Martial arts are the foundation, will is the salary, martial arts are revealed, and the palace of fate is built!

In just sixteen words, the thought floated in an instant, and it turned into an entity and lingered in Lu An's mind, just like a great bell, thundering into heaven and sounding for thousands of miles, exploding in his heart.

The hazy fog permeating my heart was swept away, and their ignorance was lost, and the scene ahead suddenly became clear, and I was able to see the way ahead!

Lu An's whole body was lifted up, as if he had been enlightened for the first time, and Meng Chen's mind was suddenly enlightened, and he got up in the white mist as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The premonition that has been lingering in his heart all this time shines into reality at this moment, turning into bright lights one after another to illuminate the way forward for him!

Lu An can be 100% sure that there is nothing wrong with his conjecture. The key to cohesive Fate Palace must be based on martial arts, Wu Li Consolidates Fate Palace!

He had a whim before, and he had a premonition that the palace of fate was related to his own martial arts and martial arts.

Up to now, when he just suddenly realized, this kind of painstaking omen is also clear and clear, and he gives real feedback!

The key to the life palace realm is this!

The fundamental reason why it is related to the principles of martial arts is that they are needed as the foundation to create the Palace of Fate.

As long as this step is achieved, one can pass the peak of supernatural powers, enter a new world, and raise the level of life to a higher level.

"What am I, an epiphany."

As soon as his thoughts were clear, Lu An showed a strange look, and sat down cross-legged again, not knowing what to say.

Just thinking that I could not meet the epiphany, suddenly I figured out the key point.

This is really... a trick of good fortune?

But Lu An thinks that this is not an epiphany.

At best, it can be regarded as figuring out the way forward.

After all, when you look at other people's homes, once you have an epiphany, breaking through is like drinking water.

It's fine to break a big realm, what's more, it doesn't stop after breaking a big realm, and even breaks several small realms in succession as an epiphany benefit.

He is extremely friendly to the epiphany, but it is disgusting in the eyes of others.

Sour to vomit bile water.

However, this cannot be generalized.

Lu An casually grabbed a cloud of white mist and kneaded it into a ball in his hand.

Martial Dao is different from Immortal Dao.

Immortal Dao pays attention to the world and the earth, to put it bluntly, it depends on the understanding and the state of mind, which is extremely idealistic.

When the ideological realm has reached, not to mention breaking the realm is like drinking water, it is not impossible to become a saint immediately.

His hard-working martial artist is different, he has to take it step by step, and it is true to be down-to-earth.

Just think about it in a dream, such as sudden enlightenment.

But then again...

Lu An fell into deep thought.

He knew the specific principle, but new problems followed.

What should be done to use one's own martial arts to unite the palace of life.

This is a key issue, if you can't understand it, even knowing the principle is useless.

It's no different from those hard-working monks who have been stuck at the peak of supernatural powers all their lives.

Taking advantage of his spare time, Lu An simply messed around in the endless martial arts, trying to find the correct way to open it.

It's a pity that it didn't work out in the end.

One is that he has no clue, and the other is that his cultivation base is not at home.

This is the biggest factor.

He is now at the Ninth Realm of Divine Ability, and he is still a little short of the peak of Dzogchen, so naturally he can't touch that door.

This is the fate of not being able to practice at home!

No way, Lu An had no choice but to withdraw from Endless Martial Arts, and decided to wait for the realm to reach the standard before coming back.

It's just the peak of Dzogchen, his own foundation is extremely deep, and he can reach the standard by absorbing more energy and condensing his qi and blood.

It's not difficult.

Just as soon as he opened his eyes, Lu An saw a ray of celestial light sprinkled on his face instead of Chuyang, and the sky outside the window was already pale.


Lu An looked incredulous, he remembered that it had only been a few minutes, why was it early in the morning.

Could it be that I have been posing all night?

Lu An clicked on the auxiliary panel and saw that the time was indeed the same, several hours had passed since he entered the endless martial arts.

"You haven't slept all day, Zhuo!"

Realizing that he had stayed up all night, Lu An clenched his fists, secretly hating himself for not being clear-headed, for not even paying attention to the past few hours.

Staying up late, he is not a cultivator, and he pays great attention to physical maintenance on weekdays.

Sufficient sleep every day is essential, it is the most important step in maintaining the body, and it is also the fundamental nature of everything in the world.

Through the simplest way of letting go of consciousness, restore body functions, restore energy and sweep away fatigue.

It is also one of Lu An's biggest lazy hobbies.

But now that the time for sleep has passed, he can't sleep even if he wants to.

No way, Lu An had to exercise a few times, and ran to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, cooking some light breakfast


"Wake up dead dog, Bailu, wake up too."

Ding ding bang bang, after finishing everything, Lu An ran into the flower bedroom in twos and twos, grabbed the dog's neck and shook it up and down, and stroked it from head to tail, almost scalping it.

But it is much gentler to Bailu and Ilya.

After stroking the young antlers a few times, the white deer slowly opened its eyes feeling itchy, and Gululu rolled over and got up.

"Good morning, my lord."

"Get up and eat!"

After waking up a few little guys to wash up, after breakfast, Lu An stepped out of the house and went to inspect the surroundings.

By the way, deliver food to Wei Xiaoran and the others.

Early in the morning, Wei Xiaoran and Samisha went to do morning exercises in a group, and there was only one Zhao Yaoyao around who was a lazy dog ​​at home, unable to live in bed.

She yelled at the bottom for a long time and didn't see her responding again, which shows that she died like a sleeper.

There was no other way, so Lu An had no choice but to leave the breakfast at their door, and wait for someone to wake up or come back to pick it up.

Not long after, Lu An, who was absorbing the energy of ice and snow by the river, raised his eyebrows, and found Samisha and Wei Xiaoran returning in a group.

"Breakfast? Thanks!"

Noticing the medicine soup in the fresh-keeping box at the door of her house, Samisha ran over to open it in two or three steps, her blue eyes bent into crescents, and she smiled and waved to Lu An as a thank you.

After going out for morning exercise, I have breakfast. Although the order is a bit reversed, it is a beautiful thing that does not hinder it.

What's more, it's a medicinal soup made by Lu An himself, and there's no need to say much about it.

Lu An didn't answer, and continued to absorb ice and snow energy quietly, hoping to reach the supernatural powers Dzogchen as soon as possible.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaoran smiled, then jumped up the tree house with light steps, entered Zhao Yaoyao's house through the window, and came to the door to do the wake-up service in person.


Time flies, from early morning to noon.

Lu An sat peacefully by the river, the ice and snow energy froze the river surface around him, like an ice ring throne.

During this period, the little mermaid appeared several times, using her holy sea golden pupils to secretly steal a little energy of ice and snow, which seemed to be used to feed the plants at the bottom of the river.

Naturally, the subtle changes in the surrounding energy flow could not be hidden from Lu An's perception, but he did not stop the little guy.

The energy of ice and snow in his pocket is enough for him to rise to the peak of supernatural powers, so there is no need to be so stingy.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Just as Lu An was concentrating on absorbing energy, Samisha, who had left Lu Feng early after eating breakfast, suddenly went back and ran to the side of the stream in a hurry, no matter what happened, she stretched out her hand to wake someone up .

"Hey, stop practicing, wake up!"

"What's the matter, what happened?"

He was devouring energy quietly, but Lu An couldn't maintain his calm state of mind after being disturbed by Samisha, so he opened his eyes and looked at her helplessly.

I don't know what made Samisha come over to inform him in such a hurry, and even get involved in the energy of ice and snow.

"You really don't know at all." Seeing his confused face, Samisha folded her hands helplessly: "Yaoyao told you, we're here!"

"To where?"

Lu An was taken aback for a moment, then remembered what Samisha was referring to: "Resource sector?"

"Well! It's the resource star area! We have entered the galaxy range, and we can land on the void island when we find a suitable planet."

Samisha nodded, kicked off the ice protruding from her feet and sat next to Lu An: "It's only three hours at most, why don't you go and see."

"Of course I'm going!"

Since he learned the reason of the incident yesterday, he, Lu, has been thinking about the resource star sector for a long time, how could he miss it!

It's just that I didn't expect it to be so fast.

I just found out yesterday, and it's here today.

He muttered next to him, but of course he couldn't hide it from Samisha's ears. He laughed and explained, "You know it's too late. Since the day we came back, the Void Island has been flying towards the resource star area!"

"Besides, it's not far from the Little Ice River Starfield, and it's about three days away."

Lu An nodded slightly in understanding, and immediately closed the auxiliary space to stop the leakage of ice and snow energy.

"It means that once the Void Island hits the ground, we can go out and surf casually?"

"It's about the same, but you need to wear the mark of the falling star, otherwise you will be affected by things such as the difference in gravity."

Samisha rolled her arms, looking eager to try.

Unlike others, most people want to go treasure hunting to earn contribution points, or to enjoy the scenery of alien stars.

But she is different, she wants to see if there is any extraterrestrial life, preferably one that can match her.

If there is a hearty battle, it will be of great benefit to her cultivation of Lie Yuankui.

"That's it..."

Hearing this, Lu An was a little surprised

, but only a little.

This time the sect has no limit on the number of people, which means that everything is up to you, you can go or not.

The degree of freedom is very high.

"Okay, don't dawdle, let's go."

Thinking of beating the alien life, Samisha impatiently grabbed Lu An's wrist, pulled him out and walked out.

"Don't worry, there's still a kid at home."

Seeing that she was so impatient, Lu An smiled helplessly and comforted her, since there was still time anyway, so she was not in a hurry.

And according to what Zhao Yaoyao said yesterday, Void Island will stay here for a period of time, it doesn't matter whether you go early or late, there is plenty of time.

"Oh yes, you have to take them with you!"

Samisha paused, turned around and entered the cabin with Lu An, and packed up a few little guys, the little mermaid was no exception.

"By the way, do you know how long Zongmen will stay here?"

"I don't know. Elder Ming didn't say anything. It might be possible to wait until the energy reserves are sufficient."


Not getting the answer they wanted to know, the two activated the shuttle light instrument together to leave Lu Feng. Under the leadership of Samisha, Lu An found Shen Li and the others in the small courtyard of Hierna Liusi and the others.

After three consecutive days of recuperation, several elf classmates of Hiernarius had already woken up, and only a few bodyguards who were seriously injured were still in a coma.

Knowing that they were rescued by humans, a group of elves looked the same as Royna yesterday, shocked to the point of being struck by lightning, with disbelief on their faces.

Although there are ten thousand people who don't believe it in their hearts, the surrounding architectural styles and scenes bring them back to reality, and they can't help but not believe it.

"Yo, it's all here."

In the small courtyard at this moment, all the awakened elves have come out, and they gathered together with different expressions, as if they were whispering something.

The painting style is very strange, but the focus of Lu An's attention is not on these elf students.

It was an adventure group headed by Royna.

After professional recuperation and taking elixir, their bodies have almost recovered, not to mention alive and well, at least their mental state is still normal.

Unlike the immature young elves, most of Royana's adventure group are orcs with a tough temperament, the kind who have seen blood at a glance, with a faint murderous look on their bodies.

In stark contrast to the young elves next to them, they were not at the same level at all.

What caught Lu An's attention was that next to Royna was an eagle-headed man with two daggers on his waist. He had an obvious white eagle head, three red feathers fluttering backwards in the shape of his eyebrows, and his sharp eyes were very imposing.

"Let me introduce, this is the Lu An I mentioned to you."

As the familiar elves of both sides, Hiernarius naturally stood up and introduced Lu An to his classmates and members of the adventure group, so that the two sides could have a general understanding.

"Big sister, is this the human being you were talking about?" the eagle-headed man named Bai Huan leaned closer to Royna and asked in a low voice, his sharp eagle eyes fixed on Lu An.

"The big sister's head is right. Its strength is average, but it has a very strong murderous aura. It is an out-and-out beast."

Since joining the Thorn Gold Adventure Group, he has seen many things with Royna. Bai Huan thinks he has seen a lot of big people, but this is the first time he has seen a villain like Lu An!

Like their adventurous group who are licking blood at the knife edge, which one does not have blood on their hands, even doctors.

But compared with Lu An, they can only be regarded as pediatrics.

At this moment, in the depths of Bai Hurricane's sharp eagle eyes, two rounds of miniature magic circles are faintly reflected, looking through the essence like a microscope to see the other side of the things in front of him.

Advanced Exploration Technique!

A must-have skill for traveling abroad.

It was also at this time that Bai Huan saw something different.

In his eyes, this human named Lu An is a source of blood, so thick that it is almost uncontrollable.

Just looking directly at it, you can feel a bloody smell rushing towards your face.

This must not be an ordinary human being!

There is only one way to create this invisible aura.

That is to kill, the more blood on the hands, the stronger the aura, and even give the enemy invisible oppression like a natural enemy when facing the enemy.

But it's easier said than done. It's easy to get blood on your hands, but the hard part is how to build sand into a fortress.

From this point of view, the human beings in front of them are terrifying, and the orcs will be furious when they see them.

The ghost knows how many lives he killed to form such a bloody aura.

In normal times, when Bai Huan sees this kind of guy, he will definitely turn around and leave without saying a word, and he will not meet if he can.

None of this kind of killing maniac is normal physically or mentally, and most of them are unreasonable lunatics.

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