Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1050 Your Express Delivery Is About To Arrive

Thinking about when his holy beast blood would arrive in the account, Lu An stared at the vast sea of ​​clouds in a daze for a while, wondering if he should call Constantine.

But soon, before he was in a daze for a long time, a sudden force from the outside world woke him up, and his consciousness suddenly left Endless Martial Arts and returned to his body.

The tiger's body slumped into the sofa trembled, and Lu An suddenly opened his eyes to see who was disturbing his Qingxiu.

He had already organized the vulgar language in his heart and was about to blurt it out, but when he saw the face of the person, the language suddenly choked on his lips and he couldn't get out, and he immediately calmed down.

"Sister, why are you here?"

It was Shen Li who appeared at his house, along with Zhao Yaoyao and the others.

"Tsk tsk tsk, master Lu is living a really comfortable life."

Zhao Yaoyao poked her head out from behind Shen Li, picked up the dog and showed Lu An a nasty smile of "you're finished".

Lu An immediately understood her smile, and glanced at Shen Li from the corner of her eye seemingly inadvertently, and found that her complexion was not very good-looking.

"Sister, didn't you go to the main island, why did you come back suddenly?"

In order to prevent Shen Li from taking the lead in attacking, Lu An immediately took the lead and changed the subject first, so as not to give her a chance to attack.

"Master Lu, why don't you check what time it is?" As soon as he said that, Zhao Yaoyao's expression immediately became pitiful, he shook his head, and muttered words like "you can't live without doing it yourself".

Clear heart is also helpless, how long has it been sleeping, I can't even remember the time.

Doesn't this mean to give Shen Li a chance?

To suffer!

Hearing this, Lu An cried out inwardly.

As soon as he entered Endless Martial Arts, he would automatically ignore the external time and needed someone to remind him.

Usually, the little assistant would do this, but now Shen Li's sudden attack completely disrupted the original plan, so the little assistant didn't have time to remind him.

Doesn't it cool down?

"There will be a closing ceremony tonight, we are here to call you."

She wanted to have an attack in her heart, but she knew Zhao Yaoyao and the others were here, so Shen Li had no choice but to hold back the impulse in her heart and save some face for Lu An.

Knowing their reason for coming, Lu An smiled coyly, not daring to talk too much nonsense, for fear of being caught in the pigtails.

Go out with them honestly, and head to the main island of the Sun Group together.

In the car, Zhao Yaoyao leaned over curiously, and asked mysteriously: "Master Lu, have you evolved to the extreme during this time?"

"What do you mean?" Lu An looked sideways with a puzzled face, and there were question marks in Lu An's eyes.

What did he do to evolve again?

"I found out, during this period of time, whenever you have the opportunity, you are lazy to sleep. According to my observation, it is either narcolepsy or you are about to evolve!"

Zhao Yaoyao thinks that her guess is reasonable, and there is a basis for it.

Some creatures need to accumulate energy for deep sleep before evolution, and Lu An is likely to do the same!

As long as there is a chance to be lazy, he will never let it go, at least for a minute.

It belongs to the evolution from a lazy dog ​​to the ultimate lazy dog.

"How many times have I said that! I am practicing! Do you understand cultivation!"

Lu An's old face darkened, and he felt that Zhao Yaoyao's imagination was too rich.

I am not a Digimon Pokémon, I have evolved into a chicken.

"Does Cao Cao know? He has a famous saying, called my good dream kills, I am similar to him, I practice martial arts in my dream!"

"Understood, you want to be Cao's thief! You have ghost brains! Ning is also from Fan Maxing?"

Squeeze Mama drops.

Only then did Lu An realize that he had been fooled.

Zhao Yaoyao is clearly trying to lure herself into taking the bait, so she can have some fun!

After thinking everything through, Lu An immediately put his hands in his pockets, lay on his side by the window with a stinking face, and ignored her.

In terms of language arts and brains, Zhao Yaoyao was born in 1998, and I can't beat her. Five 816○.com

Lu An simply pretended to be dead, and went straight into Endless Martial Arts to be a turtle, and still ignored her shaking.

It wasn't until arriving at the destination that Lu An slowly woke up and went straight to the underground lounge of the arena.

The closing ceremony will start at 19:00, and when we meet up with the Saudis and change teams, Lu An finds a corner to take a nap by himself.

The group of Samisha who came back were very puzzled.


The sky flashed, and the time quietly came to 19 o'clock in the evening. The Saudis who had already prepared were already in place and ready to play at any time.

Generally speaking, it is the same as the opening ceremony process, nothing more than going through the motions.

The only difference is that the order of appearance has changed greatly.

The order of appearance in the opening ceremony is based on the ranking of the current team competition.

In other words, compared to the opening ceremony, Tianxuan replaced White Eagle's starting position.

Saudi Arabia has also jumped from the 83rd place to the fifth honorary team to debut.

It was still the beginning of a dazzling and wonderful performance. In the passionate announcement of the host Bai Yu, the closing ceremony officially opened.

The first person to appear on the stage was undoubtedly this year's champion Tianxuan. The moment he appeared on the stage, the atmosphere of the audience was pushed to a climax. Every Tianxuan person had a look of pride on his face.

Other foreigners have nothing to do even if they are dissatisfied.

Especially the White Eagles, they have nothing to do when they want to have a fit.

Originally, the White Eagles were probably the champions of this year. Who would have thought to jump out of a blocker who smashed the space with his bare hands, and forcibly reject the White Eagles team from the first five doors with his own strength.

Can't even compete for the top five!

But there is no way, a monster that hits six, looking at the national teams of all countries in the world, who can compete.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't make a move on the day of the finals, Tian Xuan wouldn't be able to take the championship position.

With British Luo La and Sakura appearing one after another, the Saudi national team also slowly appeared in the performance of the Saudi national anthem.

It is still He Zhaben who takes the lead, and Lu An is still hanging at the rear of the car, but compared with the opening ceremony, no one dares to look down on him with strange eyes now.

The fist that smashed the space with bare hands has already defeated many guys who like racial discrimination.

Of course, there are also happy people, such as Hafarn University.

Up to the headmaster and down to the classroom group, his mouth was crooked with a smile, and since the ranking was established in the team competition, he kept praising the old headmaster for his wise vision.

First-hand insurance scored in the top five, and the money was hemp.

Take a look at this record, the gold content is very high.

He punched Luo La in the front and White Eagle in the back, abruptly grabbing points from the last champion and runner-up, and making it into the top five all the way.

If you really want to talk about the gold content, Saudi Arabia is probably the one with the highest purity.

Not only did he rank among the top five, but he also helped others clear a top enemy.

What a noble character.

On the other hand, after more than an hour of penalty standing, the closing ceremony is slowly drawing to a close. While the teams exit one by one, they are also announcing the successful end of this tournament.

In retrospect, there are some twists and turns in the process, and the ending is either regrettable or successful, but it is undoubtedly an eventful time worth recalling.

Back in the lounge, Lu An slumped on the soft chair for the first time, and let out a sigh of relief.

"It's outrageous. Which idiot came up with the idea of ​​this penalty station? I really don't have to be afraid of anything if I only have one person in my household registration book."

With one hand on his forehead, Lu An wished he could turn into Void Predator Kazik and visit the founder's house in the penalty station, triggering the helpless Silent Step to stab him.

It's purely nothing to torture people.

"If you want to be more open, you don't have to go after this process." Aida drank water to quench his thirst, wiped his mouth and relaxed his body.

"Everyone be quiet, I have something to announce!"

After dealing with trivial matters, Ammus pushed open the door and hurried in, not giving them a chance to ask, and said:

"There will be a two-month buffer period for the team competition rewards that belong to you. During this period, you should prepare well. This will be your great opportunity! It is related to the emperor-level powerhouse!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the lounge with different expressions raised their heads and looked at him in disbelief.

"Wait, Mr. Ammus, isn't the imperial reward only available to the top three!"

Aida spurted out a mouthful of water, wiped his mouth and stretched out his hand to interrupt, a bit disbelieving his ears.

They had inquired about the rewards for the team competition a long time ago, and the top three rewards were related to the imperial rank!

They are obviously fifth, so it stands to reason that it has nothing to do with them.

"Yes, I also just received the notice that the top ten of this team competition can participate!"

Ammus unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of breath: "No, I rushed over to inform you as soon as I got the news."

"I don't know the specifics. I can only vaguely know that it was a decision made by the UN Security Council."

"The Security Council? Understood."

When Ammus said this, everyone was not a fool, and immediately understood the way.

What is the Security Council, and who else can pass the proposal and judge except the five rogue countries.

"That makes sense."

Aidal chuckled: "The top three of this session, only Tianxuan and Britannia, the other three are unlikely to be willing."


Adar's words are very reasonable. Among the top three mysterious rewards, only two of the top five rogue nations can get it. How can the White Eagle Empire, White Bear Kingdom, and Gallic Rooster accept it.

As a rogue country, they definitely don't want to.

No matter how you say it, you get a piece of the action.

Since the reward hasn't been issued yet, doesn't that mean it can still be changed?

Furthermore, they didn't want to deduct the reward, but simply expanded the scope of the reward.

Didn't you lose your first three things?

The idea of ​​the White Eagle White Bear Gallic Chicken is simple.

Since you can't accurately include your own Tianjiao in this reward range, then you can simply have the top ten.

In this way, there are big guys, and no one is bad!

You have me, everyone has, isn't it beautiful?

White Eagle White Bear Gallic Rooster needs this quota, and the president of Britain is a golden retriever who is close to White Eagle, so naturally he voted for it with both hands.

As the iron ally of White Bear, Tian Xuan naturally would not abstain from voting against it.

In this way, wouldn't this matter be accomplished?

"I heard that there will be additional compensation for the top three, but I'm not qualified to know the specifics."

Everyone took this as a matter of course. After chatting for a long time, how could it be possible that the Profound Sky Britain would not have some extra benefits.

It is impossible to let you share the profit for free. If you want to participate, you can save some money as a ticket.

Among them, there are many ways and the water is very deep.

Others can't grasp it.

"So, we are benefiting from it?"

Knowing that the top ten can be found, everyone was very happy.

There was no chance at all, who would have thought that he could also enjoy the first three benefits.

This is really... great!

"That's it. The competition informed us that there is a two-month buffer period. During this period, you can go anywhere you want, but you must come to the Sunset Islands to gather on time on November 25."

As it was related to the imperial rewards, everyone listened very carefully, not daring to miss any details.

Get rid of a guy who's gone into a doze.

After explaining everything, Ammus announced the dissolution on the spot.

It wasn't until then that Lu An was woken up by Samisha.

"Can I go?"

"Let's go, you can go back."

Samisha withdrew her paw helplessly, she really suspected that Lu An's dozing off from time to time was laziness, but the hand he showed a few days ago didn't seem like a fake.

According to Lu An, he learned it in a dream, and Samisha has never seen it before, so she can only be skeptical about it.

"It's fine if they don't believe me. What kind of eyes do you have? Didn't I just show it a few days ago?"

Seeing her extremely complicated eyes, how could Lu An not know what she was thinking.

During this period of time, he had seen too many of Samisha's same eyes.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just a little hard to believe."

Samisha didn't deny it either, and looked at Lu An suspiciously: "This is the first time I've heard of the talent of dream cultivation."

She has also seen many exercises that require sleep to practice, but it is the first time that Lu An is so outrageous.

It's a bit too fantasy to be able to dream of practicing martial arts, and have one-on-one guidance from martial arts ancestors.

"There are so many unbelievable things in the world. Is it so difficult to accept a mere dream of practicing martial arts?"

Lu An didn't struggle too much, he walked out of the lounge and was ready to go home.


The next day, in a certain training hall, Lu An seemed to be possessed by an old man in white, and with every move, he was blowing the strong wind Liuyun. His figure was shrouded in clouds, making him look ethereal.

Gripping the claws and hooking back, the arms were interspersed and the air exploded, and the hands were slowly retracted. The cloudy white stained with the black eyes quietly dissipated.

"This set of moves includes fist, palm and footwork as a whole. It mainly wipes, brushes, twists, and shakes. It is called Liuyun style. It is the unique skill of Master Yunchen."

"I haven't learned it yet. I just showed it with the help of Master Yunchen."

Lu An shook his neck, looking very proud.

Don't look at how relaxed he is now, a few days ago it was difficult and dangerous for him to attack the old clapper in white.

He forcibly cultivated his resistance until he became immune to the soul-shaking force, and then he defeated the old man in white with his strong physique.

After careful calculation, he was hammered at least two hundred times by the old man in white before he successfully passed the level.

In Endless Martial Arts, there is no help of infinite energy and blood, it is all up to him, otherwise, with this move, if he can pass through endless energy and blood, he will be considered a loser.

"I believe it."

Samisha couldn't help but believe it, it's only been a few days of kung fu, and it's another weird boxing technique she's never seen before.

There is also the cloud and mist cast by Lu An earlier, she saw with her own eyes a fairy-like old man in white appeared and merged with him.

According to Lu An, this is called martial arts will.

Samisha was about to ask how to learn, when she saw Lu An look slightly startled, and then took out a vibrating mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

I don't know who the person on the other end of the phone is or what they said.

Seeing that Lu An was overjoyed when he heard the words, he agreed repeatedly.

"What's the matter? Who called you?" Samisha asked curiously after he hung up the phone.

"Hahahaha, it's Priest Constantine! The Vatican has collected what I want! He will personally deliver it tomorrow!"

Lu An was overjoyed, thinking about it, looking forward to it day and night, and finally got the blood of the holy beast.

The ghost knows how he got here these days, he was going crazy thinking about blood, as if there were ants crawling on his body.

In the vast universe, the birth and death of a galaxy is just a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and I be after thousands of years? The country, the flames of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. The song of insects is only in autumn, and you and I are also fighting for crossing. What is at the end of deep space? iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away.

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

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Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Heavenly Fox Demon King felt a shocking burst of will, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards that golden beam of light .

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While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. A large amount of luck was emitted and poured into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had been restrained suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring inward.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

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As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away. iread novel app

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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