Hearing that the little assistant asked him to keep up with each other, Lu An immediately snorted softly and almost laughed out of breath.

The two Dabuliu asked him how he was, why didn't he just die?

Now his whole body and property add up to a little more than two or so, and he needs to talk so much, what is the difference between killing him and taking his life?

"What's the matter, does it hurt you?"

He suddenly snorted softly, Shen Li thought it was because her fingers were too strong, and her ten fingers couldn't help being much softer.

"No, sister, it's very comfortable."

Lu An winked at Chen Li with a playful smile, but behind the scenes, he arrogantly took over the parental ownership of the little assistant.

"Then talk less."

Seeing that it wasn't a problem with her technique, Shen Li gently pinched his ear to signal him to shut up, and then continued to help him relieve his fatigue.


Lu An obediently blinked and agreed, and at the same time turned into a farmer in his heart, waving a whip to encourage the little assistant to work harder.

[Consume the number of advanced secret methods to strengthen Lie Yuankui once, are you sure? 】

After being scolded bloody by Lu An, the little assistant reluctantly made a routine question after replying, and went through the motions according to the usual practice.

"Nonsense, no matter how annoying your father is!"

【Okay dad, let's wait a few more minutes for the help book. 】

Seeing that Lu An was still talking non-stop, the little assistant simply went to the limit and blew himself up, which made someone dumbfounded.

"Good guy, then you will die with you."

Speechless for a few seconds, Lu An simply shifted the target and put the output point on the small assistant Void Mother.

It's impossible for this guy not to scold, since he likes to admit his father and blow himself up, then continue scolding in another direction.

Anyway, I am not at a loss anyway.

[Okay, I understand, Shen Li died with this assistant. 】

"...You are awesome."

Lu An couldn't find any way to counteract the little assistant's hob-knife virtuousness. His face was flushed and he was stunned for a while, and then he had no choice but to give up.

This bastard eats weights - he is determined to change one for another, and he, Lu, has no good way.

It is obviously not worthwhile to rush to the tower for a hard change, but it is still profitable.

At least this guy has started to recognize his father and mother everywhere.

【Lie Yuankui is strengthening and upgrading, the estimated time is three minutes, please wait...】

"Why does it still take three minutes? In the future, the upgrade will be completed in a blink of an eye." Seeing this line of subtitles drifting across the retina, Lu An couldn't help frowning.

This situation has never been seen before.

[This assistant is happy, the host can take care of it. 】

The case was solved, and it was the little assistant avenging his personal revenge.

The corner of Lu An's mouth twitched, his lips twitched and he was about to curse, but thinking of the little assistant's extreme one-for-one response just now, he took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, not to be as knowledgeable as it is.

He simply turned over and lay on Shen Li's lap, pressed his side face against the slender white legs that were as soft as jade, and rubbed them lightly.

"what happened again?"

Shen Li frowned slightly, she always felt that something was wrong with this guy from just now, as dishonest as an ADHD.

"It's nothing, change to a more comfortable position, sister, you can continue~"

Lu An didn't dare to say that he was swearing, so he just found an excuse to prevaricate, and at the same time rubbed his face against Chen Li's legs intoxicated.

He successfully drew a few slaps from her that were neither light nor heavy.

The small assistant's announcement of personal revenge was delayed for three minutes, which seemed to pass quickly, but to Lu An, it was no different from ten minutes.

Every minute and every second of lying in his elder sister's arms and enjoying the massage is extremely long for him, and he enjoys it.

This was one of the few moments he had enjoyed in recent days.

[Ding, Lie Yuankui has successfully advanced. 】

"Oh? The upgrade is complete?"

Lu An was squinting his eyes comfortably, and immediately lifted his spirits when he heard the notification tone, and directly opened the auxiliary panel to check Lie Yuankui's information.

[Lie Yuankui: The heart flame is the foundation, and he has been tempered and tempered, constantly breaking through his own limit, sublimating in the limit, bursting out with more violent and bright power, turning cocoon into butterfly, and then he is the leader. 】

It is still divided into main and auxiliary exercises, the main exercise is the Heart Sutra, and the auxiliary exercise is the supporting secret technique.

The difference is that Lie Yuankui's main skill has changed significantly compared with before.

In the past, Lie Yuankui's main skill was just to speed up the intake of energy to transform qi and blood, and it could also accumulate energy to replace the consumption of qi and blood after opening the eight gates of Lie Yuan.

And if you practice to a high level, you can gradually reduce or even ignore the overload brought by one to seven gates. Biqu library

The only pity is that the eighth door cannot be ignored.

Even if you cultivate to a high level, you should

Those who are seriously injured will still be seriously injured, and those who should be paralyzed will still be paralyzed. This cannot be avoided.

But now after an upgrade, great changes have taken place.

[Lieyuan Xinfa: One realm and one heaven, one realm and one Yuanyang, and the eight realms are perfect and the leader returns to the true. 】

[Special version for the host: The exercises are divided into eight realms, corresponding to the eight gates. If each realm is cultivated to perfection, a round of "Lighting Yuanyang" will be generated at the corresponding acupuncture point, and the burning Yuanyang will replace Qi and blood Burning as firewood has no side effects, and can make Lie Yuan Bamen's power to a higher level on the original basis. 】

[If the eight realms are perfect, you can also detonate the eight Lieyuanyang to penetrate the eight gates, and enter the extreme limit state of "the leader of the Lieyuan", but it will cause a devastating blow to the body, and it is the ultimate killer in life and death. 】

[Note: Each realm can gradually ignore the overload and damage of one to eight gates after cultivating to perfection. 】

This is Lie Yuankui's new change. Not only can he ignore the terrifying backlash brought by the eighth door, but he also has an extra product called "Lie Yuanyang".

It can not only increase the power of the eight sects of Lie Yuan, but also detonate them to implement the eight sects, and enter the so-called "leader of Lie Yuan" state.

It looks extraordinary, and it is Lie Yuankui's final trump card.

I haven't tried it specifically, and Lu An doesn't know, but in his opinion, Lie Yuanyang should be an energy core.

Usually used as an engine, and used as a backup hidden energy at critical moments.

And it's not disposable, it can be regenerated after use!

As long as there is enough time, Lie Yuanyang is equivalent to unlimited backup hidden energy.

It looks very powerful, but Lu An can't try it now, because he hasn't practiced Lie Yuankui's main skill much, let alone the state of perfection.

Because of the existence of martial arts, he used to play with Lie Yuan Bamen only, but on the contrary, he ignored Lie Yuan Kui's main skills.

It's a little embarrassing now.

He stretched out his hand to touch Shen Li's thigh, wanting to activate the state of "Head of Lie Yuan", the prerequisite is the completion of the eight realms, and he obviously has not reached this realm now.

It's a pity that I can't try this new trick.

Compared with the main skill method that has changed greatly, Lie Yuan Bamen is much inferior, and it remains the same as before.

It seems that this time all the added points have been strengthened to the main skill.

Lu An couldn't help wondering if this was deliberately done by the little assistant to avenge his own personal revenge.

But someone just regretted it for a few seconds and then left it behind.

If you strengthen the main skill, you will strengthen it. At worst, you will spend more time practicing Lie Yuankui in the future.

Anyway, if it is not necessary, he will never give half of the energy to the little assistant.

"Keep adding more! Hurry up! Don't let your father beat you with a whip!"

After solving the matter of Lie Yuankui, Lu An turned to scold the assistant angrily, just like a slave owner oppressing the poor.

[15,000 yuan can be a fair price, no counter-offer will be made. 】

Realizing that the opportunity to slaughter the big family has come, the little assistant couldn't wait to jump out and ask for the price, making Lu An's eyes twitch.

"Are you fucking stealing money?! Why don't you just go to the bank to pay for 15,000 yuan?"

Good guy, Lu An almost didn't jump up from Chen Li's lap after being frightened by him.

He thought that the little assistant was joking before, but who knew it was for real, and really planned to steal the energy from him.

15,000 energy, that's the amount of achievement rewards he has completed in the Global Competition.

It hasn't been warmed for a long time since I just saved it, and now I reach out and ask him for 15,000.

Are you really going to make Master Lu spit it all out? !

What's the difference between that and taking his half life?

Think about it, he only used a thousand source energy to upgrade Wu Dian to the killing level.

It's good now, if you directly double Nima's fifteen times, who can withstand such a high price.

[Host don't feel bad, this assistant will give you a good talk. 】

Seeing that Lu An was full of dissatisfaction, and the little assistant was not used to him, he immediately calculated the ledger for him.

[Martial Arts is the ultimate martial arts technique jointly created by the host and this assistant, which is of infinite value in itself, and the source energy required to add some is a bit expensive. 】

[Second point, this upgrade of Wudian can allow the host to practice until the peak of the Palace of Life, which is the Divine Palace Realm of spiritual cultivation. The two great realms are unimpeded, and no matter how expensive it is. 】

[Third point, the host asked this assistant to integrate the Heavenly Demon Qi of the Heavenly Demon Relic into the martial arts. With such a rigid requirement, it is reasonable to add a little more? 】

[The higher the cost, the higher the cost. Doesn’t the 15,000 source energy host feel that he is earning money? You must know that the source energy you earn is for spending, and you’re dead anyway.

You can't bring it into the coffin, why bother to act like a miser? 】

[A good source can be spent wisely, a famous person said it well, the money you spent is not gone, but replaced by another way to stay by your side, the host said, right? 】

The little assistant made a flicker, which gradually calmed down Lu An who was out of temper.

It makes sense when you think about it.

[So, the source energy should be spent as it should, and the host must not be stingy. 】

That's what I said, but Lu An's heart aches when he thinks that most of the energy he has accumulated so hard will go to the east.

"Use it." Knowing that the little assistant would definitely not lower the price on this kind of thing, Lu An could only close his eyes in pain and agree, shrinking into Chen Li's arms to seek comfort.

"..." Looking down silently at Lu An shrinking into her arms, Shen Li sighed helplessly and stretched out her arms to hug the dog in her arms.

She can tell that her dog is probably going to be sick today. This guy has a few days every month, and she has long been used to it.

Sensing her gentle movements, Lu An took an inch to drill in. Today, even the little assistant has lost his heart. Only Shen Li's snow and warm embrace can give him a little comfort.

[Consuming 15,000 sources can add some martial arts. 】

【Draining the Qi of Heavenly Demon...】

【Drawing is complete, martial arts upgrade begins...】

【Being strengthened...】

In the auxiliary space, the celestial demon relic, which has been in a state of stagnation in time, blooms inexplicably with strange magic light, and the four-color cloud patterns of purple, black, blood and gold swirl alternately, as if under the control of some invisible big hand. Return to nothingness.

The sudden change suddenly awakened the weak spiritual intelligence of Tianma Relic, who was originally in silence, and trembled in horror, but still couldn't shake the auxiliary space, and couldn't even move even a meter.

It can only continuously send out begging waves, trying to beg the supreme being who controls this space to let it go.

But the little assistant didn't pay attention to it, and didn't even pay attention to it.

For the sake of 15,000 yuan, the little assistant was so disrespected by his relatives, not only ignored it, but even accelerated the speed of extraction.

If it was withdrawn with a syringe before, it is a large water pump now.

Within a few seconds, the Heavenly Demon Qi of the Heavenly Demon Relic was swept away, and its weak spiritual intelligence was also completely annihilated, revealing its original true face.

The auspicious Buddha's light shines in all directions, and the four-color cloud pattern is like an auspicious Buddha cloud slowly swimming around the relic, spewing out countless Buddha's light and thunder sounds of Buddhist scriptures.

Get rid of the devilish energy all over your body, and return to the wonderful body of the Four Treasures.

This is the real sacred object of Buddhism, the real body of the demon relic, the most wonderful Bodhi relic of the four treasures, which contains endless enlightenment and great wisdom.

But soon, the auxiliary space fell into a state of stagnation again.

Seeing all this, Lu An was amazed and at the same time looked at the bodhi relic a few more times. He roughly estimated its roundness for a moment in his heart, and concluded that it should be able to be used as a plate.

It would be nice if the tender skin got together.

[Wu Dian is being upgraded, due to the current situation of the host, this assistant will try to minimize the impact. 】

Needless to say, Lu An also sensed that the Wudian was running on its own.

But because the little assistant was helping to suppress him, his surging blood and murderous aura did not leak out due to the operation of the martial arts.

Boom, boom, boom.

Only Lu An could hear the beating drum and heartbeat echoing in his ears one after another, as if something unknown was waking up!

He closed his eyes and entered the inner world scene, and immediately saw a terrifying scene.

At the end of the vast universe, endless murderous aura rolls towards the east, like blood dragons roaring across the sky and starry sky. As they gradually rush towards them, traces of treacherous and changeable dark magic sweep across the sky, blending and devouring with the roaring blood dragon .

At this moment, it was as if a treacherous dragon with endless killing intent was being born, they collapsed, like an ocean sweeping across the universe, filling every corner.

The originally vast and silent universe and starry sky became full of magic in a blink of an eye, like a hellish demon realm, full of killing and killing demonic energy everywhere.

The Heavenly Demon has no form, but the little assistant integrated it into the martial arts, fused with the killing intent generated by the martial arts, and evolved a new form based on it.

This is an even crazier demonic nature. If we say that the previous martial arts book is just a murderous martial art.

So now it is a taboo book born in suicide.

Even if it is placed in the ancient times, it will be unanimously recognized as the magic technique of evil and heretics.

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