Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1168 How Can This Identity Be Equal?

The classical and splendid Zongmen Hall.

At this moment, there are already all kinds of figures sitting here, all with extraordinary temperament and visions around their bodies, and singing sounds in the void from time to time, all of them are the most powerful dragons and phoenixes among humans.

At first glance, it looks like a gathering of fashion lovers, but in fact they are all genuine products!

Looking around, no one in the huge hall made a sound, but if you feel it carefully, you can perceive many spiritual consciousnesses intertwined and patrolling in mid-air.

They live on the left and right sides, and at the end of the center is Beichen Lie sitting on the throne of ten thousand magic.

Visions intertwine and evolve behind him, there are heavenly fires that purify the universe, green lotuses planting bright moons, and ordinary people stepping into the blue sky...

All kinds of visions change back and forth, forming a huge dynamic background wall.

Beichen Lie leaned slightly, held his face with one hand without saying a word, and let the many spiritual senses in his vision whisper, showing the majesty of the head of the sect.

Having just woken up for only three days, he understands that the guys below are suspicious, there are many things they don't understand, and they are eager to know the current situation.

But don't worry, he has already sent Mu Jianyun to summon the insider, and he can speak freely later if there is anything to do.

The truth didn't make Beichen wait any longer, and within ten seconds of this thought, Ming and Fuyu stepped into the field of vision without haste.

Well, to be precise, Ming was not in a hurry, but Fu Yu and Mu Jianyun walked in a hurry, as if something disturbed their minds.

This made Beichen a little curious.

"We will pay homage to the suzerain." When they came to the bottom of the nephrite steps, the three of them saluted meticulously to their suzerain.

Beichen Lie sat up straight and waved his hands: "No need to be too polite, just take your seat quickly."

Ming nodded slightly, looked around at the familiar environment, and suddenly found someone waving excitedly beside her.

"Ming! Here, here!"

Next to her fixed position, there is a lively girl with long hair fluttering and blue like water waving excitedly at her, her bright pupils are dotted with petals, and there seems to be a faint stream flowing in it.

How could she be next to me?

Ming thought about it, but this occasion is obviously not the time to think carefully, even though he was puzzled, he still nodded to her and walked towards her.

"Hee hee, what a surprise, I didn't expect you to come back, Ah Ming!" After Ming sat down, the girl grabbed her little jade chair with one hand and left her place, and sat next to her.

After greeting many elders, Ming was pulled by the girl to sit down.

"Ming, Ming, when did you wake up, and how did you find us?"

As soon as she sat down, the girl turned into a hundred thousand whys in an unusually lively manner, and then curiously reached out and grabbed the corner of Ming's beige coat.

"The style is so unique, I have never seen it before!"

"Qingshui, it's the Zongmen Council now, can you be quiet for a while?"

The chirping chirping of birds kept ringing in my ears, directly reminding Ming of the familiar memories from a long time ago, and she closed her eyes helplessly and sighed.

Fortunately, Beichen Lie saw her troubles, smiled silently and said majesticly: "Everyone has arrived, let's skip the tedious matters for now, and now Elder Ming will explain the situation to us."

Knowing what these guys are concerned about, Beichen Lie didn't show off his tricks, and immediately handed over the stage to Ming, asking her to explain the process of things she knew.

During the conversation four days ago, he could clearly perceive that there were many important things that Ming had not disclosed, perhaps because Gu Yunzi was by his side.

A good relationship is a good relationship, but it is not a person of the same sect. If it involves some important information about the sect, it still needs to be taboo.

After receiving the order, Ming nodded lightly to Beichen Lie, then stood up confidently, and reported the situation to them in an unhurried tone.

"It has been a long time since I woke up. The concept of time in the present era is consistent with our meeting. The cycle of day and night is a day, and a year is 365 days and nights."

"It is rather novel that the present day is divided into twenty-four sections..."

Before I came here, I had drawn up a draft. Facing so many gazes, I didn't feel nervous and stage frightened. Instead, I planned to go round and round and explain the detailed changes first, so that they wouldn't understand what I was talking about.

After popularizing these knowledge, she began to roughly describe how she woke up, and how she searched for traces, found the disk left by Gu Yunzi from the outer starry sky, and searched all the way to this point.

While explaining, she stretched out her hand a little, and cast a flash of light in the center of the ancestral hall, transforming the model of the blue star that appeared, as well as what she saw and heard in her memory.

Same as Beichen's strong reaction before, no

Whether it is today's novel technology era, or the comeback of demons, it will have a big impact on many elders who have just awakened.

Don't you see that the girl named "Qing Shui" next to Ming has already brightened her eyes, staring at the modeling projection without blinking, her eyes revealing longing.

"The general changes are like this." After Ming said, he didn't rush to continue talking, but gave them a little time to digest.

"It's a product called technology. It's similar to the guys from the Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect, and in some respects, it also surpasses it."

"Well, it is really amazing to manufacture technology with exquisite techniques, and even extend to the outer space for exploration."

"Tianyan four nine, escape one, this is the miracle of life, no matter what the desperate situation is, it can always open up a new path."

"It's like the decline of the ancient Tao, there are sages who dare to be the first to open up today's immortal way in a desperate situation."

"Under the end of the Dao of Heaven, this way of science and technology came into being, but at present, it seems that it is not yet mature, and it is still in its infancy."

"Compared with technology, Yu is more concerned about what Ming said about the return of demons and the revival of the old way. According to ancient records, the old way should have been cursed by the demons at a terrible price. So far, they have been unable to practice Taoism, but now Resurrection with the demon, there may be some kind of secret hidden in it."

"If the old man's prediction is correct, this position called a scientist should be the main force in research and development of technology, so why is the status equal to that of an actor?"

The puzzlement from ancient antiques.

"It seems that today's era is not without flaws. It's ridiculous that even a low-level actor like an actor can be considered elegant, and even be compared with such an important position as a scientist!"

After Ming finished reporting the situation of Zu Xing, the elders began to express their opinions one by one.

Some are concerned about the development of the times, some are worried about the revival of demons, and some have little observation and see flaws from side details.

"The ancestor star is still in the recovery stage... Then if we want to enter the world, wouldn't our cultivation base only be able to recover to the peak of no leakage?"

Fuyu lightly tapped her forehead in distress, she really wanted to return to her heyday, but now this situation always feels weak and empty, she can't do anything, and her heart is empty.

But she quickly put this thought behind her, stood up abruptly, and yelled at Beichen.

"Report to suzerain, I have something I need to inform you all!"

That's right, she's going to sue Ming!

In fact, it's not a complaint, nor is it a bad relationship, but the status of Taoist disciple is of great significance to the sect, no matter how good the relationship is, it can't be sloppy, otherwise it's just making fun of the sect!

Ming glanced at it lightly, but didn't make a sound to stop it.

She believed in her own judgment, and it turned out that there was nothing wrong. Lu An's various achievements alone were definitely worthy of that token.

"But it doesn't matter."

With Beichen Lie's permission, Fu Yu glanced at Mu Jianyun and Ming who were silent, took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "What I said is not a trivial matter, but that Ah Ming gave the Taoist Token in her hand. Presented to a new disciple!"


As soon as this remark came out, the entire Zongdian was immediately blown up. No matter how cold and withdrawn his personality was, he almost didn't hold back when he heard these words. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Ming.

"Ah? Ah Ming, have you sent out the Dao Chuan Token?!" The lively girl turned her head in disbelief without any wind in her hair.

"Hmm." Ming didn't want to argue at all.

"Ming, you are really... really confused!!! Can Dao pass tokens be given to others at will? You must know what this thing means, how can it be so easy!"

"Extremely, extremely. Daoist disciples are disciples of the orthodox tradition. They are identities that can only be recognized after our unanimous approval. They represent the face of the younger generation of the sect. How can they be given away so easily?"

"Giving it to others without evidence, even if you approve of him, he is doing bad things with good intentions! Don't blame us for being so abrupt, what should the little guys think when it is spread? Can they be convinced! Can the new disciple convince the public! "

"No matter how good the atmosphere is, it's still a thorn in the end, even if you are the suzerain's daughter! This move is too impulsive!!"

The matter of passing on the token of Taoism is of great importance, even the elder with the best temper can't hold back.

This thing is not for anyone who is a Taoist disciple, it needs to be approved by the sect before it can be activated!

But now it suddenly falls into the hands of a new disciple without approval, and the influence is extremely bad.

Not to mention the new disciple, Ming's prestige will be greatly reduced!

"a little

Don't be impatient, there must be a reason for her actions, and it's not too late to discuss after asking. "

Beichen Lie was also quite surprised. He was indeed the one who handed over the Dao Chuan Token to Ming. The fundamental reason was that he believed in Ming's judgment, but he never thought that Ming would hand over the Dao Chuan Token.

After all, with Ming's picky eyes, in her eyes, there are almost no disciples who can be worthy of the token of Taoism.

But I didn't expect that now...

Really unexpected.

Out of rationality, he calmly motioned the elders to be quiet first, and let Ming explain the reason clearly.

"Yes, I have indeed handed over the Taoist Token to Boy Lu, but I still have some important secrets that I haven't clarified, most of which are related to him."

Ming's mind is very calm, she understands that these guys are ignorant of the inside story, otherwise they will agree with her like her.

Beichen Lie's eyes narrowed, and a piercing light bloomed, he realized that Ming finally began to reveal the point of her clumsiness.

"First of all, everyone, please look at this thing."

A stone slab appeared in Ming's hand, and the pattern drawn on it immediately attracted the attention of the people present.

"Is this... the Dharma image? I remember that there is no such Dharma image in the sect."

As the elders of the Wanxiang Fa Tianzong, they are no strangers to Dharma appearances, and every Dharma appearance can be said to be engraved in their minds.

But none of the ones that are displayed now can match the number. Biqu library

"This is the Heavenly Aspect of the Great Wu, and it is a unique Dharma Aspect that is comparable to the Ten Aspects of Heaven."

Ming ignored their surprised whispers and gazes, but said to Beichen Lie: "You must be able to hear the name, this is the old Taoism, which is derived from the No. 78 sequence: Qingtian Shenwu!"

"And the person who created it is the holder of the Taoist Token of this seat, a new disciple named Lu An."

Ming briefly introduced the characteristics of Dawu Cangtian's Dharma, especially the characteristics of the immortal body.

The dharma will last forever, the body will not die, and there is no limit to the number of times.

With such heaven-defying characteristics, even Beichen Lie can't help being dazzled.

"This is one of the merits..."

Next, she narrated some related stories, which made the elders' impression of Lu An change unknowingly, but they still had concerns.

"Next, are the three most important points."

"I said earlier that there are people from the old way behind Kid Lu."

Seeing their reactions, Ming thought about it for a moment and said slowly: "At first, I thought it was a warrior who got the chance to embark on the old road, but later, I thought it was too simple."

"They are not pure martial artists, but just like us, old monsters who have survived from the old way." She shot a projection, and the person who appeared in it was the Abyss Suppressor.

Then, she took out the ancient book she had found, and told the elders every word of the original words describing the Zhenyuan people.

Gradually, only her voice was left echoing in the entire palace, no one dared to make a noise, and everyone was immersed in the huge shock.

"This is the biggest basis. I know that you will doubt whether he will have other intentions when he enters our sect. Here, I dare to guarantee him with Dao Xin, there is absolutely no such possibility!"

"It was a coincidence that this seat met him, and the intersection occurred when he was in his infancy, so it was definitely not deliberate."

"If you still have concerns, I can tell you about the other two things."

Ming did not give them a chance to refute, and simply told the truth about the remaining two most important things.

Now that the card has been revealed, there is no need to hide the two Wang Bo in his hand.

"These two things are the Azure Holy Physique, and the forbidden area of ​​Tibet that no one has opened up since ancient times, which is the tenth Tibetan area that is different from the nine great Tibetan areas!"

"Both are related to Lu Xiaozi, and he took the initiative to hand over the Azure Holy Body and the information about the restricted area of ​​Tibetan territory obtained through hard work!"

"If none of these can prove his character, then I have nothing to say!"

Two heavy bombs bombarded the Zongdian one after another, and Ming Ji's voice could not be subdued for a long time, causing Beichen's starry eyes to widen suddenly, full of shock.

Compared with the Zongmen's main hall that had already been lit, the outside of the hall looked extremely peaceful.

For example, now, many senior brothers and sisters could not restrain their restless hearts, and gathered around to inquire about information. Pairs of eyes glanced back and forth at their strange clothes and imprints of Dharma images, and they almost frightened them to death.

Where did Elder Ming find the imprints of the seven heavenly signs, and two more strange ones?

And this strange outfit, which domain's clothing style is it? Why have I never seen it.

It looks strange to look at, something ah.

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