Lu An looked up and down the mature woman with weird eyes, and deliberately tsk tsk praised disgusting people.

His voice was not too loud, just enough to be heard by others.

Except for some simple-minded people, almost everyone understood what Lu An meant.

In particular, many men who were full of anger turned their eyes on mature women in unison, and desire began to emerge in their eyes.

I didn't pay much attention to it just now, but now I realize that this damn bitch is pretty good looking.

If he could vent his anger on her, he would be willing to live two years less.

A few voracious demons have already begun to think about training plans.

Pairs of evil and obscene eyes were cast on her, and the mature woman's angry reason was suddenly poured with cold water, and her complexion instantly turned extremely pale.

Seeing these lustful gazes, she already understood what Lu An meant.

Thinking that if she falls into the hands of these people, the mature woman can't help shaking like a sieve.

If that was the case, she had no doubt that these guys would use herself as a tool to vent their desires.

"Beast! Don't even think about it!"

Although afraid, how could a mature woman give in to Lu An, gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "Even if I die, I won't let you bastards succeed!"

Want to get her body, unless she dies!

"What kind of a hero is bullying a woman, if you have the guts, kill me first!"

"Hmph haha, I can't imagine that the strongest Tianxuan, the strongest martial artist in the world, is also a despicable and shameless person!"

"If you want to humiliate the section chief, step over me first! Otherwise, you bunch of trash, come and kill me one by one!!"

"The palace of the abyss will remember the appearance of each of you, and wait for the endless pursuit in the future!"

Not to mention, although the body was brutally bound and sealed, the members of this group of dark organizations did not lose their momentum.

The ferocious expression and the murderous words faintly suppressed the surrounding audience.

Some people were frightened by their sudden yelling, their hearts jumped, and then they reacted with embarrassment and anger.

He was not only angry at their arrogance, but also angry at himself for being scared away by a group of prisoners.

"In the end, you pray that it will not fall into the hands of the uncle, otherwise I will let you know what life is better than death!"

"Especially you bitch, just wait and see how I can deal with you."

"To shut up."

The onlookers were not to be outdone, and immediately launched a fierce counterattack. They glanced at the mature women and other women even more unscrupulously. Their wolfish eyes wanted to strip them naked.

Unexpectedly, ever since the mature woman fought back, Lu An, who had been interested and silent all this time, suddenly turned around and spit out two words at them.

The slightly irritable eyes immediately frightened the insults that came to their lips back into their stomachs, and their voice stopped abruptly, and they dared not make any more noise.

Having seen Lu An's crazy and bloody methods before, most people have already left a psychological shadow in their hearts, and they instinctively fear him.

What's more, they have already heard from people who have been to the secret islands that the headquarters of the joint organization was pulled out by Lu An.

As a result, most of the huge island has disappeared!

As soon as he spoke, the effect was particularly remarkable, and no one dared not to listen, and no one dared to sing a different tune.

I was afraid that he would tear himself alive if he was unhappy.

"Find a place and lock it up."

There were inexplicable sights from the front, back, left, and right, and Lu An didn't bother to continue teasing these guys, so he waved his hand casually and arranged them.

"You should be thankful that you escaped unharmed, and my weapon just happened to be taken for maintenance."

"Otherwise, you are now a puddle of meat."

Upon receiving the order, the giant rock soldier's complex pupils immediately glowed brightly and made a buzzing roar. The earthy yellow energy condensed into a ball, unstoppably wrapped the mature woman and other surviving members into the ball, and slowly turned around and left.

The incomparably heavy steps shook the ground lightly, only then did the mature women realize it, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Mature women are born with a kind of luck for the rest of their lives.

It's a good thing that Lu An didn't do what he said, otherwise she couldn't imagine what was waiting for her.

Body defiled by a bunch of dirty men? Just thinking about her makes life worse than death.

Watching the Juyan soldiers go away, some whispers came from behind, most of them were the hungry ghosts who complained quietly about him.

Dissatisfied that he let the gang of murderers like mature women go so easily.

But whatever you hear, Lu An doesn't have these noises.

He is not despicable enough to abuse women wantonly.

What's more, the inexplicable eyes that Yuanlin glanced at from time to time made him feel uncomfortable.

"Go for what you should do."

After the matter was over, Lu An didn't bother to stay here any longer, dismissed the crowd of onlookers and sea beasts, and went to Gu Mengmeng and the others' residence under Yuan Lin's leadership.

Because of his relationship, Yuan Lin placed all the aristocrats who came back with him in a secluded and peaceful place.

As soon as Lu An arrived here, he saw Ampere Mingshen and the others watching the scenery nearby, and greeted him and Yuan Lin happily.

After exchanging pleasantries with them, Lu An flew into a small square courtyard in the distance.

This is Gu Mengmeng's residence. There are many other buildings like this nearby. The shape is very strange, and there is an indescribably wonderful style.

Lu An glanced at the side of Yuan Lin's face strangely, and always felt that the group of sea people seemed to have a special liking for squares.

As soon as he landed, Lu An saw Nazak standing outside, but the room was extremely quiet, as if no one was there.

"Mr. Lu An."

Seeing that it was Lu An, Nazak, who had been making a straight face, immediately greeted him to show his friendliness.

"Just you? What about the others?"

The quietness in the room was a bit too much, Lu An probably guessed that there was no one in the room, but it didn't prevent him from mentioning it.

"Ms. Gu Mengmeng was dragged out by Ms. Zhao Yaoyao and the others. Irina and I are the only ones here now."

Nazak answered meticulously and calmly, his style was exactly the same as his usual, giving off an inexplicable sense of seriousness.

"Well, let them take care of it for a while, and it turned out to be like this."

Hearing that the man was dragged away by Zhao Yaoyao, Lu An was speechless immediately, but immediately looked at Nazak, and looked at him with great interest.

"So, you didn't sneak away with your granddaughter while we were away?"

Since there was no one in the room, it was undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Nazak, but it was a bit unexpected for Lu An that he stayed here so honestly.

It surprised him.

Hearing this, Nazak's serious and tense handsome old face couldn't help but burst into a wry smile.

He wanted to run, but where could he run?

Even if she ran away, Irina's illness would haunt her like a gangrene, so what would she do then.

"Mr. Lu An, please save Irina."

Nazak knelt down as if grasping the last straw, begging in a trembling voice: "As long as you can cure Irina's illness, this old man can swear here that I will spend the rest of my life as a cow and a horse for you." ! On the saddle!"

Nazak was helpless, since the day Irina's strange disease occurred, he had searched for famous doctors all over the world.

Except for some noble people who were unwilling to see him, the results given by others were powerless.

At most, some unique methods are used to temporarily delay the onset of the disease, which can eventually treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Earlier Lu An said that Irina could be cured, so he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Of course, he was not counting on Lu An, but on the people behind him, such as the ancient strongman.

Since modern people don't know Irina's strange disease, let the knowledgeable ancient resuscitators try it.

"Get up, I'll go in and have a look first." Seeing his pitiful appearance, Lu An couldn't help but sigh with distress.

The man has gold under his knees, not to mention the majestic pinnacle of supernatural powers. He kneels down for his granddaughter as soon as he is old.

It makes people feel distressed.

"Yuanlin, you come too."

After letting Nazak get up, Lu An strode open the door. Just as he was about to step in, he suddenly thought of something and called Yuan Lin who had already stopped not far away.

At any rate, he was also the High Priest of Haiyuan who once served Xiao Xuanwu, so he must have better knowledge than him, maybe he can really see the strangeness of the little blond loli.

That is to say, the little assistant was determined to play charades with him, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble.

Lu An became angry after thinking about it, and decisively greeted the little assistant's family tree from the bottom of his heart.

Originally, Yuan Lin planned to stay outside, but the unexpected surprise smashed her head, her eyes lit up, she immediately jumped over cheerfully, and entered the room together with Lu An.

And he didn't forget to close the door with a backhand stick.

The interior decoration of the cube house is very monotonous, and the living room looks very empty, except for a few crystal lamps, there are only two things.

Crystal blocks for stone benches and rectangular blocks for tables.

The same is true for the bedroom, just a rectangular hard bed.

The bedding and sheets were prepared by Gu Mengmeng.

At this moment, the little blond girl was lying on the bed peacefully and sleeping soundly.

With Lu An's qi and blood conditioning, her pale and bloodless skin was slightly rosy, but the overall look was still morbidly pale.

Quietly coming to the bed, Lu An first squeezed the delicate face of little Lolita, and then pulled out her little hand.

"Strange power."

Lu An checked the pulse of her wrist like an old Chinese doctor, and her eyebrows became more and more wrinkled, almost turning into the word "Chuan".

If someone else from Tianxuan was here, I'm afraid my heart would be cold.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of Chinese medicine practitioners smiling, but they are afraid of their low eyebrows.

To show them Lu An's current appearance is equivalent to a sign of death penalty.

Qi and blood gently swam around the little Lolita's body, Lu An gently retracted his two fingers, and stared at her cute little face with his chin stuck.

He already knew about the situation of the little blond loli, it was very weird.

There is obviously no trace of cultivation, but the body is filled with a strange power that is so rich that it is outrageous.

This kind of power exists in every part of her body. It looks calm and harmless, but once there is a riot, the little Lolita's body can't bear it at all.

This force will break her blood vessels, bones, meridian flesh, and nerve cells, and then help them heal quickly. After this, the pain is no less than being hacked into pieces.

The reason why the blond little loli has been sleeping like a vegetable for so long is probably due to them.

"Yuanlin, did you see anything?"

"My lord, please forgive Yuan Lin for being stupid. This little human girl has exhausted her strength. Yuan Lin really cannot make a judgment based on this alone."

Yuan Lin couldn't help it either, she could see that the little girl was abnormal, but this power was hidden too deeply, and she couldn't make an accurate judgment based on it.

In order to find out the cause, another method must be implemented.

"Master Shengzun, if you don't mind, Yuan Lin can pull out her root power, and then you can see why."

"That's fine, let's try it first."

Lu An couldn't figure out the situation of the little blond loli, so why not let her power go berserk first, and see what kind of weird method it is.

Anyway, he was just a kid, even if he ran away, he could easily suppress him.

"Follow the decree of the Holy One."

With his consent, Yuan Lin took a step forward with her big white legs, stretched out her jade finger and gently brushed the golden pupil of Shenghai between her eyebrows.

"With the mighty power of Xuanwu Sacred Venerable, demonstrate the holy power of Beiling!"

Yuan Lin's voice suddenly became ethereal and vast, like the sound of the sea reverberating across the world.

In an instant, Shenghai Jintong revived from the silence, blooming with divine light.

Even the house couldn't hide the dazzling golden light, passing through the gaps and windows with the force of a storm, like a golden sun bursting and sweeping across the four directions.

For a moment, many people nearby were alarmed by the sudden warm golden glow, and looked back at its source in horror.

Before they could find its source, the next moment, a vision that made their pupils dilated in shock appeared out of nowhere!

I saw a ray of bright blue sun stepping into reality from nothingness, above Gu Mengmeng's hut, bringing thousands of blue clouds to cover the sky, with a diameter covering a range of hundreds of miles, dyeing the dome into blue sky!

A hundred miles away, the blue sky spreads, and the bright sun hangs in the sky, showing the holy spirit.

The sacred breath of nature sprinkled the earth through the blue sun's rays, and everyone felt a kind of primitive fluctuation from nature.

It comes from the plants, from the earth, from the air, even from themselves.

This is a natural rhythm, a law of heaven and earth.


Under the green light, countless plants began to grow wildly.

Dead trees come in spring, broken branches sprout, and dead grass regenerates.

Many plants and trees that were destroyed by the previous war were revived again, revived from the ashes of the old body, and grew crazily through the soil at an incredible speed.

In just a few seconds, the growth cycle of several months or even years has been spanned, and the branches and buds are more radiant than before.

The eyes are full of vitality, and no one knows what happened, but what is certain is that it is definitely related to the blue sky covering the dome.

On the other side, Lu An and Yuan Lin, who were in the center of the mutation, were overwhelmed by the green glow, and could only vaguely see the little loli who was surrounded by a cyclone with a green glow in the center.

It seemed that something was about to come out of her body, but due to lack of strength, she could only protrude a little limb.

This is a tentacle-like energy body, with a jelly-like texture throughout. There are many blue light spots flowing inside, flowing irregularly like vast stars.

It kept waving its tentacles and sprinkled starlight, which fell on the bedroom wall, ceiling and even the floor.

And these green starbursts turned into flowers after falling to the ground, instantly rendering the bedroom into a garden full of spring.

"Azure Eucharist?!"

Seeing this scene, Yuan Lin couldn't help widening her beautiful eyes and screaming, her heart set off a huge wave like thunder.

"Azure Saint Physique? Wait, she is the awesome Supreme Physique?"

Hearing this name, Lu An was taken aback for a moment, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, remembering where he had heard it before.

Some time ago, Elder Ming happened to talk about this when he was testing his physique.

And the Celestial Holy Physique is the title of one of the Supreme Physiques!

In the vast universe, the birth and death of a galaxy is just a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and I be after thousands of years? The country, the flames of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. The song of insects is only in autumn, and you and I are also fighting for crossing. What is at the end of deep space? iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away.

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

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Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Heavenly Fox Demon King felt a shocking burst of will, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards that golden beam of light .

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While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. A large amount of luck was emitted and poured into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had been restrained suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring inward.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

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As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away. iread novel app

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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Chapter 1089 Azure Eucharist

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