Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1196 What Kind Of Honeycomb Aggregate

At the end of the field of vision, the blizzard intensified, and the ferocious biting cold wind set off endless frost and cold. The wind and snow crushed the remaining branches of ice and rocks, screaming like crazy, like an avalanche frenzy that swallowed the world, rolling in from the horizon, blowing the world into darkness , turbulent.

Changing from the previous calm, there seemed to be something hidden in the blizzard, and it was looking at the two emerald green figures with bloodthirsty eyes looking at prey.

Lu An watched the blizzard getting closer in silence, and turned his attention to the cloaked man.

From the current situation, it is not difficult to see that these two cloaked men should be the green dots displayed on the auxiliary radar, and the blizzard behind them is the pile of tiny red dots representing hostility.

"The visitor has arrived, everyone, get ready."

Seeing that they were getting closer, Motian was surrounded by righteousness, and a string of fist-sized black and yellow rosary beads hung obliquely on his chest.

"Interesting and interesting, I smell a familiar freshness from them."

Su Jiuqing seemed to think of something, a strange smile flashed across his face.

This peculiar attire is really both familiar and strange. Could it be that it has been updated and evolved?

With the light green stripes of the broken cloak, she probably knew the origin of these two embarrassed figures.

I have to say that it is really fate that I will meet a familiar creature here.

Mo Qianjie didn't speak, just stared at the front without saying a word, the pitch-black darkness stretched out from under his feet, like a gangrene eroding all directions, and opened his scarlet eyes deep in the thick black ink.

Up to now, the distance between the two sides has not exceeded five hundred meters. However, under the pressure of the snowstorm, the two emerald green figures have long been confused and confused, like candles flickering in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

The body was as heavy as lead, and it was extremely difficult for the legs, which were so frozen that they lost consciousness, to take every step. Even they themselves did not understand how they persisted until now.

In the perception at this moment, only the surrounding scenery is constantly changing, and there is nothing else.

The endless cold lingered around them, slowly eroding their minds like a slow poison, and even made them hallucinate, and they couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion for a while.

The blizzard behind him is like a hunter chasing in the forest, carrying a longbow and unhurriedly teasing the prey in front of him, not in a hurry to kill them, but savoring despair and fear with relish.

Every time the speckled misty tentacles lashed, they landed on their surroundings precisely, as if they were driving sheep and slaves away.

Just when they were in despair, four figures suddenly appeared at the end of their field of vision, which awakened their vague consciousness and reconfirmed that they hadn't seen them.

The existence of the four hazy figures is so conspicuous and unique in this unchanging world of ice and snow, which is incompatible with the surrounding environment.

It is like four torches, igniting the flame of hope in their hearts, and pulling the hearts that are about to step into the abyss of despair to the cliff again.

Gritting their teeth, the two cloaked men squeezed out their last strength and launched a final sprint forward.

Life or death is up to fate.

Full of hope, the world in their eyes became clearer, and they were able to see the true colors of the four figures.

Life forms belong to the same category as them, the only difference is that the ears are different, and the pupils are not the unique color of elves.

Seeing their appearance clearly, the light green pupils of the two cloaked men suddenly constricted, showing unbelievable and inconceivably shocked expressions, as if seeing some kind of creature that shouldn't exist. Biqu library


The thinking of the two emerald green figures fell into a state of shutdown, and even the pace unconsciously slowed down and paused. Their dull eyes stared straight at the figure in front of them, their minds were full of question marks and disbelief.

They never expected that there are still humans on this planet.

Aren't they on that blue planet, why did they appear here?

These humans should not be capable of interstellar travel.

But after thinking about it, their originally hopeful mood immediately fell to the bottom.

With just four human beings, it is impossible to save them, maybe because of their suffering.

The two elves wanted to turn around and escape, but unfortunately they had no strength left.

Once the hopeful heart was discouraged, the whole body is like a balloon that has been pumped out of air, and it can no longer take half a step.

As if they had lost all their support and strength, their bodies went limp, unable to hold on any longer, and they knelt down on the cold and frosty ground with their knees bent.

At the same time, the two elves sensed a change in the blizzard behind them, as if they were avoiding a long night dream.

Many, I want to kill them first, and then change to the next target.

Even when they sensed the icy, piercing sound of piercing wind, they didn't have any strength to continue struggling, and could only accept the imminent death.

At the last moment of their lives, revolving scenes flashed in their minds, regretting that they still did not escape the pursuit and could not save their compatriots in distress.


Seeing that he was about to die, the cloaked elf on the right stretched out his hand in vain to push the elf on the left, trying to push it away from the brink of death.

But the unconscious body was already unable to control it, no matter how hard it tried, it still remained motionless as if paralyzed, and could only watch helplessly as a speckled misty tentacle stabbed fiercely at the back of the elf's head on the left.

The pale bone spur protruding from the tip was shimmering with a bloodthirsty cold light, so ferocious and terrifying, if it was stabbed, a hole would definitely not be able to escape.

At the moment when it was heart-piercing, a purple glow suddenly appeared in front of the blind area of ​​vision, passing by like silk, easily cutting off the speckled tentacle.

When the two elves recovered from their stupefaction, the killing blow against them was easily blocked, and the purple clouds seen earlier were not really colorful clouds.

It's the demon purple moon blade composed of round after round of tiny crescent moons!

They suddenly collapsed into a crescent moon in the sky, clashed with the tentacles in the cold mist clangingly, and smashed each hideous tentacles into pieces.

However, these things seem to be endless, and can even regenerate continuously. It is obviously irrational to fight a war of attrition with them.

The chapped thin lips of the two elves squirmed slightly, trying to remind these humans not to fight recklessly, but they were completely powerless.

They don't even have the strength to lift their fingers now, so how can they have the strength to speak.

And at this moment, just as Moonblade was restraining the tentacles, thirty-six black and yellow rosary beads suddenly appeared around the two elves, spreading out an inexplicable force field to pull them away from the battlefield.

At the moment along the way, they passed by a black shadow, and their eyes swept over him in a hurry.

This is a male human wearing a black gold robe. The robe looks like the scales covering the body of a land dragon, with layers overlapping and faintly visible.

Holding a pitch-black stone pillar in his hand, he hurried past them towards the cold mist.


Just as they were about to make a sound to stop them, a deafening explosion sounded suddenly from behind, and the wind and waves formed a turbulent shock wave to wash away the flying snow in all directions, and the whistling wind was endless.

Fortunately, they were protected by the black and yellow rosary beads, so they escaped unharmed and were not blown away by the strong wind.

The sudden shocking change gave them the strength they didn't know where it came from, and they turned their heads to look with difficulty, and they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

They saw that the black stone pillar held by the black-robed human had somehow become extremely huge, like a hill falling from mid-air, firmly nailed to the ground.

The immeasurable weight poured down on the heavens and the earth, and it was it that caused the previous majestic and turbulent physical shock wave.

Under the strong suppression of the pitch-black stone pillar, most of the turbulent blizzard subsided in an instant, forming a vacuum field with a radius of hundreds of meters around it.

But this couldn't completely kill the life in the cold mist. The cold mist surged outside the vacuum domain, suddenly shooting out hundreds of hideous tentacles, aiming at Lu An at the top of the stone pillar.

Before they could succeed, the pale ground covered by the vacuum domain suddenly turned black, and the thick ink covered the ground, and hundreds of liquid thick ink tentacles protruded out, dragging it into the bottomless darkness.

Simultaneously, there is Lu An on the black stone pillar. His arms spread lightly like the wings of a roc, and his whole body is like a big bird dragging the gaseous Liuyun into the hazy cold mist. Burning crimson infection on the body.

A crimson meteor fell, and the huge pressure pressed the hazy cold mist into an oval shape, like a squeezed balloon, which might explode at any time.

Because of Lu An's existence, the entire hazy cold mist exploded, revealing the true colors of the life forms inside.

This is a very grotesque creature.

The main body is a rough core made of dense crushed ice, and the hazy cold mist wraps it in the depths, using the mist to construct the body.

This is a spherical creature with an erratic mist-like body. Whenever the shattered ice core lights up, a misty tentacle will solidify and launch a physical attack with cold poison.

However, it is not only capable of physical attacks. For example, when it senses Lu An approaching, it suddenly condenses cold mist and bursts into a supersonic scream. The sharp sound wave is enough to pierce the eardrum and disrupt the magnetic field mind of carbon-based creatures.

It's a pity that Lu An didn't like this set. The unity of mind and thought manifests itself in form and meaning.

Mourning, one after another burst into pieces and dissipated.

It is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, as immovable as a mountain.

If Lu An, who held the True Martial Profound Pillar before, was as stable as a mountain, then he is now a raging flame, moving like a thunder.

The palm melts into a bird's beak, and the waves are like flames!

Xingyi Boxing Vermilion Bird Xingliu!

Looking from a distance, one can see a Vermilion Bird spreading its wings in a trance, with a sharp beak carrying divine fire pecking at the spherical creature. Biqu library

At this moment, the spherical creature howled mournfully, as if it had turned into an insect in nature and was being preyed upon by flying birds.

This blow can be described as fatal, and the effect is extraordinary.

Smash the heavy sound waves and tentacles, and peck at its shattered ice core with one palm.

The entire blizzard stopped immediately, and then the last madness broke out and dissipated.

The shattered ice core of the spherical creature also exploded, turning into icy dots and falling down.

It wasn't until then that Lu An discovered the problem with the shattered ice core.

It is not made of crushed ice at all, but ice-blue insects the size of fingernails!

Their shells are shaped like irregular shards of ice, so at first glance they look almost indistinguishable from ice rocks.

Under the shell are tiny tentacles that make the scalp of trypophobia sufferers tingle.

To put it bluntly, if such a bug appears in the home of Tianxuan modern people, or even on their hands.

That definitely looks like a breakdance with screaming accompaniment.

"What hive consciousness aggregate."

Lu An didn't dislike their appearance, so he randomly picked up a good ice worm corpse and rubbed it gently, crushing its body to burst the juice.

"It is highly toxic and can paralyze the nerves."

Thinking of this, Lu An looked back at the two cloaked monsters who were already safe, and curled his lips.

Let a bunch of bugs chase you so embarrassingly, it's not ashamed to lose it.

But don't say it, it's really tricky to switch to other people.

These things are useless individually, but when gathered together, they will change qualitatively, and the attack also comes with cold poison. If you don't have any special means to fight it hard, just wait for it to become a popsicle.

Moreover, the toxicity is not small, if the backlog breaks out in the body, it is indeed a headache.

Shaking his head, Lu An casually grabbed a handful of worm corpses and female worms, and jumped up into the sky in two or three steps to return.

"Senior brother is solved, this thing has high and low defense, so I said there is no need to make a big move."

Returning to Motian, Lu An casually handed over the corpse, which immediately made Su Jiuqing back away, and let him throw it away with a look of disgust.

On the other hand, Mo Tian and Mo Qian Jie didn't care, they watched the mother worm for a while and shook their heads: "It should be a native creature, I've never seen it before, I'll let Luo Sheng take a look and see if it can be used as a medicine."

Putting away the ice worm corpse, Mo Tian signaled Lu An to look elsewhere, that is, the two cloaked monsters.

At this time, the two had fallen into a deep coma, and a professional medical team took action. Their lives were saved, but their physical condition was still very bad.

After examination, the body functions have been severely squeezed, and the cold poison has penetrated into the bone marrow and heart veins. It is pure fate that he can live until now.

"Compared to this, Junior Brother Lu might as well take a look at them. Do you still remember the elves we mentioned to you? They are."


Mentioning this, Lu An didn't feel sleepy, he walked over carelessly, stretched out his claws to lift the hood while taking advantage of the danger, his true face caught his eyes.

Good guy, there are still two female elves.

The faces of these two guys are so exquisite, their looks are pure and lovely, like the perfect creation of heaven and earth, there is no defect in terms of appearance, the only regret is that the airport is peaceful.

One has white skin and blond hair, and the other has black skin and chestnut hair.

It can satisfy the xp of most lsp.

No wonder there are so many elf slaves in those different world dramas.

Lu An knew what was going on, so he looked at their pointed ears to satisfy his curiosity, and immediately put the hood back on, as casually as if covering it with a white cloth.

"So, why are the elves here? Is this part of the elves' star field?"

Su Jiuqing played with the moon blade and said leisurely: "It's definitely not, who knows exactly how, I'll ask them when they wake up."

"It is certain that they are not natives of the planet. I think... After so many years of development, it is not surprising that the elves can travel in the universe."

Ferris pondered for a moment, and gave a reasonable guess.

Back then, these elves could explore nearby stars ignorantly, and it is reasonable to develop into a first-class civilization today.

After some discussion, Su Jiuqing called her follower, Yu'er, and asked her to bring the two elves with her.

They bear the orders of the sect, so they definitely can't just wait for them to wake up. Finally, an elf comes to the door, and it is impossible to give up, so they can only take them along with them.

Abducting two elves back home, after all, is also a harvest.

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