Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1223 Whoever Wins Eats Sea Cucumbers

The two pupils are like stars hanging high in the sky, and the vermilion flame is extremely oppressive, and seems to be able to draw into the minds of all those who look directly at it.

The sacred majesty cannot be desecrated, and all things cannot look directly at God.

At dawn, vermilion flames dotted sporadically pale and burned the void. The viscous and chaotic space had already been overwhelmed and could no longer withstand the strong burning of Nanming Lihuo. It melted like a wax figure in an instant, and wrinkled Spread to all around, and return to calm nothingness.

The eyes are free from fire, and the supernatural powers manifest themselves.

Even Dawu Cangtian didn't have to make extra movements, just opened his eyes slightly, and nothing in sight spontaneously ignited, spreading across the entire sky, turning into burning clouds to cover the night of the sea of ​​stars.

What is even more heart-shattering is that the space melted by Nanming Lihuo did not automatically recover, but tens of thousands of tides emerged from the dark and chaotic void cracks.

The wave is not a real entity, just like Nanming Lihuo, it is a semi-illusory state.

One wave after another, one wave higher than the other, under the fire clouds, the clouds turned and the rain turned, setting off turbulent waves.

The sea water comes from the north, deep and dark like a bottomless abyss, bottomless and unknown, it can contain all things, and can swallow all things, hiding the mystery and the unknown.

The sea of ​​the Northern Darkness surged and surged towards the sky of Dawu with monstrous force.

At this moment, Dawu Cangtian, who had been motionless for a long time and looked like a sculpture of a god, moved. Qingtian's right arm suddenly stretched out, and the palm of his giant hand pulled the entire Beiming Sea over like a black hole, and he kneaded it into a ball at will in his palm.

At the same time, with a move on the left arm, the western fire cloud descended a storm tornado, carrying sharp murderous aura around the dharma.

Dawu Cangtian grabbed the golden and white tornado with one hand, and exerted strength with both arms to suppress the Beihai tornado with regular veins. He only heard a roar of the tiger, and the palms of both hands bloomed with divine power, transforming into black turtles and white tigers.

Hang it casually, and hang the two on the left and right side of the earlobe as earrings, as if you can hear the thunderous roar of the tiger and the melodious sound.

At the same time, there are boundless thunder and auspicious golden light descending through the clouds, gathering the arms of the Dharma to manifest the golden circle of the dragon ring.

Behind him, Tianwu opened his big hand to vibrate the black and yellow veins, and suddenly grasped the sun and the bright moon, which were extremely dazzling against the backdrop of the dusk sky.

Minggong suppresses the world's laws and changes, holds the sun and the moon and bears the sky, and is the only one who respects me forever.

The majesty and majesty swept across the world, and the fighting spirit of martial arts was unparalleled. In front of the great martial arts, everything was suppressed, and no one dared to do anything wrong.

In the eyes of outsiders, Dawu Cangtian is undoubtedly a giant god coming to the world, almost indistinguishable from a god.

But this is not the case in fact, the Great Wu Cangtian is Lu An's natal dharma, which is transformed by his own energy and spirit.

In his cognition, he is definitely not a god, but the sky, the only sky above all things in the world!

Just like the name of Dawu Cangtian, it is not only the will that overrides everything, but also the supreme existence of the entire martial arts!

Wu Cangtian!

As Lu An exhaled and inhaled, the phantom of the great martial arts sky changed accordingly.

Sometimes there are vermilion birds soaring, and sometimes green dragons are entwined, with their feet on real martial arts, and the sun and moon in the palm flicker, illuminating all living beings.

In the sky at dusk, there are countless fighting cries looming, and countless fuzzy shadows fighting hard are fleeting.

Unyielding will, extreme fighting spirit, pure martial arts...

Time has passed, and no one has remembered the heroic and benevolent martial arts ancestors. They only remember their glorious achievements in fighting bravely and locking the demons from outside the territory in the ancestral star.

But the real heroic appearance and real name have been quietly lost in the long river of history, buried and sunk, and no one knows about it anymore.

No one knows, no one knows, but it does not mean that there are no traces in the world.

The sky will remember them, watch them silently, record the proofs and traces of their existence in the world, and finally reflect and reappear in the dawn and dusk.

The hazy sky seems to be a photo camera, constantly reflecting the shadows of various martial arts, showing the blazing fighting spirit and martial heart.

One can imagine how huge the power and influence caused by the 10,000-meter-high sky dharma.

The place Lu An chose was remote, but it wasn't really deserted.

The 10,000-meter giant stretches across the sky, and its indomitable figure is like a sacred city wall with no end in sight. The majestic body can only look up, feeling its own smallness and the sense of suffocation.

It is enough to stop the heartbeat and breathing of giant phobia patients.

As long as the distance is not too far away, no matter how slow the reaction is, no matter how busy the hands are, they will inevitably be affected and find the giant shadow standing in the sky.

The scattered disciples of the five sects nearby are not blind, how could they not see the majestic body of Dawu Cangtian, witnessing a giant rising slowly, one can imagine how complicated their feelings are.

Most of the eyes are dull, and I don't know which elders are relatives.

Restoring cultivation base here, the momentum is indeed too huge.

Among them, the hardest ones are undoubtedly the spirit beast disciples of Myriad Beasts Mountain. They were only shocked by the Dawu Cangtian Dharma, but they didn't feel much other than that.

But it's different after that.

With the manifestation of the seven kinds of innate holiness, the coercion of the blood that was too huge to break free instantly enveloped the whole body, making their blood cold and their bodies trembling endlessly.

The sense of oppression originating from the depths of their blood and genes in their bones makes them unable to even resist, and they are unable to resist at all, and dare not resist.

Not the slightest disobedience.

"Who the hell..."

Somewhere in the Youlan dense forest, more than a dozen spirit beasts were lying on the ground, their bodies trembling.

Among them is a Tongbei silver monkey, whose hair is silver and smooth like fine iron, and its muscles are extremely developed.

It's a pity that no matter how tangible the muscle is, it can't hide the fact that it is lying on the ground, trembling when speaking, and the gums are crackling like a machine gun.

"do not know."

Not far away, an eight-winged sika deer suddenly uttered a sweet female voice, and had completely given up resistance, lying on the ground helplessly.

It's not that she doesn't want to resist, it's that she can't do it at all.

Not long after he woke up, his cultivation level had fallen like a dog, so what could he use to resist.

Originally in a good mood, I came out to look for food, and I wanted to find some spiritual things to nourish myself and speed up the progress of my cultivation.

But who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

The Holy King is coercive, she resisted with her head.

If there was only one, she might still be able to resist the pressure, but the reality is very ruthless and cold, hitting her hard, and her young heart was hit hard.

This is not a single Holy King! But a full five!

five! ! !

The eight-winged sika deer looks loveless on the surface, but roars madly inside.

The aura of the Holy King of the Five Paths, what the hell is this horse riding!

She has lived such a big life in her life, and she has seen only a handful of holy king gatherings, only twice in her life, which one is not a top event.

After all the calculations, she never expected to see her for the third time on this broken planet. It was obviously an exciting thing, but why couldn't she be happy?

"It seems to be a Faxiang, but I have never seen it before. Could it be an elder of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong?"

Some spirit beasts faltered and barely uttered the words, but Tongbei Silver Monkey retorted back: "Impossible, we don't know any of the elders of Wanxiangfa Tianzong, which one is this kind of Dharma?"

"Is it possible...their Supreme Elder?"

"Impossible! Your grand elder is free to come out to scare people?"

Tongbei Silver Monkey stared, and looked at the talking spirit beast with the eyes of a fool, thinking that its brain didn't seem very smart and its IQ was not high enough.

What kind of person is the Supreme Elder, that is the fighting power of the sect, just like the ancient ancestors of the Myriad Beasts Mountain, they are either sleeping or closed, how can they step out of the sect casually?

What kind of brain can say such a thing, it needs at least a century history of cerebral thrombosis cases.

"Then tell me who it is."

That spirit beast is not convinced, this is neither that nor that, why is it a stone monkey jumping out of a mountain?

"I really envy you guys who are still in the mood to quarrel. Save your energy. At worst, wait for the Faxiang to disappear and go over to see who he is."

The eight-winged sika deer smacked their lips, speechless about their childish behavior.

I was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and I was still fighting in my heart, how could I come out with two big fools.

As a member of spirit beasts, just like general birds and beasts, the suppression of blood is especially important, and the superiors have absolute natural suppression of the inferiors.

This instinct will become a natural defect in many cases, and it is easy to be exploited by those who want to, and finally suffer a big loss.

Even if Myriad Beasts Mountain has a mature method to improve this disadvantage, it cannot be completely exempted.

How much will be affected, the greater the blood gap, the more obvious.

The pressure of the five great holy kings is superimposed, and the sun and moon are assisted by different beasts. The seven pressures cover each other. May I ask which spirit beast can stand up?

Compared with the hard-working disciples of Ten Thousand Beasts and Immortal Mountain, the disciples of the other four sects wandering around are much better.

Although there is still a sense of oppression, it is not as oppressive as the blood of the spirit beast, and it can still move freely.

Driven by curiosity, the scattered disciples of the four sects in different directions moved to the feet of Fa Xiang, wanting to see who was so crazy, Zhang Yang to this extent.

But after thinking about it, they didn't intend to watch closely at all, but wanted to get closer, and seeing the main messenger was enough.

Touching all the way, they soon saw Lu An sitting cross-legged on a huge mushroom umbrella.

At the same time, it was also found that there were other people nearby, but the focus of attention was obviously not here.

"Junior Brother Lu?! That's all right."

Seeing the face of the main envoy, the disciples of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong were stunned for a moment, and then they were stunned.

No wonder, they said that this method is so familiar.

The tortoise shell and dragon ring in the dharma robe kept changing, and it was almost unrecognizable.

"Junior Brother Lu's momentum is so powerful that you can see it from far away." The closer you get to Dawu Cangtian, the more you can feel the majesty of his dharma body, and you can't help but feel emotional.

"It's him?!"

The disciples of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong are no strangers to Lu An, but the other four sects seem to be very different.

But it's not completely unfamiliar, several of them have been to the ice and snow planet, so they recognized Lu An as the new Daoist of Wanxiang Fa Tianzong at a glance.

Because of this matter, they also had a lot to talk about during this period, and the most discussed was the new Taoist biography of the Tianzong of Wanxiang Fa.

This is not a trivial matter. Thinking about the three guys in Motian who don't know who they are, the new Daoist who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them will naturally attract attention.

"Is he the new Daoist of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong?"

Hearing what they said, the other unsuspecting companions exclaimed and turned to look at Lu An with disbelief.

It's really better to be famous than to meet each other. I've heard about the new biography of Tianzong of Vientiane Fa before, but I didn't expect to meet a real person here. Biqu library

"Only at first glance, it is quite ordinary, and there is nothing special about it. Of course, his momentum is extraordinary, and his aura is very unique. He looks like the person in the painting."

Because of the Taoism, several female disciples from Yaochi Chuixian Valley couldn't help examining Lu An with critical eyes, and commented sharply on him.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that I don't have three heads and six arms, but my temperament is very fairy, quite like a master of a generation, giving people a strong sense of stability and security.

"Don't underestimate him. I heard from my friends of Wanxiang Fa Tianzong that this Lu Daochuan is very terrifying and a big monster."

A bun-faced female disciple and other companions kept a safe distance from Lu An, and whispered softly: "Not long ago, at the sect ceremony of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, Mo Tian publicly questioned his status as a Taoist preacher. Reluctantly agree to the state of mind test of Sect Master Wanfa, and conduct the test during the test."

The bun-faced girl said the truth, as if she was there at the time.

"I heard from my friends that it's okay to be surprised by accidents. It's a big secret anyway."

"That is the body of immortality. In that illusion of refining the mind, he cannot be killed no matter what. Even if he is killed, he can be reborn with a drop of blood. The most terrifying thing is that he is extremely murderous. He can break the illusion and wake up at any time, but he is very powerful. We must slaughter the entire ancestral star, and only wake up when the life is completely cut off."

Hearing what she said, the companions opened their eyes wide in surprise.

"No way, Sect Master Wanfa can let him gain strength in the illusion of refining the mind?"

"Yeah, that's right! And slaughtering the ancestral star, with such a murderous nature, can he be the Taoist preacher of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong? The Heavenly Demon Death Prison should like him more, right?"

"What I said is true! I also asked other people to collect evidence, and they all said the same thing!"

Seeing that her companion didn't believe her, the bun-faced girl pouted unhappy, and shouted with her hands on her hips, "Who knows what's going on, anyway, Sect Master Wanfa didn't have such a plan at all, it seems that he himself awakened in the illusion!"

"If you can take back your own power without the consent of the person in charge, the doorway inside is very terrifying, which means that these things have penetrated into the bone marrow, even if you don't have memory, you can't forget it, and it has become an innate talent!"

"Also, the most abnormal thing about him is that he is different from us. He is not a monk of the immortal way, but a warrior of the old way!"

The bun-faced girl had long been immersed in the pleasure of telling stories, and she didn't notice at all that the 10,000-meter-high Dawu sky was gradually dissipating, flying into the sky like quicksand.

When she reacted, Dawu Cangtian had already flown away for most of the time, and the clouds of fire in the sky also dissipated.

And Lu An got up at some point, glanced at them hastily, said hello to a few brothers and sisters, and left.

Walked very simply.

Back at Lu Feng, Lu An turned his neck, feeling extremely comfortable.

He had foreseen the change of the Dharma appearance, but he never thought that the change would be so great.

Directly breaking through the 10,000-meter limit, Ultraman is like an ant in front of him.

I didn't even expect that it could be skillfully combined with Xianwu Xingyiliu to produce a mutation similar to evolution.

Looking back now, if my natal aura is fully fired, with a stalwart figure, wouldn't it be like pinching popcorn when pinching a battleship of the Huo clan?

A spaceship in each hand, crushed into scraps of iron and kicked as a ball, back to the Blue Star to compete with the national football team, whoever wins will eat sea cucumbers.

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