Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1216 The Situation Is Urgent, Give It All To The Shark

"Hahaha, in fact, I also suspect that I was cursed before going out, otherwise how could my luck be so bad recently."

Royna wiped off the light green blood stains on her hands, threw the handkerchief to Bai Huan and laughed, the seemingly hearty laughter could not hide a bit of helplessness.

Recently, bad luck happened repeatedly, and she really suspected that someone in her group was cursed, but it was a pity that she couldn't find out.

But fortunately, it is not completely unlucky, but luck and misfortune depend on each other.

The Singer crashed on an ice and snow desolate star, and was later attacked and conspired against.

Fortunately, he encountered a rescuer later, and it was also an incredible ancient human force.

This time too, a little burst of good luck, encountering the treasure of the morning star, and the price is encountering the embarrassing hyena.

Hearing her words, Hirnarios shrank his head in embarrassment, wishing he could get into the cracks in the ground and become an ostrich quail.

"Hey, just kidding, don't be shy~"

Seeing her shyness, Zhao Yaoyao graciously jumped over and patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her old-fashionedly: "Did you know that in a place called Valoran Continent, there lived a metal master, who could also be called He is the Iron Armored Wraith, Mordekaiser."

"This Master Mordekaiser once said a famous quote before he had plastic surgery."

"Blessings are unparalleled and misfortunes never come singly——Mordekaiser."

"The general meaning is that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and blessings bring disasters and disasters bring blessings, which perfectly interprets our current situation~"

She put aside and flicked vigorously, and Lu An was also listening quietly, but the more she listened, the more uncomfortable she became, and after thinking for a while, she found the problem.

"Wait, why didn't I remember that?"

"Doesn't this sentence mean that luck will not come in succession, but disasters will follow one after another?"

After being promoted to the palace of life, Lu An felt that his head was much smarter, otherwise he might be fooled by a crazy girl if he wanted to change.

A good sentence, can the meaning be interpreted crookedly?

Why is the level of education even worse than him?

"You don't care! That's what it means to this beauty!"

When she found that Lu An was revealing her shortcomings, Zhao Yaoyao's face froze, and she continued to insist on her own set of fallacies, a typical dead duck.

as long as you are happy.

Lu An didn't refute either, he was self-aware, and when it comes to keyboard and mouth guns, even ten of himself could not be Zhao Yaoyao's opponent.

Since you can't say it, let's save some saliva and energy.

Instead, continue to fiddle with the toad next to it.

He found that the appearances and bones of these Nangla tribes were not uniform, and each had its own characteristics.

Take the dead toad at the foot as an example, it actually has a skeleton shaped like a lute bone, but it has a few more barb holes than humans.

The bone is very unique, just used to wear the lute bone.

Casually threading a few stitches on the lute bone of the dead toad, Lu An glanced in a certain direction seemingly inadvertently from the corner of his eye, and saw some deliberately hidden blurred figures from a long distance away.

The sight collided in the mid-air, and the other party obviously did not have any malicious intentions, or they were just attracted by the noise and came to wait and see.

Seeing Lu An looking towards them, he nodded slightly as a gesture of goodwill, then turned and disappeared into the deep blue forest.

"What's wrong?"

Samisha leaned over and looked in the direction Lu An was looking at, but she didn't see a single shadow, and all she could see was the rugged land that had vanished into nothingness.

"Someone was peeping over there, and now he's gone, maybe it's a colleague from another sect." Lu An didn't care either, and looked away after a casual glance.

The reason why I am sure that it is a fellow of other sects is that the other party has no malicious intentions, and there is no native life on this planet, so it is most likely to be a member of the five sects.

Second, if they were the senior brothers and sisters of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, they would definitely rush over to meet instead of turning around and leaving.

This kind of operation, nine out of ten, is the disciples of the other four sects, who didn't come to say hello because they were not familiar with it.

"Who is there? Why didn't I see it?" Samisha squinted her eyes and tried her best to look far away, but she still couldn't see anything.

"Leave early."

At the end of a big battle, Lu An simply let them rest for a while since they fled all the way here and fought bloody battles with the Hula tribe.

It just so happened that Royna also had the same idea. Their adventure group suffered the most injuries during this shopping trip, so they needed to adjust their state.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu An also asked someone to tell the Zongmen side through the chat group, indicating that there is no need to send reinforcements.

He slaughtered all the Hula tribe present, and now they are only collecting the ashes, which are too hot to keep up.

But what made him more curious was what happened to the other four warships.

No matter how lazy you are, it's time to come by now.

"Speaking of Master Lu, how do you feel now?"

After counting her trophies, Zhao Yaoyao jumped to the side of Lu An in three steps and two steps, and looked around him non-stop.

"The changes are quite big. I have to go back and take a closer look. What's wrong?"

Seeing her wandering around, Lu An couldn't help but want to reach out and hold her head, but just as she stretched out, she dexterously avoided it.

"It's nothing, I feel that your temperament seems to have changed after you were promoted to the Palace of Life."

Zhao Yaoyao continued to circle a few times suspiciously, and nodded firmly: "It has indeed changed, there is a kind of master fan of a generation of prawns."

"Could it be the temperament that belongs only to the masters of the Divine Palace?" She couldn't understand, but was greatly shocked.

With this temperament, if you put Lan Xing on the street, you will be regarded as a big man in a high position with a real style of a generation of masters.

"It looks like a martial arts master, the head of a faction?"

Samisha also noticed it, but because of fellow martial arts practitioners, she saw it more carefully than Zhao Yaoyao.

The aura of martial arts is so strong that it naturally radiates from the inside out, so that it forms the aura of a master.

It looks like that.

"True or false? I didn't feel it."

Hearing what they said, Lu An couldn't help but look down at himself, but he didn't see it as thoroughly as others, he couldn't feel any changes at all.

Perhaps this is why the authorities are confused by the bystanders.

"It's okay, it's fine if you don't see it, but Mr. Lu, do we have to settle the score now?"

While waving her hands, Zhao Yaoyao took advantage of Lu An's inattention and secretly took a few photos and sent them to the group chat for everyone to appreciate.

All of a sudden, it stirred up a thousand waves, especially the eagle demon.

Unlike the meeting in the Sunset Islands, it has been diving during this time, and it is mysterious and does not know what it is doing.

Because of its disappearance, Zhao Yaoyao has been sitting firmly on the throne of the water spray dragon king.

But it's not exactly missing persons.

Whenever Lu An-related topics are discussed, this guy must be the first to jump out to show his loyalty, so it can be seen that he is not a missing dive, but a spy dog.

However, Lu An didn't know it. He always pulled out the chat group thing if he wanted to use it, and threw it into the corner of his mind to eat ashes when he didn't want to use it.

After being reminded by Zhao Yaoyao, he suddenly realized who the biggest contributor to his promotion to the palace of life was.

"This, I have to thank you all for finding the Colorful Huanshengyue and giving me a big surprise, otherwise I really won't be able to break through in a while."

Lu An scratched his head and had to admit this fact, and at the same time sighed a little at the magic of the colorful moon.

Tiancaidibao is Tiancaidibao, and the effect is Nanfu battery, one section is better than the other.

Just give him a fully charged electric drill and go to the Palace of Life.

"Just say what you want to do, as long as I can do it."

The value of the colorful moon is too high, a plain thank you can't express his heart at all, he can only scratch his head and kick the ball to them.

This thing is a general-purpose expensive treasure, and it is also useful for them, and maybe they can use it to break through several realms.

But even so, he still ran all the way to give it to him without hesitation, it is impossible not to be moved.

Lu An also wanted to make some compensation for eating an expensive treasure for nothing, but he obviously didn't have any suitable equivalent treasures.

You are not poor even if you say you are poor, and you are not rich even if you say you are rich. You are in a rather embarrassing situation, and you can't get up or down.

No way, Lu An had to choose to listen to her request, as long as he was not used as a mule.

"Then we have to chat."

As soon as Zhao Yaoyao heard this, she immediately pulled him to sit down, and settled the score for him with her fingers: "The Seven-Colored Illusory Moon is a phantom of a treasure specially hung up by the sect, and it is worth a lot of contribution points, needless to say. "

"And the one you gnawed, Master Lu, is the most precious part of the Seven-Colored Illusory Moon, understand what I mean."

The more Lu An listened to it, the more he felt cold. He had replaced all his contribution points with casting materials, but now he can't get so many contribution points.

Seeing this, Zhao Yaoyao's eyes flashed cunning, and she pretended to sigh softly: "I'm not that kind of unreasonable and savage girl, it's not easy to understand your old man."

"How about this, we don't need the contribution points. Your old man will go back and make a full feast of Manchu and Han. In the future, you can contract our three meals a day. It's a good deal."

"Hey~ I see, the contribution point will...huh?!"

Hearing the first half, Lu An thought that he was going to imitate Sakyamuni and cut meat to feed the eagles, subconsciously sighed and agreed, and then he was stunned when he realized.

Full banquet? Don't you want him to contribute? !

Until this moment, Lu An suddenly woke up.

He actually forgot who Zhao Yaoyao was.

A full-fledged fun guy, the worst guy who likes to have fun on others.

This is... was slipped?

Well, the last big b was fooled and let others go fishing.

"I've convinced you." Seeing Zhao Yaoyao laugh out loud, Lu An's eyes were full of resentment.

He has been defending day and night all this time, but unexpectedly he was caught and sneaked in and attacked his old man.

"Haha~ Sasha, did you see that his eyes are so funny, I really thought I wanted to get him to contribute."

Successfully catching Lu An, the big boss, Zhao Yaoyao was so happy, full of a sense of accomplishment in her heart, she lightly wiped the corners of her eyes and smiled: "Stop laughing, let's get back to business, Man Han Banquet plus three meals a day, this deal It's a good deal, Mr. Lu, do you agree or not?"

"Okay~ It's just a full banquet, so why not make it for you." Lu An smiled helplessly, with deep warmth in his eyes.

It's just a full meal, isn't it equivalent to a free gift.

As for the three meals a day, he was in charge long before that, so how is it different from now.

There is no condition at all, it is true to take the opportunity to tease him.

"Jokes are all jokes. I really want to thank you for being promoted to the Palace of Life."

Lu An thanked him earnestly, but Zhao Yaoyao hugged his shoulders in the next second, looking like a good brother.

"Hi, why don't you thank me, it's just a colorful fantasy birth moon, we are with each other." Zhao Yaoyao just put his arms around Lu An, and dishonestly slapped his paws on the back of his head to enjoy the hand addiction.

She had wanted to do this for a long time, but because Lu An was too pretentious, she never had a chance.

A faint fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose, and Lu An reluctantly pushed away the claws on the back of his head.

Forget it, since she has made merit this time, let her commit the next offense and indulge her once.

After the wounded mercenaries had finished resting, Lu An led the crowd to activate the star-falling imprint and return to the teleportation array set up by the Vientiane Fa Tianzong.

This place has been turned into ruins, and it has lost the value of continuing to stay, so I simply go back to the sect first, and come out after finishing the chores.


A burst of golden light flashed, and the refreshing and refreshing breath pervaded the world again. With the snap of a finger, everyone was separated by a long distance and returned to the void island in an instant.

As soon as he stepped out of the teleportation array, Lu An noticed something was wrong around him.

Looking up into the distance, one can clearly see a triangular warship that was broken into two pieces lying quietly on the ground, and a group of craftsmen shuttled back and forth among them.

It was even more amazing nearby, hundreds of seriously injured wolves were covered with gold locks in Xuanwen, all kneeling on the ground waiting to be punished.

Among them, there are many powerful existences comparable to six-armed werewolves.

What's more, Xuanwen's golden lock is still wrapped around his mouth and nose, not allowing others to speak, it's no different from being dead.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Brother Lu has improved his cultivation again, but has he entered the realm of fate?"

At this moment, a loud laugh came from nearby, and it was surprising that Mo Tian led the team.

His eyes were full of approval: "Congratulations to Junior Brother Lu for becoming the Grand Master of the Palace of Fate. Senior Brother has long known that these wild barbarians can't do anything to you, and now it's true."

"I have seen the big brother."

A few people saluted first, and then Lu An looked at the many embarrassing werewolves and broken battleships with a confused expression, not knowing where to start.

Ah, what's the situation?

Why are there people and warships from the Lanla tribe here?

Not only him, Royena and the others were also confused.

Wouldn't it be the Lula tribe who took the initiative to find them?

Thinking of this possibility, he quickly rejected it in his mind.

No matter how mentally handicapped the Hula tribe is, they shouldn't be so stupid.

Rushed into other people's base camp, and ended up being arrested and brought to justice, how stupid must be.

"Do you wonder about these barbarians?" Seeing their eyes, Mo Tian immediately understood, and explained with a laugh:

"I don't know what you guys are, but I met this group of wild barbarians on the road. They were greedy and murderous towards me at one point, so I had no choice but to kill them with a sword and bring them back to wait for punishment."

"Speaking of which, the other four cases seem to have had the same experience."

When he said this, Lu An finally understood what was going on, and glanced at the toad at his feet from the corner of his eye, eyes full of disgust.

"I'm still thinking about saving a living person and bringing it back to squeeze the memory. Since you guys have caught the rest of the crime, then I won't keep this guy."

After finishing speaking, Lu An slapped Toad's fat head full of sarcoid bumps with his palm, and a hot breath immediately flowed into the limbs and bones along the sky.

In an instant, the leader of the toad began to dissolve from the skin to the tendons, until the pancreas and bones melted into stench of blood.

This hand can be called the palm of bone, extremely sinister.

The whole process didn't even have time to let out a scream, and the body turned into nothing.

And Lu An didn't even blink his eyelids, it was as simple as slaughtering livestock, which made the eyes of the brothers and sisters nearby twitch.

Good guy, this newly promoted Dao Chuan Junior Brother really deserves the name of Wu Mo. He uses vicious methods to kill people without blinking an eye, and he doesn't even leave a whole body behind.

"Speaking of which, these guys are really strange, their spirits are ridiculously weak, otherwise my true Wuxuanyin palm can melt even the soul into pieces."

The voice is not loud, but the deterrence is extremely strong.

Witnessing the tragic death of his leader on the spot, one can imagine the psychological pressure on the many embarrassing people kneeling nearby.

The eyes of several leaders were tearing apart, but there was nothing they could do.

However, Lu An did not intend to let them go, and turned into Ultraman Ace on the spot.

His eyes swept around inexplicably, and his words were as gloomy as the god of death: "I said, senior brother, these guys are not good things. Serve."

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