Boom Boom!

It was like a roaring sound of the sky cracking and the earth cracking, echoing in the sky.

It was a collision of the legend that stood at the apex of the Pirate world and the legend that stood at the apex of the Hokage world!!

It was the clash between the mad sea overlord Locks and the arrogant Madara Uchiha!!

Two supreme forces from different worlds are in full swing here and now!

The battle is fierce!

The terrifying power shock wave spread, and when it touched the edge of the ring, it was blocked and turned back.

If there is not the slightest breath escaped, it will naturally not have any destructive impact on the outside world.

Even so, just looking at the exaggerated and terrifying duel images is shocking enough.

“Hahahaha, it’s amazing, this time it’s a newcomer from another world. ”

Roger laughed

He knew best about the horror of Locks, the overlord of the sea.

And Madara Uchiha, who can fight on par with Locks, is enough to prove his strong strength.

“Even the great people of other worlds can be resurrected, it is really worthy of Shinluo Xiu, this means that only God can do. ”

Fishman Tiger muttered subconsciously.

Taking Luo Xiu as a believer, he believed from the bottom of his heart that Luo Xiu was beyond the scope of human beings and was the real god.

Listening to the fish-man Tiger’s pious admiration, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but shake his head helplessly.

“Okay, let’s let them fight now, let’s go see the new changes this time. ”

Luo Xiu spoke.

Without waiting for Luo Xiu to finish speaking, Roger, who was familiar with the bypass, opened the mall.

“Sure enough, there is one more world in the mall, the world of Naruto. ”

Roger wondered.

“The technique of shadow clones, multiple shadow clones, fire escape, wood escape, writing wheel eye, reincarnation eye… What is this?”

Fishman Tiger looked confused.

“Ah, I know, it’s about the same as the ninjas in Wano Country, but it seems to be a lot more exaggerated. ”

Roger sighed.

“That’s right, it’s all ninja-related, the power of Madara’s ninja world. ”

Luo Xiudao.

“Well, ninja, it sounds so cool, I really want to learn both hands when I have the chance, but it’s a pity…”

Roger dug into his empty pocket.

Not to mention the exaggerated prices of these ninjutsu, even if they are cheaper, Roger can’t afford them at all.

After all, his soul points had already been exhausted by him.

“Now, Luo Xiu, do you have any way to open an opening for this mall, so that I can try to get two things casually. ”

Roger put his arm around Luo Xiu’s shoulders and asked thoughtfully.

Luo Xiu squinted at Roger.

“Aha, sure enough, it still doesn’t work, don’t care, don’t care, I’m just talking about it casually. ”

Roger laughed.

“Did I say no?”

Luo Xiu asked rhetorically with a smile.


Roger’s eyes lit up.

“It’s really worthy of Shinraxiu. ”

Fishman Tiger spares no effort to tout.


Roger looked impatient.

Luo Xiu smiled mysteriously, and the index finger and middle finger of his right hand were brought together, drawing a circle towards the open space of the manor.


A mysterious burst of fire.

Under the shocked gaze of Roger and Tiger, a chaotic colorful portal slowly took shape.

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“This, this…”

Tiger was speechless.

“What the hell is that…”

Roger was dumbfounded.

“That’s a new world!!”

Luo Xiu’s gaze was dark and profound.

Until now, every time there is one more person in the soul space, a new function will be opened up to a greater or lesser extent.

And this is the fourth person, after Madara of the Hokage World joined, the new function opened in the space.

Named – Pioneer of the World!!

Behind this chaotic portal, there exists a chaotic and barren land.

There are countless dangers involved.

At the same time, there are countless opportunities.

The people of the soul space can walk inside and outside the portal at will, and go to the other side to complete the task of clearing the wasteland.

Depending on the difficulty of the task, you can get the corresponding Soul Points reward.

And it doesn’t stop there.

If the character is European enough, you can even directly open various rare props and skills.

It’s not just the various items and abilities of the three worlds in the mall.

There are many more otherworldly powers.

Or even a real resurrection item!!

Listen to Luo Xiu’s description of this ‘world development’ function.

Roger and Tiger, the fish-man, were shocked beyond comprehension.

Uncontrollable ecstasy and exhilaration.

Not to mention anything else, the real resurrection alone is enough to make a hero like Roger unable to hold back.

Once, when he went to the last island, Ralph Drew, and saw the truth of all the world, Roger shed tears of laughter.

Behind that laughter is the helplessness of life and fate.

They had seen the truth, but it wasn’t the right time, and they couldn’t do anything.

He is already in his last years, and he is destined to die soon.

It is impossible to witness the arrival of a new era.

How sad it is.

Now, however, the situation has changed.

Under the miraculous power of Luo Xiu, his soul returned.

Now there is even hope for a real resurrection.

No longer just a bystander, but as a participant, personally participate in this mighty battle of world change and complete the regrets of the year.

This is great news, of course!

“Without further ado, let’s hurry up and clear the wasteland. ”

Roger couldn’t wait to speak.

“Well, let’s go check it out. ”

Luo Xiu nodded, and his face couldn’t hide his excitement.

After all, the function of the pioneer of this world is even more significant for Luo Xiu.

In addition to being able to obtain all kinds of skills and props that Roger and they obtained from clearing the wasteland.

The most precious reward is also the world itself.

The land opened up by the hands of Roger and others will be used as an extension of the soul space and become Luo Xiu’s territory.

In other words, it was a small world born within him.

The birth of a small world in the body should be something that can only be done by the power of fantasy.

Now, however, Luo Xiu is about to have his own little world!!

“Let’s go. ”

Luo Xiu took a deep breath.

With an excited Roger and Tiger faces, step into the portal of colorful chaos.

Suddenly, time and space were reversed.


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