Obviously, Britain's encounter today was not accidental, but a premeditated and planned surprise attack.

The international assassination forces like Black Butterfly must have been planning for a long time, plotting against the geniuses of the nations who went to the Sunset Islands to compete.

What surprised many insiders was that they did not expect that these notorious international assassination forces would get mixed up.

It seems that they are still cooperating to attack and kill the arrogance of the nations, which is an extremely rare and absurd thing.

As we all know, to be able to become a trans-international assassination organization without being wiped out, everyone must have a hand and eye.

The relationship between each other is like a death-fighting Gu worm, wishing to annihilate and annex each other.

It is an anecdote that the assassination organizations that stand out under such bloody rules would unite against Britain.

They read it with gusto and wanted to know more, but because the time was too short, they couldn't learn other inside stories even if they were related.

We can only start with the circulating video and analyze every person who appears in the screen frame by frame, trying to find unnoticed details.

It is also this time, before dawn in the middle of the night, thousands of households are immersed in sleep, enjoying the most peaceful rest time of the day.

However, the quiet atmosphere of Gu's Manor in Tianhai City was broken by a group of distinguished guests who came from afar.

Gu Wu, the agent's head, and even all the children of the Gu family hurriedly got up from their practice sleep to welcome the group of distinguished guests who came to visit in the middle of the night.

The leader among them is an official from the central organization Xuan Tiansi, whose strength is only in the middle stage of Linghai, but he is here on behalf of Xuan Tiansi, Gu Wu and others dare not neglect.

The purpose of the special commissioner's visit is very simple, that is to consult about the Black Butterfly Jade Scorpio.

At first, Gu Wu didn't quite understand what this matter had to do with them, but as the broadcast video was presented to him, all the confusion disappeared immediately, followed by full of bewilderment.

The video resolution is too high, as long as a normal person can clearly see every figure that appears on the screen.

Not to mention one of the protagonists in the second half of the video.

Who is that violent figure holding a jade knife if it's not his father, Gu Zhenshan?

After he finished reading, the Xuan Tiansi officials at the side asked him friendly if he knew about it. Gu Wu, Gu Ren and the others looked at each other, then shook their heads with a wry smile.

Just kidding, how could he know about it, all he knew was that Gu Zhenshan had personally booked a flight ticket to Britain not long ago, saying that he was going to deal with some matters, and then he walked away like a shopkeeper throwing his hands away.

The impatient tone made it clear that he didn't want to tell them the specific reason, and with Gu Zhenshan's temper, they didn't dare to ask more, so they had to leave with the old man.

Now that he suddenly learned that his father had gone to Britain to make a fuss in the Sunset Islands and kill the deputy leader of the Black Butterfly Scorpio, Gu Wu couldn't recover for a while.

Some wondered if they hadn't woken up.

What's even more outrageous is that their son-in-law turned into a humanoid Qilin and participated in the battle. The jade Scorpio was so hammered that he couldn't take care of himself, and ended the battle with his last mouthful.

Why do you feel so dreamy?

"In that case, I'll take my leave first. I'm really sorry to disturb Mr. Gu Wu's rest at night."

Xuan Tiansi official looked at his watch, stood up and shook hands with Gu Wu in a friendly way.

He came here this time to confirm Gu Zhenshan's identity, and to inquire about some minor matters. Now that his goal has been achieved, he should leave.

"It's okay, it's okay. In the final analysis, my father's matter was too sudden and caused you trouble."

Gu Wu had no choice but to smile wryly. It was great that his father went to Britain to kill people with great fanfare, but he had to be blamed for the series of problems that followed.

Yu Scorpio's identity is sensitive, and because of his old acquaintance with Gu Zhenshan, it is unlikely that foreign politicians will make use of this issue to drive the rhythm to trouble Tianxuan.

The possibility of this kind of thing happening is very high, maybe it will definitely happen, it's just a matter of time.

Such a great opportunity, how could those countries that have a bad relationship with Tianxuan easily let it go.

For those countries, even if it's just a joke, as long as they can disgust Tianxuan, they are willing to do it.

And Britain might use this to throw the blame on Tianxuan.

"Mr. Gu is exterminating harm in the name of him. It's too late for us to thank him. How can we blame him?" Xuan Tiansi official said with a smile.

Not to mention Gu Zhenshan's removal of a black butterfly leader, even if he didn't do anything, Tianxuan would not sit idly by.

As a great country in the Celestial Dynasty, Tianxuan would never allow its own citizens to be bullied outside.

Besides, Gu Zhenshan is still a shrine-level monk, and his status is not ordinary.

The two granddaughters under his knees are one of the twenty members of Tianxuan, and his granddaughter Gu Mengmeng is the apprentice of the contemporary Gu Xiufeng Ming.

With such a tyrannical relationship, anyone who wants to target him has to weigh it.

He wasn't a good opponent, not to mention that as far as he knew, Ming, whose strength was already unfathomable, was still in the player village.

They don't need to worry about safety, they just need to concentrate on dealing with the next talk from other countries and it's over.

In terms of yin and yang and strange qi, Tianxuan has never been afraid of anyone so far.

In this way, basically nothing happens, and everyone should do what they should do when the storm passes.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Gu Wu, that Jade Scorpio has a special status. I think there will be monks from Mingjue Temple visiting in the past two days. You need to make more preparations."

As soon as the conversation changed, Xuan Tiansi officials kindly reminded me.

The predecessor of Jade Scorpio was Mingkong, the traitor of Mingjue Temple, who was the object that Mingjue Temple had been looking for, and now there is news that they can't come here.

Remind Gu Wu to prepare him mentally so as not to be caught off guard.

"That's how it is. I'm sorry to disturb you late at night again. Mr. Gu Wu, you should go to bed earlier, so you don't have to send it off."

Xuantiansi officials and the group declined Gu Ren's request to see them off, and simply left Gu Zhuang and went back to Xuantiansi on business.

Only Gu Wu and the others were left looking at each other, feeling overwhelmed by the upcoming series of troubles.

The outside world was turbulent, while on the other side, Lu An, who was the instigator, was sleeping soundly while enjoying the facial cleanser, comfortably twisting in Shen Li's arms from time to time, adjusting to the most comfortable sleeping position.

It's a pity that he hasn't slept for two hours, and the dark sky outside the glass window is pale, and a new dawn is about to usher in.

In normal times, this white belly is like a collective alarm clock. As long as it lights up, the hotel will be full of excitement.

But today is different, just experienced a large-scale terrorist attack and pursuit, many players were either injured or exhausted, no longer in the mood to go out for exercise in the past.

They all stay at home practicing or sleeping to recharge their batteries.

As a result, the hotel campus looked extraordinarily cold, and seemed to be in good spirits. People like Zhao Yaoyao had already gone to the training area to have fun.

The coaches of various countries also seemed to have agreed not to disturb their own players to rest, and chose to give them a day off to adjust their status.

What's more, he has already gone out to prepare nutrition for his own players, and plans to deliver them one by one later.

Announcing that the morning sun penetrated the glass and sprinkled on the bed, Shen Li, who was sideways facing the glass window, frowned slightly, and her beautiful eyes opened slowly.

He subconsciously got up and prepared to meditate and adjust his breath, but soon after realizing that his dog was still in his arms, he immediately gave up the plan to get up and adjust his breath.

Sensing the dull and strange feeling from her full breasts, Shen Li's pretty face blushed slightly, and she quickly calmed down her shy mood. She looked down at someone's dog's head buried in her chest, and a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes.

The soft and slender five fingers gently stroked the back of his head, Shen Li quietly lucked out that a bit of cold spiritual power turned into a light icy wind, and silently closed the curtains on both sides to block out the light, and the bedroom suddenly returned to darkness.

"No matter how you look at sleeping, it's very stupid."

Such a thought suddenly flashed in Shen Li's mind, she stared silently for a few seconds, the corners of her lips slightly curled up, and the soft cherry red lips were lightly printed on Lu An's forehead.

"Sleep peacefully, I will accompany you."

Lu An, who had already fallen asleep, never imagined that he would enjoy a top-notch treatment without knowing it.

After sleeping for nine hours, Lu An's body, which had been motionless for a long time like a dead pig, finally twisted slightly, and his long-closed eyelids gradually opened. Light and light pajamas, with a touch of fluffy white skin and delicate collarbone.

The faint fragrance floated into the tip of the nose, making people want to indulge in it without knowing it. Lu An's hazy brain gradually woke up, and he took a deep breath intoxicated.

No wonder he said how he slept so comfortably, this fragrance is simply a magic sleep aid.

But he has been buried in sister's chest to sleep?

Lu An thought about gasping for a second, no wonder he felt that his breathing was not smooth, it's strange that the facial cleanser with his face buried can breathe smoothly.

Glancing down quietly, he saw a full snow-white gully and quickly shook his head to clear away distracting thoughts. Then he suddenly realized something, and his body froze suddenly.

Lifting her eyes lightly, she saw Shen Li staring at him with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, eyes full of inexplicable meaning.

"Are you awake? Do you want to sleep again?" Shen Li resisted the shame in her heart and spoke in a soft voice pretending to be calm, and patted Lu An's dog's head unnaturally.

She was meditating just now, and she noticed Lu An's abnormal movement immediately, and naturally noticed this guy's small movements and peeps.

"I'm full of sleep, it would be the best if I could hug my sister to wake up."

Seeing that Shen Li didn't hit him, Lu An was stunned for a few seconds, then smiled and hugged Shen Li tightly, and slid up to take advantage of it.

"It's almost done, don't push your nose on your face."

Shen Li found that this guy was very good at making progress, and stopped her with a cold look in his eyes. Sure enough, Lu An didn't dare to make any small moves, and he hugged her honestly and didn't dare to move.

Five minutes later, Lu An reluctantly let go of Chen Li, and obediently climbed out of bed to wash up.

The five little ones in the living room have disappeared, and they presumably sent the little mermaid back to the sea.

Lu An was a little bit regretful, he just left him alone when he was a guest for the first time, the way of hospitality was really stretched to the extreme.

But at that time he was really sleepy, and there was nothing he could do.

Please come out again tonight.

Thinking about it, Lu An groped into the bathroom to wash up.

Not long after, Lu An, who had already changed her clothes, was held by Shen Li's arm and stepped out of the house.

The target goes straight to the floor where Ming is.

During the spare time waiting for the elevator, Lu An took the time to look at the group chat in his head, peeking at what these guys were talking about.

It's just that as he browsed the chat records, his expression became more and more strange.

He just fell asleep, so many things happened outside?

First of all, due to the organized attack, the Britannia Tournament announced to the whole world that it will suspend the match today and put it on hold until tomorrow to be played together with the individual match.

This was expected, but Lu An was not too surprised.

But the more disgusting thing is that the video of him fighting with Yu Scorpio was spread on the Internet, and now it has spread all over the world.

Another glorious feat.

Now the whole world knows that Jade Scorpion was sprayed to death by him, including organizations like Black Butterfly.

The hatred instantly filled the meter.

"Which of these hands is so cheap, all the videos are posted out, and the hands can be chopped off if you don't want to."

Lu An doesn't like being famous very much, and this time it brought a lot of influence.

For example, while he was sleeping, the spokesperson of the White Eagle Hexagonal Building used them as a weapon to criticize Tianxuan.

They said they violated international law and used strategic weapons in British territory. Jade Scorpio is from Tianxuan, and they are old acquaintances with Gu Zhenshan. It is guessed that Gu Zhenshan attracted them, which triggered a big war. The contestant is a disaster for Chiyu and suffers an indiscriminate disaster.

Ask Tianxuan to be responsible for the relevant losses, and at the same time condemn Saudi Arabia, request to deprive him of the right to compete, and accept the sanctions of international law.

It doesn't matter whether the reason can stand scrutiny or not, whether it can stand up, anyway, it's just how outrageous it is.

Before Britain, the country in question, said anything, he was impatient to speak for others.

But it was just a joke, and no specific action was taken.

But even if it's a simple hello, there are still many younger brothers who help and support, such as Ah San and Han Guo who were educated not long ago.

Ask for an explanation and compensation for the player's injury.

For a while, Tianxuansha and Britain became the targets of collective condemnation.

It seems to be a bit of a factional dispute, and many countries are wise to remain neutral, simply expressing their dissatisfaction and waiting for Britain to give an explanation.

"You still want to sanction Lao Tzu with this fat head and big ears?"

Lu An took out his mobile phone and glanced at the press conference held by White Eagle a few hours ago. An obese white-haired man eloquently described their various crimes, saying that they undermined international friendship and peace, and expressed strong condemnation.

"As expected of a country that owns Gotham City, it's only a matter of verbal coercion. If you really have the ability, it would be great to come and communicate face-to-face."

Lu An glanced at it and didn't bother to turn off the phone. This kind of talkative guy doesn't deserve his high regard.

It won't cause any trouble for yourself, but it will be as disgusting as a toilet fly.

Lu An didn't need to think about it to know that the gang of black fans in his country had already been led by the nose by a lot of 500,000 and public officials, and public opinion was aroused to attack him.

But that's all, no matter how high the outside public opinion is, it will have no effect on him. He doesn't believe that these crooked people really dare to take practical actions.

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