Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1157 You See We Talk To You

Cang Duck's voice is very emotional, which fully interprets what it means to be heartbroken.

The heart-piercing screams pierced the eardrums and went straight to the soul, and the characteristic male duck voice made both Lu An and Wei Xiaoran stunned.

The next moment, an old fairy figure who looks like a fairy, but actually has a mischievous eyebrow and mouse eyes, hurried out of the void, surrounded by mysterious clouds to resist the burning of Nanming Lihuo, and watched the organ beast below turn into molten iron, but couldn't do anything. In a hurry, he ran around in the sky and the ground, stamping his feet from time to time while trying to find a way to remedy it.

But not to mention, although the body of the organ beast was destroyed and incinerated by Nanming Lihuo as soon as it collided, the Old Immortal Shadow also had a hand, and forcibly snatched many surviving high-end cores from the fire.

The old fairy figure completely ignored the three people above Lu An, and rushed around to rescue his big treasure.

His appearance also made the three of them forget their own situation, and their eyes fixed on the figures fighting fires everywhere, and they all fell silent for a moment.

Yi Liya lay obediently in Wei Xiaoran's arms, silently watching the old man's back and blinking.

And Wei Xiaoran herself was embraced by Lu An in the posture of a princess, perfectly showing her moving curves.

Just like the white bear dolls, the big one hugs the small one, and the small one hugs the smaller one.

As for Huang Xuan? What is Huang Xuan doing!

Oh, it turned out that as early as the moment Nanming Lihuo came out, he had entered the body for the first time.

#Query Huangxuan status#

Because of the appearance of the old man with the eyebrows, Wei Xiaoran was a little confused about the current situation, subconsciously ignoring that she was still lying in Lu An's arms.

Staring blankly at the back of the old man screaming again and again, it seemed as if a certain memory gate had been opened in his mind, and scenes from the past emerged one after another.

That was the scene when they gathered in Wanfa Tiandian in the Sunset Islands to witness Elder Ming unlocking the thousand secret locks.

The phantom of the fairy wind that appeared from the disc at that time was so similar to the back of the old man running around in front of their eyes at this moment!

It cannot be said that they are irrelevant, only that they are exactly the same!

No way......

Coincidentally, this ridiculous thought flashed through Lu An and Wei Xiaoran's hearts. Biqu library

"Gu Yunzi?"

Already guessing in his heart, Lu An quietly extinguished Nanming Lihuo, and looked away from the old man, already cursing in his heart.

Grandma, he, Lu, should have thought of it a long time ago!

This ancient temple has many mechanisms, and there are so many exquisite mechanical beasts that are no different from living things.

All kinds of distinctive features point to a place invisibly.

Looking at the five heavenly sects that are dormant here, there is only one sect whose mechanism technique can be called a heavenly fortune!

Who else could it be besides Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect? !

"It's my fault that I didn't think of it." Lu An sighed heavily, secretly hating his small brain capacity.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, he didn't pay much attention to the fleeting piercing laugh.

Looking back now, in fact, the old man took the initiative to reveal his identity at the very beginning.

He is highly accomplished in organ skills and has a unique male duck voice.

As far as he knows, the only person who can meet these two points is Gu Yunzi, the eighth elder of Tianqiao Fortune Sect and the owner of the secret lock disc.

After all, he had never seen such a unique male duck voice in his life.

It's just that he didn't expect it, who knew that just after he landed on the island, he would meet this old guy who would kill even Elder Ming with a sword.


"That... Lu An, can you let me down."

Someone who was immersed in guilt and speechlessness did not notice that Wei Xiaoran was blushing, wishing to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

She could clearly feel a pair of big hands passing through her armpits and the bends of her legs, and her fingers inadvertently touched the edge of that unspeakable sensitive part. Such ambiguous intimate contact made her stiff as if she had been electrocuted, and hugged her tightly. Illya buried her blushing face in the little guy's soft blond hair.

She has absolutely zero experience in love, she is just a simple novice, she has never experienced such a scene.

At most, he had heard a few jokes around a certain filthy demon king surnamed Zhao, and watched a few episodes of TV dramas, but he never thought that one day he would be the protagonist.

At this moment, she was no longer the sassy and elegant archer before, but a shy girl who had just begun to love her, and she had completely lost her former calmness.

"Ah, sorry sorry."

Lu An, who was staring at the old coal digger without stopping, realized that he noticed Wei Xiaoran's unnaturally blushing pretty face, and quickly put it down, rubbing his hands together in embarrassment.

Surprised by Gu Yunzi's sudden appearance, he didn't even notice that his paw touched the soft flesh of his thigh that shouldn't be touched.

Xiaoran probably wouldn't take it out

Shoot me with a bow?

Lu An was a little nervous, he simply wanted to set fire to the palace, so he subconsciously hugged Wei Xiaoran to prevent Nanming Lihuo from hurting her by mistake.

But should I say it or not, the bursts of quiet and pleasant fragrance from her body have diluted a lot of the burnt smell in the air.

"Sorry, I was afraid that Nanming Lihuo would hurt you."

In order to avoid having a few more arrows on his body later, Lu An still defended himself very sincerely.

He didn't want to be like Lu Xiaoling.

"It's okay, I can understand."

Wei Xiaoran's face was as red as a rose in September, and she clearly wanted to say something more, but when the words came to her mouth, she couldn't help but utter eight extremely stiff words, almost fainted by Huang Xuan, who was hiding in her body to eavesdrop, and almost choked herself. Help yourself.

What a great opportunity, no matter how bad it is for you, Jiao Didi, to tweak it a bit, but let her listen to this in the end? ?

Almost fainted by Xiaobai.jpg

But after thinking about it, Huang Xuan was relieved, whether it was before or now, his master has no experience in this area at all, so it is reasonable to be able to do such a stupid thing.

It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future, so it's time to accumulate experience.

Huang Xuan comforted herself in this way, as the saying goes, men chase women across the mountain, women chase men across the gauze.

With her assisting him, it will be a matter of time before his master wins over his benefactor.

Seeing that Wei Xiaoran didn't care about it, Lu An also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly turned his attention to the old man who was squatting on the ground digging coal.

But at this moment, there was a boom in the void, and there was a sound of swords in the ancient temple.

A radiant sword light split through countless spaces and came across, directly cutting off this huge ancient palace!

Sword energy criss-crossed all over the hall, and Huang Huang's sword crossed the sky, splitting the sea and breaking the gate of heaven!

The ancient palace, as huge as a Colosseum, was split into two in an instant, and the mighty sword made people dare not look directly at it.

Before Lu An could think about it, their vision suddenly blurred, and when they opened it again, they were already on the original beach.

The slightly dim and empty ancient temple is no longer, replaced by a sunny and sunny sky.

Shaking his head to regain his clear vision, he saw the old man in white robe pointing his sword at the cold and gloomy expression standing in the void.

Looking around, the people who had been inexplicably scattered earlier fell to the ground.

It's just different from before, everyone is fully armed, and the violent energy on their bodies has not dissipated.

"What's the situation? Isn't I dismantling the mech? Who used the Heaven-Slashing Sword Technique?" Xiang Yuan, who was wearing a dragon-elephant armor, spit sand from his mouth, and quickly took out a bottle of mineral water to rinse his mouth.

"Master Shengzun!" As soon as he came out, the white deer brought the dogs and ran over to join them. I don't know if it was because of the special care of the white-robed old man. They seemed not to be attacked by the mechanism beast.

"Gu Yunzi, we meet again after endless years. You are still so easy to change and your nature is hard to change. Should it be said that you are a dog who can't change and eats shit..."

Ming Sen's cold and sharp voice was full of murderous intent, and the sharp edge of the sword spewed out and pointed directly at the forehead of the embarrassed Gu Yunzi. The distance between the two was only seven inches, and he could pierce his skull with a sword at any time.

"Gu Yunzi?"

This name is very familiar to everyone. One of the Nine Heavenly Sects, the Eighth Elder of the Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect, although they have never met in person, their unique personality left a deep impression on them.

After all, they were sad for a long time when they thought that Gu Yunzi was going to end in tragedy. Who would have thought that he was just pretending, and his temperament was extremely bad.

"You are the elder Gu Yunzi?" Gu Mengmeng's whole body was covered with a heroic white bone armor, and she casually inserted the floating butcher knife into the beach and raised her eyes full of curiosity.

She never expected that the Eighth Elder of Tianqiao Fortune Sect who left a disc message to point them in the direction would appear here.


Although he doesn't know modern language yet, Gu Yunzi could roughly understand that Gu Mengmeng was calling him, turned his head and showed an awkward yet polite smile, and then made an outrageous gesture in front of everyone in front of the crowd. Amazing move.

He... knelt down.

The movements can be described as smooth and flowing, very smooth and done in one go, knees bent, kneeling down to Ming without saying a word.

Judging from the fluency of the movement, it is estimated that this is not the first time.

For a moment, the audience was silent, Fan Tianlan's jaw almost dropped from shock, his eyes were wide open, and the image of Tianqiao Zuohuazong in his mind was instantly disillusioned by this kneeling.

Others are not much better.

It's true that the old lady got into the bed-I laughed for my grandfather.

The scene was so against the sky that they didn't know what to say.

The dignified Eighth Elder of the Good Fortune Sect, how can you just kneel on your knees?

The elders of Tianzong should have the backbone and arrogance.

"Don't be angry Xiaoming, the old man is so happy to see you again, I just wanted to make a little joke to welcome you on the spur of the moment."

Gu Yunzi was rubbing his hands with a smile all over his face, his snow-white round eyebrows were crowded together, no matter how he looked at it, he looked like Erha who was caught by the owner when he was demolishing the house.


The fan-shaped sword energy passed by Gu Yunzi, causing an explosion behind him, his pure white hair and beard danced wildly with the wind, and his unique duck voice stopped abruptly.

"It's surprising that you are still alive. As the saying goes, you are a thief if you are old but not dead. Why don't you help me and send you to reincarnate as soon as possible?"

Ming stretched out his hand lightly, there was only a thin line between the tip of the sword and Gu Yunzi's forehead, he was so frightened that he swallowed secretly, and quickly smiled flatteringly to connect his feelings.

Such as what kind of friendship, Chen Zhima Rotten Millet's big and small old things were revealed, in an attempt to make Ming dispel his murderous intention.

"This old guy is really good, so far he is the only one who can easily break Elder Ming's defense."

Hearing Lu An's words, Gu Mengmeng nodded in agreement.

Ever since the moment he untied the disc and saw Gu Yunzi's photo, Master had a bad impression of him, which shows how bad this Gu Yunzi is.

"Don't be so small, the old man has absolutely no lies. I am so happy to see you, so..."

Even though Ming held his forehead with a sword, Gu Yunzi still didn't feel any displeasure, and begged for forgiveness with a playful smile: "I know I was wrong, because of the friendship between me and your father, please forgive me this time."

Ming's face was still ice-cold, but the murderous intent in his eyes had subsided a lot, he put the sword flower into its sheath gracefully, and kicked Gu Yunzi into the air with a blunt kick.

Like a cannonball, he fell from mid-air to the beach, and Gu Yunzi, who was firmly hit by his leg, jumped up like a normal person, patted the white robe on his body and showed a triumphant smirk.

Although the end was a bit embarrassing, I have to say that I was really happy to do this.

Since waking up, he has been watching the void alone, so lonely that he has no one to accompany him, and has been developing secret techniques all day long.

Waiting in this sleeping place all day long, how he wished to have someone to accompany him to drink and have fun.

Who would have thought that the dull and unchanging time would usher in a turning point today.

Gu Yunzi never expected that on this peaceful day, there would be old acquaintances sailing across the void, how could this make him unhappy.

This means that he is not the only one who recovered early! Or in other words... the time is ripe!

"Lots of cute young dolls, you must be Xiao Mingming's new disciples."

Seeing an old friend today, Gu Yunzi was extremely happy, he ignored the embarrassment of getting up from the ground, and greeted everyone in an ancient language with a slight local dialect.

"Oh, oh, these are the imprints of the Heaven's Dharma? All of you have condensed the Heaven's Dharma!"

Gu Yunzi's spiritual sense swept through the crowd, and he was the first to discover the unusualness of Gu Mengmeng and the others: "Oh, oh, the seven gods who enter the hall and enter the room, this is amazing."

"Tsk tsk tsk, cold sky ice body, purple spirit god body, innate charm bones... and innate spirit body?! It's so weird, Xiao Mingming has found a lot of good seedlings."

It can only be said that he is worthy of being an acquaintance of Ming. Gu Yunzi's vicious eyes are not inferior to Ming's. He can see through their physique and special features one by one after just observing for a while. The effect can be called X-ray perspective, and there is no secret in front of him. .

But not everyone is like this, and there are some that he can't see through.

Like Illya, or Lu An.

After observing for a while, Gu Yunzi soon discovered a rather embarrassing problem, that is, he was talking to himself!

Most of these little dolls didn't seem to understand his words, and their eyes were all weird, as if they were looking at a fool, which hurt their self-esteem very much.

Although Gu Yunzi thinks he is not very serious, he should still look like an elder in front of the younger generation.

Anyway, I am also the eighth elder of Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect, so it's inappropriate to stare at him like a fool.

"Hi? You may understand what the old man said?"

After tentatively asking a few words, Gu Yunzi confirmed that they could not understand the language he spoke, and he couldn't help stroking his long beard solemnly: "The sea has changed, it seems that everything has changed with each passing day."

It's just that he was thinking wrong. In fact, everyone could understand what he was saying, but they didn't know how to respond.

The few who are proficient in ancient Chinese are also silent and dare not make a sound.

Didn't you see Elder Ming's complexion is not good? At this time, talking to Gu Yunzi is a bad idea, isn't it uncomfortable?

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