"Of course, after all, I'm performing a one-vs-four performance. You should be able to do it if you get through the body of power."

The corners of Lu An's mouth were slightly hooked, and he reached out to pat Samisha's head with a big grin.

His words are well-founded. Although Samisha has become a monk halfway, she has a solid foundation and a solid foundation.

The foundation is really good, from which we can see how much resources Saudi Arabia has poured into her.

If you get through the body of power, feeding back Weili may not be as outrageous as him, but it shouldn't be much worse.

"Where did you learn to touch your head like this?"

The slight heat from the top of her head made Samisha a little uncomfortable, she decisively let go of her hands holding Lu An, and pulled the claws off her head without saying a word.

She almost forgot how long it had been since her head had been touched.

Apart from the teacher's family, Lu An was the first one who dared to put her paw on her head.

The touch temperature is somewhat uncomfortable.

"My, my, sorry~" Lu An waved his hand in apology.

There's no way, it's like this because of the habit of rubbing your head, and Gu Xiaorou often suffers from Lu's cruel hands.

Seeing the short girl, I couldn't help but want to slap my head.

It was an old problem, and Lu An felt that he might not be able to get rid of this bad habit.

"Wait a minute, what does that look mean?"

Samisha looked directly at Lu An's eyes with her blue and flawless clear eyes, and frowned feeling that the matter was not simple.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul, and she read a different meaning from Lu An's eyes.

As if targeting her height.

"What look?" Lu An quickly restrained his inner emotions, and asked innocently with an "unknown reason" face.

He has no idea what Samissa is talking about!

"It's nothing, I read it wrong." Seeing Lu An's innocent expression that didn't look like a fake, Samisha immediately shook her head in denial.

It should be that she cared too much about her height and misunderstood Lu An.

"Okay, okay, don't squeeze here, let's go back to the lounge first."

Ammus smiled and looked at Lu An who was hugged and celebrated by Dulfab, and clapped his hands to interrupt the happy atmosphere.

What does it look like to be stuck in the passage to celebrate, and when you go back, make a good arrangement and hold a party for Lu An to celebrate the success!


After Ammus said that, it was impossible for the others to object. They gathered Lu An in the center and chatted about the previous game.

It's a pity that Aidar is still lying in the medical center, otherwise there would definitely be a lot of him now.

"William Lean's final blow, Lu An, how did you escape?"

Heza was very curious, the white light gushing out from the gate of heaven was too terrifying.

Like a devastating blow from the universe, he once thought that Lu An would be held back for a long time, but he didn't expect William Lien to be the first to be eliminated.

What happened during the time when the screen was covered by white light.

"Hiding? I didn't hide." Lu An was taken aback when he heard that, and then smiled and said, "I forced myself to kill him with a white light."

"Don't tell me, that guy's light from heaven is really strong, it almost melted me."

Heza originally thought that he had avoided William Lien's ultimate move, but that was not the case.

He was also injured a lot when the white light fell.

The white light contains some kind of strange and strange energy, which seems to be able to disintegrate all matter.

In just a few seconds of his contact with it, the flesh and blood on his skin showed signs of being decomposed and melted, and the blood-red tendons all over his body were exposed to white light and air.

However, this kind of large-scale melting injury only took a second, and then he recovered as before.

Then it is the integration of Vermilion Bird's strength and boxing skills, and the Vermilion Bird spreads its wings to break through the white light and beat William Lien.

Hezaben and the others also know what happened afterwards, so there is no need for Lu An to say more.

"That's right. I said why there are so many fist marks on William Len all of a sudden."

Farnie's awakened like a dream, it can be regarded as unraveling the confusion in her heart.

I was still confused about how William Lien was eliminated.

The turn of events was so sudden that she felt a little unreal.

At the same time, the packed arena is still full of voices.

In today's game, Saudi Arabia was extremely upset, and it was still such a one-sided battle.

There are already many people who are red-eyed, thinking about which rooftop to dance tonight is better.

Apart from these gambling dogs, there are still many fans of the White Eagle Empire covering their mouths and crying bitterly, unable to believe that what happened before them is real.

They couldn't believe that the White Eagle Empire, which had the appearance of a champion, would fall in the battle for the top five.

Fell into the endless darkness before dawn.

Some fans wept bitterly, and even fainted on their seats without even taking a breath.

The flags and banners were tilted from side to side, and the scene was once very chaotic.

Saudi Arabia took one against four, and what was even more outrageous was that it was easier to beat White Eagle than Lorah.

Many people think that Luo La is bigger than White Eagle.

Just when everything was sad, host Bai Yu got the news and began to manipulate the projection.

Within a minute, the replay of the battle situation was presented on the large projection, attracting the attention of countless viewers.

After seeing a Vermilion Bird bursting out of the light and soaring upwards to defeat William Lien, the atmosphere of grief at the scene became more and more intense.

This is undoubtedly a stab in their hearts.

However, the reporters in the broadcast booth and many outside editors were excited, like a mad dog smelling fish, took out a notebook and wrote down all the inspirations.

If nothing else, there will soon be a lot of hot and controversial news appearing on major news channels.

"Upset! Lu An, the representative of Saudi Arabia, defeated the White Eagle Empire by 1v5! The fans at the scene cried bitterly and fell into a coma! "

Behind the defeat of "White Eagle", the editor will take you to find out and explore the secrets. "

"Experts take you to analyze the power of Shattered Void. "

They have all thought about the title, and sending it out is definitely a traffic password.

The heat flow is just full!

"Woohoo! Master Lu is amazing!"

Before the group returned to the Saudi lounge, they were stopped by Tianxuan people who were outside to say hi, and Zhao Yaoyao ran to Lu An's side with both arms yelling.

"Quick, quick, show the little girl the entire crack in space~"

Calmly giving Xiang Yuan a look, Lu An immediately found a claw grabbing him, insisting on yelling to show the space crack.

"Sister, your family's erha has escaped, don't you care?"

"I can't manage it."

Shen Li smiled and stared at Lu An who was being entangled, not intending to help him out at all, and stood by the side watching the play indifferently.

"What's so good about space cracks, have you never seen it or something?"

Disgusted and slapped Fan Tianlan's hand away, the noisy and devilish sounds of chattering came one after another, and Lu An felt that his head was getting bigger.

"Haven't you seen the space crack up close, hurry up, let this beauty study how you crushed the void!"

A group of people were forcibly dragged into the Tianxuan Lounge, and Lu An was surrounded by crowds like a new breed of monkey, watching inhumanely.

The animals headed by Zhao Yaoyao squatted on his left side, excitedly watching the movements of his fingers.

Look carefully, every time Lu An bends the five fingers of his left hand, there will be glass cracks around it, distorting the dislocation space.

"I'm afraid I will never be able to understand this power for the rest of my life."

Fan Tianlan stretched his neck to peek, licked his lips and smacked his tongue in amazement, feeling his mouth dry for a while.

It's too hanging, the space can be broken by strength alone, his small body should not be able to support a punch, right?

Thinking of the picture of Lu An smashing the clown in suit and the fat pig into pieces with one punch, Fan Tianlan still calmly gave up the idea of ​​trying his own method.

Try this thing and die, or forget it.

Zhao Yaoyao, who was at the front, was even more aggressive. She took out a small wooden branch she stole from nowhere and stuck it into the crack to fiddle with it vigorously. Seeing the smooth fracture of the wooden branch, she became even more playful.

"Do you think the space rift looks like a trash can? Guess if the twig in my hand was shredded by annihilation or wandering in the void?"

"I don't know if you are annihilated or not. I only know that if you litter the trash, they will appear on your bed at night."

Watching Zhao Yaoyao keep stuffing things into the tiny cracks, Lu An was speechless.

Play or you can play, space cracks as a shredder, it can only be said that it is not a human being, and lacks great virtue.

"Hey~ how is it possible! Even if it is true, I will collect them when the time comes, and find a chance to secretly throw them at your house!"

"Extremely poor quality!" Lu An loudly reprimanded Zhao Yaoyao for her low-quality behavior, then turned her head and ignored her.

"By the way, Lao Lu, if you kill those two guys, Bai Ying will have another excuse to deal with you."

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me, how did you solve it at that time?"

Xiang Yuan played a one-on-three, and after he reminded Lu An, he remembered that the two sides had a brief negotiation before, and directly asked Samisha who was fighting with Gu Mengmeng.

"I'm so angry, the White Eagle coaches shouted insults when I first met, demanding that you be disqualified from the competition and have a trial to make amends."

The play was interrupted, and Samisha explained to Lu An with a displeased face: "But Ammus's attitude is very tough, and they have no choice but to make such a bad move. Clicked."

"I guess it won't be long before they impose sanctions."


After roughly understanding what happened, Lu An nodded and put the matter behind him.

Sanctions will be sanctioned, can you kill him or something?

"Speaking of which, you guys will fight at seven o'clock in the evening. It's still early, why don't we go back first?"

"I'll go back and get ready. Let's have a celebration banquet together when you win the battle?"

Lu An looked at the time, 14:05.

There are still a few hours, and it is not a problem to sit in the lounge, why not go back together to help him fight, order high-end ingredients and the like.

"That's good! I remember Fan Tianlan, you guys still have a few bottles of Canglan Fengling Brew in your possession, and you can't celebrate it when you win the game at night?" When it comes to eating Xiangyuan, you won't be sleepy. The idea hit Fan Tianlan.

"You know that you miss my little treasure." Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Fan Tianlan glanced at Xiang Yuan resentfully, and nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, if I win the competition, it's okay for me to take out two bottles. Two bottles is already the limit! I stole it and drank it myself! My father will beat me to death if he knows!"

Noticing the eyes of everyone looking at the cheapskate, Fan Tianlan hastily opened his mouth to defend himself, causing a roar of laughter.

After staying in the waiting room for half an hour as usual, the group left the arena in a mighty manner, preparing to take the bus back to the athletes' village.

Because of Lu An's killing on the field today, coaches such as Ammus and Durfab worried that he would be retaliated by demented fans and cause chaos.

He deliberately stepped forward and left from the main entrance to attract firepower for the children and act as a shield.

Others only need to take advantage of the time when they are surrounded for interviews and slip away in a bus.

In fact, it went as smoothly as they planned. As soon as Ammus and other coaches left the arena, they were surrounded by reporters from various countries who had been waiting for a long time, asking him to talk about Lu An's murderous behavior in today's game.

A series of controversial questions directly overwhelmed them, as well as all kinds of cursing and roaring in the crowd, Rao Ammus could not help showing embarrassment.

With several years of team leadership experience, it was also the first time he encountered such a crazy scene, and it was the right choice to come out to attract firepower.

For Lu An to appear here, maybe it will cause even more crazy chaos.

They thought that Lu An and his party had left smoothly, but they didn't know that on the other side, several forces that had long been irresistible had already blocked the only way to the deputy island of the contestants' village.

The bus carrying a group of people drove slowly out of Sunset Town, and was about to leave the main island of Sunset through the sea-crossing bridge, when several vast, majestic and tyrannical auras suddenly descended, covering the entire bus.

The atmosphere of talking and laughing suddenly condensed, and everyone got up quickly and looked out through the car window.

There were only a few figures, already standing high in the sky in a triangular shape, staring at them meaningfully.

On the left is an old monk and a young monk, and on the right are three barefoot old lamas who look sloppy.

The one in the middle is none other than the blond white eagle man Lu An had seen before.

Wicks Roll Kennedy!

The vast coercion like an abyss like the sea penetrated the bus and the space, and fell directly on the people, making them breathless, and seemed to force them to kneel down.

But what was loaded in the bus was not a bag of wine and food, but the top talents from the two countries, how could it be possible to surrender because of mere coercion.


Tianming's face was gloomy and full of murderous intent, the black coffin suddenly fell down, tearing the bottom of the car and piercing the ground.

The ghostly ghostly aura instantly permeated to form a heavy domain full of ghostly aura, repelling all the coercion.

"You guys stay inside, I'll go out with Coach Sun."

Hu Haizhou gave Coach Yang a look, even if he was going to go out to delay the time.

As smart as he is, how could he fail to guess that these guys came for Lu An, and they came from bad people!

If he allowed them to make things difficult for these junior children, where would his face be? Where is Tian Xuan's face?

"I'll call the master!" Knowing that they wanted to deal with Lu An, Gu Mengmeng gritted her silver teeth and took out the Hengtianzi Jade, sending a burst of spiritual power into it instantly.

"There's no need to bother Elder Ming. Of course I'll handle my own affairs. What's wrong with bothering others."

Just when Hu Haizhou was about to step out of the car door, a steady force pressed the shoulders of him and Coach Sun, and then Lu An strode past them.

"Thank you, Coach Hu, Coach Sun, but they are here for me. You should drive back first. I may be a little late."

"Nonsense! Do you know who they are? If you go out like this, there will be accidents if you don't make sure!"

Hu Haizhou opened his eyes wide and angrily reprimanded Lu An for his irrational behavior.

Two kings and four senior shrines are here to make trouble, what can you do if you go out and act like a kid.

"Lu An, you go back first! These few are not good stubble, even if you can beat the supernatural powers violently, you are as weak as an ant in front of them!"

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