
Zhao Yaoyao let out a low exclamation, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around her, especially Samisha, her ears moved slightly, feeling that the word was very familiar.

There is a feeling of déjà vu, where I should have heard it.

As for the orc mercenaries and the elves, they looked at a loss. They couldn't understand Tianxuan language, but after a few days of getting along, they all understood one thing very tacitly.

The treasure that can make Zhao Yaoyao lose his composure must be unusual.

It's the same for them.

Searching for treasures all the way here, among them, there are only three fingers that can make Zhao Yaoyao lose his composure.

"I'm super, the colorful moon is born, Sasha!"

Realizing that she had lost her composure, Zhao Yaoyao looked around with treacherous eyes, and after confirming that there was no one nearby, she hurriedly grabbed them and sneaked into the plant group, plotting in a low voice with excitement.

"Colorful Illusory Moon! I don't think of Sasha, it's the phantom of the earth treasure we saw in Jugong Pavilion before! The one of the sixth grade of Yuanling!"

After reminding Samisa, Zhao Yaoyao dragged Hiernarius back and repeated it in half-baked elf language.

"Oh~ I remembered!"

After her reminder, everyone suddenly realized what they saw and heard in Jugong Pavilion a few days ago.

"It's the morning star flower." Royna shook her ears, poked her head out and looked up.

The hanging land directly in front of it glowed with colorful brilliance, which was indeed somewhat similar to the morning star strange flower in memory.

From this point of view, it is obviously a great treasure without an owner.

Morning star treasures, those are all golden coins!

It was worth half of their commission for this trip!

"That's it! No wonder it's so well hidden, it really isn't easy to find such a treasure." Zhao Yaoyao nodded excitedly, rubbing her hands happily.

She likes this feeling of finding treasure, full of experience!

Especially at this moment of appreciating treasures and opening treasure chests, it is even more exciting and exciting.

Of course, the premise is that the treasure must be rich, as it is now.

If you search hard all the way and only get a piece of garbage in the end, then the experience will be very bad.

She will be distraught.

"Morning star strange flower, it should be able to exchange a lot of gold coins."

The little maid Lauren's eyes sparkled, and she was obviously also a little money fanatic. She looked at the hanging wooden platform eagerly, but she didn't act rashly.

Following Zhao Yaoyao's adventures for several days in a row really made them feel the joy and difficulty of treasure hunting.

Tired is really tired, but happy is also really happy.

No wonder mercenary and adventurer are two professions that are so popular. Free and unfettered exciting adventures, experience the customs and customs of a new planet, and the joy of finding treasures, which elf can not love it.

"It can definitely be changed! At least it's worth a lot of contribution points!"

Zhao Yaoyao's light-white ten fingers wrapped around the illusory silk thread, weaving a lavender demon pupil the size of an egg.

Yaotong spread out a pair of small wings, and flew out slowly like a demon, and wobbled up to the suspended wooden platform, her field of vision was connected with Zhao Yaoyao, allowing her to see the scenery on the wooden platform clearly.

Just as she had imagined, there was a mysterious Bana flower growing quietly and vigorously in the center of the wooden platform, and the purple petals were shaped like a broken crescent moon.

The clusters of flower stamens emit colorful halos, rendering the surrounding petals into a gorgeous crescent moon, just like the immortals in the sky falling into the mortal world, beautiful alone in the blue and dark silent night.

Even if they are far apart, they can smell the rich fragrance everywhere.

"It's so beautiful, it really is a colorful moon!"

Observing the whole picture of the colorful phantom moon through the flying demon eyes, Zhao Yaoyao wished to pick it on the spot and transplant it into her tree house as a potted plant.

The whole body is full of jade, like a work of art carved by heaven and earth. This is the first time she has seen such a beautiful flower, and she is really reluctant to destroy this beautiful scenery.

But the treasure is right in front of my eyes, no matter how reluctant I am, I have no choice but to destroy it.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and pick it up." Royena was about to move, the treasure was close at hand, and if she didn't pick it now, it would be later.

"Don't worry! This kind of divine flower needs special techniques to pick it!"

"Besides, this Colorful Illusory Moon is useful to us, not in exchange for contribution points!" Seeing that Royena wanted to go over and squeeze it down, Zhao Yaoyao hurriedly grabbed her and said don't worry.

"It's all the same, no matter who uses it, take it off first!"

Royna doesn't care about these small problems. As a qualified adventure group mercenary, she just wants to get the colorful moon.

All treasures are considered yours only in your hands, and you can feel at ease in your heart!

They have been looking for treasures everywhere in the past few days, and it's not like they haven't met others during the period. She is worried that there will be long nights and dreams.

"It's fine, then get it first, it's still the same, I'll go pick it, and you should be careful around you."

Zhao Yaoyao nodded vigorously when she heard the words, and immediately wanted to get up and fly up the blue vines to pick the colorful magic moons.

However, at this moment, Samisha, who hadn't moved for a long time, had a sudden whim, glanced at a direction where there was no one out of the corner of her eye, grabbed Zhao Yaoyao and Royena and shrank back to the plants.

"Don't move, there seems to be someone over there!"

As soon as the voice fell, although she couldn't understand what she was saying, Royna's cat ears moved slightly, as if she also sensed something was wrong, and covered the mouths of the elves next to her to signal them to keep quiet.

The keen intuition from the mercenary told her that there were creatures approaching silently nearby.

Compared with the young elves, the orc mercenaries such as Bai Huan appeared to be much more experienced.

Without Royna giving orders, one by one lowered their bodies and lurked in the plants, quietly took out their weapons, and observed the front through the gaps in the plants.

The atmosphere of the audience instantly dropped to freezing point, as if shrouded in haze, so heavy that it made the heart pound.

Zhao Yaoyao was not idle either. In order to prevent the group of elves from making noise, she cast a sound-proof illusion to isolate the area she was in to ensure that no noise would be made and people would pay attention.

In the quiet blue area, as time passed by every minute and every second, a low-pitched murmur suddenly sounded in the silent depths.

It was hoarse and unpleasant like phlegm in the throat.

No one was seen, and there were rustling sounds in the air. In this blue and dark oppressive environment, it was creepy, and the cold air rushed straight from the tailbone to the sky.

A timid elf like Lauren couldn't help shivering, feeling a chill down his back.

Finally, as the sound gradually approached, the empty air squirmed slightly, showing the transparent outlines of several creatures. Reading La

A dark purple light flashed, and several ferocious creatures walked out of the squirming air, making the eyes of everyone peeping in the vegetation wide open.

This is a group of humanoid creatures, at least thirty heads!

They look like "black wolves" walking upright, with extremely well-developed limbs, and their bodies are covered with fluffy black hair that shines with a cold glow, like cast iron, dragging their thick and long lizard tails, and stepping on the ground with deep concave footprints.

The head as a whole is inclined to the canine family, but there are four green compound eyes on the left and right sides of the cheeks, and the depths of the pupils do not conceal the ferocity and cruelty, shining sinister and cunning light.

The sharp teeth of the hacksaw can be clearly seen in the slightly split mouth, and the dark brown tongue that is spit out from time to time is half a meter long, like a hanged ghost.

Half a foot of chelicerae hang down from both sides of the mouth, and as they exhale and inhale, pungent dark green mucus drips.

The dark green slime is extremely corrosive and poisonous, dripping on the ground with a sizzling sound, corroding shallow pits.

Walking in the front, the black-haired creature who is also the leader is even more ferocious, with black gold thorns protruding from the back, and a horny hard shell on the bowed and sunken chest and abdomen. Unlike other black-haired creatures, they are dressed in neat metal clothes. armor.

At first glance, it belongs to the small boss level, at least it is also an elite monster.

"I'm a tortoise, what kind of novel species is this?"

Zhao Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, this creature looks too unique.

It completely wrote the four characters of ferocious and ferocious on the face, for fear that others would not know how difficult it is to provoke.

"Anyway, it can't be from the Myriad Beasts Mountain." Samisha lowered her voice and cast her eyes on Royna.

She had seen the orcs in Myriad Beasts Mountain before, but it was obvious that the group of creatures in front of her didn't match the orcs at all, no matter what they looked like or what they wore.

"It's the bastard of the Liao clan." Royana stared closely at the group of black-haired creatures, undisguisedly disgusted.

"Remember the despicable hyenas I told you about, they were one of them."

"Interstellar bandits and human traffickers?" Zhao Yaoyao tilted her head, she still remembers this word.

"Hmm! The embarrassing tribe is a typical representative. They are famous for their cruelty and tyranny. Their biggest hobby is burning, killing and looting prostitution and captives. They are an out-and-out despicable tribe."

Royna obviously knew this race very well, her face was full of disdain and indifference.

In fact, not only her, most mercenaries have the same attitude towards despicable hyenas, it is no different from looking at bedbugs on the ground, and they look down on them at all.

If there is a chance of making trouble, most mercenaries will not mind crushing them to death.

"It's so disgusting. It should have offended many people. It's a miracle that the family was not exterminated."

Zhao Yaoyao clicked her tongue when she heard the words, but she wasn't too scared. Instead, she was very curious about how they survived until now.

On the contrary, a few elves who had heard about the Liao clan could not help feeling timid.

"Of course there is a backer behind them. Their entire civilization is willing to become a slave and seek the protection of a strong interstellar race, so even if they have many enemies, they can live well until now."

"This kind of despicable civilization can break away from the planet and enter the universe to develop, and the help of their backers is still indispensable behind it."

Royna folded her arms and shrugged her shoulders, who dared to do this kind of robbery, who had no backing.

Some have been exterminated, except for the outlaws who wandered in the universe and exiled among the stars.

"Then what should we do now, they have already discovered the Seven-color Illusory Moon."

Xierna Liusi's eyes looked worried. Outside the plant group, a group of Huanxi people had discovered the existence of the colorful phantom moon, and they were collecting it.

Judging by their orderly appearance, it was obvious that they had come prepared.

"What are you afraid of, let them be busy first, and we will jump out to cut off the bully later! I don't understand the principle of first come first, first come first, you deserve to be the working emperor!"

Zhao Yaoyao wasn't in a hurry at all, her little abacus was crackling.

No matter what kind of Labula it is, if it dares to take food from her mouth, it must be prepared to be a wage earner!

"Sasha, we must not give up on the Colorful Illusionary Moon. The stamen of this thing is a magic medicine!" Zhao Yaoyao pulled Samisha over and conspired together in a low voice.

"Master Lu has been thinking about condensing the life palace these days. If you have it, you don't have to worry! We must get it!"

From the moment she saw the colorful moon, she even thought about the usefulness of this thing.

What Teacher Da'an needs most at this time is it, just wrap it up and give it to Lu An as a gift, and make the best use of it.

It can also brush up some favorability.

The duck in hand, Zhao Yaoyao will not let it fly.

"Well! Listen to you!"

Samisha also knew the effect of this thing on Lu An, and never gave up at all from the beginning to the end.

You have to fight for anything, and they saw this flower first, so if you want it, you have to say it first come first served.

She hoped that this gang of embarrassing hyenas would be more honest, and if they dared to resist, don't blame her for being ruthless.

"Although I don't know why the Liao clan is here, but the treasures of the morning star are right in front of us, so we can't afford them for nothing."

Royna showed her white canine teeth boldly, and all the mercenaries behind her were eager to try.

The treasures in the wild are like this. Those who meet with the capable live there, and snatch everything based on their ability. They are not fledgling buddies, and they are very experienced in this matter.

Anyway, there is blood to be seen.

"When the snatching is over, the wind will blow. I just looked at the map. Master Lu is not too far away from us, only a few tens of kilometers away. I will go find him when the time comes."

"If you encounter the danger of force majeure, activate the star-falling imprint and send it back to the sect to rescue soldiers. These interstellar pirates dare to chase after them."

After briefly explaining the tactics, the group turned into Voldemort, hiding among the plants and waiting for the opportunity.

In the past ten minutes or so, under the collection of the professional technicians of the 柆柆 tribe, the colorful magic moon exploded with colorful light shining in all directions, and the petals and rhizomes began to solidify from head to toe, truly transforming from a plant form into a jade form.


Seeing this scene, the professional technician of the Lanla tribe howled happily, took out a dark can from the animal skin bag behind his back, stretched out his big claws, and was about to stuff the colorful moon into it.

But in the next moment, it caught nothing, and its paws passed through the colorful phantom moon unimpeded, making it and the surrounding Mizuzu clan dumbfounded.

Being disturbed by it like this, the penetrating colorful phantom moon was distorted for a while, and suddenly turned into illusory sand and disappeared, replaced by a brand new image.

With a round yellow head and a hideous smile, the mean eyes are narrowed and slanted, and the corners of the mouth on both sides are crazily raised, almost reaching the ears.

Post bar featured funny face jpg

Even though it was the first time I saw it, this funny smiling face seemed to have a special magical power, and in just a few seconds, many Lula people understood its meaning.

Ruthless ridicule, extreme sarcasm!


In an instant, the unknown flames in the hearts of every Hula tribe suddenly exploded, turning into roars of anger one after another.

The captain of the majestic Lanla tribe headed by swung his tail with a raptor, and cut off the professional technician by the waist, splashing a large amount of stinky green blood.

Then the wolf nose sniffed frantically, and finally locked its eyes on the distant plant group, opened its mouth to gather a green light bomb and blasted it, destroying many innocent plants.

However, there is no use for eggs, only the light green water pool exposed behind after the destruction of the plant group is slightly rippling.

He almost died of anger at it, howled angrily, rushed over at the head of the horse, and plunged into the pool.

The younger brothers behind were also scrambling to keep up, and a few cleverly took out the animal bone communicator from their waists, opened their mouths and howled.

Seeing the situation, he was calling his compatriots, so he went away.

So far, there is only one funny face that has been there for a long time, as if silently laughing at their worrying IQ.

No one would know that the embarrassing tribe known for their ferocity would actually be deflated in a ravine and experience what it means to exchange a civet cat for a prince.

If they could talk, they would have loud, angry growls.

Despicable blue star!

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