"...Zhao Yaoyao, Zhao Yaoyao, you are tired of fighting and training, but you are very good at picking up jokes and having fun."

Lu An's head was full of black lines upon hearing the words, and she stared at Zhao Yaoyao speechlessly, not knowing what to say about her.

If he said a word casually, this crazy girl could find a way to make fun of him.

It is indeed the player who will have the most fun.

"Hey, didn't you say such a standard Declaration of Independence yourself, why blame me!"

Zhao Yaoyao threw the pot over with a playful smile, blinked her eyes innocently, and was secretly happy in her heart.

It's hard to find Lu An's fun, which is much more interesting than others.

She just likes to watch Lu An break the defense.

"Okay Yaoyao, let Lu An finish talking."

Seeing that the topic was likely to be misled by Zhao Yaoyao, Wei Xiaoran, who was well educated, immediately covered Zhao Yaoyao's mouth with her hand to stop her from continuing.

"Demon, let me tell you, if you play like this, the fun will come to you sooner or later."

Lu An earnestly advised Zhao Yaoyao to restrain himself, shook his head and raised his voice to face the crowd: "All the family members look at me, I have something to announce!"

"In the evening, we young players will go to the restaurant to have a meal together. I will be the chef myself, and I have something very interesting to report to everyone."

"Tianming, you guys are coming too. It's best not to miss anyone, otherwise don't blame me, someone from Lu, for visiting in person."

Okay, young player, co-authoring means that we are not allowed to eat and drink together?

Why age discrimination?

Hu Haizhou heard Lu An's second meaning, and when he exchanged glances with Coach Sun and others, he could see the dumbfounding expressions on the other side.

Let's do it, if you don't let me go, don't go, what else can I do, I can't have a hot face and a cold butt.

Preventing them like this is probably a little secret among young people.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu An discovered that Zhao Yaoyao and Gu Xiaorou switched channels one after another, and switched to the real-time live broadcast of the scenery of the sunset islands.

This confusing operation made Monk Lu An and Zhang Er puzzled and did not understand what they were doing.

"Oh nothing, I'm just curious if the sun came out from the west, otherwise I can't explain Master Lu's abnormal behavior."

After switching the channel back to the live broadcast of the game, Zhao Yaoyao gasped and looked at Lu An with a look of surprise.

He actually offered to cook for us personally, could it be that he was taken away? !

"The weasel wishes the chicken a new year, tell me what you want us to do."

Gu Xiaorou is very familiar with Lu An's habits, this guy goes to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and if he offered to entertain them, there must be a deeper purpose hidden behind it.

Absolutely no peace of mind!

"Just say whether to go or not! Don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes!"

Lu An pulled out MMP's smile, and swept across the two of them with a fake smile.

He found that these two guys like to sing against him the most, no matter what happens, he must be skinny to be comfortable.

"Go, of course! How can you not go! Lao Lu cooks himself, this must be given!"

Xiang Yuan deserves to be Lu An's best iron brother. He was the first to jump out to support him, and then he took out his mobile phone and swiped excitedly: "Old Lu, you are the chef, so can you cook these dishes? Come to Sunset For so many days in the archipelago, I haven’t eaten a single authentic Tianxuan dish.”

Before anyone else had a chance to speak, Xiang Yuan strode over and took a screenshot of the dishes on his phone onto Lu An's face.

All of them are what he likes to eat, but the chefs at the British restaurant always have a strange taste, which makes him very dissatisfied.

Now that Lu An delivered it to the door by himself, he must not let it go.

"Bring me one, and I'll go too! I'll find a fragrant pig and eat a whole roasted suckling pig." Fan Tianlan rubbed his stomach after saying that, as if he hadn't eaten for a few days, and the bird had faded out of his mouth.

Must go for a meal.

"Of course Master Lu cooks for guests. Whoring for nothing is the best thing." Zhao Yaoyao didn't even think about refusing, after all, Lu An must have something to ask for in doing so.

It must be a big deal for Mr. Lu to make such a capital investment. How could he be absent as a fun person.

"Then let's go together. It just so happens that I'm a bit greedy for your craftsmanship, and I can give it to Xiang Yuan and the others as a celebration banquet." Liu Huang said with a smile. It's best for everyone to have dinner to enhance their relationship. refused.

"The little girl should be respectful rather than obedient." Qing Lianyou covered her face with a wooden fan, her beautiful smiling eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

As always, Tian Ming bowed slightly in agreement with a slumped face.

Except for Hu Haizhou and others who were isolated, they happily agreed to Lu An's dinner invitation without exception, and began to discuss with great interest which restaurant to go to.

"That's all right, you can find any restaurant, as long as you can borrow the kitchen and ingredients, I'll send Samisha and the others a message."

Seeing a bunch of leeks discussing with each other, Lu An nodded with relief, took out his mobile phone and opened the Saudi chat group, and everyone in Aite sent a text message.

Soon Hezaben took the lead in agreeing, followed by others.

"As long as you board my thief ship, it's up to me, Lu, whether you can get off the ship or not."

Staring at the phone screen and muttering to himself, the corner of Lu An's mouth couldn't help evoking a weird smile.

Thirty-nine wage earners work for him, which is absolutely efficient.

As long as you catch all the little guys, you can start to deal with that little boy in the submarine base.

"You want to take it all together?" Shen Li silently walked over to transmit the sound, her tone was a little weird.

She thought that Lu An was only going to tell Zhao Yaoyao and the five of them, but she didn't expect this guy to be so big-hearted that he wanted to do it all.

"Hmm, the power of many people is great. If you eat my food, you are my people. If they get on this boat, they won't be able to get off."

Hearing this, Shen Li rolled her eyes, not wanting to talk to Lu An, a black-hearted boss, and turned to sit with Zhao Yaoyao and others.

After the episode ended, everyone stayed in the lounge for half an hour before Hu Haizhou organized everyone to leave.

Outside the arena, the special bus has been waiting for a long time together with many reporters, squatting to guard the Tianxuan team to come out.

When Hu Haizhou came out first, they immediately swarmed up and surrounded Lu An and the others.

Today's battle can be described as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea and each showing their magical powers. Whether it is Wei Xiaoran's two arrows fixing the country or Shen Li's Tianshan hanging down, they are all visually impactful.

Similarly, Xiang Yuan's Fa Xiang and Fan Tianlan's Ten Thousand Waves are no exception.

Many reporters asked questions one by one with high quality. After some simple interviews, everyone was freed from the press corps and boarded the bus for the return journey.

"Lao Lu, we decided to go to the Zhierteqi restaurant in the training area. Their environment is good and they have a lot of ingredients, which is suitable for private conversations. You can ask Hezaben and the others to take a seat first. I'm afraid there will be no seats when it's late."

After a serious meeting, everyone finally reached a consensus to decide on the choice of restaurant, and Xiang Yuan's loud voice would wake up Lu An who was taking a nap.

Zhierteqi restaurant is opened by the top catering industry in the UK. It has a five-star tire rating and has special dishes from various countries. It is very popular in the athletes' village.

"You don't have a mobile phone yourself, and this trivial matter is going to bother me." Lu An turned over on the seat, lazily took out the mobile phone to send a message, and turned off the screen and put it in his pocket regardless of whether He Zhaben saw it or not.


The bus ran all the way through the security check, slowly drove into the contestants' village, and stopped outside the hotel park.

A group of people came out in a single file. Hu Haizhou and other coaches, who knew they were isolated, bid farewell to the crowd wittily.

"Coach Hu and their backs are so pitiful, why don't you give them a copy when you come back?" Qingqing whispered sympathetically.

"Let's talk about what's left, let's go."

Xiang Yuan didn't forget that Saudi Arabia has a big appetite, he took the lead in flying into the sky, and hurriedly flew to the training area.

I'm afraid I won't be able to eat something hot later.

The big guys are all flying gods, so needless to say the speed, it didn't take long to fly to the location of the Zierteqi restaurant.

This restaurant is said to be a restaurant, but its scale is almost the same as that of a six-story hotel. The resplendent architectural style is very beautiful, and there are many expensive shuttles and strange means of transportation in the surrounding parking lot.

It looks very lively.

A group of people descended from the sky in a mighty manner, and immediately attracted the attention of other contestants and waiters. Seeing their appearance, they hurriedly greeted them and greeted them in fluent Tianxuan language.

"Saudi Khazhaben has reservations, just take us there."

The waiter nodded repeatedly, picked up the headset and continued to speak a few words, and when there was a response from the headset, he respectfully led the way ahead and led everyone to a large private room on the fourth floor.

As soon as the door is opened, the bustling sounds and a gust of natural fresh air rush in.

This is a private room with a natural style, as if you are in a primeval forest, with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants planted around, thick wooden branches clinging to the ceiling, and there is a small pond not far away, with trickling fountains running along the exquisite rockery Fluttering.

Those who didn't know thought they had crossed over.

"Here you come."

Hearing the sound of the door lock opening and closing, Samisha, who was drinking tea and watching the game, turned around following the sound and saw them reaching out to say hello.

"I heard that my friend cooks in person, so I have no choice but to come for such a big event." Aida smiled while playing a mobile game.

"Go in, you take me to the back kitchen."

"Good sir."

On the way here, the waiter already knew the purpose of this ruthless man, nodded respectfully and led Lu An to the back kitchen.

"Old Lu, don't forget my food!" Xiang Yuan took out his head from the private room and howled to remind him, only after confirming that Lu An heard it, he retracted his head in satisfaction.


"Mr. Lu An, this is the place where we specially provide for the players to make their own dishes. All kinds of ingredients are fully prepared."

Opening the silver iron door, the waiter brought Lu An into the large kitchen, and introduced him one by one the usage of various tools, as well as the fresh ingredients of Curry kept fresh in the refrigerator.

"thank you, I know now."

Reaching out to pat the dining car, Lu An nodded friendlyly to the waiter to indicate that he could go out, the waiter was flattered by his friendly attitude, he took his leave respectfully and then turned and left the kitchen, leaving Lu An alone inside.

"Ah, my mother, it's enough for forty people, and there are a few big eaters, so I'm busy."

Exhaling with puffy face, Lu An crossed his waist and looked around, and immediately started to pick out ingredients.

After a while, there was the crisp and sharp sound of chopping knives and the sizzling of cooking ingredients in the huge state-of-the-art kitchen.

With Taiyang Zhenhuo and Nanming Lihuo, as long as the firepower is controlled properly, Lu An can greatly shorten the cooking time of dishes.

Within half an hour, the waiters outside began to get busy, pushing the dining carts to the private rooms where everyone was.

It wasn't until two hours later that Lu An filled the last pot of chicken soup emitting blue light, that the kitchen battle was over.


Called the waiters loudly and asked them to load the chicken soup and many dishes into the dining car, Lu An simply washed his hands and walked out of the kitchen.

As soon as he went out, he saw a few chefs in white looking at him with strange eyes. Lu An didn't care, and walked downstairs with the waiter.


There were many players who came here to eat, and many of them had already recognized his identity, but they didn't come up to say hello due to unfamiliarity.

It's just that among the many gazes, Lu An noticed that there was a completely different gaze looking at him up and down.

Looking along the source, when he saw the owner of the line of sight, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

What is he?

Not far away, near Huadiao, a man with a red nose in a plaid suit was looking at him with great interest, and was playing with a crystal Rubik's Cube in his hand.

It was the white eagle clown I had seen at the debut ceremony before.

His eyes are very special, just like the eyes of medical students when dissecting mice, which makes Lu An feel a little uncomfortable.

A little bit disrespectful.

The point is that it's fine if you look secretly, I've noticed you, and you dare to look at me with such open eyes?

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

It was the first time for everyone to be a human, and with Lu An's temper, it was impossible for him to get used to the clown in a suit, so he frowned and made a displeased sound, and turned around and walked towards him.

Ma Madi looked at him like he was dissecting a mouse, who gave you the courage?

The clown in a suit is only about 1.6 meters tall, and with Lu An's height, he can completely look down on him.

Seeing Lu An approaching on his own initiative, the clown's expression of interest suddenly showed a touch of astonishment, and then he grinned silently and continued to play with the Rubik's cube.

"It's best to close your eyes, otherwise I can understand that you are looking for trouble."

Ignoring the astonished stares of others, Lu An silently walked up to the clown, supporting the wall with one hand.

Like a school bully slamming weak boys on the wall.

"Hey hey, you are very interesting, can I let Jenny study you? I also really want to have a powerful body like yours."

What Lu An didn't expect was that instead of being afraid of him, the clown in a suit dared to say that he wanted to study his body.

Interesting, this guy is either dependable or stupid.

I just beat Luo Ra violently the morning before yesterday, and now there are still people who dare to provoke him.

Didn't you see Ah San and Han Guo started pretending to be ostriches when they saw him?

"Study me? You are the second person who dares to say this to me in front of me. Your courage is commendable."

Lu An grinned, stretched out his finger and tapped the wall loudly: "You don't think I'm from White Eagle so I won't dare to hit you, do you?"

He, Mr. Lu, doesn't care about the background or the place when he hits someone. Even if the clown in a suit is the son of President White Eagle, he can still hit him if he dares to touch his beard.

Happy New Year's Day, I wish you all a happy life, a prosperous career, and a bright future in your studies in the new year.

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