After some discussions full of vulgar language, Lu An and the assistant finally reached an agreement to add the radar positioning function to the group chat at a price of 100 energy per day.

After negotiating the price, the little assistant quickly took action.

Everyone who was studying the chat group carefully discovered that the most conspicuous small map in the upper left corner had suddenly undergone some strange changes.

The small map in the upper left corner spreads out the group chat on its own, and spreads out in all directions with the blue light point representing them as the center.

It's like a drop of water falling from a high altitude hits the water surface, creating circles of ripples.

The circular ripples spread out, quickly sweeping across the Sunset Islands and even the submarine base fifty kilometers away, completely radiating the entire map.

This is scanning?

Looking at this slightly familiar picture, many people immediately thought of the detection radar.

The two are exactly the same.

"Hey, look, there's movement!"

Xiang Yuan, who was always paying attention to the map, seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, and shouted with rounded eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

It's hard for others not to pay attention to that loud voice.

Quickly restraining his mind and re-immersing himself in the sea of ​​consciousness, Adar and others showed the same expression as Xiang Yuan.

After scanning the circles of the radar ripples, there were actually many red dots that also shimmered on the map of the chat group!

These red light spots are dotted all over the Sunset Islands, among which the submarine base is the most obvious!

The location of the submarine base turned into a crimson red, and more than 30 red light spots overlapped densely, causing the light they merged to be extremely dazzling and very eye-catching.

Zooming in, you can see many red dots wandering slowly, obviously living creatures that can move autonomously.

Seeing this, everyone almost had an answer in their hearts.

However, in order to confirm his guess, Adar chose to ask Lu An to confirm: "My friend, what are these red dots? Are you also making them?"

"Nonsense, have you ever played mmo online games? I don't need to say more about what the red dot means."

"I must have played it before, but it's a little unbelievable that you can detect the specific positions of so many killers."

Adar smiled, and focused on the map again, feeling an indescribable shock in his heart.

How did this happen? The radar accurately scanned the outstanding killer's position, and they hadn't even noticed it.

And this range is too outrageous, it can be detected from a deep sea base more than 50 kilometers away.

"What is this? The Sunset Islands are so big. Last time we were in the primitive area, we were able to detect each other thousands of kilometers away."

Zhao Yaoyao waved her hands as if looking at a turtle, with a relaxed face.

Back when they galloped starry night to reinforce Gu Mengmeng to compete for the Five Elephants Order, and braved the heavy rain, landslides and mudslides to climb the mountain day and night, that was exciting.

Now the area of ​​the Sunset Islands is just drizzle.

"I think you all know what these red dots are. Yesterday I dived into the submarine base and left marks on them. The positioning of the mind is absolutely 100% correct."

"There is also a row of colors on the left. The light red represents the realm of Xuanling and below, the crimson represents Shenzang, and the deep red represents supernatural powers. As for the one that looks like a red sun, it is a white-skinned bald head and a half-step Jingu realm. "

"Xiaoran, you should have some experience with these grade divisions. When I was in the primitive area, I also divided the areas according to the color."

In order to avoid danger as much as possible, Lu An thoughtfully helped them divide the realm of international killers.

In order to prevent Lengtouqing from running to single out the existence of late-stage supernatural powers alone.

"Well, I still remember that Xiang Yuan ran into the territory of the beast overlord when he first entered, and was hunted down for a long time."

"Why are you bringing up this shit all of a sudden?"

Seeing that they looked at him teasingly, Xiang Yuan immediately folded his hands and put on a dirty face full of displeasure.

Have a good chat, what are you doing talking about his embarrassing things.

He almost forgot about being caught by the owner on the spot for stealing chickens.

It is simply not human to remind him of the old things now and give him a deeper impression.

"So these red dots are the known killers, right?"

Samisha stared at the map in her mind, all her attention was focused on the crimson or even crimson dots.

Like a seasoned hunter looking for lone prey.

When she opened her mouth, she helped Xiang Yuan out of the siege, so as not to be brought out more unbearable old backgrounds.

"Yes, I suggest that if you can't kill it, try not to kill it. Just break off the limbs and ask the tool eagle to pick up the corpse. It's still useful for me to keep it."

"Of course, they take their storage rings, money and other things casually, and treat them as rewards and trophies for themselves."

Lu An's face was indifferent, anyway, he only wanted people, and he didn't care about wallets and wealth at all.

"That's a good relationship, and you can earn extra money, hehe."

Hammer International Killer also has extra cash, which is a hundred times more comfortable for Xiang Yuan than daily training.

International killers, those who can come to the Sunset Islands should be the elite of the elite, presumably the small treasury will not be so bad.

After all, in this kind of profiteering industry that kills one person and earns hundreds of millions, there are absolutely few poor people who can become elites.

Xiang Yuan has already begun to fantasize about the scene where he has beaten the international killers and searched for all kinds of high-end trophies.

Immediately shouted loudly to find someone to form a team, with a look of can't wait, wishing to go and arrest the wandering international killer immediately.

Lu An ignored him, and silently uploaded the phone number of the Eagle Demon to the chat group and told them to hide their identities when they went out.

Then I let them go crazy, and I went to find a juice to sober up.

"I said, in their state, are they going to start taking action tonight?"

Qingming looked at Xiang Yuan and the others with some worry.

These few contestants who drank several bottles of wine are still a little delirious, let them go to the international killer at night...

Qing Xin expressed that she was very worried that they would make an unexpected situation.

"It shouldn't be a problem, isn't it just a matter of thinking for them to sober up?"

Lu An rubbed his chin and was a little uncertain, but then he smiled sassyly: "It's okay, this matter can't be rushed, if it really can't be done, go back and rest today, and it's the same tomorrow night."

He never thought that he would catch all the international killers in one day, and he just took the opportunity to confess today.

But looking at the expressions of these guys, they may already be impatient.

"Anyway, when you go out, be careful to hide your identities. It's best not to be discovered, otherwise it should cause a lot of trouble."

Clearly nodding her heart like pecking rice, she already knew the identity of Lu An's hunter, so she naturally knew how much international public opinion and attention he and Shen Li went to Sunset Town to hunt down the international killer not long ago, which attracted a lot of international public opinion and attention.

To put it bluntly, the British government, underground organizations, and many miscellaneous forces might be looking for him.

They went out to search for the killer, and if they didn't hide their identities well, they would definitely be targeted.

Knowing in his heart that these guys knew the seriousness, Lu An didn't say any more.

Now they are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and there is no need to worry that someone will betray everyone.


It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that this gluttonous party came to a successful conclusion.

It can be said that the host and guest enjoy themselves by having a good time playing and eating well.

What shocked Lu An was that all the dishes he had prepared were cleaned up, leaving nothing behind.

It was beyond his expectation, calling a group of pigs.

At first, he thought he needed to pack it up and take it away, but now his worries are completely unnecessary.

Make as many as you want, and you can compete with the bottomless pit.

A group of people walked out of the Zierteqi restaurant amidst the farewell sound of the waiter, ready to part ways.

Some people have a match in the individual competition tomorrow, and they are going to go back to rest and adjust their state, and then go to find the international killer tomorrow night.

But Xiang Yuan and others planned to go home and dress up to disguise, and then start hunting.

There is such a big chat group in their minds, and the red dot of the radar in the upper left corner is even more itchy, which makes them sleep.

Something must be done to appease the restless heart.

"It's up to you, whoever exposes who is a dog, I hope I won't see the news that you are in prison when I wake up." Zhao Yaoyao held Shen Li's left arm and yawned listlessly.

She has to go back to sleep for beauty. Only after a good night's sleep can she have the energy to deal with the underground forces. Now she really can't cheer up.

"That's impossible. The young master knows how to disguise himself. When the time comes and they wear a mask, they will be able to find the young master."

Fan Tianlan's expression was very arrogant, today he just wanted to play the live-action version to infiltrate and assassinate while enriching his small coffers.

No international killer can escape his grasp!

"Come on, Tool Eagle is on call 24 hours a day. If you catch someone, you can either wait for it to accept it, or send it there yourself."

Lu An naturally had no reason to stop the wage earners who couldn't wait to work for them. After cheering them on, they left with the rest of the group going home to sleep.

Under the starry night, more than twenty figures soared into the sky and flew to the residential area in a mighty manner, attracting the attention of many people, who raised their heads to pay attention.

After returning to the hotel without incident, and saying hello to other contestants they knew, a group of people squeezed the elevator back to the floor where they lived.

"Goodbye friend, contact here if you need anything."

In the corridor, Adar stretched out his index finger and tapped his head, and then stepped into the room.


Excluding the two of them, there were only Lier Reisa left at this level, which seemed a bit cold.

All the others, including Heza Benfane, were all hunted by Sami Sarah.

With their madness, it is estimated that they will not be able to come back until very late.

When I got home, I saw the four little guys who were watching the ninth season of Jurassic Park.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, they all turned their heads to look at him, and then called him a few times as a greeting.

"Stop gnawing on your stewed duck legs, I brought you something delicious." He walked over and took away the half-eaten duck legs in front of Gouzi, and took out a stack of safe lunch boxes from the black moon ring.

"Here, all you like to eat."

"Aww~" Smelling the aroma of duck legs wafting from the lunch box, the dog immediately jumped up, crawled into Lu An's arms, howled, and stretched out its paws to grab the lunch box.

But immediately someone picked up the nape of his neck mercilessly.

"I'm a dead dog, let me start with my ugly words first, you can eat it, but if you dare to spread it everywhere, don't blame me for being cruel."

Lu An's words are full of warnings, Xiaobai, they don't have to worry, they eat more politely than humans.

It was the dead dog in front of my eyes, which had to be spilled on the floor every time I cooked, making it hard not to wonder if it was taking a bath in it.


Seeing that it seemed to understand, Lu An put the dog down.

Letting them unpack by themselves, Lu An went into the bathroom by himself and took a simple 20-minute bath.

After he put on his pajamas and walked into the bedroom, he immediately found Gu Mengmeng lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt in spring rolls.

"When are you coming?"

Seeing Gu Mengmeng Lu An was not too surprised, he deliberately left a gap before entering the door, just knowing that this girl would come over.

After closing the bedroom door and coming to her side, he reached out to poke her sleepy face with a smile.

"Hmm, I don't remember." Gu Mengmeng opened her dazed eyes and turned over, spread the quilt over Lu An's body.

"Let you drink, feel comfortable."

Rubbing his head in a funny way, Lu An just wanted to continue talking when he realized that Gu Mengmeng had already fallen into a sweet dream, he smiled helplessly and let her hug him, and turned off the sensor light with his fingers.


Xiang Yuan: "(Picture) Everyone Kang Kangwei discovered something, Lu An's secret base! A place dedicated to international killers!"

Fan Tianlan: "It's too miserable, let me show you the methods (pictures) of the Eagle King."

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, Lu An was woken up by a series of notification sounds. Looking at the group chat in his mind, he was furious, and immediately let out a heavy breath to calm down.

His grandma's, don't disturb if you forgot to open the message.

Turning his head to look at Gu Mengmeng, who was sleeping soundly beside him, Lu An leaned down slightly and pecked her face softly, and lay down again to caress her long hair.

Glancing at the group chat, he was stunned by the chat inside.

Good guy, caught seventeen in one night and hammered five to death on the spot? !

The efficiency is really fast.

Lu An took a quick look around, and basically they caught all the international killers who were alone or away from the crowd.

The rest are either in Sunset Town, or in droves.

"Twenty-two people disappeared in one night, it should be a horror story for the white-skinned and bald-headed people."

Lu An patted his chin and laughed silently. During the time when he was the most diligent, there were less than ten people in one night. Sure enough, it was the right choice to choose La Xiangyuan and the others to join the group.

It is conceivable that when the killers gather again today, the submarine base will cause much shock.

"Come on, as long as the little boy doesn't come out, anyone who comes will be dead."

Thinking secretly, Lu An took the time to click on the picture, and the corner of his mouth twitched when he saw the content inside.

In the picture, the eagle demon manipulated the twisted pitch-black vines and lashed at several disobedient international killers.

The scene can only be described as bruised.

On the edge of the frozen frame, there are other killers full of frightened faces.

These are killers with blood on their hands, and they are detained separately from the civil servants. Lu An doesn't feel sorry for them, as long as they don't kill them, they can do whatever they want.

"Oh~ After slaughtering these beasts, the source energy at hand should be abundant..."

Lu An wondered if he should compile two more books of exercises, or directly use the source energy to imbue himself with supernatural powers.

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