Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 916: Features Of The Great Cold Nether Kingdom

"So fast?"

After discovering the eagle demon and the black paper in its mouth, Lu An instantly regained consciousness, and the sleepiness quickly disappeared.

Speaking of which, he won't be sleepy anymore.

"Don't dare to forget the master's order. After the master left, the little eagle rushed to the main island non-stop to inspect, and finally found these few through unremitting efforts."

The eagle demon put the black paper on the bed, squinted and sniffed at its dog from the corner of the eye, stretched its wings and pushed the dog's head away, with vigilance in its eyes.

Strictly speaking, this guy is his own class.

Looking Gouzi up and down, Ying Yao felt a little competitive hostility in his heart.

Why does this guy compete with himself? It's nothing special, it just looks in line with human aesthetics.

The guy who relies on his face to eat, this king will push you away and replace you sooner or later, the position of the master's first favorite must be my king's.

With such thoughts in mind, the eagle demon retracted his peripheral vision and raised his head proudly.

A guy with good looks but no talent is not its opponent after all.

"Wow -"

Gouzi didn't care if the eagle demon would like to talk to him or not, he circled around it a few times and tried to knock down the eagle demon from behind, but it was a pity that it dodged nimbly and swiftly.

Regardless of the two, I picked up the black paper and glanced at it, feeling very satisfied.

The Eagle Demon is depicted in great detail. The appearances of the people on the list are all clearly rubbed on the paper, and the time, place, conversation and other conclusive evidence are also marked on the back, which can be seen at a glance.


Focusing on the blacklist, Lu An frowned slightly. After finding so many suspicious elements in just one night, one can imagine how much garbage has been mixed into the Sunset Islands now.

This is only the main island. You must know that in addition to the sub-island and the main island where they are located, the Sunset Islands also have four other sub-islands.

If you search them all, who knows how many mice you can find.

"No rush, there is plenty of time to play slowly."

Lu An murmured to himself, looking at the list was like looking at a string of origin energy numbers, without any respect for life.

"Master, when the little eagle left, they deliberately left a trail of breath on them. As long as the distance is no more than half of the main island, the little eagle can find them quickly."

Kicking the dog away, the eagle demon shook his body angrily, and a few feathers fell off from it and floated on the bed.

Glaring fiercely, Ying Yao refused to admit defeat and wrestled with Gou Zi again, but his strikes were very measured, relying only on physical strength to compete.

"I'm afraid I've been assimilated."

Looking up at the two guys who made a mess on the bed, Lu An didn't bother to stop them, so she put away the list and rummaged through to find some clothes to put on.

He discovered a problem, perhaps it was because the ghost eagle had been seized for a long time, and the eagle demon's habits were gradually leaning towards birds.

It is estimated that it is a side effect, while seizing the body, it is also subtly affected by the assimilation of the body.

After getting dressed and opening the door, Samisha was already talking with the ferret on the tablet about what kind of fruit is delicious.

The door opened, and her angle of view happened to be able to see the scene in the bedroom. She saw the eagle demon and the dog rolling and wrestling on the bed, and her blue eyes gradually widened.

"Why did Eagle King fight with Xiaoha?"

Samisha couldn't imagine that the arrogant Eagle King would peck each other with the dog, and lost a lot of feathers.

"Let them fight."

He went to the kitchen to take out the refrigerated ingredients, told the little white fox that he wanted to eat and warmed it up, and then went out with Samisha.

Although it is seven o'clock in the morning, self-disciplined athletes from all over the world have already come out to start a new day of activities. There are many people who go out to train, have breakfast, chat and make friends to expand their social circles.

Many national teams that were eliminated in the team competition are working hard, determined to regain everything they lost in the individual competition.

I don't know about other places, but Lu An feels that the residential area he lives in is quite lively.

Unimpeded, he followed into the cafeteria and entered the box on the third floor under the guidance of his attendants. He also had a new understanding of the cafeteria.

Although it is read as a cafeteria, its internal scale is not much worse than those of well-known international hotels, and it is a unique type.

After leading them to the door, the attendants politely excused themselves. As soon as Samisha opened the door, she immediately attracted the attention of everyone inside.

Seeing it was her and Lu An, Dulfab waved at them, and then continued the unfinished topic.

The atmosphere in the box was a bit strange, and Lu An tactfully did not disturb him, and sat quietly next to Laroquen, focusing his gaze on the projection screen following Ammus' hand.

Listening quietly for a few seconds, Lu An almost understood that this was analyzing the weaknesses and possible targets of the players from the four countries, and they were discussing who to play.

"I'll go for the fight against Uguanan, my ability is just right to restrain that Banius." Staring at the image on the projection, Laroquen raised his hands impatiently and introduced himself.

"Well... okay, you and Leeresa, Yehak, and Sangbe, four of you, go to Laroquen in Uguanan. In the first opener, we must win a beautiful victory for us."

Ammus discussed with the others and finalized the plan.

Even if Wuguanan's players change in this combination, it won't affect them.

Don't change people and wait to be targeted, and they are not afraid of changing people, it's exactly what they want.

Next, Ammus finalized the candidates for the match against Bagu and Nejili. After a moment of silence, the main event that everyone cared about came.

"Next is today's biggest opponent, take a look."

Ammus stretched out his hand, and the projected image suddenly changed, replaced by Kim Sang-ki with a faint smile on his face.

The background is a broad stone square, around him there are at least dozens of his peers attacking him, and the murderous spirit will blow potted plants and other items along the way.

But soon Jin Xiangqi moved, and the endless meta-technical secrets burst out with his fingers, and his figure also appeared behind someone.

The figure is like a ghost in the forest, strolling in the courtyard under the siege of dozens of people, using various secret techniques at his fingertips.

Then, the screen changed and turned into the battle images of other people.

"This is his ability. Irrelevant secret techniques can be retracted freely. It is preliminarily guessed that this is the reason for his evil art."

When Ammus said this, the others immediately understood.

In all likelihood, the yuan skills and secret techniques used by Jin Xiangqi in the video were forcibly plundered by him after playing with women.

If you look at it this way, doesn't he reveal very little? From the beginning to the end, it is the ability to use plunder.

"Others are not simple, this Park Yuanhao is a bit murderous."

He Zhaben squinted his eyes and stared at the projection. In the screen, there were a lot of people in disarray, all of whom were instantly killed by a blow with their throats cut.

And the only one standing was a perverted man with bangs covering his left eye, smearing blood on his face and still looking intoxicated.

It's a team that needs to be taken seriously.

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