Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 941 The Familiar Void Island

"So, isn't this Yuanpan the last relic left by Elder Gu Yunzi?"

Ming didn't answer, or she didn't want to talk now.

Everyone agreed with each other and didn't bother them any more, they could somewhat understand Ming's mood at the moment.

I don't know how long Elder Ming and Elder Gu Yunzi have known each other, but it is definitely not short.

The old friend who was finally seen has passed away for countless years, but she has only now learned of the news of his death, so one can imagine how upset she is.

Being able to keep a cold look and keep silent is considered a strong mentality.

Gu Mengmeng silently held Ming's hand to comfort her, wanting to share the sorrow of worry with her.

The atmosphere in the entire Zangshu Pavilion was gloomy for a while, and Gu Yunzi's final farewell infected everyone. He was like an era that was about to end, and he pinned his hopes on young disciples.

Witnessing the end of a generation of giants with my own eyes is really embarrassing.

"That's all for now. I'm very happy to think that there will be old friends or future generations who will see this photo. At least some people will remember me, hahahahaha."

As if feeling that his farewell words were heavy, Gu Yunzi stroked his beard with a smile.

"Don't be sad, this rubbish cultivation of this old man is mortal, and he has already disregarded life and death. At worst, he will have a good pregnancy in his next life and start over again."

Gu Yunzi waved his hands to express his dissatisfaction with his cultivation level, but he was helpless, his brisk tone diluted the heavy atmosphere a lot.

"Let's just leave it at that. I'm afraid I won't be able to help but cry a lot. That doesn't fit my status as the eighth elder of the Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect."

"Finally, goodbye, old friend, and younger generation..."

Gu Yunzi's eyes that see through the vicissitudes of the world seem to have seen the people in front of the photo through a long time, with a faint smile from the bottom of his mouth, he waved to them.

Then, the clear figure gradually disintegrated, turning into strands of yellow light pouring into the golden jade beads...

"Elder Gu Yunzi..."

"Your mother, don't cry, I can't hold back even if I cry." Xiang Yuan slammed his palm on the face of the howling Fan Tianlan and cursed viciously, breathing heavily to relieve the sadness in his heart.

Witnessing the farewell of the eighth elder of Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect with his own eyes, don't mention how hard it was for them.

That was an ancient giant that could refine stars and build land, and it couldn't escape the shackles of its lifespan, so it fell.

Samisha wiped away the crystal tears from the corners of her eyes, pretended to be calm and turned her head to glance quietly at Lu An, who was silent as if mourning silently.

After finding out that he didn't show his sadness, he suddenly felt his inner strength.

"Wait, you see that the yellow light is still changing."

When everyone was sad, Lu An, who had been watching Yuanpan for a long time, suddenly made a sound, causing them to turn their attention to Yuanpan.

What's the situation, isn't Elder Gu Yunzi's photo session over? Why is there still a change?

The golden jade bead, which had been quiet for two minutes, turned again and again, and once again released a mysterious yellow soft light to illuminate the surroundings, gradually condensing a figure.

"Hey hey hey, I didn't expect that! I'm not dead, old man, you were fooled!"

Before the figure was solidified, the joking laughter of a successful prank spread to everyone's ears.

The laughter was so piercing to them that it froze their sad faces for an instant.

Pairs of eyes looked at the figure, and his expression changed from sadness to bewilderment, and then to shame and anger with burning eyes.

The figure condensed by the yellow light is obviously Gu Yunzi, but at the moment he is laughing mischievously, and his appearance has changed a lot.

It was still Liuyun's white robe of black and yellow, but his figure was very illusory, as if he was not a real entity.

Next to him was a "person" who looked exactly like him, with his eyes closed tightly as if he was in a deep sleep.

Even though the situation has changed, it doesn't prevent everyone from thinking that they are a fool, and that they were played by Gu Yunzi as mentally handicapped.

Now the situation is obvious, Gu Yunzi is just lying to them! It's not dead at all!


The sword light hissed, and turned into a Kunpeng with spread wings and slashed towards Yuanpan, causing a violent collision and explosion.

This time, no one stopped Ming anymore, they all chose to stand on the sidelines, even applauding her in their hearts.

Kunpeng's sword energy dissipated, and the disc was intact, and its hardness was appalling.

"Master, come on, blow it up!"

Gu Mengmeng's face was cold, and she looked at Gu Yunzi with unkind eyes.

This kind of old thing that deceives other people's feelings for the old and disrespectful should be buried as soon as possible.

Deceive their feelings for two minutes with his dying farewell, is this something an elder can do?

"Elder Ming is still conservative. I'm curious about how powerful this old thing is. He can do so well without being beaten to death."

Lu An frowned, with a hot-eyed expression, and couldn't bear to look directly at Gu Yunzi.

Leaving other things aside, as far as the old bangzi's method is concerned, it would have to be knocked out in modern brains.

Didn't you see that the crowd next to them was already ready to move, and the strong fluctuation of spiritual power set off a cool breeze.

"He is protected by Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect behind him. Every time he gets into trouble outside, someone will wipe his ass."

There was a cold sneer at the corner of Ming's mouth, she really shouldn't have believed in Gu Yunzi.

You can't believe every word of this old and immortal thing, and no one knows if he will suddenly have a serious illness and make you feel sick.

"So that's the case, no wonder."

Ming said so, how can the big guys not understand.

Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and after finishing the work, Ren Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect came forward to clean up the mess.

One of the Nine Heavenly Sects came forward, who could not give face.

Put it in the second generation with a background in a modern family.

"Hehehe, don't be angry, it's just a joke to brighten up the atmosphere, the old man is right, the deadline is approaching."

It's good that Gu Yunzi doesn't speak, but when he speaks, he can't help but want to hit him, the male duck's voice is very piercing.

"Did you see the old man, the old man is in the state of primordial spirit now, abandoning the aging body and focusing on the way of primordial spirit, it can be regarded as an alternative way of prolonging life."

"I can't help it. The suzerain and the guys are reluctant to leave the old man. I begged the Yaochi Chuixian Valley to let the old man enter the Yaoxian Lake to bathe the soul. Hey, let alone, the Yaoxian Lake is magical. Even the soul of the old man's realm It can all be stored.”

Gu Yunzi smacked his mouth with endless aftertaste, his old face was very unbearable.

"After bathing, the soul of the old man has grown a lot, but the body without a boarding house is rootless duckweed after all, and the old man can't do it, and the incompatibility between the physical body and the soul will be a big hidden danger in the future."

"So, the old man imitated the body structure of a certain extraterrestrial race and refined a body for himself, which is the old man you saw before going up."

He patted the body next to him, and then got into it.

Within two seconds, the closed eyes suddenly opened.

The vivid eyes and luster are just like real people, and the blood vessels under the skin are gently agitating. It's hard to imagine that this is a refined body.

"The raw material of this body is celestial gold with blue patterns. It is essentially a man of gold and iron, but after the technical transformation of the old man, it is almost like a real person. It really has infinite uses."

Gu Yunzi manipulated his body to turn around a few times, and then jumped a few times. No matter from any angle, he was completely flawless, and he couldn't find any flaws in the dummy at all.

"Don't be surprised, the Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect is originally a sect that stands at the pinnacle of weapons. For them, refining a simulated human body is a breeze."

Ming said that this is normal, but it is different for other people.

When he saw the bright red blood gushing from Gu Yunzi's skin, Fan Tianlan gasped: "Is this a simulated human body? I would believe it was a clone."

Bleeding, is this something a robot can do?

"This is the end of the show. You just need to know that the old man is not dead. If this body is well preserved, you don't have to worry about falling into disrepair. You only need to keep the soul in dust, and the resource consumption has been reduced by more than half."

Gu Yunzi left his body with a smile, and his primordial spirit floated in the air: "It's about the same time, and this photoshoot is coming to an end. Finally, I will tell you one more thing, which may be helpful to you."

"Here, this is the continent we plan to build. There are mountains, waters, flowers, plants, birds and beasts. If you want to find us in the void sea, just look for it."

"Finally, wait until the future, see you by fate!"

Gu Yunzi spread out his palm, wisps of fairy mist lingered in it, and gradually evolved into a pocket continent.

In an instant, Ming and everyone's eyes focused on it.

This pocket continent is the habitat of the five great heavenly sects!

It's just that everyone's attention is now on the pocket continent, as if they didn't notice the edge, Lu An's eyes gradually widened with horror.

It was as if he had seen something unbelievable, which shocked his heart!

It wasn't until Gu Yunzi's figure completely dissipated and Yuanpan regained his composure with the dark yellow soft light that everyone reluctantly looked away.

Although the Pocket Continent is small, it contains infinite wonders, and it is impossible to read it all in a few minutes!

I can only vaguely see that the entire continent is divided into five parts. On the left side, all beasts are screaming together, and the Tongtian Immortal Mountain stands erect from ancient times.

The scorched black area on the right is like the Nine Nether Soil, where the Dazzling Heavenly Demon is entrenched.

There are strange organs everywhere in the center, and the bustling scene is much more than modern.

There are also ten phantom shadows guarding the pavilions of the Xianzong, and the fairyland falls in the auspicious holy land.

They each represent the five great heavenly sects, but everyone can only see a vague outline, and cannot see the specific structure clearly.

The entire pocket continent is covered by fairy clouds and magic fog, making it impossible to spy on the truth.

Thinking about it, how could it be easy for people to pry into the true face of the five great heavenly sects in ancient times.

But just the tip of the iceberg revealed completely shocked everyone.

"Why do I feel that the organs of the Tianqiao Fortune Sect can still be called organs? Compared with our modern technology, they are no different."

Xiang Yuan scratched his head and was puzzled, the only thing he really wanted to say was the difference in style.

"Awesome, I really want to see our sect soon. Compared with them, my broken island is like a dog's nest." Fan Tianlan scratched his ears and cheeks with longing, and casually slandered his own island.

"Don't think about it, Elder Gu Yunzi and the others are floating in the endless void, and they don't have exact coordinates, so it's hard to find."

Tang Yan'er rolled his eyes at him, then turned to look at Ming.

In terms of finding, perhaps only Elder Ming can do it.

"Endless void..." Ming stood with his chest folded, staring down at the ground and muttering silently.

The harvest this time is not bad. Although Gu Yunzi's old man is hateful, he has explained his whereabouts anyway.

However, there was yet another problem.

They are in the sea of ​​void.

The sea of ​​void is vast and boundless, and it contains a myriad of dangers. She can't ignore the turbulent flow of space alone.

However, the continent where the Zongmen lives is uncertain. To find it is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, and luck and strength are indispensable.


Ming is very distressed now, knowing that she will not be able to find the whereabouts of the Zongmen for a while, this is very frustrating.

"That...Elder Ming, if I say that I have seen this continent, would you believe it?"

Just as she was deep in thought, Lu An's tentative low question suddenly floated not far away, which immediately attracted everyone.

"Boy Lu, what did you say?!" Ming Shu raised his head, his eyes pierced like a sword, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Fuck? Really, isn't this continent in the void? When did you see Lao Lu?"

Hearing this, everyone was startled, and they surrounded him in unbelievable three-step and two-step.

"It must be the time when he disappeared." Shen Li pondered for a few seconds and reminded others, reminding others of the past.

Indeed, the reason why Lu An disappeared at the beginning was because of the suicidal trick of the leader of the Holy Spirit Cult.

"Elder Ming, don't worry, let me speak slowly, you still remember the incident when I fell into the void crack on the island."

"Nonsense! How could I forget, I thought you were completely cold at the time." Zhao Yaoyao rolled her eyes when she heard this.

"Remember, could it be that you met inside?" Seeing what Lu An said, Ming already had some guesses in his heart.

"Hey." Lu An laughed dryly, and continued: "I accidentally fell into the void crack. Fortunately, Master Zhenyuan killed Louis in time and came to protect me, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Zhenyuan, it should be the name of that great martial artist." After thinking about it, Ming felt relieved.

Based on what he said, everyone is familiar with who Zhenyuan is, so there is no need to explain further.

"We wandered in the void all the way looking for weak points in space, and we don't know how long we searched before we found a newly born weak point."

"The moment I broke through the turbulent flow of space and was about to tear apart the node, I suddenly found a light spot far away. After a closer look, it was an island the size of a city. It basically looked exactly the same as Elder Gu Yunzi's pocket continent."

Lu An touched his cheek, recalling that moment, he still felt terrified.

"However, it is too far away, and after only a quick glance, I fell into the yellow sand forbidden area of ​​Saudi Arabia."

Samisha nodded lightly, she knew the rest, Lu An met them after wandering around for half a year.

"In other words, the location of the mainland is in the void close to the Saudi forbidden area."

Ming pondered for a moment, raised his head and said with a faint smile: "Very useful information, this way the search range has been greatly reduced, thank you, Boy Lu."

This information is not unimportant, and it can help her narrow the scope to a point, instead of looking for a needle in a haystack aimlessly.

"Actually... Elder Ming, I feel that there are awakened people or creatures on that island!" Lu An added softly, rubbing his fingers.

The perception thrown from the island at the beginning scared him a lot, and he struggled with it for a long time when he came out, wondering who the master of the perception was.

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