Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1221: All Things Are Logical

Don't look at her looks like a fish and a wild goose, just think she is a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Beneath the glamorous appearance that is as cold as a bright moon is a genuine top-notch beast. It has even wiped out millions of living beings, creating a single-person extermination of the clan.

It's not someone who is beautiful and kind-hearted, but she is more ruthless, one of the most ruthless people.

Anyway, he is not willing to go to Yuezu for help.

This favor is owed, and it will be difficult to pay it back in the future.


Seeing Lu An's reluctance, Ming Wei fell into silence, thinking about it, it was indeed so.

Before parting on the ice and snow planet, Yuezu looked at Lu An in a really strange way, as if he was looking at an old acquaintance who was both unfamiliar and familiar.

It is rare and rare for Yuezu to pay attention to him when they meet for the first time.

If it is because of the moon wolf breath in Lu An's body, it seems a little unreasonable.

Even though there was still Panhu on Sunday, Yuezu's reaction was really a bit extreme.

For a well-informed fairy mountain beast ancestor, it is really not normal.

There are indications that there may be another secret in it.

"The severed arm that Yue Zu condensed has something to do with you? I remember that you had a form before, and the arm is exactly the same as it."

After thinking up to this point, Ming didn't hide Chi Yan's secrets, and used him as air to hang aside, and asked Lu An's reason softly.

If she remembered correctly, Lu An's form was obtained by absorbing the blood essence of the moon wolf and the blood essence of Panhu, and possessed the power of combining the two into one.

Yuezu's ferocious severed arm is so similar to that form, basically the same.

"Do you believe me if I say it's okay?"

Lu An tentatively asked, and then helplessly spread his hands, making up his mind to make the duck talk hard.

"To be honest, that broken arm is exactly the same as my sun and moon phase, but I don't know where Senior Yuezu knew about it."

"I think it was left by someone else, maybe the former owner of the Spirit Refining Forbidden Art. This thing was created by the suzerain of the Ten Thousand Beast Body Sect, but I forgot the specific generation."

When it came to this point, how could Ming not understand what he meant.

"You mean, the owner of the severed arm may come from the Ten Thousand Beast Body Sect?"

"Hmm! That's the possibility. Otherwise, could it be mine? Maybe my ancestors weren't even born in those years."

"Or is it that we can go back through time and space? Or is it my previous life?"

As the saying goes, the truth is often spoken in jest, and this is the case with Lu An now.

Traveling through time and space is obviously nonsense, but it is impossible for any normal person to believe it.

There are so many great supernatural beings throughout the ages, who can say that they can cross the long river of time and go upstream, even the living true immortals may not be able to do it.

Since ancient times, the word time has always been recognized by countless creatures as the supreme taboo, the most mysterious and unpredictable.

He is a little life palace master, how can He De penetrate the mystery.

Tell Elder Ming this, you can ask her if she believes it.

It turns out the same is true.

Ming didn't take this seriously at all, Quan took it as Lu An's joke and thought it made sense.

At present, this is the most likely possibility, as for other time travel? Past and Present?

Just listen to gossip.

Lu An is a modern person, and the severed arm that Yue Zu condensed could not be his anyway, the era is too far apart.

If this point of view is to be established, I am afraid that it can only be confirmed by traveling through time and space.

But it's possible.

In Ming's cognition, no one can do such a thing as traveling through time and space, not even the top true immortal.

Seeing that there was no doubt about him, Lu An felt relieved and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, normal people would not believe it.

Unsurprisingly, Ming did not disappoint Lu An's trust, and this word was mentioned in front of her without arousing suspicion at all.

But if it was Yuezu, Lu An would definitely not dare to run the train with such a mouthful.

Although he only met a few times, Yue Zu left a deep impression in Lu An's heart.

In his opinion, Yuezu is very evil, to an unbelievable degree.

I don't know whether it's because of my knowledge or my unique supernatural powers, but my ability to distinguish the true from the false is simply wicked to the extreme.

In front of her, it was like being illuminated by a bright silver moon for thousands of miles, and everything could not hide under the light of the moon.

All the secrets are exposed under the bright moon.

Lies don't work at all, it can be called a walking human lie detector, very scary.

Running in front of her to run the train, maybe she will really catch the flaw and dig out the truth hidden in many falsehoods.

Lu An thinks that among all the people he knows, Yue Zu puts him the most pressure.

He can be called the elder among the elders, and he gives enough psychological pressure while being reasonable.

Don't dare to force it.

"In that case, why didn't you tell her directly?"

"Don't blame me, Elder Ming. At that time, I was very confused when I saw the arm. If you say you know it, you know it. If you say you don't know it, you don't know it. How can I say it?"

"It's all an afterthought."

Seeing Lu An helplessly shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands, Ming slightly nodded understandingly.

It was normal, seeing a severed arm that was exactly the same as himself would make anyone very puzzled.

"Since that's the case, let's take the three culprits first. You don't need to worry about the matter of Chaos Blood. Let Yuezu take the initiative."

Seeing that Lu An felt a little guilty in the face of Yue Zu, Ming no longer insisted, but changed his strategy and planned to personally help, asking for a drop of Chaos Blood for him.

As soon as these words came out, Lu An was overjoyed immediately, and Chi Yan, who was acting as a little transparent beside him, also looked stunned, as if he didn't quite believe his ears.

"It's so embarrassing, it's too much trouble for you, Elder Ming." Lu An scratched his head, embarrassed and contrived, with a disgusting face that was cheap and obedient.

"There is no need to be courteous between you and me. Your ability to grow up and become the pillar of the sect is the greatest reward for this seat."

Ming turned his face away from Lu An's face, and turned to look at Chi Yan who was bewildered: "Elder Chi Yan, can you please go and fetch the blood of the three fierce ones?"

"There is nothing wrong with it, then please wait for a moment, the old man will come as soon as he goes."

The Red Flame Snake's pupils regained their clarity, and while agreeing repeatedly, they didn't forget to look at Lu An, thinking inwardly what a good guy.

As expected of the fourth biography, Ah Ming valued it so much that he even went to find Yuezu himself to discuss bartering.

It's really the first time since the beginning of the world.

"Hey, elder Chi Yan, wait a minute, as long as ordinary blood is fine, you don't need precious blood." Noticing Chi Yan's gesture to leave, Lu An hurriedly called him to stop, saying that there was no need to spend money.

He has a small assistant to refine the essence blood, and things like essence blood are of little significance to him, and he can't afford it.

However, Ming obviously didn't know about these things, so he frowned at what he said.

"What is the meaning of this? If you are worried about spending money, you can rest assured that it is all given to you for free, without any price."

Thinking that Lu An was worried that his wallet would not be enough to pay, Ming couldn't help comforting him: "As a Taoist disciple, the sect will give resources as much as possible without paying any price."

"However, since you are an old martial arts cultivator, the sect can't formulate training policies, and everything needs to be decided by you."

"But you can mention the lack of cultivation resources to us, and the sect will try its best to meet the requirements."

I told Lu An word by word that I didn't know what to give at first, but now that you have needs, I will naturally satisfy them as much as possible.

No need to spend Contribution Points.

So, if you want the best, don't refuse, just accept it generously.

"It's not because of the lack of money, but the effect of precious blood, essence, and so on is the same for me. If these high-level resources can not be wasted, then don't waste them, and leave them for others who need them."

"Ordinary blood is the best. I have a special method to purify it into essence blood, which is economical and affordable."

Seeing that Elder Ming seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, Lu An shook his head and explained that these things have the same function, but the value is very different.

Letting him use such an expensive thing as the essence is no different from a cow chewing peonies.

"Ah?" Chi Yan's snake pupils were full of question marks, and she really wanted to ask what Lu An was talking about.

Can you still take mortal blood and purify it into essence blood? Do young people nowadays play such high-end games?

"Is that so, then it's up to you."

I have already seen too many unbelievable things on Lu An, and I have already developed immune resistance, so it is okay to add purified blood.

After confirming that there was no follow-up request, Chi Yan hurriedly left without stopping. The pace was very fast, and he decided to take this opportunity to digest it.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu An took the opportunity to ask Ming some things, such as how long he would stay on this mineral star.

For this question, Ming did not give a specific answer, but said that he would leave when the supply was almost complete, and rush to the star field where the ancestor star was located.

Not long after, Chi Yan rushed back from the depths of the animal garden, holding a palm-sized triangular container tightly in his hand.

The three sharp corners present different colors respectively.

Crimson, gray, deep black.

The silent and ominous unknown atmosphere of three different colors lingers in the heart and breeds creepy fear.

It seems that this triangular container is not a simple container, but a miniature demon-suppressing tower, which suppresses three prehistoric beasts from ancient times.

Vicious and monstrous, he made no secret of his endless evil thoughts.

"According to Lu Daochuan's meaning, this is the mortal blood of Qiongqi Wuwu and Taotie. As long as the central node is pressed, the seal will be released by itself."

Chi Yan handed the triangular container to Lu An, and couldn't help telling: "Lu Daochuan, please proceed with caution. Although it is mortal blood, the true nature of the three evils contained in it should not be underestimated. If you are not careful, you will suffer backlash and go crazy." .”

"Before you use them, it's better to do some preparation in advance."

"I understand, Elder Chi Yan can rest assured." Lu An nodded lightly, and took the triangular container happily, feeling the weight from the palm of his hand.

The blood of the ancient three evil spirits. It was a painstaking effort to find the blood essence of alien beasts in the past. I never thought that one day it would be so easy to get it.

The ancient three evils, this is not the blood of ordinary alien beasts, but the most powerful and fiercest among alien beasts, its value is immeasurable.

Just think about how difficult it was for him to find the blood of the five holy beasts.

Now there are just three casually, and the final Chaos has a clue, just wait for Elder Ming to negotiate.

"Sure enough, I'm leaning against the big tree to enjoy the shade, and the resources are just enough." Lu An thanked him repeatedly, and then carefully put it away.

Seeing this, Ming looked sideways: "The three fierce bloods have been obtained, but you want to refine them immediately?"

"No, I want to refine together after gathering the Chaos Blood."

Lu An answered honestly, he wanted to refine the four ancient villains in one go, and put them all into Xianwu Xingyiliu.

If there is a lack of chaos, it will not feel so good.

"I know, so let's say goodbye here, and I will negotiate with Yuezu."

Knowing his plan, Ming nodded lightly and left with Yu Jian resolutely. He walked swiftly and let Lu An wait for her news.

Watching her go away, Lu An and Chi Yan chatted a few words and parted for the time being, then returned to Lu Feng.

Going out to harvest the blood of the three evils, the third layer of the spirit-refining forbidden method can be regarded as settled, and it can be said to be full of harvest.

Flying the triangular container in his hand, Lu An was in a good mood, and returned to Lu Feng unhurriedly. Seeing no one around, he decided to make a delicious meal, so that Zhao Yaoyao and the others could bathe in the grace of heaven and have fun with the sky.

Ever since, the matchwood hut located beside the stream soon overflowed with the aroma of food, and the smell alone can make people mouth watering.

Inside the wooden house, Lu An is concentrating on the stewed beef in the kitchen, his every move coincides with the rhythm of the track, as if he is not cooking dishes, but playing martial arts.

After being promoted to the Palace of Fate, his martial arts training methods are no longer limited to form, every movement of his hands and feet can be refined and condensed, which is a part of martial arts.

You can practice martial arts by walking or sitting, and you can practice martial arts first, and gather martial arts for a long time.

Everything in the world has martial arts.

Take a break to practice martial arts, meditate to practice martial arts, and martial arts also exist in cooking.

Just like controlling the heat, there is a doorway inside. A little more dishes will look old, and a little less is not enough.

Only by mastering that point can we achieve perfection and make the most perfect dishes.

This is the martial arts contained in it.

Only by being neither arrogant nor impetuous can a mirror stand still.

Lu An doesn't know what state he is in now, he concentrates on cooking sauced beef, and nothing else.

As everyone knows, at this moment, he is full of visions, martial arts and beliefs are blended, producing unimaginable and wonderful changes.

The surrounding space suddenly reverberated with the multiple waves of waves and torrents hitting the rocky reefs, and then turned into a calm and clear stream. A drop of spring water dripped into it, resounding like the ding-dong spring sound of heaven.

In the Palace of Fate, the vast and boundless catalog of the Martial God manifests the sky mirror and the blue sea, reflecting everything like a mirror, and gaining insight into every detail.

The best kindness is like water, and the mirror stops the water.

The heart is like still water and the waves are not disturbed, neither happy with things nor sad with oneself, control oneself and gain insight into others.

The true meaning of Zhishui took shape.

The heavenly mirror and blue sea formed by Zhishui's true meaning poured into the stars of Xianwu's shape and mind, and then passed through countless blurred ghosts of immortals and beasts, and drilled into the Zhitian Xuanwu's phantom of Yishan Zhenhai.

It is the Xuanwu totem transformed by Beimiao Zhenwu Xuanyuan Dangmoliu.

Both belong to water, and the two are the most compatible, so without Lu An's subjective manipulation, they can be drawn and summarized from each other.

Absorbing another true meaning of martial arts, the Xuanyuan Demon Suppressing Totem set off tens of thousands of waves, lingering around Xuanming Zhenshui, appearing more vivid than before.

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