Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1170 It's Not Advisable To Fight Against Others, But It's Cool

Mu Jianyun, who knew the situation with her, still didn't speak, but made a light gesture to show his attitude, and continued to be his little transparent.

The emergence of Tibetan Jiewen is undoubtedly the biggest challenge to their cognition, but it is not unacceptable, it just needs time to settle.

From the present point of view, if this taboo state is reached, the future will inevitably be farther and farther than the normal Nine Zang Entering the Divine Ability.

And according to what Ming said, the robbery pattern in the Tibetan realm is not a single form, and there are six types of known robbery pattern forms.

And Lu An is the best among them, he has gone through six calamities and condensed the final tribulation pattern.

From the literal point of view, they may not be able to appreciate the hardship and horror involved, but they can somewhat understand it.

After all, they have also experienced the matter of crossing the robbery, and they have a lot of experience in it.

With all the above, why not be a Taoist disciple with such a talent?

After weighing it in mind, the elders expressed their opinions one after another, and they all agreed that Lu An held the Dao Chuan Token.

There were even a few upright people who praised Ming's vision on the spot and apologized for his previous impulsiveness.

Facts have proved that Elder Jiaming did not misread it, but they did not know the inside story, which led to a blind eye.

From the beginning to the end, Ming Danran's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected this scene long ago.

She can understand that if she doesn't know the inside story, she thinks that new disciples are not qualified to hold the Dao Chuan Token, which is understandable.

After all, if it were her, she would do the same thing.

But if you know the inside story and dare to question her, then you will be really confused.

Fortunately, so far, no one among the colleagues present suddenly suffered from serious illness.

Although she had been asleep for a long time, her brain was still awake, which she was very pleased with.

"Since all the elders agree, I will announce immediately that my Vientiane Fa Tianzong approves the disciples of the new Daoist sect!"

Seeing the elders express their opinions one by one, Beichen Lie nodded slightly, and announced loudly in a majestic and solemn tone, and the rolling thunder echoed throughout the hall.

Beichen paused, and then added:

"Three days later, at the Zongmen Grand Ceremony, I will personally announce this matter to the public!"

The position of Daoist disciples is of great importance, and it is not enough for them to know, and the joint witness of millions of disciples of the sect is needed.

None of the elders objected to Beichen's fierce decision.

This is not a coincidence, it happens that the Zongmen Grand Ceremony will be held three days later to explain the current situation.

It was the first time in a long time to hold the Zongmen Grand Ceremony, which was of great significance, and it just happened to talk about the disciples of the new Taoism.

It was arranged for him in a few words, but Lu An was still a little confused, he didn't even know there was such a thing as the Zongmen Grand Ceremony.

Looking sideways at Ming, seeing her smiling and nodding towards him, Lu An immediately understood and saluted Beichen Lie to thank her.

"I have won the love of the suzerain, and the disciple obeys the order!"

"Well, since you are already a disciple of this sect, then I should follow the rules and give you a sacred mountain to live in."

Beichen nodded with a strong smile, his star eyes swept across many elders, and finally locked on Ming.

"Since you were brought back by Ming, after the meeting is over, let her lead you to choose the vacant Shenfeng Peak." Ming had no objection, and got up meticulously to pay respects.

Lu An is new here, so it's best to leave this matter to her.

"The disciple thanked the suzerain!"

Although he was still a little confused, this did not prevent Lu An from agreeing first.

Anyway, the benefits are all given for free, so the more the better, the better.

Don't care about him, just agree first, and then I will find out after going with Elder Ming to have a look.

Now I don't know anything else, Lu only knows that he has almost taken off, and he is so happy.

Today is the first time I stepped into the sect in the true sense. I haven't stayed for long, and I have transformed into a Taoist disciple, who can almost turn into a crab and walk sideways in the sect.

Isn't this the treatment of the people of the motherland? Do whatever you want!

Everyone laughs at Azu, and everyone wants to be Azu.

"There is no need to be too polite. The identities of Daoist disciples are related to many things. I will not be able to clarify them for a while. I will explain them to you later. We will discuss how to arrange the Azure Holy Body first."

Beichen smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that there would suddenly be too many things to deal with later.

Whether it's the newly born Dawu Cangtianxiang or the tenth Tibetan realm, it is the top priority, and the priority needs to be put first.

Besides, there is Lu An and the Celestial Body.

Each is an important matter for the sect, and he needs to handle it personally, which is a big headache to think about.

"It goes without saying that I, Lingtian Zhiyuan, should be the most suitable one.

Sovereign, please show me your grace, I promise to cultivate the Celestial Body into a pillar of the sect! "

"Fart your mother! You shovel soil and grow beans all day long in that wretched place, and you can feel at ease with the old man's magic medicine peak?"

"What a joke! You wait for those fryer jackasses to get any better? I'd be ashamed of you if I said it!"

As soon as they mentioned the Azure Eucharist, several elders began to chatter and set off a scolding war.

Lu An is an old way warrior, even if they want to teach them, they are powerless, but Illya is different, this is the genuine Azure Holy Physique, it is more face-to-face for him to be his apprentice!

The master of the supreme body, this status is a superior existence!

"I want to tell you, why don't you go out and do a game, who will win and who will be the master of the Qingsheng Physique?"

His eyes moved back and forth on them with great interest, and Fu Yusu rested his chin on his hands, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and fanned the flames beside him.

"That's right! I want you, Le Wuchen, to understand why the flowers are so red!"

"Enough! Go back and sit!"

Seeing that the scolding battle was about to escalate into a fight, Beichen slapped the armrest of the throne violently, shaking these guys back to their original positions.

"The dignified elder of the Tianzong sect is acting so out of tune, wouldn't it be a joke for disciples to see him?!"

Beichen severely reprimanded him unceremoniously, Le Wuchen and the others who had danced the most just now counted as one, they all bowed their heads silently and pretended to be dead.

"Have I already said that there are arrangements for the Azure Eucharist?"

Le Wuchen and the others nodded imperceptibly.

"The Celestial Holy Body is the child of luck, and it should be passed down through the orthodox tradition. How can it be handed over to anyone like you at will?"

Hearing this, all the elders realized clearly, and suddenly raised their heads to look at Beichen Lie.

"I bestow a Dao pass token to accept disciples on behalf of the Daoist system. I also hope that all the elders will treat her as if they were their own, and carefully teach the Celestial Body and guide her on the right path!"


As soon as Beichen Lie opened his mouth, the sensitive person immediately guessed his intention, but he was still shocked when he heard these words.

Another Taoist Token.

It was the first time since the establishment of the sect that two Taoists were added in one day.

But thinking about it carefully, Beichen Lie's move is also reasonable.

With such a young bone age, the worldview of the Celestial Holy Physique has obviously not yet formed, and it is as simple as a blank sheet of paper. Compared with young people who already have independent consciousness, this is the best time to train her.

As the saying goes, success starts with a baby.

Le Wuchen quietly glanced at the other old guys, and found that they were also looking at him, making eye contact secretly.

Now it's all right, no one needs to fight, the Azure Eucharist has become the son of the orthodoxy, and anyone of them can teach it.

Of course, they naturally have no objection to this kind of thing, and even raised their hands in favor of it.

Personally teach a supreme body with profound luck, but no one will miss it.

"Is Elder Lin here?"

"I'm here!"

A well-mannered young man in a green shirt got up and saluted Beichen Lie respectfully, his gestures full of Confucianism.

"Since the Celestial Body is still young, you will teach her the basic knowledge for the time being, what do you think?"

The Vientiane Fa Tianzong does not have a private school, but there are Shuge elders, the nature of which is the same.

Yi Liya is only five or four years old, Beichen Lie wants to let her learn knowledge first, and teach her in all aspects, so as not to become an idiot who only knows about cultivation and does not understand the world in the future.

Lin Qingsheng, the great elder of Shuge, couldn't be better as her first teacher.

"Yes! I am very grateful! I will live up to the suzerain's high expectations!"

Even with Lin Qingsheng's qualities, he couldn't help but grin the corners of his mouth when such a great gift came suddenly, and hurriedly thanked Beichen Lie for his help.

A group of old men fought back and forth, and it finally fell on him?

Without a foundation of knowledge, even if you speak gaudyly, it is useless for people not to understand!

With this in mind, he left his seat, floated lightly to Lu An's side, nodded friendly to him, and immediately greeted Ilya with a loving look towards his own students.

The result was still unsatisfactory. Illya just stared at him sideways, without saying a word during the whole process.

"Little friend Lu An, can I ask you a question."

"Elder Lin, but it's okay to ask, the kid will know everything."

Lu An patted Yi Liya's head pityingly. She never expected that she would still be unable to escape the nightmare of going to school even when she came to Vientiane Fatianzong.

"Has this child ever suffered some kind of trauma?"

At such a close distance, Lin Qingsheng saw something wrong in Ilya's eyes.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows of the soul,

Accompanied by books, he came and went and observed many disciples. Lin Qingsheng unknowingly developed a pair of discerning eyes, able to see the corner of the soul from the eyes.

In front of him, no one can hide their true emotions.

Because of this, from the few seconds of looking at each other just now, he saw a vacancy in Ilya's blue eyes.

It's a spiritual void! This should not have happened to a child around the age of four!

"Elder Lin has sharp eyesight. Illya did have some bad experiences. Elder Ming didn't tell you."

Looking at the direction of Yanming, Lu An thought about it, and still told the truth about Hei Die.

Ilya's abnormal character is visible to the naked eye, and she can't hide it from her at all, so she just confessed.

The tragic childhood tortured by physical fitness, and then becoming a black butterfly's blood-drawing machine, the scene of the incident was revealed from Lu An's mouth.

"You bastard! You bastard! These methods are really inhuman! What a beast!!!"

Lin Qing was so angry that his eyes were burning with anger, and he gnashed his teeth and roared and denounced Hei Die's inhuman behavior, wishing to kill him with his palms and blow his bones to ashes.

In the whole hall, except for Ming, the faces of the other elders were not much better. The air was so suppressed that the murderous intent was frozen and gloomy, and the temperature was extremely cold.

"Okay, okay! The old man also said that this child has a weird personality, so there is a reason for it! Heidi and Xuesha Pavilion, not bad! Really good!"

Xiong Lishan laughed angrily. The dignified Sky Blue Eucharist was fine if it wasn't carefully cultivated, but it was even used for human experiments.

Is it necessary for such evil forces to continue to exist? !

"Sage Tianqing manifests as a disciple of my sect, the Black Butterfly and the Xuesha Pavilion, and Wu Slaying Sword Peak can serve on their behalf."

The strong bloody smell suddenly appeared like a meteor, and a gray-eyed man wearing ten swords bowed his head gloomyly. The blades exposed from the sword box did not seem to be fixed, but flowed slowly like blood.

"Xue Sha Pavilion, one of the land snakes in the Western Extreme Region back then, the old man has heard of it a little bit, but it is just a group of gutter rats who can't see the light."

Another person spoke, it was a blind old man sitting cross-legged on the cloud, dressed in gray and white linen, his appearance was somewhat rough.

At first glance, it looks no different from the elders of the beggar gang.

"Sovereign, this old man can calculate their positions on your behalf. Even if you hide in the cave, you can't escape the old man's 24-day Tianyan divine calculation!"

After hearing what happened to Ilya, many elders at the scene first sneered at Hei Die's ignorance and dismissed it, and then expressed that they could clean it up for her.

It was easy to say before, but now Yi Liya is the sect's internal Taoist disciple, if she doesn't express it, what will the dead people think of Vientiane Fa Tianzong?

Tianzong has its own pride in Tianzong, when will it be the turn of some cats and dogs to jump around in front of our eyes!

I used to be in a deep sleep, but now that the lockdown has been lifted and I wake up, this matter must not be ignored.

"It really can't be ignored. When we return to the ancestral star, we will start to deal with it."

Beichen Lie Xing's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, and he raised his hand to decide the ending of the black butterfly, with a relaxed expression, as if he was judging the life and death of an ant.

Their Vientiane Fa Tianzong couldn't turn a blind eye to their own Azure Saint Body being treated like this.

As the suzerain, his philosophy has always been that his disciples are self-reliant, and they will strive for self-improvement with their own efforts.

But this time, he didn't mind protecting the calf once.

"Ah this..."

Sensing the elusive murderous intent in the hall, Lu An couldn't help but mourn for Hei Die and Xue Bra Pavilion for three seconds.

He was simply stating a fact, never expecting this to be the case.

Just a few words and you will be given life and death, it's so scary...

Although I haven't seen what the Xuesha Pavilion looks like, there is no doubt that it is definitely not as big as the Vientiane Fa Tianzong.

Don't you see that the blind elder is so confident that he can calculate it even if he hides in the secret place of the cave.

Is this just leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade?

It was the first time for Lu An to experience this wonderful taste of bullying others.

Have to say it feels great.

Looking at the many elders present here, the sense of security is overwhelming.

Being targeted by such a behemoth, Hei Die is doomed.

It wasn't until the end of the Zongdian meeting that Lu An followed Ming out of the Zongdian with a dazed face after being carefully checked by a group of big bosses, his footsteps were floating.

Every time I go in and out, there are big bosses to help solve many troubles without knowing it, and I don't know why there is always a kind of conscience condemnation.

It is not advisable to condemn this kind of dogged behavior.

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