Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1188 Chance? Here Is The Greatest Opportunity

The majestic Zongmen hall, because it is located in the center of Tianzong, itself represents solemnity, so there are very few disciples playing and making noise nearby.

Whenever passing by here, looking up at the Zongmen Hall above the forty-nine jade steps, even if they were joking and chatting, they would involuntarily lower their voices.

One is to abide by the religious rules and respect the sacred place of the Zongmen Hall.

The second is for fear of attracting the attention of the elders inside.

This kind of thing was not uncommon in the past. There used to be some unlucky people who got carried away and didn't pay attention to their appearance when they passed the ancestral hall, and they happened to be caught on the spot by the elders who came out or passed by here.

If you encounter a good temper, I will remind you a few words, but if you encounter a bad temper, you will inevitably be reprimanded.

Over time, it has become the consensus of countless disciples not to make loud noises near the ancestral hall.

At this moment, many disciples were staying or even passing by near the Zongdian Hall. Everything looked so peaceful and peaceful, but within a few seconds, this tranquility was broken by the dull blood thunder that fell from the sky.

Naturally, such a huge explosion could not be concealed from the ears of these disciples. They followed the sound source one after another, wanting to see who was so bold as to make noise near the ancestral hall.

Fortunately, the suzerain said that his old man doesn't care about you so much, but the elders don't have to.

If he were to be caught, he would definitely be reprimanded, and there might be a slight punishment.

Immediately after they took a closer look, they were instantly dull.

Who did they ask, it turned out to be the fourth seat, so it's all right.

The blood and thunder dissipated, and it was Lu An who hurried over from Lu Feng. He went straight up the forty-nine jade steps, aiming for the Zongmen Hall above.

His expression seemed to be in a hurry, which made the nearby disciples look puzzled and didn't know what happened.

"Disciple Lu An, I have something important to report to the suzerain!"

At this moment, the door of the Dragon and Phoenix Hall in the Zongmen Hall was closed, and the surrounding area was empty, and no elders could be found to seek guidance.

Looking left and right, Lu An simply shouted loudly outside the temple gate, tentatively observing whether there were human beings inside.

"come in."

For about half a minute, Lu An thought that there was no one inside, and when he turned around to leave, a thunder sound suddenly floated into his ears. This unique voice was definitely Beichen Lie himself.

The moment Lei Yin fell, the door of the Dragon and Phoenix Palace automatically opened a gap without any wind, allowing Lu An to enter.

"The disciple pays homage to the suzerain!"

Following the memory guide to the main hall, Lu An saw Beichen Lie on the high place at a glance, and immediately greeted him as a disciple.

"No need to be too polite, why are you looking for me?"

Beichen Lie stood with his hands behind his back, holding a volume tightly in his right hand, as if he was thinking about something.

It was only because of the arrival of Lu An that his train of thought was slightly interrupted.

"Sovereign Master, this disciple came here to ask for your help."

Beichen Lie likes to get straight to the point and talk about things, and Lu An himself is not the kind of person who beat around the bush, and decisively stated his intentions for coming.

He didn't say much about Xiao's specific inheritance, but focused on describing what Wei Xiaoran saw and heard, and even the triangular imprint that could destroy the world.

In the empty main hall, only Lu An's voice echoed.

As he narrated, Beichen's intense attention was also completely attracted, and he listened quietly without saying a word.

"So that's it, the reincarnation of that Arrow God..."

After he finished speaking, Beichen Lie's complexion became a little complicated, and he lamented his daughter's luck in his heart, and at the same time was grateful for his original decision.

Look at this, go out and come back, what kind of monsters have been recruited.

Before that, he was not sure about the relationship between Wei Xiaoran and Xiao, but now the evidence is almost solid.

It is 100% the reincarnation of that Arrow God Xiao.

But according to what Ming said, there is no dao mark in Wei Xiaoran's body, nor is there any memory imprint, which is really strange.

"If what you said is true, the mark of the Arrow God really needs to be guarded against." Without thinking too much about the memory mark and other issues, Beichen thought for a moment and nodded.

"Forget it, I will walk with you."

The Arrow God Restriction, which is powerful enough to destroy planets, is indeed a big trouble if it explodes in the sect, and it is very difficult for them today.

I have to guard against it.

Beichen Lie didn't expect that the Arrow God still had a hand, so he didn't hesitate anymore, and came to Lu An's side in a flash and grabbed his shoulder.

Calm star eyes flowed through everything, reflecting scenes of Fa Tianzong in Vientiane, and finally locked on a certain mountain peak, and the distance of sight kept getting closer, and found the building built on the creek.

Cabin next to the river.

"Don't resist."

Confessing in a low voice, a gust of wind suddenly rose around Beichen Lie, enveloping the two of them like a colorful tornado, until then they disappeared from the Zongmen hall.


Lu Feng, on the left side of the shuttle light instrument.

Thousands of colorful particles descended from the sky, revealing the strong figures of Lu An and Beichen.


As soon as he arrived here, Beichen Lie suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In his perception, Wei Xiaoran was not in his own home, but in the cabin in front of him, as if he was resting on the bed.

It's just... If he read correctly, this wooden house should be Lu An's residence, right?

After a moment of silence, he opened the wooden door first and entered the wooden house.

Wei Xiaoran, who was resting on the bed with her pillow in her arms, heard the movement, so she got out of the quilt to take a peek. The moment she saw Beichen Lie, her pupils trembled violently, like a thunderbolt flashed across her mind. Get up and salute.

"Disciple Wei Xiaoran, pay homage to the suzerain!"

She lowered her head and could feel her heart beating wildly, as if someone had discovered a little secret.

Why is the suzerain here? Did Lu An find it?

It can only be said that Beichen's strong aura suppressed the disciples not so much, even Wei Xiaoran panicked.

Normally, she would still be able to salute and answer without being humble, but now it's different, this is Lu An's house, and she just hugged a pillow and lay on the bed to cultivate her spirit.

This was suddenly seen by the suzerain, what would the old man think?

In front of Beichen Lie, Wei Xiaoran felt that he was like a strong sunlight, under which everything appeared, including all her little thoughts.

The fact is also the same, noticing Wei Xiaoran's flustered demeanor, Beichen Lie, who has been there, immediately understood what was going on, and his meaningful eyes moved back and forth between the two.

The little girl that Ah Ming has adopted seems to have something to do with Lu An, right?

Although he has only met a few times, he can be sure that the little girl has had a physical relationship with Lu An.

But now this...

The reincarnation of the majestic Xiao Arrow God also secretly develops feelings for him.

He's also a very charming character.

Beichen Lie glanced at Lu An out of the corner of his eye and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Of course, he himself is not qualified to talk about others, after all, there are three wives in the family, although Ah Ming is the only heir.

"Lu An has already informed me about the restriction left by the Arrow God."

Without embarrassing her too much, a smile flashed in Beichen Lie Xing's eyes, and he immediately cut to the chase, asking her to investigate one or two.

Wei Xiaoran didn't refuse, she knew the seriousness of the matter, if this mark of Zhu Xing accidentally exploded, it would be of no benefit to everyone.

Lu An was probably worried about the star-punishing mark, so he invited the suzerain over.

Out of emotion and reason, let the suzerain check it out, and she can have a guarantee for herself.

As a result, Beichen Lie, who got the consent, immediately cast a finger to enter Wei Xiaoran's sea of ​​consciousness, entangled the body of the Xingxing imprint with unpredictable magic, and observed itself and the trigger mechanism.

The whole process was silent and did not cause too much noise. The only strange thing was that there were a few wisps of blue clouds lingering between Wei Xiaoran's eyebrows, releasing an unpredictable and profound aura.

After a long time, Beichen Lie withdrew his sword finger, and the wisps of blue clouds disappeared together.

"What about the suzerain, is there any danger?"

As soon as Beichen Lie finished the inspection, he heard Lu An from the side asking, with his hands behind his back, he smiled and nodded: "Well, it's almost been found out."

"This star-punishing imprint does have the power to shatter stars, but you can rest assured that its trigger mechanism is easy to say."

"If you want to trigger it, you need the master's life to be in danger, reaching the point where life is hanging by a thread. At that time, it will trigger itself, destroy the stars and everything, and protect the master from breaking through the void."

"It means that this is a life-saving lock. As long as your life is not threatened, it will not be activated. You can rest assured that you are in Tianzong. No one here can hurt you in the slightest. It is another matter to discuss with the same sect."

With Beichen's strong authority guarantee, Lu An felt relieved.

Because there were still matters to be dealt with, Beichen Lie didn't stay too long, and before leaving, he told Wei Xiaoran that he was good at cultivation, and he didn't reveal too much about the Immortal Sea, but said that it was very dangerous, and it was a restricted life zone where the starry sky existed.

It is undoubtedly fatal to enter rashly with their cultivation base, so don't think so much before they grow up.

It seemed that something was said, but it seemed that nothing was said.

"Don't think too much about it. We don't know where the other side of the seat is. Even if we know, we won't be able to go there. It's important to improve ourselves first."

After sending Beichen Lie away, Lu An returned to the wooden house, and seeing Wei Xiaoran sitting on the bed in a daze, he couldn't help comforting him: "Don't worry, that Sequoia on the other side will definitely not be able to escape, and it won't be too late to explore in the future."

"It's really not good, at worst, I will go with you in the future!"

Seeing that it was late, Lu An turned around and left the bedroom to find ingredients to prepare dinner, leaving only Wei Xiaoran with a slightly blush face staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Not only thinking about the fairy seat on the other side, but also observing the nameless mind.

But at this moment, she sensed a sound from Huang Xuan, and then that familiar playful voice sounded in her mind.

"How about Xiaoran, the concubine's plan is not bad, the battle was a great success!"



At noon the next day, Lu An was qualifying for pk in Endless Martial Arts. Unexpectedly, there was a knock on the wooden door, and the sound of skyscrapers came from outside.

"Is Junior Brother Lu at home?"

With this shout, Lu An immediately called out from Endless Martial Arts, put on his shoes and ran to open the door.

Sure enough, there was Ferris himself standing outside.

Since Lu Feng was founded, this is the first time that the chief elder brother visited him.

"Brother, why are you here?" Seeing his figure, Lu An was very surprised.

"The lord summoned me to go to the ancestral hall to discuss something important. I just happened to pass by, so I came to inform you."

Mo Tian put his hands behind his back and looked around. Although the wooden house is simple, it is well integrated into the surrounding environment. Compared with his Huangtian Peak, it is a bit more leisurely and natural.

"Suzerain's edict? OK, please wait for me, brother."

After finishing speaking, Lu An went back into the bedroom to wake up Bailu, told her some things, and then used the shuttle light instrument to go to the Zongmen hall with Motian.

It has to be said that today's Zongmen hall is extremely lively, not only the elders of Zhufeng are there, but excluding their four Taoists, there are also fifty core disciples and sporadic elders.

As soon as he came in, Lu An saw the obedient figure who was honestly following Ming, that is, Gu Mengmeng, and immediately gave her a wink.

"Everyone is almost here, so let's start the meeting."

Following the arrival of elders one by one, Beichen Lie, who was firmly seated on the throne of Wanfa, finally spoke, making the atmosphere of the audience extremely quiet immediately, and all eyes focused on him.

"I called you here today to discuss the current situation of the first and second sects."

With a simple wave of the hand, a vast star map suddenly condenses in the center of the huge main hall, floating in the sky silently, attracting everyone's attention.

"Since I left the Sea of ​​Void yesterday, I have calculated the location of the Immortal Divination Sect with Mu You, and found that the current star field is far away from the ancestral star. Even if I use the Void Leap to move the universe, it will take at least half a month."

"This is also the most ideal situation. The Tianzong Continent itself is not good at leaping to heaven and earth, and it needs to consume a lot of energy. It needs the consent of the other four sects."

As soon as he came up, Beichen Lie told everyone a bad news.

Rather than telling the elders, it would be better to tell Lu An and the others.

Because of Ming, he knew that these disciples had an appointment, and if they failed to keep the appointment on time, it might cause losses to their dynasty.

But this can't be helped, Tianzong has just woken up for half a month, everything is waiting to be done, and now it is just on the right track, it is really impossible to rush back to the ancestor star quickly.

At least seven days is not enough.

It could be done in the past, but the current Tianzong Continent is obviously not the material for this long-distance leap.

And it depends on whether the other four agree.

Oh, send it.

Lu An didn't care, he was already prepared for this, but he didn't know if Fan Tianlan would put on a mask of pain when he heard about it.

"Although it is impossible to return to the ancestral star as soon as possible, you can rest assured. I have learned about the specifics from Elder Ming. It is nothing more than the places and rewards for monks at the enlightenment level and above."

"Although I don't know exactly where it is, there are two situations. One is the cave, and the other is somewhere in the starry sky."

"The Heavenly Sect has both of these. As disciples of our Sect, you don't need to look at other people's faces for the word chance."

Beichen Lie didn't care about this, looking at the elders present, which one was not an existence above the enlightened state?

Instead of going to that unknown area to attend appointments and get some pointers, it is better to stay in the Vientiane Fa Tianzong and follow the sect. The harvest is definitely thousands of times the reward of the so-called enlightenment.

In terms of chance, their Vientiane Fa Tianzong is the greatest chance!

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