Not only did the comrades not find it, but others almost fell into it!

It is extremely cruel to be able to deal such a cruel blow to an amiable old man!

That's all for the Tianzong of the Vientiane Fa, your Yaochi Chuixian Valley is a holy place for female cultivators. The world knows Hui Zhilan's heart, but they never want to know that people know their faces but don't know their hearts.

I don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all!

The more Gu Yunzi thought about it, the angrier he became, and he poured out his grievances to Ming, wanting to be comforted, but unexpectedly all he got was a cold and ruthless "deserves it".

The whole person suddenly looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, and sat back powerlessly.

"Knowing that there are restrictions, but still trying to break in, if you don't kill you, kill anyone."

There is nothing to say about Gu Yunzi's reckless behavior. He is not a member of the sect but dares to break in. Does it really mean that the killing array has an automatic recognition function?

Yaochi Chuixiangu is guarding against old disciples like you who are old and disrespectful.

"Heavenly Demon Death Prison and Myriad Beast Fairy Mountain."

After mocking him mercilessly, Ming turned his gaze to the other two Tianzongs.

"My old man went to the Ten Thousand Beasts Fairy Mountain. There are countless spirit birds and beasts, most of which have not yet opened their minds. They are ordinary creatures that have reproduced on their own over the years. As for the old cranes, they have not yet awakened, and are still sleeping on the fairy mountain."

Gu Yunzi couldn't help touching his beard to hide his embarrassment: "I have never been to the Heavenly Demon Death Prison, I just watched from a distance for a while, and I haven't seen any old friends active under the Demon Abyss."

"Xiao Mingming, you don't know that the guys in the Heavenly Demon Death Prison are even more terrific. Since the edge of the border, there are three steps, one restriction, five steps and one kill formation. The further you go, the more dangerous it is, and there is no chance for people to set foot."

With lingering fear in his heart, he described the situation of the Heavenly Demon Death Prison to Ming, trying to make Ming dispel the idea of ​​exploring in the past.

With their current semi-disabled state, it must be dangerous to step rashly.

"In other words, you are the only one recovering so far?"

Listening to him rambling so much, Ming has a general understanding of the sleeping place.

I am afraid that except for Gu Yunzi, everyone else is still in a deep sleep state.

"Nine times out of ten, it may be because the old man is a soul body, and he is more sensitive to external changes, which leads to early awakening."

Hearing his words, everyone realized that according to Yuanpan's last words, Gu Yunzi is not a real living person now.

Now he is just a body of primordial spirit, and even the flesh body is refined by himself.

"Elder Gu Yunzi, your behavior is no different from that of a normal person. You almost forgot that you are the body of the primordial spirit."

If an uninformed person came over, he would definitely not be able to see the clues of Gu Yunzi's body. Whether it was the expression changes or the subtle muscle movements, he was just like a flesh and blood body.

"Hey, don't forget that this old man is the eighth elder of Tianqiao Fortune Sect. The way of refining weapons can be said to be amazing. It's normal and normal, so don't be shocked."

Receiving the sincere praise from the younger generation, Gu Yunzi waved his hands in a fluttering manner, pretending to be calm, but he didn't know that his cheap face was about to go up to the sky.

Come on, a few more words of praise, he loves to hear it!

Since waking up, no one has spoken, let alone praised.

Now suddenly there are juniors praising him, the feeling in my heart is very delicious.

"In that case, you and I will go to Vientiane Fa Tianzong to have a look."

After pondering for a moment, Ming immediately made a unilateral decision, not giving Gu Yunzi a chance to refuse at all.

In fact, even if she refused, it would be an invalid protest, and she would completely ignore it.

"Since it was Xiao Mingming's request, the old man should agree, so I just went to see those old guys and your father."

Gu Yunzi indifferently picked the scattered parts on the table. He has been in this place for a long time, and he has long been bored. It would be great if someone could accompany him to run around now.

Although this person's character is relatively strong.

But at least he is a figure of his granddaughter's generation, can't he be accommodating?

Elder Ming's father?

The people who were eavesdropping silently by the side had a thought and found that things were a bit difficult.

Hearing this, Elder Ming's father is not only in the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, but also very familiar with Elder Gu Yunzi.

Could it be that he is also a person in high power?

After all, although Gu Yunzi is old and unscrupulous, he is the real eighth elder of Tianzong, a real big shot.

People who can get acquainted with him must have unusual identities.

"Don't mention him."

From the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of Gu Xiaorou and the others' curious expressions, and gave Gu Yunzi a half-hearted look, with a hint of warning in their eyes.

"Hey..." Realizing that she was still the same as before, Gu Yunzi laughed twice and stopped talking.

Seeing that this guy is so knowledgeable, I don't intend to dwell too much on this issue.

Jie, turned around and looked at Gu Mengmeng and the others: "This seat and Gu Yunzi go out for a while, and you rest here, don't run around."

"Ah? Why don't you take us with you, master?"

Finding that Ming didn't seem to be planning to take them there, Gu Mengmeng looked puzzled, unable to understand her master's consent.

"I'll go and have a look first, and if there is no danger, I will take you there together."

Listening to Gu Yunzi's words that the Five Great Heavenly Sects had placed many restraints before Shenmian, it is not clear whether he can easily cross into it with his own identity.

To be on the safe side, it's best for her and Gu Yunzi to go. If they encounter danger, they can escape unscathed and don't need to be distracted to protect the younger generation.

"Oh, don't worry, Master, then we will wait here for you and Elder Gu Yunzi to come back!"

Knowing the reason, Gu Mengmeng nodded obediently in understanding, and Ming couldn't help but reach out and caress her good disciple's little head.

The most comfortable thing about being a master is to be a good disciple who is sensible, intelligent and understanding. It just so happens that these qualities can be seen in Gu Mengmeng.

It is a piece of jade in the rough, and I have to say that she was very lucky when she just woke up.

"Ehhhh? Little Mingming, have you accepted an apprentice?!"

An untimely voice appeared, and it was Gu Yunzi with a shocked and inexplicable face. His eyes widened and he glanced back and forth between Ming and Gu Mengmeng, his eyes full of disbelief.

He found that things seemed to be different from what he thought.

He originally thought that these little dolls were all good seedlings received by the Vientiane Fa Tianzong of the Ming Dynasty, but he never thought that there would be a real one mixed in.

"Why not?" Seeing that the old guy seemed to have some objections to his own apprenticeship, he leaned over with a blank expression, wanting to see his high-level remarks.

"No, no, I'm just a little surprised, after all, you've never had an apprentice before." Gu Yunzi chuckled, looking at Ming with more novelty.

If her father knew about this, his eyes would probably fall out.

"Coincidence, stop talking nonsense, we will leave immediately."

It is naturally impossible for Ming to say that his mind will be chaotic when he wakes up, and when he meets Lu An, an old-fashioned person, it happens that Gu Mengmeng has a good character, and he is accepted as soon as his mind becomes confused.

But she just doesn't regret it, and the follow-up performances also prove that her original choice was correct.

After explaining what should be explained, Ming and Gu Yunzi went straight into Qingming and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Let's go."

Watching them go away, Zhao Yaoyao murmured softly, and immediately her eyes lit up, and she turned around and ran towards the lake without saying a word.

The target was directed at a machine wooden bird parked by the lake.

Gu Yunzi still remembers the matter of shutting her up in the little black room earlier, how could she forget this.

Whatever you say, you will get revenge!

This mechanism wooden bird is her chosen target, it looks like a single-person airplane, so it's not too much to play with it by yourself, right?

Someone ignored her, took out the True Martial Profound Pillar and gently poked it forward, but as expected, there was no response.

He wanted to try to see if he could communicate with Shilin Mountain here, but the result was disappointing.

It seems that if he is not in Blue Star, he cannot use the True Martial Profound Pillar to penetrate the void passage.

"Let's go, let's find a place to live first." Leaning over and hugging Ilya who was dozing off, Lu An planned to pick a pleasing pavilion to live temporarily.

It is probably because Gu Yunzi was so idle that he panicked. There are a lot of organs and pavilions scattered around here.

Because there is no one to take care of it for a long time, many pavilions are covered with ivy, exuding a primitive natural atmosphere.

Bailu liked this kind of environment very much, jumped up and took the lead, and pulled Lu An to choose a pavilion on a steep hillside.

It is located on a high place, just overlooking the sparkling lake not far away.

"Emma oh my god, how much hasn't this been cleaned."

As soon as the wooden door was pushed open, a smell of decaying smoke and dust came to the face.

The internal structure is good, but it has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are even a few grasses growing in some places. If you wipe the window edge casually, you will leave clear fingerprints on the thick dust.

"Elder Gu Yunzi is in charge of building and not repairing."

There is dust in the good pavilion, so Lu An can only let the little guy go out first, while he dances Liuyun Taijiquan inside, rolling up the dust in all directions with Liuyun's soft strength like water, and the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves into gray balls, and then Put the fire out.

The strong wind drove the breeze to blow, and the air in the pavilion was immediately refreshed, and it was no longer as pungent and choking as before.

After tidying up the room, as soon as he came out, he saw Bailu squatting with Ilya, and the two little guys were huddling together and playing with a green grass.

Strictly speaking, it is not toy, but Ilya stretched out her small tender hand, the palm of which is full of natural gleam, forcibly

Make grass metamorphosis.

Forcibly causing a grass that is too ordinary to be more ordinary to mutate into a stamen, the body is crazily raised, and it bears a vermilion fruit overflowing with fragrance.

"My lord."

Fenbailu's ears twitched slightly, and Bailu looked back and saw Lu An walking quietly, and immediately stood up obediently as if he had been caught doing something wrong.

"Big brother, here."

Yi Liya also noticed someone coming, but she was not afraid, but gently picked the fruit with both hands, turned around and handed it to Lu An.

"You're so good, Turin Scholar."

Smiling and squatting down to pinch their faces, Lu An was a little surprised.

He knew Ilya too well, since the little guy came back with Elder Ming, he was able to control the natural energy in his body independently.

However, due to physical reasons, her natal fairy still could not be born.

Other than these, she basically lives the life of an ordinary little girl, and has never seen her practice.

But judging from the energy fluctuation just now, Illya is no less than an ordinary monk in the mid-spiritual period.

This is amazing, how did her cultivation base increase?

Lu An picked up Ilya and checked it with Qi and blood, but he didn't draw any conclusions.

Is it possible that by planting flowers and trees, you can get your cultivation done?

Lu An didn't understand, but there are so many magical things in the world, it's normal for him not to understand.

"Be careful when you catalyze plants, don't be discovered by outsiders, do you know?"

To be on the safe side, Lu An didn't blame them, but carefully told them not to reveal it in front of outsiders.

Elder Ming and Elder Gu Yunzi are so acquainted, why didn't she tell Yi Liya that she was the Azure Eucharist?

The supreme body matters a lot, and try not to expose it if it can't be exposed before it grows up.

In order to avoid being harbored evil intentions by some pink eye diseases, this kind of thing was not uncommon in ancient times.

The white deer chick nodded quickly as if pecking rice, then reached out and pulled off the mutated grass, threw it on the ground and trampled it into pieces.

Ever since Ilya was able to catalyze plants on her own, she has been destroying corpses like this.


Looking at each other, Lu An hugged Ilya with a helpless smile.

After coming out of Haiyuan Holy City, the little guy became more and more attached to him, and he would never walk by himself if he could hug him.

Sleep with him by your side.

But let alone, this feeling of being a brother is really good.

It's no wonder that some people like little lolis. Who doesn't like a well-behaved and obedient golden-haired loli like Illya.


At night, the valleys and lakes are full of heat, and the unique aroma of cumin mixed with various hot and spicy fragrances rises into the night sky. If you look carefully, it turns out that our chef Lu is holding a barbecue meeting.

The fire of the sun is tumbling and burning under the grill, and the various ingredients on the top are skewered, and the fragrant oil is sizzling in the roasting of the fire of the sun, which makes people salivate and can't help but move their index fingers.

"Whose scorpion tail belongs to? Hurry up and claim it."

Lu An threw a large bunch of scorpion tail meat grilled until it was sizzling with oil on the iron plate, and the whole person was speechless.

Everything in Zhen Nima can be grilled, and any exotic flower can be skewered.

"My, mine, I've heard about this stuff for a long time, and it's the first time I've eaten it today."

Xiang Yuan ran over in two or three steps, took a small mouthful tentatively, and a stream of hot energy flowed down his throat immediately, and he couldn't help but raised his thumbs and puffed his cheeks and groaned.

"Eat something that people should eat."

Lu An was speechless about this "big gourmand". Most of the weird barbecue skewers present were basically provided by this guy, and there was nothing normal.

"Master Lu, when will my iron plate squid be ready?"

"It's coming soon."

Pushing away Zhao Yaoyao who came over to steal food, Lu An suddenly felt something, and when he looked up, he saw a golden streamer piercing the night sky, moored and suspended above the valley.

It was they who took the holy wing spirit boat that crossed the void before!

"The old man has smelled the fragrance from all the way here, and it really is your trick."

I didn't see how Gu Yunzi came out, but when Lu An realized it, the old guy had already appeared next to him, his eyes were shining.

"Elder Gu Yunzi? You're coming back so soon?" Lu An was rather surprised. Didn't he say it would take a day to go back and forth? How long has it been?

"With Xiao Mingming's spirit boat, traveling long distances is naturally much faster than using two legs."

"Oh, let me order some for the old man first. I haven't tasted this firework food for a long time. I will tell you a good news later."

Gu Yunzi didn't care about his fairy image, he stretched out his paws and picked up a bunch of skewers. Seeing that there were many people on Xiang Yuan's side, he hurried over, trying to mingle with the young people.

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