The atmosphere in the audience gradually dropped to freezing point, and there were heavy and urgent panting everywhere in the cave.

This is not caused by greed, nor is it rustling.

It is a phenomenon that occurs after being greatly frightened.

Seeing Lu An's true face, many monks who followed to see the excitement wished they could simply pass out.

No one can understand the sense of oppression brought by that cold face.

In the face of this demon, even the White Eagle Empire would be crushed.

Not to mention their insignificant little characters?

This is true for all the onlookers, not to mention the children of the family who are in the center of the whirlpool.

The noble young man in the lead had lost his previous arrogance, replaced by endless terror climbing up his cheeks and eyeballs.

They are like a tiger that has lost its claws and claws. It looks mighty and powerful, but it is actually a paper tiger.

Without the protection of their bodyguards, they are just a mouth-watering piece of delicious fat.

Of course, strictly speaking, they didn't lose all their minions. After all, apart from the old man who had turned into meat paste, there were still four supernatural bodyguards on the field.

The lineup looks awesome, but to Lu An, it is nothing more than four annoying flies.

An existence that can be smashed to death at will.

"I still like your previous rebelliousness, let's recover?" Holding the Zhenwu Xuanzhu with one arm, drops of blood dripped from the side of the stone pillar, Lu An tilted his head expressionlessly and leaned against the stone pillar.

The only ones who can bully his cubs are himself, Shen Li and others.

He didn't mind smashing his hands and head together if outsiders dared to stretch out their claws to plot evil.

"Quick, hurry up and protect us!!!"

Seeing Lu An's tyrannical murderous intent, the nine descendants of the aristocratic clan suddenly panicked, lost their former noble demeanor, and turned into nine ordinary people who were about to lose their lives, full of fear of death.

"Mr. Lu An, there is a misunderstanding here, please listen to our explanation!"

"We didn't know that you raised these four incomparably intelligent little spirit beasts. If we knew, we wouldn't dare to lend us a hundred thousand courage."

"We are willing to compensate! No matter how much money, just forgive us!"

Some people couldn't help begging for mercy, as if activating a chain reaction, whether they were the children of the powerful, or the second generation of nobles from Britain or White Eagle, they all begged for forgiveness from Lu An.

"If the person who stood here before was an ordinary monk, I'm afraid he would have been killed by you."

Lu An smiled, held the Zhenwu Xuanzhu with his backhand and slammed it on the ground. The moment the front of the Xuanwu pillar touched the ground, the silently flowing Xuanwu Zhenzhuan burst into blue light.

A circle of azure blue wave-like shock waves spread instantly, and the suppressing force was as vast as a mountain, causing the surrounding gravity to suddenly increase by more than a hundred times.

The four supernatural bodyguards were directly suppressed in place, unable to move, and could only watch the azure blue shock wave sweeping through with eyes wide open.

Then, as if being hit by a giant mountain that was rushing forward, the flesh and blood exploded and the bones were shattered in an instant.

From beginning to end they couldn't struggle one or two.

It's not that they didn't resist, but that a hundred times the gravity suddenly approached them, and they were caught off guard for a while.

The second is the most critical point, the spiritual power fluctuations they erupted were also suppressed and shattered into powder.

Under the triple blow, even with a spiritual weapon to protect the body, it won't work.

Among the four poles of the world, Xuanwu is famous for its defense and weight, and its suppressing power is unparalleled in the world. Even the small Xuanwu's body size in its infancy is enough to turn people's faces.

In Xiao Xuanwu's memory, the king of the Xuanwu clan is the true North Pole of Heaven and Earth, Beiming Xuanwu known as the Holy Beast.

Its true size is vast and boundless, capable of spanning the starry sky.

That is the real Xuanwu holy beast, one of the oldest existences in the world.

No one knows what year and month it was born, no one knows how long it has lived.

Even the name Xuanwu is too old to trace its origin.

It is a living ancient legend, and every intelligent creature has heard its story, thus recognizing the existence of Xuanwu.

In other words, it is the real, oldest basalt!

A pestle shook the four minions to death, and Lu An's deep black eyes, full of murderous intent, swept over indifferently, his meaning was self-evident.

He wanted to catch his cub, and even wanted to kill him.

"Today you can walk out of here alive, I will take your surname."

Like a thunderclap, the sad news of the thunderbolt from the blue instantly made the brains of the nine aristocratic children go blank, and their ears buzzed.

"My lord! This matter has nothing to do with me! I just came here to watch the fun out of curiosity! What these dudes do has nothing to do with me!"

"I'm just an ordinary little cultivator. I entered the whirlpool secret realm just to have some adventures. I definitely don't mean to harm anyone!"

"If you don't believe me, I can help you capture them and hand them over to you! Don't worry, I will never spread the word about what happened today!"

At this moment, someone fell to his knees with a plop, begged for mercy in fluent Tianxuan Chinese, and then suddenly raised his head to look at the nine aristocratic children with fierce eyes.

It was a matter of life and safety, he didn't dare to bet on whether Lu An would kill people, so he could only choose to act aggressively, capture these gangsters and hand them over to Lu An, in exchange for a chance of survival.

"Me too! I can help catch them too!"

"As long as I can get out, let me do anything!"

"Go! Catch them!"

His kneeling immediately woke up the other onlookers.

Yes, the culprits are these dudes, what has it to do with them?

First catch these guys and hand them over to Lu An, and then say nice things and beg for mercy, isn't that better than standing and waiting to die?

One word awakened the dreamer, and the monks who were watching were awakened, and they all took action with a tacit understanding.

One part is blocking the Youlan Tunnel, and the other part is decisively attacking the young man and the others with metaphysical skills, for fear that they will commit suicide if they are a second late.

"What do you want to do?! I am a nobleman of the Rongguang Lion Family, and my cousin is a member of the Royal Guard. If you dare to touch me, my family will never let you go!"

"I am a child of the Fulanda family of the White Eagle Empire. You are destroying the peace between the two countries!"

"Wait until I get out, none of you will be able to escape! The holy nine-winged bird will avenge me!"

"Send us out! I will guarantee your family's prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life! How much money you want! You can also send your children to the best schools in the world!"

The onlookers suddenly rioted, and the nine noble young girls fell into a desperate situation, but they were not easy to provoke.

Resolutely used his killer move to fight back, and threatened with the background in a stern tone, trying to make these scumbags retreat.

But the situation is obvious, their threats did not have a positive effect, on the contrary, because of their counterattack, these monks looked even more ferocious, and immediately stopped hiding, and decisively used their strongest attack.

Five supernatural bodyguards have been killed by Lu An, and a group of toothless paper tigers dare to threaten them.

Any monk who dared to enter the whirlpool secret realm alone did not have two brushes, and they were all guys who were used to licking blood with the tip of a knife, and they were absolutely ruthless when they started.

In the face of life and worries, they resolutely chose life.

Offending these dandies is a big deal and changing cities and countries.

If you offend Lu An, you have to die in this shitty place now!

For a moment, the rays of light formed by the overlapping of various yuan skills illuminate the cave, as if a round of bright sun is slowly rising.

Fortunately, this is the hinterland of Xuanwu's body, and its firmness is absolutely beyond the imagination of the world.

Therefore, it seems that the momentum is huge, but it will not cause any damage to the cave.

They were having a good fight, and Lu An also watched with great interest, and never interrupted from the beginning to the end.

To be honest, he himself was surprised by the operation of these monks.

Before I said anything, they had finished my brain and even helped me catch people.

He is also a guy who thinks of groups, but it happens to save him from doing it himself.

Lu An carried the True Martial Profound Pillar on his shoulders and rubbed his chin, thinking that if he told them that he had no intention of killing innocent people indiscriminately, how would these monks react?

But it's just thinking about it, Lu An is too lazy to waste his saliva, he can guess whatever he likes.

There were many monks who came to watch. Without the protection of the bodyguards, how could the nine pampered rich children be the opponents of the monks.

All the way up the road, the experience is far from being comparable to the flowers in the greenhouse.

Even if there is a protective treasure, it can be blocked for a while, but it cannot be blocked for a lifetime.

Soon, the young girls who caught their flaws were overwhelmed by the swarming attack, and were forcibly captured by the monks and thrown in front of Lu An.

"You will pay the price! You will pay the price!!!"

The others had already been beaten so hard that they couldn't open their mouths. Only the proud young man was still roaring madly with resentment on his face, his vicious eyes scanning the monks, wishing to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

Then all the monks paid no attention to him, but looked at Lu An expectantly.

"My lord, these dudes who don't know what to do or what to do are here for you. I wonder if you can let us go?"

Lu An looked down at the nine zongzi, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Most of this group of monks came from ordinary backgrounds, and they had a deep prejudice against the arrogant youths who were born to enjoy resources and benefits.

Usually, they may be scruples about their background, but as long as there is a chance to make trouble, they will never be merciful.

It is a common phenomenon.

"My uncle is the vice president of the headquarters of the British Alchemists Association. My cousin and the president of the Danny City branch are now in the Holy City area. One of them is the middle stage of supernatural powers, and the other is half-step Jingu."

"If you kill me, even if you are Lu An, you will suffer endless and crazy revenge from the Alchemist Association."

"I was at fault for this incident. I apologize to you and the little spirit beasts. As long as you forgive me, I promise with my life that I will never retaliate afterwards, and I will compensate you for mental damage!"

The proud young man remembered everyone who dared to attack him, and then decisively and humbly analyzed the pros and cons for Lu An.

First move out of his own family background, and then lower his eyebrows and apologize and offer compensation, both hard and soft, both hard and soft, a set of operations that are smooth and smooth.

"Alchemist Association?! No wonder they are so arrogant."

Hearing his self-report, the monks who were still waiting anxiously let out a low cry, unable to hide their surprise.

Lu An pricked up his ears to eavesdrop, roughly speaking, he had a clear understanding of the Alchemist Association.

It is roughly similar to the existence of the Cultivation Association, and like the International Monks Association, it is an international organization with a presence all over the world.

It's just that the former originated from Tianxuan, and the latter originated from Gallic chicken.

They are all forces that have been established since the early stage of the recovery of spiritual energy, step by step steadily, from the country to the world.

The only difference between the two is the audience.

Anyone who is a cultivator can join the Cultivation Association, and the audience is extremely wide.

The Alchemist Association is only for alchemists. If you want to join, you need to assess the level, which is the same as the Alchemist Association and the Array Master Association.

This shows the profound background of the arrogant youth.

The vice president of the British branch is his uncle, and the power of the network is completely unthinkable.

Many monks are envious. With this background, it would be a shame for them to change their noses. It would be an insult to themselves.

As we all know, pharmacists are the least to be messed with in the monk world.

Especially high-ranking pharmacists, who have a wide network beyond imagination, if they offend them, they don't even need to do it themselves, just a word, and countless monks will help solve it.

This is the value of high-level pharmacists. The pills they refine are worth thousands of gold, and one medicine is hard to find.

As long as they can establish a relationship with them, outside monks will never let go of any opportunity.

That said, he's a real problem.

With such a huge background, many monks were ready to apologize. In their hearts, they had already tacitly agreed that Lu An would let this person go.


The huge sound wave condensed and sprayed out, and a huge phantom of a stone pillar descended from the sky, unstoppably pressing on the nine people.

The sudden change caused many onlookers to stare blankly at the center of the air wave with wide and dull eyes.

I saw Lu An slowly pulling up the mysterious pillar in front of him, a layer of waves suddenly appeared on the pillar to cover the surface to wash away the sundries, and he slowly carried it back to his shoulder, with a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Others are afraid of pharmacists, but he, Lu, is not.

Not to mention being the vice president of a branch, he can kill even a defeated golden retriever right now.

A pharmacist is a fool, as long as he wants to, the little assistant will turn him into a top alchemist in minutes.

A broken identity is really a treasure.

If you want Lu An to say, for some "alchemists" whose eyes are higher than the top, they should be directly arrested as free labor just like some magic sects in ancient times.

The status of a pharmacist is honorable, but in the final analysis this world still has the final say.

After cleaning up the guys who bullied his own cubs, Lu An carried the True Martial Profound Pillar on his shoulders and hung four pendants, and walked out of the lake in a big way, passing by the monks and entering the Youlan Tunnel.

It wasn't until a long time after Lu An left that a gust of wind blew by, and the stunned people shivered.


Some people can't believe it, Lu An's actions, but offending the forces including the Alchemist Association to death, isn't he afraid?

Without daring to think too much, some people fled out in a hurry, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong, and then filed out one by one.

If you kill, you will kill, and getting your own life back is more important than anything else.

The shock they received today was too great, and they needed to take a break.

It is conceivable that it didn't take long for the news that Lu An killed the direct descendant of the family power spread like wildfire through the population.

Of course Lu An knew this too, but he didn't care.

He had never expected the monks to be tight-lipped, let alone had unnecessary expectations of them.

Now in this whirlpool secret realm, he could block and kill gods before he got the Dazhenwu Zhenhai Totem Profound Pillar.

Now it is even more capable of blocking and killing the Buddha, and the half-step shrine can't stop him.

He really dared to come here to seek death, he didn't mind letting the half-step Jingu bloody vortex secret realm.

"Come on, let's go to the undersea holy city to see what's going on."

After getting the powerful weapon transformed from the xuanwu essence, Lu An's mentality swelled very much. He turned his head and looked at the four little guys resting on the xuanwu xuanzhu, soaring into the sky and heading straight to the vast sea.

The Dazhenwu Zhenhai Totem Profound Pillar is basically the biggest secret sacred object in the whirlpool secret realm, and the rest is to go and see the holy city under the sea.

It vaguely appeared a few times in Xiaoxuanwu's legacy, but they were all vague. We only knew that it was built by the spirits of the sea that enshrined it.

Generation after generation of hard work, from barbarism to civilization, has made the underwater holy city what it is today.

It can be said that the holy city under the sea was the one that Xiao Xuanwu grew up watching from scratch.

In the vast universe, the birth and death of a galaxy is just a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and I be after thousands of years? The country, the flames of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. The song of insects is only in autumn, and you and I are also fighting for crossing. What is at the end of deep space? iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away.

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

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Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Heavenly Fox Demon King felt a shocking burst of will, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards that golden beam of light .

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While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. A large amount of luck was emitted and poured into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had been restrained suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring inward.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

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As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away. iread novel app

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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