The white deer lay half dead next to Lu An and sobbed softly, his face was kneaded into various shapes by someone's hands, matching her pitiful expression was very endearing.

Shen Li couldn't help itching, and wanted to go up and tease her.

As a native of Chongguo, who can refuse a little animal-eared loli with white hair and red eyes?

White Deer is obviously well versed in this way, after taking shape, every detail has grown into the heart of the Tianxuan people.

It belongs to a 100% hedge against Chinese special attack treasures.

After a moment of entanglement in her heart, Shen Li finally did not make a move, and a hint of envy flashed in her eyes.

The white deer is cute because it is cute, but strong is also really strong.

This is a real god-level beast king, so don't be fooled by her humanoid loli appearance.

If he really annoyed her, the consequences would be unimaginable.

A Beastmaster of the Divine Palace Realm went mad in the city, and the damage it caused was undoubtedly immeasurable.

Besides, despite the fact that Bailu is laying flat and playing around in Lu An's hands, he is actually the only one who can win this honor.

If others dare to follow Lu An's example, they will definitely suffer the crazy revenge of Bailu.

Because of Dream Sea Territory's previous experience, this guy has a very big prejudice against human beings, and he basically looks arrogant and indifferent to outsiders on weekdays.

It is only in front of Lu An that he is so cute and coquettish.

The word double standard has been brought to the extreme.

Hence, a faint smile rose from the corner of Shen Li's lips, and while Lu An was playing with the white deer, she got up and poured herself a glass of water.

Because of Bai Lu's sudden coquettish rolling, the chat between the two of them was interrupted, but thanks to her, this slightly heavy topic was forcibly diverted.

"Okay, okay, it's such a big deer, and it's not embarrassing to cry and act like a little girl."

"Illya will laugh at you if you cry any more."

Hearing her name, Ilya raised her head and looked at the white deer who was being bullied suspiciously.

Noticing the crystal tears in the corners of her eyes, Ilya turned sideways and stretched out her little hands, took out a piece of paper and silently handed it to Bailu.


Seeing the tissue paper handed over by Ilya, Bai Lu took it with a slight groan, and held it in his hand, continuing to feel sad.

Unable to make up for the vacancy in the Divine Hidden Realm, she is very sad now, and urgently needs the comfort of the Holy Lord.

Seeing the tacit understanding between the two little lolitas, Lu An couldn't help being secretly happy, and reached out to stroke the young antlers of the white deer to express comfort.

"By the way, old lady, where are Mengmeng and Xiaorou? Why don't you see them?"

Touching the antlers was not enough for Lu An, so he simply picked up the white deer and put it on his lap, rubbing his head angrily as a pillow.

"Mengmeng is at home with Aunt Ren, and so is Xiaorou."

Shen Li raised the water glass and gently released a trace of extremely cold spiritual power, and a glass of ice drink without impurities was formed: "I have been separated outside for so long, I can't be with my family when I come back."

"That's right, so why is our family different?" Lu An poked Bailu's face full of wonder, feeling completely puzzled.

Logically speaking, they should also stay at home to accompany Lao Lu and Lin Fian.

But who would have thought that after the initial excitement of meeting, Lao Lu and Lin Fian returned to their old style.

In the early morning, they left them and went to the Mystery of All Souls to open a pharmacy.

There is no joy at all after reuniting with my own children after a long absence.

Shen Li was okay, the two of them were very spoiled when they came back, and they would ask each other every now and then.

But he, Lu, didn't have this kind of treatment. On the contrary, because of what he did recently, he was pulled by the old Lu to preach.

Tell him earnestly and earnestly that he is now a public figure, and ask him to pay attention to his own image and improve his already rotten reputation.

He and Shen Li are also required to learn more.

Thinking of this, Lu An was puzzled, wondering why everyone has parents to care for, but this is different for him.

"Nowadays, the pharmacy business is booming, so it's understandable for parents to get up early to open the store."

Shen Li understood Lao Lu and Lin Fian very well, because of the reason they won the championship, there are now an endless stream of customers visiting the pharmacy every day.

Either they came here to make a card, or they wanted to buy something to be happy, or they wanted to make a relationship and get acquainted.

There are all kinds of people. Lao Lu and Lin Fian have worked hard for so many years, and now their business is booming. Of course, they will not let go of this opportunity to make money and network.

After all, their family is not a big family, and it must be incomparable to a behemoth like the Gu family.


Lu An nodded

He made it clear that, in his view, with his current assets, his father and mother would definitely not need to open a pharmacy to make money.

It's not that he hasn't mentioned this before, but Lao Lu and the two don't listen, and he can't do anything about it.

Maybe it's a habit, or maybe it's just fun.

At least Lu An thinks so.


Sitting at home until two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu An led a few followers and went out with Shen Li.

At this time, Gu Zhuang was as lively as ever, but because of school on weekdays, there were fewer lively and lovely young faces.

When passing by Gu Zhuang's main house, Lu An paid a little attention, but did not find Gu Zhenshan.

The old man came back early after getting off the plane and had a feast with them, and he didn't know what he was doing now.

Mysterious and mysterious, no one is seen in broad daylight.

Looking away, Lu An and Shen Li left Gu Zhuang and set off for the Mystery of All Souls.

The journey was very smooth, and the only surprise was that someone recognized him after arriving at Wanling Square.

Because of the various major events that have happened recently, whether it is Shen Liyi or Lu An's popularity is unprecedented.

The former is because he shined brilliantly in the arena and helped Tian Xuan win the championship in one fell swoop, while the latter caused trouble everywhere by virtue of his ability to overwhelm the crowd, attracting thousands of attention.

Therefore, even though they had dressed up in disguise, they were still caught on the spot by sharp-eyed people the first time they arrived at Wanling Square.

The main reason is that the few followers around Lu An are too recognizable.

A ferret, a white fox, a white hedgehog and a stupid erha, the Lu An family is probably the only such combination in the world.

A spirit beast with such a high level of spiritual wisdom cannot be imitated even if others try to imitate it.

The configuration does not meet the requirements.

"Restrain yourself!"

Looking at the excited crowd, Lu An immediately turned his head to warn the vigilant Bailu not to act rashly.

Because this guy had a criminal record, Lu An still picked her up uneasy, and occupied his two arms with Ilya on the left and right.

Seeing the world champion right in front of him, the crowd, men, women, young and old, were all ignited and gathered together with great excitement.

Fortunately, there was a law enforcement team nearby conducting daily patrols. Seeing this scene, they immediately came up to help the two out of the siege, which allowed them to escape.

"Unexpectedly, I have a lot of fans." Looking back at the excited crowd, Lu An muttered twice to himself.

I am almost becoming the biggest traitor in modern times on the Internet, but I didn't expect that there are still real fans.

It's fine if there are real fans, but there are actually female fans in it, which is really beyond his expectation.

It's not a strange thing that there are still female fans when men's and women's toilets are hammered together.

While Lu An was surprised in his heart, he couldn't help secretly delighting, lamenting that he still has a charismatic personality.

These fans are the same, they can be said to have sharp eyes, and they have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty.

To be able to fall in love with him, Lu, from all the filth and abuse, will surely have a bright future in the future.

Entering the Mystery of All Souls, took out the student ID that was thrown in the corner to eat ashes to activate the formation, and teleported directly to the teleportation building of All Souls Academy.

Qingxinlinyuan, the last unmanned villa near the lake.

Here, there are galloping spirit horses, groups of cloud beasts, and the leisurely lying corpses of pandas hidden in the bamboo forest.

The sacred giant tree on the island in the lake is like the incarnation of the mother of the earth. The huge tree crown forms a natural parasol, and its dense branches and leaves extend out to protect them from wind and rain.

Everything looks so peaceful and peaceful, like a paradise for spirit beasts.

If there is a fly in the ointment, it is a lack of popularity.

Looking in from the window, you can clearly see that the villa has not been inhabited for a long time, only a few pandas and Yunsheng beasts are active inside.

But even so, the interior of the villa is still clean and tidy, and it has not become messy because of the presence of pandas.

There are signs that someone is obviously cleaning it meticulously every day.

And at this moment, the empty villa finally ushered in its long-lost original owner.

There was only a slight click sound from the door of the teleportation room, and then a cute and dexterous white fox rushed out first, jumped up with a few run-up steps, and lightly landed on a cloud-born beast.

"Shurima, your emperor is back!"

The sudden change frightened all the beasts, but soon, they found the standing figure of the little white fox, and they were overjoyed after being stunned for a while. Biqu library

Even the little panda who was taking a nap on the sofa rolled quickly.

Come down, go to the side of Yun Sheng Beast and yell at the little white fox.

And more rushed to the teleportation room, because they all knew what the arrival of the little white fox meant.

"Emma, ​​staying in hotels around outside, in the end it's still comfortable at home."

The door of the teleportation room was kicked open, and Lu An came out stretched, with a look of nostalgia and comfort on his face.

Sure enough, my own kennel is comfortable.

But before he could miss it for long, he saw a few young Thunder Roars charging at him with the fearless attitude of the bear-men, their black and white hairs slammed into their arms with lightning, and they hugged his calf tightly and did not let go.

"I'm a ghost, it's you guys, who do I think it is?"

Lu An looked at the red pandas under his feet and smiled very happily. He leaned over and lifted them up one by one: "Long time no see, has it really turned into a roar of thunder?"

"嘻~" Lu An's four small pitch-black eyes looked at each other, and his limbs stretched their teeth and claws in mid-air, just like two black and white balls.

Also at this moment, there was a wonderful fluctuation accompanied by the light breeze blowing through the leaves, and a drab branch was seen stretching out from the window, and with it came many hydrofoil horses and cloud-born beasts.

"Long time no see, little tree, do you miss me?"

Lu An greeted them with a smile, and then walked out of the villa surrounded by all the beasts.

Seeing so many fellow spirit beasts, Bai Lu's eyes lit up, and he immediately left Shen Li and Yi Liya behind, and followed closely behind with his short legs, wanting to say hello to them.

From birth to now, Bailu has spent ninety-nine percent of his time in the Dream Sea, and he has seen very few land-dwelling spirit beasts.

Now seeing so many of the same kind at once, she was somewhat excited.

Due to the joy of the reunion after a long absence, the spirit beasts entangled Lu An for a long time before giving up.

At this moment, Lu An was like a drowned rat, his whole body was soaked by the water balloons sprayed by the hydrofoil horses, and he looked very embarrassed.

After steaming away the water stains at will, Lu An ran to the artificial island to see the little tree and Tianlong King Kong Bamboo.

The two guys lived as well as they did before he left.

The only regret is that Tianlong Vajra Bamboo's incomplete spiritual wisdom has not been cultivated, and it cannot communicate normally like a small tree.

Can only rely on weak wisdom and instinct to act.

Although it was a pity, Lu An knew that there was no rush for this matter. He and All Souls Academy had provided an excellent environment, and the rest could only be relied on by Tianlong Vajra Bamboo.

Since it is now the class time of the major colleges, it is rare that no one is disturbed on the artificial island, and Lu An is also happy to be at ease.

After staying under the small tree for a while, Lu An set off for the gymnasium, and left Ilya to Shen Li to take care of before leaving.

Only White Deer followed closely behind with determination.

In the teaching building of the Physical Education Institute, a group of students were sitting listlessly in the classroom, listening to Wu Guangtou, a substitute teacher, explain various knowledge points.

The whole classroom atmosphere was extremely lazy, but Wu Guangtou just glanced at them and stopped meddling.

To be honest, he didn't want to take this kind of unnutritious cultural class, but who told the academy to have strict requirements every month.

If possible, he also wants to take practical lessons.

Look, even the teachers are like this, so how can the students below be bad.

Of course, this is also a consistent tradition of the Physical Education Institute, and they are only interested in practical classes.

"Jingle Bell--"

"get out of class is over?!"

"get out of class is over!"

The class bell rang continuously, and the lifeless classroom suddenly revived in an instant. One after another, men and women lying on the table raised their heads suddenly, as if they heard the bell of relief from heaven.

At the same time, Wu Guangtou also casually threw the books on the desk, and he was faster than the students.

Obviously waited for this moment for a long time.

"Grandma, I won't do it next time. Whoever likes to teach this dog basket culture class can teach it."

Wu Guangtou muttered as he walked out of the classroom, feeling extremely agitated.

This ghostly job is really not done by humans, if I knew it, I would have changed it with Tang Rou and the others.

Tang Rou came to teach the cultural class when he went out to cooperate with the Zhenhuang Army to deal with the secret realm of blending into reality.

His grandma is a bear, why were her ears so soft at that time, she was really fooled by that old big contestant.

I am the only one who teaches practical physical education. Is it the material for teaching? !

The more Wu Guangtou thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't think about it anymore. In his heart, he greeted all the eighteen generations of ancestors of his head, his mouth was as sweet as honey.

Old Deng Duzi who was born to be a turtle, I will believe you next time, saying that I was raised by you.

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