The center of the world – the holy land of Mary Joy, the wind and clouds are gradually rising.

When the news of the vicious brawl that took place near the ‘automated sidewalk’ in the Holy Land spread, the entire Holy Land Mary Joy was shaken and in an uproar.



Holy Land, Pangu City General Hospital.

More than 100 Tianlong people in suits and leather shoes, or unarmed, knelt down in the open space in front of the hospital one by one.

The scorching sun shone down, and the iron armor worn by the guards rose sharply.

The interior is like a furnace, which is very unbearable.

However, even though they were already sweating profusely and couldn’t bear it, the guards kneeling under the scorching sun still didn’t dare to move in the slightest.

Because they know that one step further will lead to death.

The scorching sun was a punishment for their poor guards.

If they don’t persist now, then what awaits them next may be a tragic end that is a hundred times more terrible than death.

“Hateful, hateful, hateful”

In the Draco Exclusive General Hospital, an old and terrible scream suddenly sounded.

“Isn’t it all right? Isn’t my beloved son out of danger yet? If you don’t get my son back to normal, all of you will die, cough cough cough. ”

The father of Charross, the Draconian, roared in rage.

“Father, please take care of your health, Brother Charros will be fine, definitely. ”

The young female Draco, Xia Lulia, comforted one after another.


Rozwald, the Draconian, who sat down with his daughter’s support, had a flame of hatred and anger in his eyes.

“This pain of your brother, this humiliation of our Rozwald family, must not be forgotten, and it must be made to pay the price of that damn bastard imp of Saldes!!”

Rozwald smacked word by word, and a low roar like a beast escaped his throat.


At this moment.

Marijoya Central Basilica.

Five old men representing the highest power in the world on the bright side gathered, sitting or standing.

On the white jade table in front of them were neatly placed two reports.

One is a vicious massacre that occurred near the moving walkway this morning.

The other is a detailed account of the ‘fire’ incident on the 35th Island Hotel Street in Chambord last night.

“Salders, this bastard little devil, is really not worrying at all, huh. ”

The five old stars, who were blonde and bearded, with a narrow scar in front of him, snorted coldly.

“In the past, all kinds of petty fights were just enough, but this time he dared to play such a heavy hand, that out-of-character kid is really getting more and more lawless. ”

The samurai Lao Xing, who was holding a long sword as tall as a person, also had a gloomy expression.

“Even if we don’t interfere, the revenge of the Rozwald family alone will be enough for that kid to drink a pot, and he is really not afraid at all. ”

The five old stars, who had irregular birthmarks on their bald heads, sneered.

“Judging from the testimony report at the scene, this time it was indeed the Charros kid of the Rozwald family who made the first move, if his shot hit, the little Devil Saldes is estimated to die, if it is under this premise, according to Mary Joa’s Draco Law, Sardes is over-justified, even if the punishment should not be too severe. ”

The five old stars, with medieval aristocratic curly hair and a black flat hat, spoke calmly.

“Dai Gao, you don’t want to be deliberately partial because you used to have a little relationship with the family behind that kid, don’t forget that kid is a disobedient problem character. ”

The corners of the mouth of the five old stars with the firstborn birthmark lifted slightly.

“Joff, I’m just making a reasonable decision based on Mary Joya’s Draco Law, are you questioning my authority as the head of the arbitration court?”

The curly-haired old star, known as Dai Gao, had a slightly dull face.

“Well, I’ve never said that. ”

The bald birthmark old star Jove snorted.

“Enough, don’t quarrel too much about such inconsequential matters. ”

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Dressed in a dark blue suit, with long white hair and a waist-length beard, Ferdinand, the five old stars, spoke majestically.

Then he picked up another report on Chambord on the table.

“What do you think about the events in this report?”

Ferdinand, the veteran star in the dark blue suit, asked in a deep voice.

“One anomaly report!”

“It’s really unusual that dozens of people in a room were quietly wiped out, and only Salders survived. ”

Although the report said that it was the desperate death of the guards that caused the situation of the same death, it was too much of a coincidence. ”

“There are also the collective coma of the guards on other floors, no matter how you think about it, it is too unnatural, if it is the overlord color domineering, it can be explained. ”

The supreme powers in the room frowned and expressed their opinions.

“The sword hero with the domineering appearance of the overlord, is it the Hades King Reilly? Over the years, there have been eyewitnesses of him in Chambord. ”

The samurai Lao Xing, who was wearing a white practice uniform, guessed.

“No, it can’t be Rayleigh, the king of Hades. ”

The blonde old star categorically vetoed.

“If it’s really that Hades, how can the twenty or so people of Salders alone be killed in an instant. ”

“What if that headless corpse isn’t the swordsman who committed the murder?”

Ferdinand, the veteran star in the dark blue suit, opened his mouth to make assumptions.

“How so?”

“If that swordsman is still alive, how can he leave Saldes alone? ”

“You can’t be afraid of the general’s pursuit, so you can run away at the last moment. ”

The three five old stars shook their heads one after another.

For the veto of his companions, the old star in the dark blue suit always had a calm face.

“William, Saldes passed through the gate of Mary Joya this morning, is there anything unusual about the bloodline sensor?”

Ferdinand, the old star in the dark blue suit, looked at the old blonde star and suddenly asked.

“No, everything is normal, it’s really me. ”

The blonde middle-aged star William raised his eyebrows slightly.

“What about life cards?”

Ferdinand, the veteran star in the dark blue suit, looked at the bald veteran star Jof.

The bald veteran star Jofu was stunned.

“A few years ago, Saldes’s imp asked for his life card through the arbitral tribunal on the grounds of privacy, and this matter was handled by Dai Gao himself. ”

The bald old star Jof’s face was ugly.

“That’s true, that’s why we sent the number one who was supposed to be in CP0 to him, but then again, Ferdinand, why do you ask this, do you suspect that the kid is disguised by someone else?”

“How so?”

“Your conjecture is getting more and more outrageous, Ferdinand. ”

The four five old stars all shook their heads and waved their hands with a smile.

“I hope I’m thinking too much, but no matter what, it’s always good to be on guard, let the One side keep an eye on it, and by the way, use the matter of Charross, and let the Rozwald family help us test the temptation. ”

Ferdinand, the veteran star of the navy suit, gave the order wisely.



Regarding the terrible fact that he has been targeted by the world’s highest power, the five old stars, Luo Xiu has no idea.

At this moment.

Belonging to the huge manor of the Celestial Dragon Sardes, Luo Xiu dispersed a group of sequence guards, and sank into the soul space, preparing to continue the great event that was interrupted by the appearance of the Celestial Dragon Char Rose not long ago.

That’s the big boss of the world next door-

Madara Uchiha, Madara’s complete resurrection!!


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