The giant icicle collapsed suddenly due to the violent impact, and piles of shattered ice and debris piled up to form a hill, burying all the corpses of the man in black.

Only half of his face was still exposed to the air, and the protruding eyes still had the fear from his previous life.

The right hand is bent and stretched into the bosom, as if to take out something.

It's a pity that he hasn't taken out the item yet, and his life stays at this moment.

"This weapon seems to be Tianxuan's halberd."

Kisfafe saw the weapon that crucified the black-robed man. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the gloomy Scorpio team member, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes and turned into a lightning storm to attack first.

With his movement, other experienced coaches reacted one after another, and each used their killer moves to besiege the Scorpio team members.

Only the young players were still immersed in the death of the black-robed man and didn't realize it. Seeing their coach make a move and trying to keep up, it was already too late.

"Hmph, trash!"

The members of the Scorpio team came back to their senses and coldly cursed at the black-robed man's corpse. Seeing the lightning storm that had killed them, they retreated rapidly, and at the same time took out three shiny black balls with a flick of their wrists.

He crushed it vigorously in his hand, and in an instant three jet-black balls erupted into wisps of black mist, and three figures quickly condensed around him.

The figure solidifies quickly, and the posture and dress are exactly the same as the members of the Scorpio team, and the surging pressure is rising steadily, and it is among the supernatural powers in an instant!

"Try how powerful I am as an avatar."

The powerful coercion made the mask on his face no longer able to support it and burst into pieces, revealing his true face.

He was a strange-looking man with a painted face, his left face was white and his right face was blue, a scar tore his left eye and spread to his jaw, emitting a faint red light.

Like a deep red crack.

All of a sudden, there were three more supernatural power-level incarnations, and the battle situation became much more difficult in an instant.

Although in terms of strength, the face-faced man is not much different from ordinary coaches, but he is well prepared, and various props emerge in endlessly, which is extremely tricky.

No, Kisfaff, who was transformed into a lightning storm, entangled the painted-faced man like a gangrene, and the powerful electric light ruthlessly tore him to pieces.

Suddenly, he discovered that the torn man with the painted face did not shed any blood, but turned into mist and scattered, re-condensing not far away.

But the deity did not know when to switch positions with the avatar, and killed the young contestants below.

While the eyes were full of ferocity, he did not forget to reach out his hand, and once again took out a golden bead.

Scoring twice, it made people scold the prop dog secretly from the bottom of their hearts.

Xiao and the others went to intercept the British military, but they probably won't be able to stop them for long, and I don't have much time left.

This thought flashed through his mind, and the man with the painted face showed a ferocious face, and he instilled spiritual power to activate the golden jade beads: "Start formation!"

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the jade bead and shot straight into the sky!

The activated jade beads left the hand of the painted-faced man by themselves, floated into the air and twirled around.

Look carefully, there is another universe inside it!

The golden sand like a galaxy flows and rotates slowly, and the light of the Buddha spreads all over the sky to illuminate the heavens, like a pure land of Buddhism.

It looks sacred and peaceful, but it actually hides murderous intentions!

Everyone who saw Yuzhu not only did not feel the peace and tranquility that Buddhism should have, but the sense of crisis in his heart hit his brain directly, feedbacking overwhelming threats of death.

They realized that something was wrong and wanted to evacuate, but the jade beads exploded within a second, and its golden light covered a radius of one mile, just covering the hotel and its surrounding area.

In an instant, countless patterns spread in all directions, and each one seemed to be engraved on the earth, rising and rolling Sanskrit sounds.

The golden quicksand flowed in the air, and the sky full of misty and dark clouds was rendered by the formation, turning into sacred Buddha clouds.

At this moment, as if the Buddha's light came down from the Spiritual Mountain, the buddha clouds spread out in a vortex shape, and the looming Buddha shadow loomed in the clouds.

It is as if the gods and Buddhas of the heavens have come to the world!

At the same time, there seemed to be a bright golden light coming from the distant sky, as if a great battle was also taking place.

But soon, another burst of azure aurora shot up into the sky, quickly suppressing the golden light.

When the painted-faced man saw this scene, his expression turned ugly.

With this scene, it is no surprise that Britain's shrine-level combat power has arrived.

Or, it might be king class!

A chip was suddenly held in his hand, looking back at the many players, they rushed into the formation in a flash.

Time is running out, and they have to evacuate in four minutes at most, otherwise they will be buried here by Britain.

Many contestants gathered together to resist the assimilation and erosion of the Buddha's light, but the ubiquitous life-threatening Sanskrit sound penetrated everywhere, even if they closed their hearing, they could penetrate into their brains.

"The means of indiscriminate use!"

Although trapped by the formation, many players still kept their faces unchanged, looking for loopholes in the formation.

But soon, the painted-faced man took advantage of the unpreparedness of the rest of the coaches, pulled out his body and swept towards the many young players who were besieged, and slapped the weakest player with a dense fog.

He never forgot his mission to infiltrate the contestants' village. He could kill as many of these peerless talents as possible.

The deep mist swept across the sky, and it was incompatible with the surrounding Buddha's light and Sanskrit cloud, but it would be a fatal move for the players below if they didn't resist.

Even the painted-faced man saw in advance the scene where these future big shots were strangled by himself and crushed to pieces in the cradle.

The corner of his mouth involuntarily raised a cheerful smile.

However, the development of things often backfired. A burly figure covered in ice suddenly stood in front of the young Tianjiao who was locked by him.

Those icy pupils that flowed from the extreme cold and blizzard pierced the soul, making the painted-faced man slightly suffocate.

"In my name, call the true spirit of the Lion King to descend."

Andre was not afraid of the monstrous mist claws that were already close at hand, with his arms crossed to block the front, and a strong blizzard suddenly burst out from his body.

I vaguely heard a sound like broken glass, and then everything except the living beings froze at this moment.

The Buddha's light, the Sanskrit cloud, the Sanskrit sound, and the formation pattern were all frozen together with the heaven and the earth in a trance, and stood still as if they had been suspended.

A terrifying breath erupted from Andre's body, and his dancing hair formed a mighty ice thread, and the coercion that belonged to the king of beasts suddenly descended.

This breath does not belong to humans, it seems to come from the extremely cold glacier, from ancient times.

The endless blizzard didn't hurt players from other countries, but it flew and hovered high in the sky, condensing a huge lion's claw that covers the sky!

The lion's claws are stacked with ice and snow, like a giant mountain falling from the mountains, carrying the power of the king of the ice desert to suppress all things!

Wherever it passed, the Buddha's light and Fanyun were not all enemies, and the shattering and bursting wailing suddenly disappeared, leaving only the painted-faced man who was frozen and imprisoned together with the space, staring at the lion's claw with eyes full of horror.

He frantically wants to use the space chip to escape from this place, but the aura of freezing everything is too terrifying, and he has no power to resist at all!

It's like an insignificant little ant trying to push away the giant mountain in front of it!

This is the coercion of the king-level beast king. It is just an illusory lion claw, which is an existence that he cannot contend with!

There was no earth-shattering energy aftermath or explosion, the moment the Frost Lion's Claw touched the formation and the painted-faced man, his body and the Buddha's light formation turned into freezing points floating in the sky, absorbed by the blizzard and merged into one.

At the same time, this king-level lion paw also quietly disappeared, leaving only stunned players and coaches from other countries, and Kisfaff with a weird face.


Before they could recover from the shock of watching the king-level beast king's attack from a close distance, there was an explosion in the distant night, and immediately two black shadows rushed forward one after the other, smashing a huge hole in the hotel behind Hole.

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, Andre."

Before they could see who the two figures were, hearty laughter came from afar.

Andre looked up and saw crowds of people flying from afar, and the voice was obviously his old friend Lu An.

"Stop criticizing, let's dismantle the bomb first, you can do whatever you want."

As soon as Fan Tianlan, the leader of the egg demolition team, arrived, he hurriedly led people along the balcony and rushed into the hotel, smashing the walls of the rooms and rushing into the depths of the hotel.

Don't worry about losing money at all.

Their idea is very simple. Anyway, the hotel is in such a dilapidated state, so there is nothing wrong with it?

It happened to be demolished and rebuilt.


Andre's eyes turned, and he found that there were not only Tianxuan, but also Sakura and Gallic Chicken, and even Lilia from Britain and others.

"As you can see."

After saying that, Lu An jumped into the pothole in a flash, and then saw one of them rushing out of the pothole quickly, turning into a triple red mist, and wanted to evacuate.

The other person was tightly entangled by Lu An, his fists and feet swiped like rain, slapped his body, grabbed his arms and raised his knees to hit his chin, his jaw shattered and spurted blood wildly.

Before his concussive brain recovered, Lu An hit the shattered jaw again with a sky-high elbow, smashing the flesh and blood while piercing his throat with his left palm together and five fingers.

After smashing the throat bone, he quickly changed his move, the left and right middle fingers stretched out and pierced fiercely into the ears of the vicious man.

A flurry of blows that quickly left afterimages not only hammered the vicious man into a coma, but even with Andre's heart, he couldn't help his eyelids twitching slightly when he saw his seven orifices bleeding.

He turned over and kicked the man in the chest, piercing through the armor and shattering his ribs, hammering him into the ground like a cannonball, and smashing him alive beside Andre.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of his belt, which was similar to space equipment, and Andre didn't even want to reach out and force him to tear it off.

It is enough for the prop dog to suffer once, and he will not suffer a second time.

Looking at the other side, the black-robed woman who turned into a triple red mist and fled scattered has been intercepted by everyone.

In fact, it was everyone, but Lilia, who was holding a white umbrella, shot alone, and the others stood indistinctly blocking the way.

With a wave of the white umbrella, flowers and rain fell from the sky, forcing out the real body of the woman in black robe, and then each petal of the flower and leaf carried tremendous power, enveloping the woman alive to absorb her spiritual power, until she was completely mummified and unable to move .

Looking at the space chip that fell from her hand, it was locked heavily by a ball of brilliant light, and it was unknown who did it.

Lu An stretched out his hand, and the black halberd flew back to his hand after absorbing the blood of the black-robed man, looking down at the vicious man.

"It's from the Black Butterfly Scorpio group, right? I'm not going to find you guys. Where are you guys who dare to attack the contestants' village in the dark?"

The expressionless halberd pierced his left leg, and the surging evil energy instantly poured into the vicious man's body to wreak havoc. The incomparable pain immediately woke up his fainted mind a lot.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the hunter who has been lurking in the dark and attacking us will be you!"

The vicious man fought back the pain and laughed wildly, as if he was happy to see through Lu An's identity.

The black and red light beams, together with what Lu An said before, are all revealing their identities to them.

"Brother Lu An, you are actually the so-called hunter?"

An Pei Mingshen is okay, he had heard about it before he came, but Andre and the others didn't know about it. Immediately, many players and coaches cast their eyes on Lu An with surprise.

"So that's how it is." Kisfafe thought everything through in an instant.

Being able to fight against four god sons in the late stage of supernatural power alone, it is not a problem to kill an assailant with supernatural power alone.

"Is your identity exposed? Want to kill me? It's too late!" The vicious man coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and said with a grinning grin: "Just when you broke me into the hotel, I already sent the information that you are a hunter Headquarters."

"Delay the organization's plan, and what awaits you and your relatives and friends next will be endless revenge from various forces!"

"That's naturally excellent. It's best to have more people, so that my Hei Yao can complete another comprehensive evolution."

He dared to threaten with words when he was about to die, and someone else might be afraid of subsequent revenge, but whoever he is, Lu, how could he be afraid.

He wished that more people would die, so that the evolution of the source and energy would be correct.

Not giving the vicious man a chance to continue beeping, Lu An smashed his heart with a halberd and sent him to the west on the spot.

When he turned his head to look at the woman in black robe, Lilia stopped him in time.

"She can't kill."

Black Butterfly's Scorpio team members are extremely valuable. It is enough for Lu An to kill one, but he can't kill this one.

If they can find out about the Ouzhou branch from her mouth, they might be able to follow the example of the Eastern Continent countries not long ago and completely remove the nail inserted by the black butterfly.

"Okay." If you don't kill, don't kill, he doesn't care about someone like Lu.

Taking Hei Yao back and looking around, the battles in several other areas are almost coming to an end.

With the joining of the British powerhouses, even if the group of Scorpio members have the hole cards of the palace level, it will not help.

"Do you know the real culprit behind this attack?" Diwana couldn't help asking when she saw that they all seemed to know about it.

"Well, it was a premeditated attack. As for the real culprit, you have heard that a group of international assassination organizations such as Hei Die were involved."

A very unlucky kick kicked over the body of the vicious man, and Lu An casually explained, rubbing the bloody mud on the sole of his shoe: "The attack tonight may have been planned for a long time, and the division of labor is very clear. A team went to the outside to intercept the military soldiers and the boss. A team sneaked in and assassinated us."

"It's just that the idea is too naive. I really think that I can have nothing to worry about by pinching a half-step Jingu-level hole card. I am so stupid that there is no cure."

He also just learned that the Scorpio team was so courageous that they planned to ambush the British military on the periphery.

But now it seems that they are probably all dead, it's just a pity for the miscellaneous fish that followed them to death.

Why do you have to go to the British military to die? How good it is to come in and give it to him, at least it can be worthwhile to die.

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