In the live broadcast room, the screen was filled with bullet screens, and countless Tianxuan viewers sent bullet screens to express their shock and excitement.

The White Eagle Empire's players today have imperceptibly shown that the upcoming match must be extremely exciting!

How can they not be excited.

Needless to say, William Lien and Jenny are the strongest white eagles, and their actions are full of holiness and divinity. They control the space and play with their opponents, with unpredictable methods.

The appearance of the two has basically announced the defeat of the opponent.

Not to mention the Forbidden Witch and Abyssal Mouth.

That Luina, who was dressed as a magician, was a terrifying guy who directly summoned a giant meteorite and an erupting volcano in front of everyone.

The huge mouth of the abyss, Bangto, is even more outrageous. It can swallow any attack from others without hurting itself. It can be called an unsolvable devouring shield.

This kind of terrorist lineup does not want to give Saudi Arabia a chance at all.

"Time is respected and space is king. It is said that Lu An's physique is related to time."

Tang Canyang opened his mouth immediately, looking at the passageway where no one had walked out: "Except for the fierce and exciting competition today, we may still see the powerful collision of time and space, and see which of the two is stronger and weaker."

Two rare and special powers competing on the same stage today in the eyes of everyone, must be beyond everyone's imagination.

"Welcome the four peerless geniuses of the White Eagle Empire! Next, let us give warm applause and cheers, and invite another protagonist of the game, Saudi Arabia, to come on stage!"

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the host Bai Yu evoked a strange smile and loudly announced that the Saudi side will be on stage soon!

Hearing this news, in the corner where no one was paying attention, the representatives of their own forces all looked up.

On a certain platform, Constantine, who was wearing a priest's uniform, smiled and nodded to the audience tourists next to him, and then turned his gaze to several other directions.

What came into the pale golden eyes were several bald monks from different forces, and a young man with flying blond hair and a gloomy face.

After looking at them a few more times, Constantine looked away and looked at the player channel where there was faint movement.

Not long after, a solitary figure of Xiao Se walked out of the contestant passage unhurriedly, shocking countless audiences into silence.

Constantine couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Obviously, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.


Ignoring the momentary silence of the arena and countless gazes, Lu An put his hands in his pockets and stepped out slowly with a blank expression on his face.

The Xuanlin black robe painted in black and gold swayed and swayed with the breeze, and the black and gold Lin patterns were looming, showing the prehistoric beast power from ancient times.

He just walked into the arena without haste, and looked at William Leen and the other four, turning a blind eye to the furious eyes of Bonto staring at him.

"Just you? Where are the others!"

Bangto's obese body trembled slightly with anger, and a sense of humiliation that he had never felt before came to his heart.

"One person is enough."

Just four words, the voice was not loud, but it immediately detonated the atmosphere of the audience.

Even all over the world, countless audiences sitting at home or in front of big screens in squares have caused an uproar because of these four words.

One person is enough! What Saudi means is that he wants to participate in the team competition alone!

At this moment, countless viewers around the world seem to see that there is a big hand, naked, on the face of the White Eagle Empire!

In an instant, countless Spiritual White Eagles from all over the world burst into nameless anger, opened their mouths to curse loudly, and scolded Saudi Arabia for being audacious.

This was the case in the outside world, not to mention the arena. A large number of White Eagle fans rioted and cursed. The scene was very chaotic for a while, and fell into an uncontrollable situation.

Bingbing in the broadcast booth was also hesitant to speak, not knowing what to say now to ease the atmosphere.

Not to mention Ye Di and Tang Canyang in the TV station, they have just recovered and are trying their best to adjust the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

"Very good, very good, my uncle will let you see your own brains and chewed broken bones, you just wait to regret it!"

Bangto's small eyes squeezed into a line due to fat were full of haze, and his words were full of murderous intent.

Although William Len and Luina didn't say anything, they were somewhat displeased.

It was the first time that they were looked down upon so much.

"Can we start?"

No matter how the audience and Bangto abused and uttered harsh words, Lu An remained indifferent, treating them as nothing.

Such a performance made many people feel solemn.

Lu An's performance is completely different from the last time he appeared on the stage, I'm afraid the comer was not kind.

The referee nodded slightly, confirmed that Lu An was the only one on the Saudi side, and decisively used secret techniques to drag them into a different space.

When the figure stood still, Lu An and the five had already entered the battle space.

The endless battle platform, just like last time, is absolutely fair and just.

A ten-second countdown appeared in the sky, and the four of them were ready.

"Anatomy and anatomy! Jenny depends on time! Study time!"

The abnormal twisting and surging of the space around the clown in the suit, combined with his crazy laugh, really made those who heard it shudder.

"I am not a time physique."

The countdown ended in one second, and Lu An suddenly opened his mouth to explain briefly to himself, but he didn't know if the clown in a suit could hear it.

In an instant, the four White Eagles rioted together and took the lead in attacking. The four pressures soared into the sky, and they were about to crush Lu An and end the battle quickly.

"The gluttonous mouth of the bottomless abyss!"

"Hey hey, try Jenny's triple dislocation space!"

"Destroying the city and falling into the sky..."

William Lien didn't speak, and the sacred six wings suddenly took him into the sky. With a wingspan of 100 meters, countless Bai Yu fell, manifesting thousands of scorching big balls of light, densely packed like raindrops covering the sky.

Every ball of light is enough to hurt the monks in the early and mid-term of Shenzang, just looking at it makes people shudder.

What's even more frightening is that behind the sky of the sphere of light, dense clouds roll up and down, forming a vast vortex of clouds, and a flaming meteorite with an area of ​​four football fields is slowly squeezed out of the vortex, covering the sky and the sun. The size is appalling.

To be hit by it is definitely a situation of ten deaths and no life!

I saw that Luina had already opened the magic book, and a huge orange-red hexagram appeared at Lu An's feet, locking him tightly.

At the same time, the black and smelly giant cavity covered the hexagram, and it also unfolded under Lu An's feet. The extremely terrifying suction even materialized the airflow, swallowing all substances into the pitch-black abyss.

Dimly, countless viewers could see that the space where Lu An was located was extremely distorted and chaotic, and only Lu An's figure could remain stable.

The holy seraph gently stretched out his right hand, pressing down on the void.

In an instant, giant meteorites of light spheres all over the sky burst out, submerging Lu An with a radius of one kilometer.

The light wave soared into the sky, and the shock wave enough to crush the human body swept in all directions, blowing Luina's clothes wildly, so she could only cover the magic hat with her hands to ensure that it would not be blown away.

"Hahahaha—try the Rubik's Cube!"

The offensive succeeded, the clown Jenny waved his hands, summoned a hundred water tank-sized space Rubik's Cubes again, and threw them into the white light with a wild laugh.

The smile is extremely crazy, the corners of the mouth almost reach the ears, and the eyes like pinholes are full of bloodthirsty light.

Anyone who is familiar with Jenny the Clown knows that he is out of control.

"Hey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Bangto sneered heavily, and mocked Juyun with a relaxed face: "It's not a time physique, so how can you resist Jenny's genius ability to control space?"

"If you don't have time and physique, then space will be the king!"

His sarcastic words passed through the battle space without any accident, passed into the arena, and passed into the ears of every audience around the world.

Although the words are not good, but few people refute him.

That's right, if the thing that controls space does not have the same power to fight against it, then it is the absolute master who dominates the world.

Although unconvinced, it is the case.

You have a talent for space, you are a master, and you are born to be superior.

This is reality.

"Only know the nonsense that time is respected and space is king?"

In an instant, countless audience members who were still immersed in Bangto's words were suddenly awakened by a loud noise, fixed their eyes on it, and immediately gasped.

I saw that huge flaming meteorite was blown away by a small figure, and it was torn apart in the sky, shattered into countless tiny gravels and fell down.

In the stone rain, stood a god-man dressed in black and white with crazy hair. His whole body fluctuated and rippled, and the space appeared extremely chaotic and disorderly.

It seems that even the ubiquitous space walls are afraid of this supreme existence.

"Space is king is good, but this sentence is not over yet."

"Time is respected, space is king, fate does not come out, and cause and effect are king."

The irrepressible surging power turned into rolling sound waves, tearing up the space and conveying it everywhere.

"Destruction is immeasurable, good fortune is unparalleled, five elements dominate, yin and yang evolve, power is supreme, and samsara is ethereal."

The surging sound waves penetrated the barriers of space barriers, penetrated directly into the ears of countless audiences, and engraved them deep in their minds.

"Ten Supreme Laws, although I don't know where this sentence came from, but I think there is one thing that is right."

The vast and mighty power overflows the body, and anyone can perceive the invisible surging power.

It was a sea of ​​power like an abyss and a bottomless sea.

Even a Xuanling cultivator would have difficulty breathing if he looked directly at it, as if a boundless mountain was suppressed in his heart, and he couldn't even lift his fingers.

"That is, power is supreme! All great power arises from it and evolves from it!"

"I don't have special abilities like time, but I have the purest power."

"Space is king? For you, my power is supreme, enough to break through all magic!"


As soon as the words fell, the vast force of distorting space was released with Lu An's palm, turning into a storm of power and sweeping across the sky and sweeping the dragon!

Wherever the invisible storm passes, everything is crushed, and the space is shattered like glass and turned into dust, tearing the densely packed tiny space cracks!

This is the purest power!

Under the supreme power, the space is shattered!


The speed of the power storm was too fast, tearing apart the space, crossing the space, and being so close in an instant, Bangto could only hold back his rebuttals and curses, and opened his mouth as dark as an abyss to aim at the power storm!

The upper and lower jaws are extremely wide open, enough to swallow a water tank, and it is unknown how his fleshy skin can withstand such a degree of tearing.

What power is supreme? Just bluffing! Uncle Bangtuo wouldn't be afraid of a mere Tianxuan monkey!

Watch me swallow your so-called Supreme Power...

Bonto's eyes were full of sarcasm, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

However, it was also his last thought.

He forcibly absorbed the power storm, thinking that he could digest and devour it, but soon, a touch of endless horror climbed onto his cheeks.


The invisible force storm that came tearing apart the space crushed Bangto's abyss devouring elemental skill with such force that he couldn't even react, and all the defenses on his body were completely destroyed, directly piercing through his fat body.

The body exploded, and before the fat and blood splashed out, they were crushed by the aftermath of the force together with the soul consciousness, and died on the spot!

The only thing left in the world is a puddle of monster blood flowers blooming on the ground...

Due to the requirement of fairness and justice in the competition, the contestants are not allowed to use equipment and means beyond the specification.

For example, the spiritual weapon armor that can prevent the attack of the monks of the temple, the king-level beast claw summoned by Andre a few days ago, and the ink Qilin of Lu An.

These means and props that exceed the standard are all contraband and must not be taken on the field.

Therefore, it is ridiculous, ignorant and ignorant for Bangto to want to guard against Lu An's already qualitatively changed power.

In the end, it can only be ruthlessly annihilated by the power storm.

Kill one person with one palm! The sudden player's death didn't even have time for the referee to take measures. They could only watch Bangto's obese body disappear from the world.

Everything was silent, even Samisha who was watching the game in the waiting room couldn't help being stunned.

White Eagle's abyssal mouth, just died like this?

"Lu Mou has always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances."

Lu An didn't care about the reaction of the outside world, the red gold tiger eyes were full of majesty and an indifferent brilliance beyond human nature.

The body broke through the layers of space brutally, and appeared next to the clown Jenny.

Countless space Rubik's Cubes bounced back and forth around him, but they couldn't even break through the outermost power aura.

Once the jumping space enters it, even a tenth of a second cannot survive, and it will be annihilated by the ubiquitous pure power.

Jenny the Clown has very strong space power and can be called a space master.

But no matter how powerful it is, it is not as hard as the space wall.

And Lu An can even break the space wall now, these so-called space blasting cuts are naturally irrelevant to him.

Dense spatial explosions blasted continuously around Lu An's body, but they couldn't stop his footsteps at all.

"The only lesson history teaches is that man has never learned anything from history."

"Space is king? Nothing before the supreme power."

Lu An's deep and thick voice is like the final judgment sent down by God.

Clenching five fingers, the space around Jenny the Clown suddenly shattered like glass, together with his body, was twisted into pieces by Lu An.

Even the referee's secret method of pulling can't save Jenny the Clown from the broken and chaotic space!

Lu An's powerful power to disrupt the space and break the void with every move has completely shocked everyone!

"The grievances are over, now we can continue to fight."

Jenny the Clown died, dead as funny as his brother Bunto the Pig, who did nothing but was destroyed by the vast power like an ant.

Not even scum left.

Even Lu An didn't bother to look at him any longer. He, who had already turned into the demon king of hell, was tilting his head and sweeping towards William Len, who was staring at him not far away, and Luina, who was showing fear.

"Don't be afraid, you and Lu have no grievances or enmities. Lu has never implicated the innocent, and just wants to discuss with the two of you."

"If the competition does not suspend the game."

Lu An smiled kindly at Luina, without the slightest awareness that he had just killed her teammate.

Although Lu An's aura circulated around him was majestic and sacred, but in the eyes of the outside world, he was already synonymous with demons, completely opposite to William Lien.

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