Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 927 Silkworms, Praying Mantises, And Orioles

Looking up at Heiyao, who was pierced into the void and flashed lightning, Lu An opened his eyes slightly, shocked by the lethality caused by his random blow.

Heiyao, surrounded by thunder and evil energy, is like the center of the world, embedded in the air like a black and red pillar, and the killing power that chokes everything spreads unscrupulously in all directions.

The halberd tip blooms to the masculinity of the brilliant thunder and the endless killing of evil spirits. Two completely different forces blend and merge. Eternal life haunts Hei Yao forever.

And its owner, the doctor in a white coat, is not dead yet, but he is not far away.

The chest was pierced by the ferocious halberd tip, and there were ripples like water waves behind him, which was a sign of extreme instability in the space, and it seemed that it could split open at any time.

The wolf at the front and the tiger at the back, facing enemies from the front and back, are talking about the doctor at the moment.

But he is not in the mood to deal with these things now, because Hei Yao, who pierced him, releases evil energy all the time, frantically rushing into his sea of ​​consciousness and even wreaking havoc on his limbs and bones.

The doctor's consciousness is very vague now, and the hallucinations seem to overlap with the reality in a trance. He only feels that he is in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and is being bitten and eaten by countless dead souls and resentful spirits. But the next moment, his consciousness returns to reality , to see clearly the scene of being nailed through.

As an inner disciple of the Baiye Ghost Sect, he naturally knew what was going on. This was a sign that his brain, sea of ​​consciousness and even his soul had been corroded by the evil spirit of death.

"How... how is it possible, such a fierce, fierce soldier..."

The doctor's bloodshot eyes were wide open, and his bloodless face was full of disbelief.

He opened his mouth and spat out a few words intermittently, but Naihe's blood poured directly into his throat, blocking his words.

He could only stare at Lu An with wide eyes, and finally tilted his head, his hands clenched tightly on the black halberd were loosened, and his body was hung loosely in the air.

The doctor died, and he didn't expect until his death that he, an ancient resuscitator, an inner disciple of Baiye Guimen, Feng Chen, who had just been born and hadn't made great achievements yet, would die on this lonely island for no reason. Even the means of pride and the hole cards can't be used.

Not to mention that he would meet Ren Tu who possesses the killer weapon. If he had known this earlier, he would never have come to the Sunset Islands to seek death.

To him, killing such a demonic soldier as a fierce soldier is like a natural enemy, and he can't even get out of his body in front of it.

The doctor's last thoughts were remorse and puzzlement, wondering why there are still extreme murderous soldiers in modern times, isn't human life very precious nowadays, but what about the clothes of those dead souls?

But he couldn't get the answer after all, he could only stare blankly at Lu An with his dead eyes.

I can't wait to cheat the corpse and ask the six-character mantra of "Why is Nima".


Witnessing his body disintegrated by the evil spirit of thunder, Lu An clicked his tongue in shock.

It's too ruthless, no whole body is left when a person dies, and no bones or dregs are left.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Hei Yao became more ferocious.

Another soul was added under the halberd, Lu An stretched out his hand and thought about it, Hei Yao pulled out the tip of the halberd from the void and flew to his hand.


Touching the sharp tip of the halberd, Lu An was very satisfied, it can even penetrate space, which shows its sharpness.

If it finds something more murderous to absorb it, then it's fine.

Withdrawing Hei Yao, Lu An glanced around, then slowly walked towards the place where the doctor died.

When the corpse was decomposed by Hei Yao just now, many foreign objects survived, but fell from the air to the ground.

It is worth mentioning that when he threw the black glow through the doctor and the blue-faced ghost king, the white warrior sent by Ampere Myojin instantly turned into white light and disappeared, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Let me see."

A pile of things was found from the pile of fallen leaves, a ring with a carved skull, a fragment of some kind of inner armor, a string of gold necklaces that had been melted into shape, and a lot of mess.

"This thing should have been crushed by Hei Yao."

Holding up the fragment for a look, Lu An tossed it aside and picked up the ring instead.

It should be the only thing of value here.

He sat down against the tree, frantically fiddled with the ring with his hands, and penetrated his senses into it.

The doctor died, and his storage ring was no longer owned. It didn't take much effort for Lu An to understand how to use the skull ring.

The eye sockets of the little skull on the ring were slightly bright, and then the upper and lower jaws opened wide, and a pile of things spit out, instantly piled up into a small slope.

"Good guy, there are a lot of things."

Filled with energy fluctuations, all kinds of medicinal herbs and materials, as well as a large pile of black boxes and a jade plaque came into view.

There is even a bank card from an unknown country.

"Golden belt for killing and setting fire, the ancients did not deceive me, what is this?"

A large pile of materials is worth a lot at first glance, and Lu An knew that his small treasury could be expanded again and again, so he smiled for a while.

Picking up the jade tablet first, Lu An frowned when he saw the words and patterns on it clearly.

"This is... an ancient text? Could it be that the brat is Gu Xiu?!"

After concentrating on it for a while, Lu An finally understood the meaning above.

Baiye ghost gate.

He is no stranger to this name, but he never thought that it was actually an ancient recovery force.

"You're really a Gu Xiu, so if you meet me, you'll be bad luck for eight lifetimes."

Lu An couldn't help being amused, some people died in ancient times and are only buried now.

What has Fengchen drawn so far, come to modern times to give away the head?

"I am Kangkang, soul-refining Yin ghost method, blood-eat piercing curse, soul fusion art, heaven and earth fusion ghost immortal Yin body, what are these?"

Randomly opened a few black boxes, and saw the ghostly scrolls and jade slips inside. Lu An was dumbfounded.

Nima is all crooked tricks, he wants these things to be dry? numb.

"I don't have a mobile phone or anything. Why did this guy contact Heidi and the others? Could it be that there is any internal contact method?"

Throwing all the black boxes back, Lu An rummaged for a while but couldn't find any contact tools such as mobile phones, so he had no choice but to give up.

He also thought that this doctor is more or less a cadre and should have a special contact channel, but this is the end?

Giving up on looking for information, Lu An turned his attention to the pile of gloomy materials.

It can only be said that he is worthy of playing ghosts, and the materials he collected are of the same virtue as him.

"Huh? It's so murderous, what is this pile of?"

Turning over the pile of materials, Lu An suddenly noticed that there were a few things on the side that were different from the coldness of other materials, but filled with a strong murderous aura, so he immediately reached out to pick them up and observed them carefully.

This is a crimson stone, shaped like a pebble, and feels cold to the touch, as if touching a layer of blood scab.

There is a pair of eyeballs next to it, wisps of scarlet gas are floating, and there is a strange fragrance.

There is also a beautifully shaped columbarium.

The murderous aura that Lu An felt came from them.

"Xiaosuke, come out to work!"

[The illiterate host encountered something he didn't know again. 】

Undecided little assistant, Lu An happily called out his encyclopedia.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know him, as long as the little assistant knows him.

[Shen Evil Blood Stone: Born in a place with a strong breath of death, it absorbs blood and evil spirits and accumulates it. It is a material for refining related magic tools or secret medicines. It is of high quality and should come from mass graves or the like. Place, seven star material. 】

[Ginger eye fruit: shaped like a human eye, highly poisonous, planted in the body of a living person, it will break the eye socket when it matures, so it gets its name, it belongs to artificially cultivated plants, multi-purpose refining, five-star material. 】

[Ghost Blood: Special blood condensed from the blood of dead things. It is a nourishing thing for ghosts and spirits, but it is poisonous for living people. It is of medium quality and a six-star material. 】

"None of them are good things, each one is better than the other hell - damn it! Cough cough cough."

Knowing their origin and function, Lu An stretched out his hand to open the altar cover, and suddenly an unspeakable stench came over his face, which made his tears flow, and he quickly closed the altar cover with a scream.

It's like being stuffed in your mouth with a pair of stinky socks that have been soaked in a cesspit for many years and have not been washed. The taste is unbearable.

"Ah, ho-pooh."

Lu An was choked to tears by the biochemical weapon, and his eyes were filled with extreme shock. That little brat actually put shit in his storage ring?

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned his gaze to Shensha Bloodstone and Scarlet Eye Fruit, and stretched out his hand, and Hei Yao reappeared in his hand.

Almost the instant he appeared, he felt Hei Yao in his hand tremble slightly.

Seems to be pulled by something.

"Sure enough." Seeing this scene, Lu An smiled, and gently waved Hei Yao, letting the tip of his halberd touch the bloodstone.

The moment Hei Yao touched the Shen Sha blood stone, Hei Yao broke away from Lu An's palm by himself, turned into a liquid metal ball in its original form, wrapped and devoured the blood stone together with the Scarlet Eye Fruit next to it, and then re-transformed into Black Halberd.

The whole process was silent, and the absorption was completed in just a few seconds.

This is one of Hei Yao's abilities born after he advanced into a fierce soldier. It can absorb the slaughtered things and turn them into nutrients to strengthen its own parts.

Lu An also just tried it out, but he never thought that Hei Yao could really absorb it.


Looking at the urn filled with dark blood, Lu fell into silence with a troubled expression on his face.

But in the end, he kicked off the lid of the altar, held his breath, and inserted the tip of the halberd into the dark blood.

Those who achieve big things don't stick to small details, and it smells a little bit, but it's good to play a role, and it's a pity to waste it.

A certain Lu prides himself on being diligent and thrifty in managing his family, and he is not willing to waste blood.

Strips of blood climbed up the tip of the halberd, and were gradually swallowed up by Hei Yao, leaving only an empty ashes urn in the end.

He didn't notice any changes in Hei Yao, and Lu An didn't care. He put away the urn and turned around to leave. He didn't think that Hei Yao would evolve after absorbing a few materials, which is unrealistic.

"That...could it be the missing part of Mutina's soul?"

After walking a few steps, Lu An suddenly noticed a small black bottle stuck in the center of the formation in the distance, and he saw the light spot inside with a very good look, which was somewhat similar to Mutina.

It looked more and more like it, but Lu An didn't intend to take it. Instead, he threw the jade tablet of Baiye Guimen into the formation, asked the little assistant to mark the black bottle, and then disappeared into the woods.

Someone will take the little black bottle, but he can't.

A certain person sneaked away in the dark, but it happened as he wished. About five minutes after he left, the British Guards came to Twilight Vice Island with a large group of people, and saw the remnants of the battle here.

I also noticed two things in the array.

"Hundred night ghost gate."

It was Zhao Yaoyao and other contestants who liked to join in the fun.

After Ampere Myojin successfully located the doctor, the medical staff contacted the security forces stationed at the Sunset Islands and rushed over.

The gang of them who have nothing to do naturally can't let go of this opportunity, and they all want to follow to get first-hand information.

"Hundred Night Ghost Gate, who of you has heard of this name?"

Zhao Yaoyao asked a lot, but unfortunately no one knew.

"Maybe it has something to do with those assassination organizations."

Lilia crouched down holding the white umbrella to touch the formation, silently feeling the cold aura coming from it.

This kind of formation is definitely not used by decent people.

"There have been traces of fighting here, and the mastermind behind the scenes should be dead."

Albert was walking around, and suddenly he squatted down and found something. Everyone followed his hand to look, and saw a piece of blood-stained armor being picked up by him.

"The blood hasn't completely dried up yet, so the time of death should be around 20 minutes, which is just about the same time as your Shikigami's return."

Wipe away some blood with his fingers, put it between his nose and sniff it, then sip it lightly and put it in his mouth, Albert turned to look at Ampere Mingshen who was studying the formation.

"Xiaosheng doesn't know either. Bai Zang was fighting fiercely with the green-faced ghost. He only had time to see a black and red beam of light attacking him. He didn't know anything else."

"Thanks to Xiaosheng's timely recall, otherwise Baizang might also be seriously injured."

Ampere Mingshen nodded his chin, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his smiling eyes, he clenched his fists and clapped his hands and said:

"Oh, by the way, Baizang said that it heard that the assailant seemed to be looking for an unknown murderer, and that the people they disappeared during this period were related to the murderer. This information should be very important."

"Why didn't you say such important information earlier?"

Albert was speechless. They rushed to the medical center just in time to see the return of Shikigami Abe Myokami. He didn't say anything about it at the time.

This cherry blossom person's brain is somewhat sick!

"Xiaosheng also forgot because of the emergency."

"Albert! Where's your knight etiquette?" Seeing that Albert had a problem with his attitude, Lilia suddenly called out lightly, telling him to shut up.

"Sorry Mr. Abe Myojin, I offer you my sincerest apologies for Albert's remarks."

"It's okay, it's understandable for Albert Sang to be anxious, Xiaosheng doesn't care."

Ampere Mingshen didn't take it to heart, and turned his head and began to concentrate on studying the formation. For him, finding the murderer is not as interesting as studying the formation.

"Could it be that someone is hunting people from the assassination forces?"

Otherwise, how to explain what the attacker meant.

Lilia immediately decided to send someone to check if there are any missing tourists in the Sunset Islands, especially those in the small town on the main island, and secretly track down suspicious elements.

People from the assassination organization dared to sneak into the archipelago to attack players from other countries. They were undoubtedly dancing on the head of Britain, and they had to find a way to lure them out.

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