"Yes, there is a large high-grade ore vein at the bottom of the pool, which almost covers this ice valley."

Facing Lu An's character of digging three feet to find something, a helpless smile appeared on Shen Li's pretty face, and she softly dispelled his idea of ​​going down to find out.

"The ore veins have been dug long ago, and there is no omission left. Not every place is like a horned dragon pillar, so don't think about picking up the omissions..."


Lu An scratched his head and laughed dryly. He really wanted to go down and have a look just now, maybe there is something he hasn't found yet.

"The unknown ore in the vein is very cold, because the crystal blue spots on the surface look like stars in the sky, so the people in the research institute named it the star-cold spar."

"It seems to have a great effect. The drill bit of the excavator that drove to the magma lake to dig the Yan keel yesterday was made from the ore here. There are still a few pieces for exhibition in the research institute."

Shen Li's spiritual power condensed into ice, and it was made into a strange ore model for him.

"Probably due to the environmental reasons here, such a large-scale mineral vein has been formed over a long period of time."

"Hey, I'm just curious, I'm not interested in ore."

Seeing that Lu An had given up the idea of ​​going into the water, she changed her voice, squeezed the floating model in her palm, and turned to face the magnificent ice tree with snowflakes in the center of the platform.

"Have you seen it? A large part of my practice here is because of it."

"Of course I did, but it looks like a dead tree."

He raised his eyes and looked up and down the ice tree. Apart from the astonishing appearance and the snowflakes, he really didn't find anything magical about it.

But there is one thing to say, just because of this ingenious and perfect appearance, just standing in front of it makes me feel inexplicably comfortable and happy, and I feel like my body and mind are washed by the beautiful scenery.

Sensing the gaze from the side, Lu An turned his head and looked at Shen Li for an instant.

"Sister, why are you looking at me?"

He found that Shen Li's eyes were a little strange.

"It seems that you don't feel it either."

see what?

He was startled when he heard the words, turned his head and focused on the ice tree again, and after a while, the word "bewilderment" was almost written on his face.

Is there any magic in Bingshu that he hasn't discovered?

He couldn't see it.

"This tree should only be effective for ice repair."

After trying it out and confirming that Lu An, a martial artist, can't sense it, Shen Li gently explained to him:

"It has several miraculous effects. Cultivators who major in ice-based exercises can quickly enter an ethereal state without distracting thoughts when sitting under it, whether it is comprehension of exercises or Yuan skills, or the speed of practicing spiritual energy. It is several times faster than other places.”

"And this state will continue until you stop enlightenment or practice, and you won't be disturbed by any distracting thoughts in the middle."

"Nearby auras will also be transformed into pure icy auras without any impurities, which can't be eliminated by exercises."

When Shen Li said this, she rested her chin with one hand, and looked at Bingshu with splendor in her eyes.

"The most peculiar thing is that there are very few barriers when practicing ice element skills on this platform. Sometimes even before you think about it, you will inexplicably think about how to perform the next step to achieve perfection."

"To put it simply, it is to simplify unnecessary steps and use the most efficient and convenient route to display them. After this kind of optimization, the power of meta-techniques will increase to varying degrees. time."

"It's just that these abilities of it seem to only work on pure ice cultivators, and other monks can't even find the abnormality when they come over."

"So amazing?"

Lu An raised his eyebrows, no wonder he didn't notice anything unusual.

Co-authoring it also engages in attribute discrimination.

"Then is it dead or alive?"

He couldn't help asking, anyway, he didn't feel the fluctuation of life, but with such a weird thing beforehand, he was a little uncertain about Bingshu.

What if people don't want him to know that they pretended to be dead to lie to him.

The little assistant didn't say a word.

"It's dead. Coach Hu and the others said that the tree should have been refined into something like a spiritual tool, and the environment here was frozen to preserve it."

Shen Li shook her head and said, when she came here for the first time, she thought she was still alive, but after studying for a long time, she found out that she was really dead, and what is now is just a spirit-like weapon with a tree body.

It can also be said to be a specimen.

"How does my place compare to the flame zone?"

After introducing Bingshu, Shen Li turned to look at him with a sweet smile.

"It must be this good, the scenery is so beautiful, there is nothing like that ghostly place, even the dogs don't want to stay there."

Lu An glanced sideways at the opposite side of the cold pool, revealing a dog with a dog's head chewing on icicles and grinding its teeth.

In terms of the scenery alone, the Eighteen Streets over the Flame Mountain are better than the Ice Valley. Does it match?

"It's fine if you like it, then sit with me, there's nothing to do anyway."

She took a few steps to sit under the ice tree, stretched out her fingers boredly against the tree trunk, and played with the ever-changing ice flowers.

The beautiful woman sits on the lifelike ice tree, and the beauty of the fish and wild goose is a perfect match.

It's like a rare masterpiece that surpasses heaven and earth.

Lu An froze for a few seconds before slowly moving over to sit down, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He found that something was wrong with Shen Li today.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong, it was very contradictory.

But what is certain is that Shen Li is the real Shen Li, not someone pretending to be.

where is the guy? Come and save me?

It's kind of embarrassing to just sit there without talking.

[Host don't worry, this assistant is here. 】

Just when Lu An didn't know what to say, the savior loyal dog assistant appeared in time to relieve Lu An and divert his attention.

[This assistant can help the host get rid of the current embarrassing situation, starting with this ice tree. 】

"What's the meaning?"

Lu An, who was at a loss, was successfully attracted by its words.

Hearing this, does the tree behind him really have some secrets?

[The host's guess is correct, Bingshu does have a secret, let's listen to this assistant explain it. 】

[Just now, while the host was chatting, the assistant took the time to check it out. The original name of the ice tree is Baihan laurel, which is an extremely rare variant of laurel. 】

White cold laurel?

Lu An couldn't help but feel a little weird when he heard this.

It's really Guanghan Palace, right?

He looked up at the canopy and leaves.

No, it's not like that either.

[Host don't worry about this, just listen to the assistant. According to the authoritative certification of the assistant, this Baihan laurel tree has been completely cooled, and it has been made into a specimen and preserved for specific people to practice, that is, pure ice cultivation. 】

[However, after absorbing the cold air here for a long time, the tree heart inside it has revived a little vitality, but because the reason for becoming a specimen is between life and death, there have been some strange small changes. 】

"So? How do I get it? Just take out the heart?" Lu An interrupted.

[The host wants to destroy it, just say so. 】

"Ah? You continue."

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