Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1032 Holy Purification Ceremony

After walking around the artificial lake for half an hour, after the sleepiness completely dissipated, Lu An then Shi Shiran called the eagle demon in the chat group.

The outside world has changed a lot in the past two days, many of which are related to him.

But Lu An didn't have the time to deal with it, he was very busy.

No, after lying on the rattan rocking chair in the park for about ten minutes, a black shadow came from the sky, swooped down like an arrow, and stood firmly on his shoulder.

Turning his head and combing his feathers, the three blood-red eagle eyes of the eagle demon scanned the surroundings, and the sharp eyes were extremely aggressive.

"Go, buy some supplies for you and we'll set off!"

The eagle demon is going on a business trip today, so Lu An will naturally not treat it badly, and prepare everything that should be bought and prepared.

I hope that it will not have a difficult life when it first arrives in the White Eagle Empire.

Therefore, Lu An took the Eagle Demon to do a lot of shopping in the player village, and prepared all the needs for it. After confirming that there were no omissions, he slowly went to the sunset main island.

He has seen all the international flights today, and the earliest flight to the White Eagle Empire is always at 9:00.

The destination is Delorida, one of the hundred states of the White Eagle Empire, which is far away from New York City, where the headquarters of Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group is located.

In other words, after the Eagle Demon arrived in Delorida, he still needed another flight.

Although it is troublesome, you should be able to reach New York City at night, and start planning in secret.

"Let me tell you, when you get to the place, you have to learn the White Eagle language first, otherwise it will be difficult to start your work."

Lu An ignored the strange sights and hatred cast from around him, swaggeringly led the Harpy into the range of the international airport, and whispered trivial matters in his mouth.

The eagle demon also tactfully looked for an opportunity to agree, with a look of reluctance.

"Oh, I can't bear to part with you, but your going here is related to the future, so you have to go."

Lu An caressed the eagle demon's smooth feathers with a full face, feeling very reluctant in his heart.

What a wonderful tool eagle, I will say goodbye to him today, and I will go on a business trip thousands of miles away.

In the future, some troublesome things can't be handled for him, and he needs to do it himself.

"Also, remember what I told you, a little test, don't make trouble..."

"No! It doesn't matter if it's revealed, anyway, if something happens, it's Bai Ying's accident, and it has nothing to do with Tianxuan." Lu An secretly whispered through the air barrier, as if he was planning some ulterior secret.

"Understood the master, as long as the materials are complete, the little eagle will try to communicate with the whole low-level ceremony!"

"At that time, the master can watch the live broadcast of the little eagle through the chat group!" The eagle demon instantly understood, and also lowered his head and got together with Lu An, letting out bursts of deep and strange smiles.

"I'm looking forward to your performance!" Lu An calmly swept around and patted the Harpy as a sign of encouragement.

In fact, what they discussed was not a big deal or a secret.

It is simply to imitate the Holy Spirit religion and try to communicate with the world of demons.

For example, opening a short-term temporary channel or something.

But Lu An knew it well, the reason why he dared to do this was because the Eagle Demon said that the communication ritual could adjust the control.

For example, the altar of flesh and blood arranged by the Holy Spirit Church in Sufeng City.

That altar is to open the passage between the two worlds, and finally summon a female demon of the palace level.

Now the eagle demon who has obtained the memory of the demon can also do it, even better than the Holy Spirit Sect.

It arranges flesh and blood altars, can adjust the power of communication and specific details.

For example, if you open a channel between the two worlds that can only be passed through at the Xuanling level or the supernatural level, and only support one monster to pass through, the channel collapses after the successful landing, and cannot accommodate the second monster to pass through.

It is even possible to make some fine-tuning, transforming the altar of flesh and blood to suppress descending demons.

There are many other methods that the eagle demon can do, but it needs to study in depth if it wants to achieve the above goals.

As long as it is operated properly, the memory in the eagle demon's mind can do a lot!

The effect is infinitely wonderful.

As for whether the Eagle Demon would deceive himself, Lu An never thought about this question.

With the contract of a small assistant, the Eagle Demon would definitely not dare to have second thoughts.

"In the past, remember to find someone to hypnotize, and then plant a clone. When you go out, use the clone to show up. The main body should be hidden in the dark as much as possible. Always remember that the bird's life comes first!"

The time quietly came to 8:50, and there was less than ten minutes left before the departure of the international flight, and the international passenger plane bound for Delorida was already in place on the huge parking lot.

It can be seen that there are many ant-like staff doing the final security check.

"Master, that little eagle is going ahead!"

Solemnly agreeing to Lu An's last instruction, the eagle demon's chest and abdomen rose and fell slightly, and turned to the international plane outside the glass with a face of death.

Let's go and say goodbye, I don't know when to return, there are two endings waiting for it.

Either return home with honor, or die abroad!

Hope it, the future black eagle demon king, can return to its master again in the future!

"Go! Take care!" Lu An patted its body, remembering the last touch.

Wuxue gave a few large barrels, and the supplies were extremely rich, and the rest was up to Tool Eagle himself.

Under his gaze, the eagle demon's body suddenly exploded into a shadow of falling black feathers, and slowly disappeared into the air.

I can only vaguely see an undetectable dark line gliding rapidly on the ground, quickly sneaking into everyone's shadow, catapulting back and forth between them, going straight to the boarding gate without anyone noticing, and quietly hiding in a white eagle The shadow of the old lady.

No one noticed the whole process, its speed was too weird and fleeting, even if someone noticed it from the corner of their eyes, they would think it was their own illusion.

Witnessing the whole process of the Hawk demon rubbing against the plane, Lu An can be regarded as knowing how this guy came to the Sunset Islands.

It's too outrageous, hiding in the shadows, who can find this thing.

Even the wave detectors at the boarding gate couldn't detect it.

Watching the white eagle old lady enter the plane through the boarding gate, Lu An sighed deeply, feeling a little lost for a while.

As soon as he thought that the sycophant, Tool Eagle, had left him and didn't know when he would come back, Lu An couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

I've always had such a sycophant by my side, and it's a bit uncomfortable to suddenly disappear.

"The only dog ​​leg is gone, I, Lu, am alone again now." Shaking his head to dispel the sense of loss, Lu An laughed at himself, turned around and walked towards the airport exit with his hands behind his back.

From now on, he has returned to the state of doing everything by himself.

"It's time for the next song, Liran Chu sings everywhere ~ with sadness..."

Suddenly there was singing and vibration in his pocket, Lu An took out his phone without even thinking about it, and without looking at the caller ID, he just said, "Hello?"

"Mr. Lu An good morning, may God bless you safe and happy."

A friendly voice like a spring breeze came from the other end of the phone, which stopped Lu An's not-so-beautiful mood.

"Priest Constantine?" He tentatively greeted him quite unexpectedly, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

This voice, this miraculous accent, who else could it be if it wasn't Constantine.

How did this Tianxing priest know my mobile phone number?

Constantine actually had his phone number, which surprised Lu An very much.

He doesn't remember exchanging contact information yesterday.

"It's me, Mr. Lu An, please forgive me for interrupting me so early."

"Before, I was waiting outside the hotel park. Later, I learned that you, Mr. Lu An, had something to go out, so I went to Mr. Gu Zhenshan to ask for this mobile phone number."

"If there is any offense, please forgive Mr. Lu An."

"Oh, it's okay, it's just a pure accident."

Constantine is so polite, how could Lu An be angry with him, he responded with a smile, and said: "Priest Constantine, you came to me so early, but your Holy See has made a decision?"

"Well, yes, Mr. Lu An, it's not convenient to talk on the phone, why don't we find a place to talk in detail, there is a nice coffee shop near me, if you don't mind, I can wait here for Mr. Lu An to come back after finishing his work .”

In the commercial street on the east side of Sunset Town, Constantine's white priest robes embroidered with golden crosses caught people's attention.

In addition, he has been transferring to various medical centers during this period, so that many tourists know this kind priest from the Vatican, and they greet him one after another, and some want to come forward to take a photo with him.

For the kindness and kindness released by them, Constantine also responded with a warm smile, which instantly healed many people's bodies and minds.

He didn't refuse those tourists who wanted to take a group photo, but just silently pointed at the phone, signaling to wait for him to finish chatting.

"Of course, it just so happens that my work is over, Konstantin, please send me a location, and I will go find you now."

"But to be honest, I thought you wouldn't come to see me until noon, but I didn't expect it to be so early."

"The holy chapter is of great importance to the Holy See, so I can't be careless."

Constantine smiled wryly when he heard the words, the significance of the holy chapter to the Holy See is extraordinary, if it wasn't for a thief in the house, it would have been impossible to steal it anyway.

Now that the long-stolen holy chapter finally surfaced, how could they not be in a hurry.

After discussing the location, Constantine sent the location to Lu An, and then reluctantly went to take a photo with these fanatical believers in front of him.

Ten minutes later, Lu An appeared from the corner of the street and saw the coffee shop named Princess Lotina at a glance.

The decoration is in a wooden style, and the environment is elegant and quiet. It is indeed a good place for chatting.

"Hello, Mr. Lu An, the priest is already waiting for you inside, please follow me."

As soon as Lu An approached the coffee shop, a waitress who had been waiting at the door for a long time stepped forward, bowed slightly and invited Lu An to follow her.

Looking around, there were indeed many people stopping and whispering nearby.

The general meaning is nothing more than that it has something to do with him and Constantine.

"Tsk tsk, the number of believers is like a group of leeks, crop after crop."

With a slight sigh in his heart, Lu An followed the waitress into the coffee shop.

The soft seat in the corner, Constantine has been waiting here for a long time, and there are two steaming cups of coffee on the table.

Although Lu An doesn't know the name of the coffee, but judging from the shape and the wafting fragrance and aura, it should be quite expensive.

"Good morning Priest Constantine."

"you too."

After the waitress brought Lu An there, she held back her inner curiosity and forcibly left, hiding at the front desk and whispering with other waiters, discussing the relationship between Lu An and Constantine, and what they were going to talk about.

"Mr. Lu An's habit should not like me to beat around the bush, so I'll cut straight to the point."


Lu An likes this kind of person, who speaks directly, unlike some idiots who talk for a long time without getting to the point, a pure waste of time.

"After parting from Mr. Lu An yesterday, I reported to the Holy See non-stop. At first, there were two voices in the Holy See."

"One is to agree to Lu An's request, and the other is to head the Heresy Tribunal and advocate a strong withdrawal."

"There were some ups and downs in the process, but after a night of discussions, the Pope personally made a decision and agreed to Mr. Lu An's request."

Constantine is worthy of being an honest priest, and he didn't mean to hide or embellish at all, and directly informed Lu An of the Holy See's deliberation process.

Lu An was not surprised at all by the fact that there were different opinions in the Holy See, let alone angry.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. A huge force will naturally have different factions and different voices. This is true and normal.

Even superpowers such as the White Eagle Empire and Tianxuan have them.

It is a good thing to have different opinions, otherwise there is only one voice, which is basically the same as a pool of stagnant water.

Of course, different opinions are different opinions, and they can be debated and refuted, but there can only be one voice that can make the case. Five 816○.com

Otherwise, it is not conducive to the development of power.

"However, although the Pope agreed, there is also a request from the Inquisition Tribunal, which was unanimously approved by the entire Holy See." Constantine changed his voice and paused at this point.

"But it doesn't matter." Lu An smiled slightly and motioned him to continue, as long as it wasn't too much, he could still consider it.

"The Holy See will hold the Holy Purification Ceremony in the near future. In the past, the host was Archbishop Louis. Only he is most familiar with this ceremony recorded in the holy chapter."

"However, Mr. Lu An, you also know that Archbishop Louis betrayed the Holy See for his own desire to steal three holy relics including the holy medal, so this sacred ceremony has been put on hold twice."

"Seeing that it is about to usher in the third holding day, the Holy See hopes that you will lend me a temporary reading of the sanctification ceremony recorded in the holy chapter, so that the holy ceremony can be held smoothly."

Constantine's eyes showed a look of pleading. This was not only the request of the Inquisition, but also the request of the entire Holy See, including him.

The Holy Grand Ceremony has been put on hold twice, and this time I finally got the news about the Holy Chapter, so I can't delay it any longer.

In the past two times, they have been fooled by various reasons. If there is another problem this time, it will have an extremely negative impact on the Holy See.

You must know that in the past when the Holy See held the Holy Purification Ceremony, there were countless pairs of eyes from the outside world.

During the period when the holy chapter was stolen, the Holy See has almost become a laughing stock of the outside world.

"That's it? I didn't think it was a problem, of course it's okay." Lu An couldn't help being happy when he heard this, and decisively took out the parchment and threw it to Constantine, who was so scared that he quickly took it with both hands firmly.

It's just a matter of remembering a ceremony and going back to hold a grand ceremony. He doesn't have to embarrass others even with this request.

Lu An has always been respected by others, and he respected others.

Constantine gave him face like this, if he deliberately made things difficult, it would be unreasonable.

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