Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1039 Playing With Fire And Self-Immolation

A tube of scarlet liquid was slowly pushed into the skinless monster's body from the injection, and its body began to convulse violently in an instant, its veins wriggled abnormally, and stinky pus flowed out.

Visible to the naked eye, when the scarlet liquid is completely injected into Yaoxie's body, its exposed fatty tendon immediately climbs up with countless small blood threads, each of which is intertwined like a spider's web, looking very disgusting.

Rao, the researchers who were conducting experiments and observations outside, frowned involuntarily when they saw this scene, and did not hide their inner disgust.

In the glass room, the mutation continued. Perhaps because of the scarlet liquid, the body of the skinless demon began to swell slowly, and the flesh became swollen as if it had been soaked in water for many days.

Some of the veins couldn't bear it any longer, they tore the tendons violently and burst, and the pus-yellow liquid trickled down, and the whole experimental bed was soaked by it in a short time.

What's even more frightening is that these torn wounds actually extruded tumors of different sizes, densely blocking the wounds, and pus-yellow liquid overflowed from their gaps, which made people feel nauseous and had to eat overnight. Spit it out.

The eagle demon also covered the bird's beak with its wings, and let out a slight snort with disgust on its face.

To be honest, it is not unheard of to see a scene more terrifying than this.

But it's the first time I've seen it so disgusting!

"Damn it, I won't be able to eat steak tonight." The eagle monster opened its beak, feeling nauseated.

He still wanted to have a western meal in the evening, but now he is fine and can't eat it.

I am afraid that when I see steak, I will think of this imbecile in front of me.

With more and more torn wounds, the extruded tumors are all over the skinless monster's body.

The largest tumor occupies the left chest cavity and may burst at any time, sputtering unknown viruses.

At this moment, the skinless demon can no longer see its original appearance, it is completely a tumor aggregate, swollen like a balloon.

Finally, two minutes later, the skinless monster couldn't restrain the virus from spreading all over its body anymore, and shook violently, the whole monster suddenly exploded, countless pus-yellow liquid and stinky blood splashed from its body, covering the entire glass room.

The isolation glass was stained with pus-yellow liquid and blood everywhere, and it was no longer possible to see clearly what was inside the glass room.

"The z-3 project is progressing smoothly. The pathogen retains the characteristics of rapid reproduction and enhances lethality and infectivity. It is preliminarily judged that the symptoms of the infected person are malignant tumors, and the cause of death is tumor ulceration and explosion."

"It is not yet known whether there are other symptom responses, and various individual experimental observations are needed."

A blond white eagle woman in a white coat quietly witnessed what happened, and then lowered her head to silently record the results of the experiment.

"Oh Jenny, how's your experiment going?"

At this time, a white eagle man with coffee came by, walked slowly to the side of the woman, took a deep breath intoxicated, then smiled and looked at the note in her hand.

"It's going well, and I believe it won't be long before it can be put into use." After recording everything, the White Eagle girl brushed her wavy hair, leaned her face over and kissed affectionately.

The two flirted as if no one was around, but they didn't know that the eagle demon had already seen everything in his eyes, and connected to the video chat with Lu An.

Looking around, this laboratory is very large, perhaps it can be said to be a research base.

From the eagle demon's point of view, this laboratory is divided into ten blocks, and each block is carrying out its own experiments.

There are many other things like skinless demons in the laboratory.

And removing the evil spirits, there are still many anesthetized beasts in the corner on the left.

In the glass room on the far right, the person lying in it is not a demon, but a burly man in a black and white prison uniform.

His right arm is not a human hand, but a claw covered with pitch-black scales, and wisps of pitch-black energy flow endlessly in the gaps between the scales.

The bronze skin was full of toughness from top to bottom, and a big bald head added a bit of ferocity.

In the entire laboratory, ulterior secret experiments are being carried out everywhere.

Exquisite experimental equipment, untouchable petri dishes and experimental bodies, normal people know where this is.

Lu An, who was far away in the Sunset Islands Arena, had already frowned, quietly observing everything in the laboratory through the eagle demon, and listening to the information inadvertently revealed by the researchers in the chat.

Let's do biological experiments here.

"Master, this is the little eagle's accidental discovery." The eagle demon communicated with Lu An silently in his heart, telling the ins and outs of the matter.

It looked at the information provided by the mine boss yesterday, and happened to find that there is a research institute under the Tenshen Pharmaceutical Group in this town near New York City.

I just wanted to come and see it today.

At first it evaded various detection devices and sneaked in without finding anything unusual.

But soon, it noticed that a researcher's whereabouts were abnormal, sneaked into the researcher's shadow, and tracked all the way to this underground research base.

"Master, the security inspection system here is really strict. If it weren't for Kitty Hawk's supernatural powers, I'm afraid he would have been detected!"

The eagle demon mentioned this emphatic reminder, indicating that it was not easy to come in, and hinted that it would be credited with credit.

"Master, you have also seen that Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group is a high-tech biotechnology medical company on the surface, but it is actually conducting these ulterior biochemical experiments in secret!"

Ying Yao's pupils flashed with blood, and he added: "Master, before you connected to the video, Kitty Eagle overheard their chat and got a piece of useful information."

"Little Eagle learned an important message from their few words. The experiment here is officially approved by White Eagle!"

"And it's still a cooperative relationship. The pathogen that the woman just mentioned is put into use, and it is submitted to the White Eagle official to make a biological weapon!"

"In addition, the master saw the second glass room on the left and the petri dish next to it. There is influenza virus in it, the kind that even low-level monks can infect."

"They are now looking at the possibility of using birds to spread influenza."

The eagle demon's three blood eyes swept towards the second glass room on the left, where there were lush green plants and many birds inhabited it.

"Good guy, this is too capable." Lu An laughed when he heard this, very happy.

Using evil spirits to study viruses is quite fun. What do you want to do when you are preparing to make biochemical weapons?

With White Eagle's official permission, the politicians and military commanders in the Hexagon Building are indeed so dirty that they can't be any more dirty.

"Master, what do you think Kitty should do? Expose it?"

The eagle demon tentatively asked, if the scene here is made public, one can imagine what kind of turmoil it will cause, and the White Eagle Empire has designated it to be the object of countless people's spurning.

Secretly engaged in biological virus research and put it into use, one can imagine where they will use it.

I heard that there is a plague in Khan Fuguo recently. Could it be the secret trick of the White Eagle Empire?

"There is no need to be in such a hurry." Lu An smiled lightly, but the smile seemed a little cold: "Little Eagle, have you ever heard of playing with fire and setting yourself on fire?"

"Playing with fire and setting yourself on fire?" The eagle demon was stunned for a moment, and then smiled sinisterly: "Master, the little eagle knows what to do."

"Then I'll leave it to you. I still have games to watch, so hang up first. Remember to find the right target."

Lu An nodded in satisfaction, that's what Tool Eagle is good at, he can figure out what's on his mind, so he doesn't need to explain more, just a few hints and a few words will immediately understand.

"Master, go slowly!"

After hanging up the video chat, the flattering smile on Ying Yao's face immediately subsided, and the three blood pupils swept around, letting out a strange low smile.

"Evil perpetrators will eventually reap their own consequences." Lu An rubbed his chin without feeling any guilt for his decision.

After all, he didn't ask Tianshen Pharmaceutical to study these things, and since it has nothing to do with him, why would he feel guilty?

He was just going to let the Eagle Demon destroy that research base and return it to its original owner, that's all.

As for whether the tool eagle will figure out other meanings, it is beyond his concern.

As a human being, if you do such immoral things, you must be prepared to be backlashed by a double-edged sword.

"What have you been mumbling about?"

Samisha has been observing Lu An for a long time, this guy grinned and muttered to himself for a while, like a psychopath.

She was worried that because she had been practicing martial arts in the sea for the past few days, her brain was squeezed by the heavy water pressure.

"It's nothing, I'm chatting with the tool eagle." Lu An coughed twice and returned to normal, and waved his hand to ease the embarrassment.

"Eagle King? Speaking of which, where has it been for the past few days? I haven't seen it yet."

Samisha was taken aback when she heard the words, but soon asked about the whereabouts of the Eagle Demon with a puzzled expression.

Speaking of the eagle demon, she hasn't seen her for many days, it's like disappearing.

"Stay at home, where can it go like that."

Lu An rolled his eyes, the whereabouts of the eagle demon cannot be said, at least not now.

The eagle demon went to the white eagle to destroy it, but it was a secret among the secrets, and God knew that he knew that the eagle demon knew it.

Absolutely no third party can know.

"Isn't the cave destroyed, and a new one was dug?" Samisha muttered twice and didn't pay attention. She saw Lu An took out her mobile phone and prepared to connect again from the corner of her eyes. She couldn't help but rolled her eyes and sighed: "I really envy you are still in the mood what."

"Ah? Can't I play?" Lu An blinked, expressing that he didn't understand what Samisha meant.

"You know about the sanctions issued by the White Eagle Empire. It's because of you." Samisha rolled her eyes helplessly. She could see that Lu An didn't have the slightest sense of crisis at all.

"You mean this." Lu An nodded as if waking up from a dream, and lowered his head again nonchalantly: "Sanctions are sanctions, why don't you kill me?"

"My friend, you are wrong. The sanctions of various countries headed by the White Eagle Empire are far more serious than you imagined."

Adar, who had been watching the battle by the little white fox, moved his ears slightly, then raised his head and smiled, "I don't know if they can kill you, anyway, I know there are many people outside who want to kill you now."

"How to say?" Lu An had a vague guess in his heart, but he was still not quite sure.

"White Eagle Empire's sanctions affect all aspects. All walks of life in Tianxuan may be affected to varying degrees because of you. Do you think they hate you?"

Samisha took over the words and explained, which made Lu An suddenly realize.

It's about the same as he guessed.

But even so, Lu An still didn't care too much.

"The Church of the Holy Spirit has revived, and White Eagle is almost devastated. Just wait and see. If they continue to engage in economic resource sanctions, it will be their own fault."

Lu An's words meant something, but unfortunately, although the two of them could hear a little bit, they couldn't understand why he was so confident.

Lu An himself is like a bright mirror in his heart. He believes that the eagle monster has already started to act. The evil results developed by Tianshen Pharmaceutical and White Eagle officials will soon turn into disasters and befall them.

When the time comes, post the video to Youtube, it will be a lot of fun.

It is also necessary to remind outsiders to strengthen their precautions so as not to harm the fish in the pond.

Lu An believes that what the Eagle Demon has seen and heard today and the Holy Spirit Cult will be like a sharp knife piercing into the heart of the Hexagonal Building.

If they can still take into account the sanctions at that time, then they will be really awesome.

Excitedly eating chicken in a row, the time came to eight o'clock without knowing it. Under Samisha's push and push, Lu An reluctantly raised his head.

This game is Tianxuan vs. Sakura, which is also full of highlights.

But when Lu An looked at the lineup, he immediately concluded that the victory had already been decided.

The players on Tian Xuan's side are: Tian Ming, Qing Lianyou, Shen Li, and Gu Mengmeng.

Sakura is Abe Myoshin, Rukawa Fuko, Tengen Shigeno, and some unknown male player.

Eight people have already entered the battle space, and the game is about to start.

When the countdown was over, the eight of them moved their hands together, and Tian Ming released dark energy all over his body, faintly resonating with the mysterious coffin behind him.

The earth was rendered ominously gray and black by their power in an instant, spreading madly outwards, spreading to hundreds of meters in just a few seconds, and even spreading at a terrifying speed.

Dark and elegant ancient buildings rumbled out of the ground with the dim light, and for a while there seemed to be an illusion of coming to the underworld.

At the same time, a beautiful and gorgeous ice laurel came quietly with the phantom of the ice god on its back, and the domain that exclusively belonged to Dayan Fatian covered the four directions, making the atmosphere of Yin Cao more prosperous.

On the other side, the majestic Skeleton King stood proudly behind Gu Mengmeng, holding a slaughter bone knife, and the murderous aura turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood followed Gu Mengmeng's pace and charged forward.

Tian Xuan chooses a group of people from the underworld, and the scene of cherry blossoms is much more than that of the former one.

Maple leaves fluttered, a golden bird shikigami soared from the Yin-Yang talisman paper, and a circle of invisible fluctuations spread from the soles of Tian Yan Zhongnao's feet, contending with the spreading gray area.

The two sides were on the verge of breaking out, and a black shadow moved rapidly along the gloomy land, aiming directly at the Hunzi Qing Lianyou who seemed to be paddling.

But before he approached, a vision erupted from the ice laurel in the rear. The ice-blue tree crown moved without wind, and the luxuriant branches and leaves shone with a pale and cold light.

As if turning into a round of pale cold moon, countless snow-white streamers erupted from the crown of the tree and lifted into the sky in an instant, turning into icy meteors, dragging the deep cold tail flames and falling, and endlessly surveyed the black shadows, including the kilometer range where Ampere Myojin is located. difference hit.

If you are poor, you will have tactics interspersed, and if you are rich, you will have full firepower. Shen Li obviously belongs to the latter.

With the blessing of Dayan Fatian's domain, Apei Myojin dared not ignore every icy meteor, so he could only summon the White Warrior Shikigami to protect him again, ordering the Golden Bird Shikigami to attack the Tianxuan camp.

But immediately, a pitch-black mysterious coffin fell from the sky, almost hitting the head of the golden bird shikigami, and narrowly escaped sideways, but the left wing was still shredded by the destructive force of the mysterious coffin.

Once they fought, all members of Sakura immediately fell into a disadvantage.

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