Zhao Yaoyao was having fun peeping from behind, but at this moment Shen Li suddenly noticed a trace of murderous intent, and then Lu An suddenly appeared beside her.

Looking back, he glanced at Lilia and the others, as well as the players from various countries who were hanging behind and followed to watch, Lu An turned his gaze back to Shen Li.

"Sister, why are you here? It's very dangerous here."

At this time, her right hand was still surrounded by flowing silk ice flowers, how could Lu An not know that the ice giant sword that struck from behind was made by Shen Li.

He knew Shen Li's intention to step into the pure land of Buddha's light, but Lu An still wanted to persuade them to go back.

This is not a good place, but a dangerous place where you will die if you are not careful.

Moreover, Jade Scorpio's despicable methods have no lower limit. If there is a battle, nine times out of ten, they will choose to avoid Gu Zhenshan's edge and instead kill them painfully.

It's too dangerous anyway.

"Of course I came to save you. I hurried here by myself. Do you know that Ming Kong's main target is you?" Shen Li glanced at Lu An and pursed her lips helplessly.

Don't look at whether people have set up traps in advance, just rushed in stupidly, the heart is too big.

If Jade Scorpio had set up an ambush in advance, how could Lu An stand in front of her and speak so easily now.

"Then we can't all go to watch the show, can we? Do you want to die? This place is not a zoo." Lu An turned his head and swept the crowd again as he spoke.

Good guy, basically the arrogance of the powerful country is here, if the Jade Scorpio suddenly explodes, wouldn't it be giving merit and giving away the head?

It's funny to think about how a group of mighty geniuses wiped out all the unknown seas just to watch the show.

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Lu. Since we dare to come, we must have a hole card."

Zhao Yaoyao glanced at Lu An with a pair of foggy eyes. As always, seeing blood red eyes, she couldn't help pouting and yelling dissatisfiedly. Xiao Liu took a few steps to pull Gu Mengmeng beside her.

"Here, before coming here, Elder Ming left a supreme sword intent on Mengmeng. If that white bald donkey dares to attack us, it will end up being split in half by Elder Ming's sword intent!"

Zhao Yaoyao is full of confidence, and looks like a fox pretending to be a tiger and a dog fighting for power.

With Elder Ming's current cultivation base, even if Jade Scorpio is carrying a Buddhist treasure, it is impossible to block it with a single strike.

If Yu Scorpio dared to make a move, she, Zhao Yaoyao, dared to throw Gu Mengmeng's nuclear weapon.

Suoga, it turns out that there is a reliance, no wonder you dare to step into this piece of Buddha's light.

Knowing that Gu Mengmeng had Ming's trump card, Lu An didn't say anything more, and raised his chin to Lilia and the others.

"They also have hole cards, and there are several strong Britons who have left coordinates on them. As long as there is an accident, they will appear to kill Mingkong as soon as possible."

Gu Mengmeng took out a bag of potato chips from nowhere, tore it open and stuffed it into her mouth, puffing out her cheeks and muttering vaguely.

Then, Zhao Yaoyao stretched out her claws and squeezed her violently.

There is no tension of imminent danger at all, it is just for watching the show.

Lu An quickly felt relieved after thinking about it.

This girl has Elder Ming behind her, and Gu Zhenshan in front of her, and she might be guarded by a strong British guard in the dark, so it's no wonder she's nervous.

Jade Scorpio really dared to shift the target to attack and kill them, and the elder Ming's backup hidden energy was no joke.

The power is estimated to be able to blow away the ashes of the white skin and bald head.

Of course, this possibility is unlikely, after all, Gu Zhenshan is still there, how could he put his precious granddaughter in danger.

"That's right, I haven't thanked Master Lu for saving my life just now." Zhao Yaoyao, who was grabbing potato chips with Gu Mengmeng, suddenly stopped, with an involuntary smile on his lips.

"In order to repay the kindness of saving your life just now, why don't I give Master Lu a set of services for free."

The weasel pays New Year greetings to the chicken, this is...

Lu An narrowed his eyes, he had just saved her, and in a blink of an eye this crazy girl was thinking about revenge?

"Excuse me, last time I heard from Xiaorou that you almost broke her shoulder, I'm afraid I won't be blessed to accept your favor."

Not even thinking about rejecting it decisively, Lu An smiled disdainfully in his heart, the words were so nice, it was obvious that he wanted to use him as a guinea pig.

I know that during this period of time, Qingxin and the others have all been poisoned by Zhao Yaoyao, a "good girlfriend".

He, Lu An, is not a fool, if he wants to use him as an excuse to repay his kindness, there is no way.

"Really don't want it? Provide knee pillows and five-star massage services." Zhao Yaoyao still didn't give up, and didn't want to let go of the excellent hand-practicing material in front of her.

Lu An has a strong physique, which is more than enough for him to practice his hands, so he doesn't have to worry about pinching and choking.

"I accept the knee pillow, but you are so embarrassed to say it about the five-star massage service. Have you seen people laughing at you?"

Motioning her to look at Shen Li and the others who were trying to hold back their laughter, Lu An decisively waved his hand to suppress her small thoughts.

"Tch..." Seeing that Lu An was not fooled, Zhao Yaoyao, who was careful to be seen through, pouted and looked away, reaching out to continue grabbing potato chips.

It doesn't matter if you don't fool around with Lu An, she still has a white skin and bald head to watch.

After making sure that she would not come to harass him again, Lu An refocused on the Jade Scorpio in the distance.

Being bombarded by a set of serial messages from Gu Zhenshan, Yu Tianxie's deeply buried long-term memories, which had faded and faded, resurfaced and became clearer and clearer.

All kinds of images of the past events emerged one after another, making the slightest cracks quietly appear in his calm state of mind.

Various past events quickly flashed through his mind, and finally, he found the long-standing name "Luo Yihai".

"It's you?!!"

Recalling the scenes of the past, Yu Tianxie suddenly raised his head, his eyes were no longer as calm as before, and he looked at Gu Zhenshan with shock and disbelief.

He recognized where the name Luo Yihai came from.

Isn't it the outsider who was in Mingjue Temple, who often mingled with Master Minglu of the Discipline Academy!

I still remember that rebellious young man is as good at using swords as the old man in front of him. Even in Mingjue Temple, few of his peers can beat him in terms of swordsmanship.

Ming Lv, chief elder brother of the Discipline Academy, is one of the few.

Jade Scorpio had only met before, and was not too familiar in terms of relationship.

If the old man hadn't mentioned it, I'm afraid he would never think of the name Luo Yihai for the second time in his life.

Because in his memory, Luo Yihai should have died in the bloody battle just like Ming Lu!

"You're not dead, you're still alive?!"

Yu Scorpio's eyes were full of shock, as if seeing a person who had been dead for many years suddenly appear in front of him.

"It's a surprise? If Ming Lu hadn't sacrificed himself to block the fatal blow for the old man, maybe I would have died in the aftermath and even in the chaos of swords and arrows."

Thinking of the scene more than seventy years ago, Gu Zhenshan's sharp lion eyes narrowed slightly and flashed a dangerous light.

That day, he went to Mingjue Temple to discuss with Minglu every day. Who would have thought that seeing him would mean goodbye forever.

It was this wolf-hearted thing in front of him who colluded with foreign religions to attack Mingjue Temple at dusk.

Originally, Mingjue Temple had a large formation to protect the mountain, even those foreign teachers could defend against the attack for a long time, enough time for Mingjue Temple to react and prepare for the battle.

But it was Ming Kong, a bastard who took advantage of his status to steal the abbot's token and secretly unlocked the mountain guard array, and cooperated with foreign Buddhist sects to attack Mingjue Temple.

The sudden attack caught Mingjue Temple off guard, and the monks suffered heavy casualties as soon as they fought.

What is even more infuriating is that Mingkong actually turned back to the abbot's residence to attack the abbot Xingchen, so that Mingjue Temple lost a lot of top combat power in an instant.

The attack had been planned for a long time, and Mingkong had 100% betrayed Mingjue Temple's information.

Looking back on all the signs now, the foreign Buddhist sects obviously expected that the patriarch of Mingjue Temple would not be able to provide support for a while when he was stationed in the secret place, and the offensive was extremely fast.

For a time, Mingjue Temple fell into a bitter battle.

And those foreign Buddhist sects don't care if there are foreigners in Mingjue Temple, they will kill anyone they see, as long as they are not friendly troops, they will kill without mercy.

At that time, he was competing with Ming Lv in the back mountain. When he saw Mingjue Temple was on fire, he stopped and hurried back to join the fight with foreign monks.

Relying on their good cultivation, they forcibly broke out of the siege, but they and a group of monks also suffered serious injuries in the melee.

Then, Ming Lu was going to lead them to withdraw to the back mountain and wait for support. Who would have thought that Ming Kong, who had already succeeded and his cultivation base had greatly increased, suddenly appeared.

Apart from anything else, the foreign monks who came together beat up the fellow monks, pushed the monks and then drifted away, leaving them struggling in the siege.

In the end, Minglu blocked the deadly stick for him and forcibly fought his dying body to die with the strongest person, seeking a glimmer of life for him.

It wasn't until other Tianxuan Buddhist sects rushed to support him that he fell into a pool of blood due to overdrawn physical strength.

That was also the last time he saw Ming Kong.

In a flash, more than seventy years have passed, and things have changed. Seeing Ming Kong Gu Zhenshan again, he found that he was not angry at all.

More indifference and disdain for Mingkong.

It's ridiculous that Ming Kong's cultivation base has reached Shenzang, and he is much better than him.

But now even the shrine can't break through, it's karma.

"Luo Yihai...I didn't expect it to be you. After so many years, you have been promoted to the Jingu. It's really good luck."

Jade Scorpio's eyes were gloomy like water, his eyes swept across Gu Zhenshan and then Lu An and everyone, with mixed feelings in his heart, and even a wave of jealousy arose.

He now knows why Lu An knows so much about his past. With Luo Yihai, a lucky survivor, it's hard not to understand.

"Good luck? You really make excuses as always. This old man is not like you who like to take shortcuts. Every step is steady and slow to climb up. The word luck should be used on yourself."

Yu Scorpio's expression darkened when he heard the words, and his already cracked state of mind became even more unbalanced, and an unspeakable, nameless fire quietly burned from the bottom of his heart.

Another late comer!

Why can't he break through the shrine through exhaustion, but these wastes are slowly surpassing him? !

Back then Luo Yihai couldn't even catch his eyes, but now he climbed on top of him!

In terms of talent, effort, and resources, is he worse than Luo Yihai? !

"I forgot to tell you, the old man's real name is Gu Zhenshan, and Luo Yihai is just a pseudonym he used when he was young to go out to practice."

"Gu Zhenshan, so that's the case, no wonder I think you are a little familiar, the owner of Gu Zhuang in Tianxuan Tianhai City."

Yu Tianxie remembered where he had met him before. When he read Tianxuan's information, Gu Mengmeng mentioned it in his information.

"You must not come here this time to talk nonsense with the poor monk. You are invited by Mingjue Temple?"

Yu Scorpio calmed down, and stared at Gu Zhenshan with a hypocritical smile, as if he wanted to observe this old acquaintance whom he hadn't seen in seventy years.

"No, the old man traveled across the ocean this time just to settle grievances. By the way, I would like to ask you, why did you do that back then."

Gu Zhenshan's figure was straight, his lion eyes stared intently at Jade Scorpio's eyes, trying to see his true inner thoughts.

He has always buried this question in his heart, is Abbot Xingchen treating Ming Kong badly?

The answer is no, even if he is an outsider, he knows that Abbot Xingchen almost regards Mingkong as his own son, and he teaches both Buddhism and cultivation by hand.

Treating him closer than his own father, Gu Zhenshan really couldn't figure out why Mingkong would do such a rebellious thing.

Nineteen years of relationship, even a dog knows how to be grateful.

"Why? Hahahaha, of course it's because of injustice!!"

What Gu Zhenshan didn't expect was that Yu Tianxie laughed uncharacteristically when he heard the words, the laughter implied a hint of madness and sadness.

"Back then, I was the most capable young generation of Mingjue Temple, and I was top-ranked in terms of qualifications and Buddhist cultivation. The next position of abbot should be mine, but Xingchen's gang of immortals would actually lean towards Mingyuan. !"

"Tell me why he is Mingyuan! Buddhism is not as good as mine in everything, why is he worthy of the position of abbot?!"

"Just because he has a better understanding than me?!"

When the past was mentioned, Yu Scorpio's mentality was completely out of balance, and he suddenly got up and roared wildly, his words were full of hatred for Xingchen and Mingyuan and others.

"I have worked hard for fifteen years to take over Xingchen's abbot position! Every day I forget about eating and sleeping to learn Buddhist knowledge and how to deal with people, and at the same time, I must ensure that my cultivation level is enough to take on the heavy responsibility of abbot!"

"I've made all the preparations, but they just made my fifteen years of hard work go to waste!! Why do you tell me?!! Speak up!"

"If it means that I work harder than me, then I have nothing to say, but because of his talent, he usually steals, rapes and cheats even when he sits in meditation and enlightens Buddha, so he is also a good husband?!"

"I have been working hard with the goal of sexual dust since Kaihui became literate, but what I got in return is this kind of result. Tell me how I can accept it?!"

"Accept a so-called innate Buddha to ride on my head?!"

A roar of accusations against Mingjue Temple's injustice resounded through the world, and the desolate roar left everyone speechless, unable to think of any reason to refute.

To be honest, they didn't expect that there was such a secret behind Jade Scorpio's rebellion.

As Jade Scorpio said, that is indeed unacceptable.

Since I was a child, I have worked hard to be the abbot of sex like my father. I am inspired to become a person like him. I study hard every day in exchange for being airborne, or a person whose ability is not as good as my own. I am afraid that anyone who changes it will lose their mentality. Dao heart is broken.

From this point of view, it seems that Jade Scorpio's madness is also excusable?

Seeing Yu Scorpio's crazy and sad face, Lu An felt that what he said should be from the bottom of his heart, not fake.

This is a typical breakdown of the mentality. Think about it too. Fifteen years have come to nothing in the end. Unless it is a stone, no one can accept it.

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