and blood.

The chaotic and illusory dim star was gradually revealed by the qi and blood, and a trace of invisible power that did not belong to any color began to bloom.


With a loud noise, the illusory chaotic star finally turned into reality, and was forcibly dragged out by the infinite energy and blood, and it bloomed dazzling brilliance with the other seven hidden stars!

At this moment, the body of power is completely open to Lu An, and the endless power factor contained in it is released in a blowout, turning into invisible and colorless chaotic particles, swaying into the endless universe!

A strange and spectacular scene appeared.

Once the frenziedly vibrating and trembling physical universe is fused with the power particles, it is instantly stabilized and fixed, filled with the breath of vast and vast power.

In an instant, the whole universe fell silent.

Quietly enjoy the vast back-feeding of the body of strength.

The same is true for Lu An, he doesn't have time to watch the universe change now.

Endless power flows in the body, in the limbs, in every inch of flesh, every bone, every tiny cell.

At this moment, Lu An finally understood the gold content of the body of power.

It is worthy of the life-and-death line of Wu Xiu Ti Tibet.

It is indeed extremely difficult to break through, but the feedback given after breaking through is also beyond imagination.

The strange power unearthed from this human body treasure has amplified him to a terrifying level.

Lu An could clearly feel the slight tremors and ripples in the space around him.

Maybe as long as I use my strength, I can crush the void.

Legend has it that the martial arts master smashed the void and saw the gods are not bad.

I should be worthy of the name.

It is extremely difficult for other monks with supernatural powers to break through the increasingly solid space wall of Blue Star, except for some supernatural powers and space element skills.

In the past, he, Lu, could only make waves and ripples, so one can imagine how hard the current space wall is.

Now it can be done easily with pure strength alone, presumably no one else in this realm can do it except him.

"As powerful as a giant god, invincible in all armies... It is indeed worthy of the name, without any exaggeration."

Lu An opened his eyes, wanting to observe one or two more changes in the physical universe.

However, a suction force quickly pulled his consciousness away, and the physical world also slowly distorted and disappeared.

In a trance, he seemed to have a feeling, and glanced at the stars that evolved from the ninth body.

Until the last glance, he saw in a trance that the stars derived from the Ninth Tizang seemed to be somewhat misplaced and doubled.

Just as he was about to fix his eyes and look again, his sight turned into a stream of light, completely saying goodbye to the physical world.

When he regained consciousness, he had already returned to his physical body.

After several days and nights of absorption, the magma sea below has already dried up, and the surrounding lava walls have also undergone some kind of crystallization.

Much prettier than before he dived into the lava sea.

All kinds of crystal crystals spread all over the field of vision, like an underground cave full of crystals, the scenery is quite beautiful.

"The eighth realm of body storage, a successful breakthrough."

Lu An clenched his fists, only feeling some strange power flowing in his body.

That is the purest power, surging and vast, as if it can move mountains and seas.

Now, he might be able to kill a frail supernatural power monk with one punch.

No matter before, during or after.

If there is no defense and no body protection spirit treasure, if he resists his attack, he will only be crushed by the power.

One punch.

This destructive power, if he had broken through earlier, maybe the Divine Martial Lieyang at that time would not only be as simple as breaking through the Jade Scorpio's defense.

At least he could dig a hole in his back.

"Extraordinary power, who dares to kill me now!"

With such a huge force on his shoulders, Lu An felt extremely proud, and couldn't wait to find someone to try his tricks.

He can feel that this power is not only pure power, it can enhance his body in all aspects.

As long as it is a move to volatilize power, it can increase the effect.

For example, his martial arts true meaning, martial arts and fierce sun.

Using it in the past and using it now are definitely two different scenes.

[In the ancient times, Wuxiu called the body of strength the power of a giant god. Whether there is a body of breakthrough power or not, the difference in strength itself can be described as a world of difference. 】

[The host's physical body is extremely deep, so after discovering the body of power, the increase in its own power can reach this terrifying situation. 】

[Generally speaking, whether the body of power is strong or not depends on the accumulation of daily foundation. 】

"The power of the giant god? The giant spirit god?"

This name reminds Lu An of the giant spirit god in Tianxuan mythology, who is equally powerful.

However, in the ancient times, there was definitely no such concept as a giant spirit god.

Otherwise, it might be called Giant Spirit Divine Power.


With five fingers clenched into a fist, dense small dark cracks were torn out around the fist, and it soon returned to its original state.

Lu An is a little addicted to the tingling sensation caused by space cracks.

Crack the space crack again, reach into the center of the crack and stir.

Then he was accidentally cut by an overflowing space turbulence.

"In terms of sharpness, it depends on the spatial turbulence."

Lu An was not at all surprised that he was cut by the space turbulence.

The last time he transformed into an abyss-suppressor to roam the void, a majestic king-level martial artist, didn't he also cut numbness to the turbulent flow of space.

Where is he now?

"Spatial cracks are still a thing of the future, and the instability is too strong."

Lu An is not a shrine or those monks who are proficient in space. The space cracks he shakes are very wild and chaotic, full of instability and randomness.

Randomly messing around around, maybe at any time there will be a space that is enough to threaten the king-level powerhouse.

Come to yourself suddenly.

Then it will be fun to watch.

A simple shattered void cannot be compared with a proficient space.

"The resources here are less than one-tenth, return them to Samisha when you go back."

Lu An looked at the Space Cube and decided to return it when he got back.

I only used it a little bit, and Saudi really thinks highly of him.

Taking so many valuable things for him to break through free of charge, this kind of favor is deserved.

You must know that his deal with that old man is limited to ancient martial arts books.

These things don't count.

"Xiaosuke, I've been in seclusion for a few days."

[Strictly speaking, four and a half days. Today is Thursday, and tomorrow happens to be the host's match. The current time is 6:48 in the morning. 】

[The host's breakthrough is considered fast, but it's a pity that this assistant didn't earn any energy. 】

"You just put it away all day long and think about your b-source energy."

Hearing the word Yuanneng, Lu An was not used to the little assistant, so he opened his mouth to curse.

Conveniently collect some coral crystals on the inner wall of the nearby volcano.

Although this thing is useless, it is better than good-looking, and it is also a good decoration at home.

I remember that before leaving, Zhao Yaoyao asked him to bring some souvenirs back home, isn't that just right.

And it seems that because of the different condensed energies, the crystallization itself will release different light fragrances.

After picking up almost a ton of coral crystals, Lu An just gave up and used the Yin-turning command to take off and rush out of the crater.

Because of the crystallization inside the giant volcano, the stability increased linearly, but there were no accidents such as collapse.

Successfully avoided the negative impact of changing the underwater environment due to him.

Turn on the radar to scan the four directions to mark the surrounding spiritual materials, and then walk silently on the bottom of the sea.

It's hard to go out to sea, anyway, idle is idle, why don't you take all the spiritual materials along the way...

Seven hours later, Lu An, who had rushed all the way from the primitive sea, finally saw the Sunset Islands at the end of his vision.

The whole person suddenly relaxed, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Finally came back, who knows what he has experienced along the way.

It can only be said that it is indeed an uninhabited sea with primitive ecology, and it is indeed dangerous.

There are not many creatures that threaten him, but they are not too few.

Among them, at least seven red dots, he chose to take a detour to avoid alarming those mysterious bosses and triggering meaningless battles.

Otherwise, by the time he returns to the Sunset Islands, the sky may already be dark and it will be evening.

"Two o'clock in the afternoon, okay."

Lu An is quite satisfied with his speed, it's only past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's not too late to come back.

Just in time to surprise them.

All the way back to the athletes' village without making a sound, Lu An resolutely got into the hotel and manifested himself at the door of his house.


"I'm back!"

Gouzi, who was watching TV in the living room, perked up his ears. Without even thinking about it, the dog immediately jumped up and ran towards the entrance, flicking his tongue.

The front paws kept pulling on Lu An, screaming with excitement.

"Silly dog, you'll pull my trouser legs as soon as you come back, miss me?"

Lu An carefully controlled the strength to pick up the dog and rubbed the dog's head violently.

Opening up the body of power, his current strength can't be regarded as freely retractable, and he has to wait to get used to it.

However, it is still possible to control the general strength.

Don't rub the dog to death with too much force.

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